2 minute read
An early Christmas gift for KDH

by Hilary Thomson
Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is getting an early Christmas gift from students at Saint Michael Catholic High school.

As part of their crafts art class, grade nine and ten students learned how to crochet and worked together to make two large multicoloured blankets to donate to Interim Long-term Care at the hospital.
“They’re lovely because they are homemade,” says KDH Communications Officer Jenny Read. “We try and make that part of the hospital like a home away from home. This makes a big difference to our residents.”
Each of the 33 students in the class made at least two granny squares to contribute to the blanket. Many really took to project like grade ten student Sophie Salter who crocheted three squares in one week. “It’s really relaxing,” she said while working on putting the finishing touches to the border on one of the blankets. “It’s definitely something I would do again.”
This is the second donation the school has made to the hospital with their first blanket already brightening the room of one of the residents. Originally the plan was to make slippers this year, but the last blanket turned out so well teacher Lindsay Melnick and the students decided to stick with it. Lindsay says they hope to continue making blankets for the Interim Long-term Care wing so that each of the twelve beds (six interim long-term care and six convalescent care) can have one. “We’re going to try and make more next year,” she says.
The crafts class at Saint Mike’s is an innovative program designed by Lindsay that has the students create more crafty types of art. In addition to crochet, the students have done beading, pottery, stained glass, weaving and chain mail jewelry. The students also learn how to price the projects and will be having a craft sale to sell some of their creations in the spring.
Giant Tiger Kemptville donates $2,000 to the Salvation Army Kemptville
of the partnership we have with our local food bank.”

According to Food Banks Canada, 13 per cent of Canadians live in a state of food uncertainty, which means they do not have dependable access to adequate amounts of safe, nutritious food. Each month, over 850,000 people turn to food banks for help; more than one-third are children and youth.

Lights Out!
Where were you in January, 1998, during what is commonly called the Ice Storm of the Century? Mark your calendars for January 14 for an afternoon of reminiscing followed by a pot luck supper. St. John’s United Church, 444 Prescott Street, Kemptville is the place, with details to follow as we get closer to the date. St. John's is a fully accessible facility. A warm welcome is extended to all. For details www: Kemptvilleunitedchurch.org or contact 613-258-4526 for this event.

Helping local families one donation at a time
Giant Tiger Kemptville announced its commitment to fighting hunger with a $2,000 gift card donation to Salvation Army Kemptville Client Choice Food Pantry.

“The holiday season is a particularly busy time of year for the food bank. At Giant Tiger we are committed to making a difference in our communities ensuring that families in need get the support and necessities they require,” says store owner Rick Kingsley. “We are proud

This donation is part of a $35,000 commitment made by Giant Tiger Stores to food banks in various communities across Canada.