ND Times Issue 02 2023 January 26

Page 10

Township victimized by theft and vandalism incidents

which could have led to disaster had it not been discovered in time.

This month has been an unfortunate one for the Township of North Dundas in terms of thefts and vandalism. Several incidents have left many North Dundas residents wondering what could possibly motivate such acts of crime.

In one incident, good Samaritans noticed a vehicle driving erratically and tearing up township property behind the Joel Steele Community Centre in what could be described as an act of “joyriding”. The concerned locals phoned the police. Damages are being assessed and restitution will be sought for the damage done.

In another incident, a

tractor belonging to the township’s recreation and culture department was stolen, but was returned. During the regularly scheduled Council meeting on January 18, Director of Recreation and Culture Meaghan Meerburg explained that greater security for township vehicles is being sought. The cost of this will be included in the 2023 budget proposal for Council to decide whether the expense is worth it.

Township staff have been working for years to keep vehicles from travelling into the area behind the community centre parking lot, often asking vehicles to leave when they are spotted on the gravel road travelling to one of the baseball dia-

monds, for example. Vandalism is certainly not new for the Township of North Dundas. In September of 2021, incidents of private property being vandalized in Winchester and Chesterville were reported. Two months later, in November of that year, vandals did significant damage to a storage shed that sits beside one of the baseball fields in Winchester, and around the same time, removed a manhole cover on Albert Street which left a dangerous hole. Among other damages which have been done on several occasions over the years at Winchester Public School, a manhole cover in the schoolyard was also removed on one occasion,

Vandalism in North Dundas has been blamed on a wide range of factors. Some argue that the acts are committed by teenagers who are simply bored and seeking ways to pass the time in the absence of more prosocial recreation opportunities locally. Others argue that some acts of theft may actually be acts of desperation in response to financial hardship, particularly given current high infl ation across the country. There are also some who believe that acts of vandalism committed against the township are acts of revenge, though it is unclear why revenge would be sought against the township.

Councillor Matthew Uhrig weighed in on the recent incidents, telling the Times that the incidents are being handled through proper channels – namely, the Ontario Provincial Police. “Each and every one of these incidents is unfortunate, and not becoming of the North Dundas my family calls home,” said Councillor Uhrig. “Evidently, increased vigilance is necessary from all residents when it comes to property, and how to suitably protect what you own. At the township level,

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Township vehicles sit parked in the Joel Steele Community Centre parking lot on January 21

cont'd from front page

these conversations have already started, and will continue in the lead up to the 2023 budget process.”

Vandalism against township property must be taken seriously because it affects everyone.

“North Dundas assets are community assets, and it is of particular importance that council and

staff recognize this, and do what is required to keep items and infrastructure free from harm,” added Councillor Uhrig.

It is not immediately known if the incidents of theft and vandalism are connected, or what motivated them. The Township of North Dundas is encouraging anyone with information to contact the OPP.

Holy Cross School students have heart!

Art in the Branches brightens February

Submitted by Jane Adams, Communications Lead WDMH Foundation

The students at Holy Cross Catholic School in Kemptville have heart – lots of it. And they wanted to give back to Winchester District Memorial Hospital. So, they started dancing!

The Holy Cross team notes: “We have a special staff member who received excellent care at Winchester District Memorial Hospital. We also have many families who have had wonderful recovery experiences.”

During the week that the teacher finished her treatment, the students

got to work holding a Pink Heart Fundraiser. Students pulled out their best pink outfits and danced their hearts out to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to raise money for the WDMH Foundation Cancer Care Fund.

The school Facebook page summed up their success: “It was a day full of smiles, hope and celebration for the recovery of so many individuals who have passed through the doors of the WDMH clinic, including one of our own. We were able to raise just shy of $1,900 to donate thanks to all of our families, and gener-

ously helped by a donation from a community family. Thank you, Holy Cross!”

“It looked like such a fun day and who doesn’t love to dance!” says Justine Plummer, Manager of Direct Mail & Events at the WDMH Foundation. “Thank you to everyone who supported the WDMH’s Chemotherapy program through this event.”

Submitted by North Dundas Arts Council

It's a cold, cloudy winter day and you've got the blues. You've binged on TV, listened to talk radio, and now it's time for a trip to the library. Imagine your surprise when you walk into the Winchester Branch and see a burst of colour and beauty of original artwork crowding the tops of those bookshelves!

Welcome to the 'Art in the Branches' pilot project, launched in November by SDG Library and the North Dundas Arts Council (NDAC) to showcase the bevy of talent and original art in our community. Visitors have responded with enthusiasm to works by Ron Leclair, Rose Poirier and the Dreaming Heart Art Studio, and organizers hope to see the initiative expand to other Branches in the SDG Library network.

February's featured Artist is Amanda 2020. Known to her friends as Amanda Million, she is no stranger to North Dundas, where she makes her home with the love of her life and

an ark of beloved rescued animals on their 44-acre farm. Amanda is also the founder and president of 'A Bunch of People', a non-profit group that stages Arts events to help raise much needed funds for various local charitable causes.

Amanda 2020 is a self-taught Canadian Artist who works in acrylic pouring/fluid art. Her unique style is both simple and complex, featuring an impressionistic take on landscapes, seascapes and figures. And yes, there is a touch of pure magic in her creative process.

"I paint with the Universe," she explains. "Acrylic pouring is an imprecise technique due to the fluid nature of the method. I pick the colours and the Universe does the rest!"

Pouring paint onto the canvas - Amanda seldom uses a paint brush - she shifts the canvas to spread the paint. Then, to move and etch the paint, she uses blocks of wood and

sticks, and straws to blow the acrylics into unique patterns, finishing with rags delicately dragged across the surface of the canvas for effect. The finished masterpieces keep admirers fascinated for hours!

