Why Men Pull Away

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3 Naughty Phrases that Drive Men Wild ................................ 3 Why Men Pull Away - 9 Reasons He Avoids Commitment ..... 5 Overcoming Myths About Men .............................................. 9

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3 Naughty Phrases that Drive Men Wild Words that turn a man on trigger a specific response in him, both physically and emotionally. What matters to most guys is that his sexual prowess is alidated. He a ts to k o that ou lo e hat he’s doi g a d that his masculinity is arousing you. There is an almost universal male archetype of the strong sex-god rock star who is able to magically seduce and satisfy women. Yes, even your brainiac math whiz-type has a fantasy of being THAT guy. When ou sa these phrases, it’s like ou’ e cra led right into his sexual imagination. Here are a few phrases you can say to him can give him that feeling of sex-god rock star he craves. #1. You feel so incredible. Or you can fill in the blank with any kind of adjective there: amazing, big, good, fantastic, hard, huge, awesome. Add in the f-word for a more explicit effect. You get the idea. When you are having intercourse, telling him just how great he feels to you is the ultimate compliment. This validates his prowess and physicality in real-ti e. A d ou’ll learn in my program Language of Desire just how much importance most guys place on their penis. #2. Do ’t stop! It could be any command really: harder, right there, give it to me. Again, feel free to add in curse words and explicit language. Giving him a command during se to keep doi g e actl

hat he’s doi g to ou is co fide t a d hot. It’s hot

because it shows him just how much you are enjoying it. Men say the number one thing they love during sex is an enthusiastic partner! #3. I a ’t get e ough of you OR I’

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so tur ed o

y you.

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This phrase speaks to his ability to arouse you. That he turns you into a sexhungry vixen who wants his body all the time. Is that an exaggeration? Sure. But think about how often we unwittingly turn our partners away because we are tired, or ha e a headache, or just are ’t i the

ood. This does ’t


you have to be ready to go at it 24/7. However, when you feed his ego that he has the ability to drive you wild with desire you make him feel amazing, especially when you say this phrase outside of the bedroom. The idea that his woman is distracted in the middle of the day by sexy thoughts of him? Rawr. If you want over 200+ ideas, phrases, and text messages to drive your man wild with desire for you, make sure to check out my new program, Language of Desire. I give you step by step instructions and tons of exact words to use to get exactly what you both want in and out of the bedroom. Click here to learn more about this program! Recommended source:

For Nice Girls Only: Use this naughty erotic secret to get a man more turned on and desperate for you than he’s ever been in his life . . .

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Why Men Pull Away - 9 Reasons He Avoids Commitment

Have you ever been with a guy who seems afraid to commit? Maybe you've dated a guy for years and he just never seems to want to take things to the next level. Or perhaps you're married, and while he wears the ring on his finger ... His heart just hasn't made that commitment yet and you feel your marriage isn't on solid ground. In this article, I'm going to try my best to shed some light on how the male mind works and why some men are not ready for commitment. There are 9 main reasons why your man may not want to commit to you. Some of these have nothing to do with you, it's just where he is at in his life. Others are things that you are doing, so make sure you pay close attention. #1. You're hinting too aggressively Men need to feel like commitment is their idea, even if pressuring them into committing to you works (some women hint very aggressively until they get engaged), this may lead to resentment and lack of REAL commitment and faithfulness long term. I've seen some guys date girls for 3+ years, only to get engaged to the next one who comes along even though they've only been dating for 6 months. Often the next one who comes along is seen as less 'suffocating' due to less commitment pressure. Or it's simply due to the fact that they are now ready for commitment when in the past they were not.

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Hinting or talking about commitment once isn't a bad thing, but if you find yourself doing it week in, week out, it's likely to be doing more harm than good. You may simply be with the wrong person if you feel a need for more commitment right now. If he wants to commit to you, then allow him to get to that stage on his own. #2. You don't support his ambitions and/or don't make him feel appreciated enough Men need their egos stroked, and for him to feel like you are 'the one' it will help a lot if you can notice all the good things he does (and his body if you like it, etc). It is also incredibly important that you don't try to change him too much, support him in his dreams, whatever they may be (starting his own company, travelling the world, etc). It sounds obvious, but there are a lot of women out there who try to mould their man into the man they wished they were, rather than supporting them in being the best version of themselves that they can be. #3. He has ’t gro

up e ough yet.

Men can take a little longer to grow up than women. It takes a certain amount of maturity to get to the point of commitment, and he may not be quite there yet. An immature man can rarely consider the wants and needs of others above his own. #4. The sex isn't good enough If he has had a partner before with whom with the sex was better, or more frequent, this can make him nervous about committing to you forever. Page | 6

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If you feel that sex isn't important, then that attitude could well be a reason for lack of long term commitment. #5. There's someone else. Hopefully this isn't the case, but it is possible he has someone else on his mind, leaving him confused about what kind of future he wants for you and him. It is also possible he is not over his ex partner, or doesn't see you as better than them (men want to commit to the best they've ever had). #6. He has other priorities. He balances out everything- work, family, and friends. If he feels he’s got other areas in his life that require more attention, then that will come first and he will think of you later. #7. His lose frie ds ha e ’t committed yet. he majority of men will want to commit eventually. But he may not have wanted to be the first one out of his group of friends, feeling like he misses out on anything with his single friends. #8. Loss of free time. He likes time to himself and to do his own thing. Serious relationships take up a e or ous a ou t of ti e a d e erg a d he does ’t a t that ki d of pressure. #9. His history. When you learn about his past relationships, and his childhood ones, then you a u dersta d h he ca ’t commit to you.