Amanda 2020's art will be on display at the Winchester branch of the SDG Library, located at 547 St. Lawrence Street above the OPP office, through the month of February, and be available for purchase. Artists wishing to participate in 'Art in the Branches' should contact NDAC at northdundasartscouncil@ yahoo.ca. This free service is offered to all local Artists and is curated gently, with the goal of nurturing local talent of all ages and styles of visual expression.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 2 www.ndtimes.ca January 26, 2023
L alee Carruthers loralee.carruthers @century21.ca Off. 613.918.0321 Realtor, Independently owned and operated C. 613.407.8869 51 King St W, Brockville, On Give me a call! Let's get you moving TIME TO SELL?
Holy Cross School staff and students with a cheque for $1,857.70 for the WDMH Foundation

Fraud is on the rise in Canada

Last week, a social media user felt the need to post in a local property rental group warning others never to pay money up front before seeing a potential rental unit. In the current day and age, such a warning really is necessary and is a sign of a good neighbour. Can anyone imagine the same warning being necessary 10-20 years ago?

It’s easy to assume that people are becoming more naïve, which makes them logical targets for scammers. One popular one-liner joke that circulates online frequently is this: “If you think you are smarter than the previous generation… 50 years ago the owner’s manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to

drink the contents of the battery.” Jokes aside, I don’t think people are becoming more naïve, I think they are just getting more desperate.

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, run by the Government of Canada, Canadians lost $490 million to fraud in 2022 as of November 30 (meaning the number would have been even higher at the end of the year). In 2021, the total loss to fraud was $383 million. It appears that fraud is on the rise. Imagine what could be done with all that money. The hungry could be fed, the homeless could be housed, and the sick could be treated more efficiently. Instead, this money is buying lavish houses and cars and other unneeded items for those who simply don’t deserve them.

One scam that is relatively new is the basic real

estate scam. It is not hard for scammers to obtain genuine photos of rental properties. After all, these photos are usually taken by property owners and posted online whenever a unit goes up for rent, so they can easily be saved by scammers when a unit is available and stored away for future use. These photos are then re-posted at a later date with a false message that the unit is available. The scammer asks for a deposit to be sent before the unit can be seen and of course, that money is never seen again unless the scammer is caught.

Before judging those who are willing to e-transfer a sight unseen deposit for a rental property, remember that housing is currently in high demand and unattainable for many, and scammers have the luxury of offering great deals on housing since

New Year’s Resolutions

submitted by: Danielle Labonte, RD, MPH, MAN, Public Health Nutritionist with the Leeds, Grenville, and Lanark District Health Unit Nutrition

The New Year is here and often with this comes messaging around resolutions focused on changing our eating habits. There are certainly times where changing our eating habits can be helpful and improve our health; for example, increasing our vegetable and fruit intake or drinking more water are excellent goals to set. However, in our society it is often normalized to talk and think about food in a way that can lead to people having a negative relationship with it and with our bodies. It is common for weight and food to be linked together, specifically when we think about “dieting” as a way to change our bodies. This can lead to disordered eating and eating disorders, among other negative outcomes. Disordered eating is a term that includes a wide range of harmful eating behaviors that may not warrant an eating disorder diagnosis, and eating disorders are illnesses with specific and narrow criteria that health care practitioners would use to diagnose individuals.

Some red flags to keep in mind include mes-

saging around leaving out an entire food group (i.e., vegetables and fruit, whole grains, and protein foods), ignoring hunger cues (e.g., through intermittent fasting, calorie restriction), villainizing certain foods (i.e., labeling them as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, calling certain foods “junk” food), and feeling guilt around eating certain foods. These are all signs that something might be leading you down the wrong path.

To combat this, it is helpful to be mindful of these red flags. Consider your language used around food and strive for neutral language; call foods by their names - for example, cookie, apple, chips, broccoli, etc. Check your self-talk related to your own body image and relationship with food, and avoid judging yourself based on what you eat. This can be challenging to get used to, but the more often you are able to reflect on this, the easier it becomes.

It is also helpful to be aware of the mindset of those around you and surround yourself with those who will support you through the process. You may need to set boundaries with individuals who might be more triggering – certain topics might be “off limits”, or you might delay seeing them until

they don’t have to come good for them. Anyone who has ever felt the pressure of competing with others to swoop in and secure a place to live, while multiple others are vying for the same place, knows that a lapse in judgement is understandable.

The most common advice when it comes to avoiding scams is probably also the simplest – when something seems too good to be true, it likely is. Don’t give deposits sight unseen. Don’t provide personal information to someone whose identity can’t be easily and firmly verified. Use common sense when it comes to scammer tactics. Think a scam can’t happen to you? It has already happened to many of those around you – to the tune of $490 million. Let’s lower the 2023 statistic.

Celebrate the joy of snowmobiling at the 48th Snowarama Ride for Easter Seals Kids

Snowmobilers will hit the trails on Sunday, February 4, 2023 for the North/South Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids. The annual event takes place on Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) groomed trails, and encourages winter enthusiasts to raise funds for children and youth with physical disabilities.

you are in a better place.

Physical Activity

Increasing physical activity is another area that people often want to change in the New Year. Similar to eating, this is usually linked to wanting to change how our bodies look. Let’s start off by acknowledging that most people do not get enough physical activity in general, but what we want to avoid is linking physical activity to changing the way our bodies look. Research shows that this can actually demotivate people and create a negative relationship with being active. Instead, think about being active for reasons aside from how we look. For example, our mental health, stress management, blood sugar control, heart and bone health, as well as building and maintaining strength, flexibility, mobility and independence as we age. Creating goals for ourselves to increase our activity is beneficial as it can lead to healthy habits to include more movement throughout our week, and including a variety of activities helps to improve our strength, flexibility, endurance, and mental health. It is recommended that adults get two and a half hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week. This can be in smaller chunks of ten minutes or more through-

out the week, or in larger chunks, less often. Whatever works for you! It is also recommended that we do strength activities for our muscles and bones at least twice a week. Some tips to help you make this a habit include:

• Scheduling it into your day - maybe you do something every morning, or certain days of the week

• Being active with others - you could join a class or find a workout buddy

• Setting small, achievable goals to work towards; for example walking longer, further, or faster each week

For more information, visit our Health Unit website at healthunit.org, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or give us a call at 1-800-660-5853.

Now in its 48th year, Snowarama offers attendees the chance to get outside alongside their community and hit the trails in support of children with physical disabilities. This year, snowmobilers from 10 communities across Ontario will take part in this family-friendly event, including Timmins, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, and Thunder Bay.

Everyone, snowmobiler or not, is welcome to come out and enjoy this year’s North/South Snowarama, which will start with a pancake breakfast, open to the public. Breakfast and registration will take place between 9 am and noon at the Riverside Recreation Hall, 13137 Riverside Drive, Riverside Heights, ON. Snow or no snow, the breakfast will go on. After the Pancake breakfast, if snow conditions permit, we will have a run to the Mountain Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club House where we will end the day with an outdoor wiener roast. All riders must have a trail permit.

“For 48 years the OFSC has enjoyed a successful partnership with Easter Seals Ontario,” said Paul Murray, President, OFSC. “Each year participants look forward to a safe, snowmobiling experience at Snowarama events across Ontario. Participants are warmed to know that funds raised help kids with physical disabilities receive essential programs and services within their communities.”

“For over four decades Easter Seals has shared a deep and loyal partnership with the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs,” says Kevin Collins, President & CEO, Easter Seals Ontario. “We are consistently grateful for the participation of local sponsors and riders who contribute to the success of Snowarama events across the province year after year.”

Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids is locally sponsored and endorsed by the OFSC. To participate or donate call Heather Cooke-Erwin at 613-9893-6145, or email at heathercookerwinphotography@gmail.com,or visit Snowarama.org.

A trusted partner and champion since 1922, Easter Seals Ontario is proud to mark 100 years of changing the world for kids with physical disabilities. Forging the way for enhanced care and services for children with physical disabilities over the past century, Easter Seals Ontario has had a profound impact on the development of treatment, care, services and advocacy initiatives for these young people. Today, Easter Seals Ontario continues to offer life-changing programs that enable kids with physical disabilities to experience greater independence, freedom, and dignity, made possible through the generosity and dedication of donors, sponsors, local service clubs, volunteers and staff. For more information or to donate, visit EasterSeals.org or connect on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

The North Dundas Times 3 January 26, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
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Shelter from the storm

It sometimes seems that the world is about to explode into something bad. Democracy itself seems to be under threat in the very places you wouldn’t expect: the United States, for example. Extremist views appear to be on the increase everywhere, and the values and traditions we often think are fundamental to society are being questioned and abandoned in a remarkably quick process. Are we really in such a bad place? Is there any shelter from the storm?

Maybe, as an historian, I don’t feel as worried as appearances would seem to demand. No matter how bad any given situation is today: politically, socially, environmentally, and otherwise, it is possible to point to times past when things looked equally gloomy. Other times of pandemics far worse than the one we’ve been going through for the past few years. Social and political upheavals which changed the very structures of society and brought revolution to governments and regimes.

That’s one side of things. The other is less comforting

and requires a bit more consideration. The fact is that nothing stays the same for long; as they say, change is the only constant in life. The reason why such change is seen as a threat, and why so many people are indulging the most outrageous conspiracy theories is, in part, because we have been led to believe that we’d got things just about right. Statistics pointed to higher standards of living in the last half century, better healthcare available to more and more people, longer life spans, and an increasing level of education and employment opportunities.

But there’s a problem with that approach: it isn’t necessarily the full picture. Yes, things generally have been improving since the end of World War II, and, as long as you ignore lessfavoured countries and their challenges, all seemed to be going in the right direction. The myth that a rising tide raises all boats was accepted almost without question. But the 2000's have shown up many cracks in the walls surrounding our complacency, and we are very aware of

Empty Bowls - 2023

submitted by Jim Millard, Community Food Share Community Food Share’s signature fundraising event, Empty Bowls is back again this year. The fifth annual event will take place on Saturday, February 11 from noon til 2 pm at the Christian Reformed Church in Williamsburg.

Empty Bowls is an international, grassroots movement to end hunger. This unique fundraising event allows participating potters and groups to create and donate handcrafted bowls and then serve a simple meal in the bowl. Guests choose a bowl to use and to keep as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. In exchange for the meal and the bowl, one hundred percent of each meal's proceeds are devoted to local hunger-fighting organizations, such as food banks or soup kitchens.

major changes taking place all around us.

For some, the changes are welcome, seeming to show society becoming more open, tolerant, inclusive of all. But to others, the changes are worrying, causing a sense of being under attack, with deeplyheld values threatened by strange and unwelcome ideas. Things seem to be changing too quickly, without any real consideration: values that seemed to be established are now either in peril or completely discredited.

So, how are we, individually and as a society, supposed to deal with all this, and where do we find shelter from the storm? Perhaps we first need to accept that we, as a society in the 21st Century are not as unique, evolved, or sophisticated as we’d like to think. As one wise man once wrote: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”. History has recorded times like these over and over again, in many parts of the world, through millennia. Perhaps a few

lessons in history might allow us some perspective and a chance to re-evaluate our times.

Empires come and go, and we’ve seen that happen a few times, even since 1945. Such changes can be chaotic, violent, sometimes peaceful, but they always bring the kind of situation we’ve been finding ourselves in recently. Both the U.S. and Russia are experiencing various levels of meltdown, while Europe and China, and perhaps India too, are developing a different kind of imperial status. Things change, it’s as simple as that. But, having been led to believe that we had reached a plateau of social and political stability at one point, it is very disconcerting to see it all unravel. One thing to remember: although all this has happened before throughout history, we are more aware of it taking place in real time now because of technology. Social media, mainstream media, and instantaneous transmission of news in video, print and

pictures means that we are aware of all the disturbing events and changes as they happen. Previous generations did not have that blessing, or curse.

The positives? If this all happened before, and will happen again, we know that society survived it all, albeit by adapting, changing to meet the new realities. How do we adapt in these times? Information and perspective, a willingness to be open and always learning. Reacting blindly to threats to our values and traditions will not help, and will not

prevent time, history, doing its thing. As I say every time Air Canada loses my luggage, cancels flights, fails to get me to my connecting flight in time: It’s all part of the Great Adventure!

And, as a famous crooner once sang: “That’s life!” May you live in interesting times? We do.

Community event

22nd Annual Chesterville Spin In...held at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 434, Saturday, Feb 4, 2023 from 9am-4 pm, $7/person, children under 12 yrs free. It is a family friendly event with Heritage Breeds of Canada and the Chesterville & District Historical Society in attendance. Everyone is welcome.

Only 150 tickets are available. Tickets for this edition of Empty Bowls are $45 for a handcrafted bowl (#65) OR $25 (#85) for a hall bowl. The lunch will include soup, bread and refreshments all donated by local caterers and bakeries. The ceramic soup bowls have been individually created and donated by over a dozen potters from our community.

Musical entertainment for the event will be provided by well known local performer, Claude Plamondon.

New this year to the event is a silent auction which will feature several high interest items, including two tickets for a Senators hockey game, two concert tickets to see Journey, and a one-night stay at the Lord Elgin Hotel, as well as several epic Dundas & Stormont events and services.

All proceeds will go to support Community Food Share.

“We are excited to be back with our first Empty Bowls since February 2020,” said Community Food Share Team Leader Jane Schoones. “We anticipate that the tickets for this year’s Empty Bowls will sell out quickly.”

Tickets for Empty Bowls 2023 are on sale online through the Community Food Share website communityfoodshare.ca or for cash at the following area businesses: CornerStone Convenience Store (Finch), Mustard’s Variety (Iroquois), Seaway Valley Pharmacy (Morrisburg), Sandy Row (South Mountain), Sherry’s (Williamsburg), Iron Forge (Winchester), Maker’s Hub (Winchester) For more details, go to communityfoodshare.ca or visit us on Facebook

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 4 www.ndtimes.ca January 26, 2023 www.ndtimes.ca ISSN 2291-0301 Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Accounting Pat Jessop cfo@ngtimes.ca OFFICE 613-215-0735 Editor Brandon Mayer editor@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 Production production@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735 The North Dundas Times is published bi-weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing/Sales Melissa Ottenhof marketing@ndtimes.ca 613 329 0209 Guest Editorial Classifieds classifieds@ndtimes.ca 613-215-0735

Those green firefighter lights aren’t a decoration

people. Motorists should be able to make the right choice and pull over even if it helps someone else, rather than themselves. But we nevertheless must cater to people’s selfcentred natures in order to guarantee a clear path of travel for firefighters.

The other reason motorists may not pull over for a firefighter displaying a flashing green light is ignorance. This could be ignorance of what the fl ashing green light means, or ignorance of the fact that there is a firefighter behind them in the moment owing to another problem, such as distracted driving.

It’s an all-too-familiar sight – a speeding ambulance or firetruck is approaching, and amidst a long lineup of pulledover cars is one that keeps driving, oblivious to what’s going on. It’s easy to imagine how much worse the problem is when the first responder is in their personal vehicle, using a single flashing green light instead of the brilliant red and blue flashing lights.

In 2017, Ontario’s Bill 174 made changes to an old law that specified only police vehicles (not firetrucks or ambulances) could use blue flashing lights in addition to red flashing lights to indicate an emergency. This decision was made in part because it was deemed that motorists are more likely to pull over and heed the authority of emergency vehicles if all emergency vehicles use the same light colours as police vehicles. After all, few motorists would dare disobey the police.

It's safe to assume that if changes made by Bill 174 were put in place to acknowledge that fire

and ambulance vehicles do not get the respect warranted by the severity of the emergencies to which they respond, then personal vehicles with a small green flashing light surely get less respect. In small communities such as North Dundas, fires and other emergencies requiring a response from the Fire Department are the responsibility of volunteer firefighters. When they respond to a call, they may be on their way from work, a family gathering, or their own bed. Being able to get to the station or the scene quickly can literally make the difference between life and death for someone experiencing the most tragic day of their life.

Why do people ignore these lights? Logically, it has to be either indifference or ignorance. To combat indifference to the flashing green lights, fire departments have often used the campaign of “it could be your house we are going to”. This message, while likely effective at encouraging motorists to get out of the way when they see a firefighter, can perhaps be seen as a commentary on the selfishness of many

Winchester Fire Chief, Dan Kelly, weighed in on the green lights issue. “People all recognize a police car and a firetruck,” said Chief Kelly. “But they don’t recognize the green light as well.”

Chief Kelly explained that he does not think any educational campaign could fully inform everyone about the green lights and what they mean. He also pointed out that the Township already has a number of street signs placed in various locations that attempt to educate motorists. One problem that education can’t fix, however, is ignorance on the road. “A lot of people don’t look in their rear-view mirror if you’re following them,” said Chief Kelly. He explained that often when responding to a call, oncoming cars will pull over, but cars directly in front of him will not. He also explained that motorists tend to have more respect for the green flashing light at night, probably because it’s more visible. People have been getting better over the years at reacting to the green light, but there is still much progress to be made.

Want to help do your part to make sure firefighters can do their jobs? Know the law, pay attention behind the wheel, and have compassion for what someone else is going through. Someone else will almost certainly be glad you cared.

The North Dundas Times 5 January 26, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca Contact us today info@atelair.ca WE’RE HIRING Immediate Openings HVAC Service Tech • Refrigeration Or Air Conditioning License • Gas Fitter 1 or 2 License • Comfortable on small commercial & residential equipment • 5 years experience in the field • Boilers • Geothermal • Cold Climate Heat Pumps • Fresh out of school with the 1 year college certificate • Gas Fitter 2 License All Positions Offer • Full time positions 12 months a year • Top Wages • Benefits • Truck • Tool Allowance • Birthdays Off with Pay • Automated Systems (no more paperwork) HVAC Installer
A sign educates motorists on the meaning of flashing green lights in vehicles
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OFA encourages online renewal of Farm Business Registration

of Agriculture (OFA)

A new year is upon us and for Ontario’s farmers, that means it’s time to renew their Farm Business Registration (FBR) for another year. It’s required by provincial law for any farm business in Ontario with gross income of at least $7,000 and brings with it a variety of benefits for farmers.

These include access to the farm property class tax rate for agricultural land, being eligible for government funding or cost-share programs, and a membership in one of Ontario’s three accredited farm organizations.

FBR renewal is available online and we encourage all farmers to consider taking advantage of this option. Not only is it faster and more efficient, but it reduces administrative costs which means more of your membership fees can be put towards doing good things for farmers and rural Ontario instead.

For the OFA, a key part of the FBR renewal process is farmers’ selection of their general farm organization of choice for 2023 and their decision on where to allocate their membership dollars.

I farm with my family in Grey County near Meaford and I’ve been a member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) for about 35 years. For me, membership in the OFA gives me the assurance that there is an organization that is taking the time to thoughtfully look out for the best interests of farmers.

It’s challenging for each

individual farmer to have the time to understand the many issues that impact agriculture and to grasp the intricacies and implications of government policies and regulations on agriculture and rural communities.

The OFA has the resources and a dedicated and knowledgeable team of staff that allows our organization to do the necessary background work needed to take informed positions on key issues. It’s something I didn’t fully appreciate the value of myself until I became a provincial OFA director in 2019 and become more widely immersed in the activities of the organization.

Personally, I also value the role that OFA plays in helping urban Ontarians understand the challenges and needs of farmers and rural communities, whether that’s the importance of farmland preservation or the benefits of distributing economic growth and development across all regions of the province.

The OFA is the largest general farm organization in Ontario, and we are committed to being an industry leader for our 38,000 farm business members and working to secure the growth, sustainability and profitability of our agri-food sector and rural communities in the province.

We do that through influence, advocacy and collaboration: building relationships, strengthening existing partnerships and solidifying new connections with industry partners, stakeholders, government representatives,

and members of the general public.

Of particular priority is bringing the issues and policies affecting the agri-food sector and rural Ontario to the attention of industry stakeholders and the appropriate levels of government.

This includes the importance of protecting farmland through responsible land use development, prioritizing our food security and domestic food production, addressing the challenges of mental health and wellness in agriculture, and highlighting the ongoing need for rural infrastructure investments and a strong and skilled labour force.

We are particularly proud of the reach of our Home Grown campaign, which has attracted the support of over 56,000 Ontarians for local food production and farmland preservation, and of the launch of the Farmer Wellness Initiative (FWI), a free mental health counselling service for Ontario farmers and their families, regardless of farm organization membership that is funded by the provincial and federal governments.

Our county and regional federations are also active in their communities to raise the profile of agriculture, from road safety awareness for slow-moving vehicles and emergency response to agricultural education, local food promotion and food bank support.

We appreciate the loyalty of our members and the trust they place in our organization every year to be their voice, represent their interests and turn their

concerns into action. Thank you for your support as we continue to work hard to ensure Farms and Food Forever.

To renew your Farm Business Registration online, visit www.agricorp. com/fbr.

The North Dundas Times 7 January 26, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
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2022 T h a n k y o u t o t h e m a n y w o n d e r f u l c l i e n t s I h a d t h e p r i v i l e g e o f s e r v i n g i n 2 0 2 2 I c o u l d n ’ t h a v e r e a c h e d t h i s m i l e s t o n e w i t h o u t y o u ! D i r e c t o r s P l a t i n u m r e p r e s e n t s t h e T o p 2 0 % o f a l l a g e n t s i n O n t a r i o N a t i o n a l T o p 1 0 % A w a r d r e p r e s e n t s t h e n a t i o n a l t o p 1 0 % o f a g e n t s a c r o s s C a n a d a T o m a i n t a i n T o p T i e r s t a t u s a R E A L T O R ® m u s t m a i n t a i n t h e D i r e c t o r ’ s P l a t i n u m a w a r d o r b e t t e r f o r 2 o f 3 y e a r s 6 1 3 - 2 1 8 - 7 1 2 8 J e n n i f e r H i n d o r f f @ r o y a l l e p a g e c a

The local shopping quandary Playing Bridge and Giving Back

$26,000 to the Auxiliary over more than a decade,” notes club member Karen Graham. “The Bridge Club is grateful to our members for their support in raising funds for WDMH. Together we can make a difference and help make our WDMH better able to serve the needs of the surrounding communities.”

Earlier this month, Chesterville residents engaged in a great debate regarding local shopping. Specifically, the discussion came in response to a social media question from a newcomer to Chesterville asking about the possibility of being shuttled to other towns or cities for grocery shopping, among other things. Some Chesterville locals simply answered the question, appearing to accept that the inquiry made sense. Others were angered at the suggestion that one may need to leave Chesterville at all to do grocery shopping when the Mike Deans grocery store is open and ready to serve.

The debate here seems clear. Few would deny that the only two grocery stores in North Dundas – Foodland in Winchester and Mike Deans in Chesterville – offer a great shopping experience when compared to discount grocery stores. Compared to discount places, stores like Foodland and Mike Deans are almost always cleaner and better organized, offer a wider selection of products including fresh items offered through the bakery and butcher departments, and they offer far superior customer service with more checkout lines available, and bagging service included. I have always enjoyed my shopping experience at both Foodland and Mike Deans.

On the other hand, “you get what you pay for” as the old saying goes. Our local North Dundas grocery stores are undoubtedly more expensive than discount stores in larger towns or in the city, though I have been impressed many times by the sales in our local stores.

The quandary for locals therefore becomes a question of supporting local vs. saving money. In the tight knit North Dundas community that we have all come to know, it is not surprising that there is a culture of “looking down upon” those who choose to save money by travelling to Kemptville or Ottawa for groceries. Failing to support local is often perceived as turning one’s back on the community. It is almost something that one must hide to avoid the ridicule.

Something to keep in mind is that for some North Dundas residents, shopping at our local speciality grocery stores may not be a choice they get to make. A dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to, and anyone can struggle with having enough money to buy food, from a single person struggling to pay bills on their own, to a family with a bunch of kids to feed. Failing to buy local is rarely a “statement” or an “argument” against supporting one’s own community. More often, it’s a simple decision required to make sure there is enough to eat on a limited budget.

People can support their local community in more ways than one. For example, those who do larger grocery runs at a discount store in a neighboring municipality often still support local grocery stores for last minute or forgotten items.

My rule of thumb is this: those who can afford to shop local should really consider it. You will support the employment of your own friends and neighbours, you will support the local economy and therefore ensure that local stores and services remain available when we need them, and you’ll even help the environment by travelling less. But just remember – we never really know a stranger’s living situation. Judge less, support more, and (when possible), shop local.

Thank you to the Chesterville Bridge Club who have made a $1,000 donation to the WDMH Auxiliary. The

club meets every Monday afternoon from September to mid-May at The Gathering House. Members come from the surrounding area to play

cards for a weekly fee of $4.

“We are so fortunate to have our hospital and are pleased that our bridge club has to date been able to raise

ND Times Photo Contest Winner

“We would like to thank The Chesterville Bridge Club for their continued and ongoing support. We are grateful for their most recent donation and look forward to continuing our friendship,” sum up Eleanor Jordan and Louise Arsenault, Auxiliary Co-Presidents.

Thank you as well to The Gathering House for supporting this fundraiser and allowing the club to use its facility.

Submitted by Nicole AllenDings, who writes: “The photo was taken in the early morning at my farm, Alingsview Stables. The horses featured in the photo are Belle & Pippa.” Stunning photo, Nicole!

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 8 www.ndtimes.ca January 26, 2023
submitted by Jane Adams Shown at the cheque presentation are (l-r): Volunteer Sharyn Manley, Catherine O’Neill, Coordinator, Academic Affairs and Volunteer Services, Karen Graham, WDMH Auxiliary Treasurer and bridge player, Keith Smith, bridge player and WDMH CEO Cholly Boland

CROSSWORD The Food Corner

We just had a family favourite for dinner, Sweet and Sour Beef Stew. Beth substituted deer meat from our freezer and it turned out really good! This recipe will work with beef, pork or venison and may also become one of your family’s favourites. So here is Sweet and Sour Beef Stew. By the way, this dish is adapted from a 1972 cookbook from Better Homes and Gardens entitled All Time Favourite Beef Recipes. Our house and restaurant shelves are filled with cookbooks we have picked up over the years (we’re addicted to them…)

Sweet and Sour Beef Stew


1 ½ pounds of beef stewing meat (or pork of venison) cut into 1 inch cubes

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

1 cup of shredded raw carrots

1 cup of sliced onions

1 -8 ounce can of tomato sauce

½ cup of water (you can add liquid if you need to, including some red wine)

¼ cup of white vinegar

¼ cup of packed brown sugar

2 good shakes of Worcestershire sauce


- In a largish saucepan, brown the meat in hot oil

- In the same saucepan, add all of the other ingredients

- Cover and simmer for a couple of hours till the meat is tender

- For venison (deer meat), add another hour (to get rid of the “gaminess”

- Thicken the stew with a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch and water


You can serve this stew on top of noodles (I’m partial to wide linguine noodles myself) or basmati rice, or some mashed potatoes (add in some cream and shredded sharp cheese to the potatoes for a special treat). This dish will warm your family’s tummy for sure. Don’t forget to place a loaf of your favourite Grahame’s Bakery bread on the table that folks can slice from.

I hope you are enjoying the winter. Take care and stay healthy, from Paul at pcormier@ ranaprocess.com.

The Kemptville Winter Carnival is coming to town!

The volunteer organizing committee for the inaugural Kemptville Winter Carnival is thrilled to announce a brand-new, familyfriendly outdoor event February 3-5 at Riverside Park.

We’ll kick-off the event with our opening ceremonies and a ribbon cutting conducted by our Mayor, Nancy Peckford, accompanied by our title sponsor eQ Homes and the ‘Mayor of eQuinelle.’

The goal of the carnival is to gather as a community and celebrate the winter season, while bringing back regular use of the Kemptville Creek. However, due to the mild weather we’ve had, the ice won’t be ready in time for this year’s event, so we are planning our festivities at Riverside Park instead of Curry Park this year and hope to bring the carnival back to the creek in 2024.

But there will be plenty of fun for all ages, even without the ice!

You won’t want to miss the nighttime performances by our fire dancers, the snow sculp-

ture artists, the dinosaur races, or the glowing fairy dancers!

The carnival will also offer a scavenger hunt, snow painting, and a variety of other fun activities for the kids, hosted by NG Pride.

Hop on the horsedrawn wagon for a ride through the winter wonderland, roast some marshmallows on the fire, enjoy some free hot chocolate sponsored by Brewed Awakenings, and have your family photo taken under the glow of the twinkle lights. Did we mention there will be Beavertails?! That’s right, the Beavertail truck will be on-site all carnival long. You’ll also want to grab a smoked beef brisket sandwich or some chili from local Texan chef, Bruce Enloe.

Watch out for the charity barbeque that will be running all weekend by The Rotary Club and Kemptville Youth Centre, with the food and drinks generously donated by the B&H: Your Community Grocer.

“A local community carnival like this will continue to grow for many years as families, and residents of all ages, enjoy a wonderful winter event designed to be inclusive and fun!”

We are still accepting volunteer and sponsorship applications. For more information, visit www.kemptvillewintercarnival.ca or email wintercarnivalkemptville@ gmail.com

See you at Riverside Park!

The North Dundas Times 9 January 26, 2023 The Voice of North Dundas www.ndtimes.ca
Solutions to last week’s Sudoku Solution to last week’s Crossword Easy Medium Hard
ACROSS 1. The central part 5. French for "State" 9. Monetary units of Serbia 14. Not under 15. Timber wolf 16. Banishment 17. Type of award 19. Seaweed 20. Battery terminal 21. Luxuriance 23. Impulsive 25. Navy jacket 28. Decay 29. Make lace 32. Away from the ocean 33. Informed about the latest trends 34. 5280 feet 35. Rewrite 36. Clothe 38. Anagram of "Bone" 39. Bay 40. Local Area Network 41. Locomotives 43. Female sheep 44. Craving 45. Adolescent 46. Sweated 48. Sun umbrellas 50. Line of poetry 54. Work hard 55. Supremacies 57. Enlist 58. Decorative case 59. Smooth or level 60. Exalt extremely 61. D D D 62. Apollo astronaut Slayton DOWN 1. Deep sleep 2. Baking appliance 3. Overhaul 4. Wipe out 5. Addition 6. Commode 7. Give or take 8. Monk's haircuts 9. Goober 10. Wheel shafts 11. Equips 12. "Oh dear!" 13. Observe 18. Tart yellow fruit 22. Basketball player (slang) 24. Canoeists 25. Fragment 26. Fund 27. Not dead 29. Leg bone 30. Beside 31. On edge 33. Female chicken 34. Rambled 37. Redeemed 42. Female ruff 44. Annually 45. Powder room paper 46. Any factual evidence 47. Dish 48. Glazier's unit 49. Dugout shelter 51. Split 52. Search 53. Slave 54. Light Emitting Diode 56. Poetic contraction
MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant
329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca

Stress testing equipment brings support close to home

verse heart event happens.”

During a stress test, the patient walks on a treadmill that begins slowly and increases gradually in speed and incline. During the test a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure and the heart’s rhythm and electrical activity is monitored.

“This piece of equipment is a key part of WDMH’s cardiology program,” notes Kristen Casselman, Managing Director, WDMH Foundation. “The current equipment was at the end of its life span and the new equipment will ensure uninterrupted delivery of service.

It also integrates into Epic, WDMH’s new clinical information system, providing information for clinicians at their fingertips.”

Baldwin's Birds

A mystery bird appears

The cardiac team at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) is proud to care for patients with heart concerns. A new Stress Test Machine ensures that those patients will not have to travel to Ottawa for important tests.

“Stress testing is used for the diagnosis of heart disease or abnormal heart rhythms,” explains Karie Neddo, a Registered Cardiology Technologist at WDMH. “It is a minimally-invasive test to diagnose blockages in the heart and can help diagnose issues before an actual ad-

Health Matters

“We are so grateful to the WDMH Foundation donors,” sums up Karie Neddo. “You are all awesome and your generous gift will help us to continually provide compassionate care!”

The new stress test machine costs $53,459.75.

We are now well into the New Year and all the questions that it has already posed, in respect to some of our avian friends and who they might be. We have had a bird, about the same size as a Junco, come and visit on a couple of occasions who definitely is not one of them, and whose colors do not give it a clear clue as to what it is. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a really clear well defined picture of it, and despite the help of a couple of more qualified local people than my own very amateurish self, I/we still do not know

what it is. The beak suggests Grosbeak family, a Bunting or even a Finch, but between us it still remains a mystery. I am still awaiting its return to try and get more details from a decent picture, so my fi ngers are crossed, but not very hopeful!

At one time, my research conversations began to get quite technical regarding the pigmentation of the feathers and all the other scientific factors and theories that could contribute to this odd bird. It is a bit above my head, so I won’t take up your time on the mat-

ter, but just thought that I would mention it in passing! You have probably had the same sort of quandary, when spotting birds at your feeders too. Hopefully you have, or will, find the answers by just referring to your own bird books or even the dreaded internet! Which ever one it is, I hope that you enjoy what you discover. Stay safe and well. Cheers,

What is one of the most common health problems that develops in people as they age, and also one of the least discussed? The answer is chronic swelling of the legs. At best, it’s a natural consequence of aging. But also known as peripheral edema, there can be medical, nutritional, or lifestyle causes and serious health consequences.

Edema is a general term meaning swelling. Peripheral edema occurs in the legs, ankles, feet, as well as arms and hands. Swelling in other parts of the body include pulmonary edema (in

the lungs), cerebral edema (in the brain), and macular edema (in the eye). It’s a medical emergency when the lungs or brain are affected, and a life-altering condition when vision is impacted.

But in the legs, while victims must deal with pain, weakness, and limitations on mobility, for many, there is a sense of stigma, when once shapely or muscular legs have become less sightly. That’s at least one reason why there’s not a lot of information about how many people are suffering from the condition. In the minds

of sufferers, it doesn’t warrant a visit to the doctor, and clothes can help conceal the issue, if not make it go away.

One research team at the University of Rochester used data from the American Health and Retirement Study, a nationally representative longitudinal survey of about 20,000 U.S. adults over the age of 51, to estimate prevalence of the condition, which they found to be 19-20% of survey respondents.

They also found social disparities among those reporting lower limb edema. Blacks/African Americans and other racial minorities, women, and less wealthy individuals were more affected. As is the case with many other health conditions, the researchers reported, “Minority racial status and lower wealth could be associated with peripheral edema for multiple reasons, including higher rates of other chronic health conditions as well as lower access to healthy foods and preventive care services.”

What is causing edema is not always easy to determine. For the individuals

involved, it can be hard to know if the swelling is the result of fluid gathering in the tissue. Or is it from the buildup of fat? Known as Lipedema, it is fat, not fluid, that occurs in the limbs, and in the early stage, people do not typically have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. But peripheral edema is an accumulation of fluid.

Causes of fluid buildup can be long periods of sitting or standing. Pregnant women can develop the condition, as can people with low levels of protein in the diet.

But more sinister causes are also common, including chronic lung diseases or congestive heart failure, when the heart muscle doesn't pump well. Chronic venous insufficiency occurs when leg veins fail to carry blood back up to the heart. When valves that normally ensure blood flows toward the heart don't work well, gravity takes over, causing blood to pool in the legs.

Depending on the cause, the treatment should be tailored. This is not the time for armchair medicine. An

accurate diagnosis depends on a full medical history and potentially a battery of tests to pinpoint the issue.

Keep in mind, it’s better to treat the underlying cause than the symptom. Raising the affected limbs will help. Diuretics can also help but need to be used with care as removing too much fluid too quickly can, among other things, impair kidney function.

Attention to diet, consistent moderate exercise, and maintenance of a healthy weight should be the goal –early in life, and all lifelong.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 10 www.ndtimes.ca January 26, 2023
Registered Cardiologist Technologist Karie Neddo with the new stress test machine
Edema is a common problem often ignored

5 tips for driving in cold conditions

(NC) Whether we like it or not, winter is here. For most of us, this season comes with colder temperatures, extreme weather and unexpected driving conditions. It is important to be prepared for winter driving to help keep yourself and others safe. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you are on the road.

Slow down and give yourself extra travel time

This may seem obvious, but it’s a good reminder. Plan ahead and check the road conditions before you leave, then take the extra time you need to get to your destination safely. And when driving in poor weather, make sure your four-way hazard lights are on to help other drivers see you.

Try to avoid sudden braking

You should always try to brake in a straight line - especially before a turn - and do so gradually. Avoid heavy braking while completing a turn. Increase your following distance from other cars significantly. If your wheels lock and slide, release the brake pedal to recover traction, then slowly brake again.

Use winter tires

It’s proven that driving with four winter tires reduces your risk of collision by providing better traction on road surfaces in winter conditions. A set of winter tires such as the Michelin X-Ice Snow tires, provide the necessary trac-

tion to overcome winter conditions like snow, ice and slush for better performance and safety.

Clear snow and ice from your vehicle

To ensure maximum visibility, clear your vehicle of all ice or snow, and wait for the windows to clear of any fog or ice before you head out.

Go back to basics

Always drive with two hands on the steering wheel and try to avoid changing lanes in slush. When you can’t avoid it, plan your lane change in advance and turn the wheel slowly and gradually so you approach the slush at a shallow angle. This will help minimize the force against the side of the tires. Find more information at michelin.ca.

How To improve your car's gas mileage

Here are some of the things you can do to ensure improved gas mileage for your car: Driving Habits

Consolidate your daily trips and errands. This will also save you the cost of restarting your engine, which uses a lot of gas.

Avoid air conditioning when possible. However, when driving at higher speeds, having your windows open also creates drag.

Don't throttle the gas or brake pedal! Sudden starts or stops use more gas than gradual changes in speed.

Don't idle for too long. Turn off the engine if you anticipate a lengthy wait.

Limit car warm-ups in winter.

Clear out the trunk. More weight equals more drag.

Avoid high speeds. We know this is almost impossible to resist but you can improve your gas mileage by up to 15 percent driving at 55 mph rather than 65 mph.

Use overdrive. If your car is equipped with overdrive gearing use it as soon as your speed is high enough.

Use cruise control. Maintaining a constant speed is ideal for improving your gas mileage. Servicing Your Vehicle

Replace the spark plugs in your engine regularly. This way, the air and fuel mixture will burn cleaner and more efficiently.

Improve the intake/output system. By allowing gas to get in and exhaust to get out of your vehicle you will improve the vehicle's overall performance and gas mileage.

Reduce friction. Use high-quality or synthetic motor oil. Check your oil! Low oil makes your engine work harder.

Change your filters. Dirty filters can sometimes increase the amount of fuel your vehicle uses by as much as 10 percent.

Keep tires properly inflated and aligned. Check regularly to ensure your tires are fully inflated and your alignment is good.

Get regular engine tune-ups and car maintenance checks. A lot can go wrong with a car. Damaged spark plugs or transmission problems can also contribute to poor gas mileage.

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Critical Illness Insurance –

Protecting your Lifestyle

A critical illness is more common than you think. A serious, life-altering illness affects one in three Canadians in their lifetime. One in two Canadians will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lives. How are you able to manage the risk protection against a serious illness? A Critical Illness Policy allows you to manage this risk and protect yourself, your family, and your assets against the unpredictability of getting critically sick or injured.

Critical Illness Insurance can allow you to focus on your recovery knowing that you have the money to help with costs of a serious illness.

A CI policy is an excellent complement to the provincial health care plan because the amount paid can allow you to:

-Replace your income, or even your spouse’s income

so that he or she can take time off work to accompany you during your treatments

-Pay for assistance at home

-Pay for medications not covered by provincial health insurance

-Pay the costs of treatment abroad

-Continue repaying financial obligations such as your mortgage

-Take a much-needed break after medical treatment before returning to work fulltime

Additionally, a CI policy can ensure that you don’t have to dip into your retirement savings or investments to cover these extra costs.

Some Critical Illness policies will also offer additional benefits to holders and family members of the policies. These include access to expert medical assistance. This expert assistance can help you by:

-Providing a second opinion on your diagnosis

-Helping you to understand medical conditions

-Explaining your treatment options and

-Helping you navigate the

health care system

Supplementary assistance can also be provided and include:

-Counselling services

-Family support services (childcare or home care)

-Legal and financial consultations

-Nutritional advice

I am often asked, is a Critical Illness policy really worth it? What happens if I don’t get sick? My favourite benefit that can be included as an option in a Critical Illness policy is known as a return-of-premium benefit. If you remain healthy and don’t have the need to use your policy, after as early as 10 years, you may choose to get your money back. If you do elect to use this option, your policy then expires. Contact your Financial Advisor today to discuss Critical Illness Insurance options.

We welcome questions so please reach out! See our ad in this week’s North Grenville Times and follow us on Facebook @OFarrellWealth.

The North Dundas Times The Voice of North Dundas 12 www.ndtimes.ca January 26, 2023 North Dundas Local Financial Service Professionals 1-877-989-1997 | OFARRELLWEALTH.COM | OFARRELL@ASSANTE.COM BROCKVILLE CORNWA LL KEMPTVILLE RENFREW WINCHESTER Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada Contact us and start planning today! Cynthia Batchelor Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. Sarah Chisholm Financial Advisor Assante Capital Management Ltd. MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: melissa@ndtimes.ca www.ngtimes.ca
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PLEASE COMPLETE THE ANONYMOUS SURVEY! https://rb.gy/vvbkvc To learn more or to share your story with us directly, please contact Linda at sully on the lake@gmail com The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of rural & farm women particularly hard. We want to hear from rural & farm women 16+ about your experiences over the pandemic & to learn about the services you need to stay connected to family, friends & community! Funded by the Canadian Women's Foundation You can scan the QR code & complete the survey on your phone!
Want Your Input!

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