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He could be swearing off new relationships because of pain that was caused by a previous breakup. He may need a little extra time until he feels safe in his new relationship with you. Recommended Source:

Click here to learn more about why men pull away and how you can improve your relationship with your man.

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Overcoming Myths About Men

Have you ever found yourself making the same mistake over and over simply because you didn't know any better at the time? We're all human from time to time we unintentionally make the occasional blunder due to a bunch of mistaken assumptions running in the back of our mind. These false beliefs keep us blissfully unaware that our ill-informed decisions will actually lead us to disaster! And you know what? This isn't a bad thing in itself because learning from our mistakes adds to our body of knowledge. However, wouldn't you want to AVOID making these boo-boos if you COULD? This is why you need to UNLEARN any incorrect notions that could cloud your better judgment. Sometimes, it just takes another pair of eyes to identify the mindsets that could drive you towards perfectly preventable mistakes. How many times have you gotten into a situation that yielded bad results because you had the wrong ideas in mind? Certain perceptions of men can mess up your chances of having a great relationship with them. When we assume given things about the opposite sex, your actions could PREVENT the relationship from going in a healthy direction. Thus, let's take a look at a couple of the most common myths about men which you need to steer clear of:

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#1: Guys are into "low maintenance" women. Actually, this wouldn't be a problem if the term "low maintenance" wasn't misconstrued in the first place. Oftentimes, when some misguided women hear this adjective, they equate it to having no opinion of their own and being a complete PUSHOVER. This attitude reminds me of the 1950's housewife archetype often portrayed in TV sitcoms of the same era. You know what I'm talking about: Sugary-sweet on the outside, but brimming with unspoken emotions on the inside. She's the one who's afraid to mess up a perfectly good relationship by speaking up too much. This is the kind of girl who has regrettably shut off her ability to express her feelings in a healthy way. Sadly, this glaring misconception is unconsciously driving many women to behave in a very NEEDY way. In the back of their minds, they take the idea of being low-maintenance to such an EXTREME that they've become a mere shadow of their former selves. Being "low maintenance" in the truest sense of the word is defined by REALISTIC qualities. This is a well-adjusted, reasonable person who doesn't throw a fit when her partner unwittingly makes the occasional offhand remark. (And I emphasize "OCCASIONAL", as opposed to "habitually", but anyway) This is also the kind of girl who can properly manage her feelings MOST of the time and keeps emotional meltdowns to a reasonable minimum. When it

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comes to mood swings, low maintenance women don't often have these and only under the most stressful of circumstances. All in all, this is an ideal picture of what low maintenance is all about. Therefore, it's NOT about being so laid-back to the point where you're frazzled and out of breath from trying to please a guy. or even TOLERATE selfishness. And being low maintenance is definitely a far cry from transforming into a disturbingly submissive version of yourself. Remember, there is a difference between a cool girl that doesn't get upset over the little things and the emotional SLAVE who doesn't have any purpose aside from sacrificing her dignity and independence in the name of "love". The mentality you should have is that a relationship is NOT the only thing you have going for you. If you would make a map of your life right now, would you say it's dominated by huge chunks of land exclusively reserved for a boyfriend? Or does this map have equally allocated areas meant for your family, friends, career and hobbies? Even though we're always talking about how to get into a good, healthy relationship, you have to understand that this is only ONE PART of your multifaceted self. The SUM of your pursuits in life defines who you are.

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If you build your universe around whether you're single or not, your resulting actions will create a very unattractive impression of neediness. You wouldn't want anyone to believe that having a boyfriend is the ONLY thing that motivates you in life, right? You know you're TOO GOOD to act like that. Don't get me wrong it's WONDERFUL to have a partner who adores and respects you. That crazy rush you feel when you fall in love can greatly inspire you do great things in the other areas of your life. However, my point is that you should still retain a good sense of PERSPECTIVE when you *do* get into a relationship. What that means is that you'd be just as fine even if you didn't have a boyfriend at the moment. Your life was just as fine before you met him, and you can certainly leave if you're not being treated the way you should be. Of course, I don't mean this in an arrogant way nor am I suggesting that our partners should be the pushovers instead! All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be scared to leave the comfort zone of your relationship if it isn't helping your personal growth. Also, in no way should you cover up your true feelings by waiving your right to SPEAK UP if you need to (i.e. when the terms are unfavorable). A good relationship is always a TWO-WAY street, so don�t let the lowmaintenance myth (or rather, misconception) tell you otherwise.

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#2: Falling in Love is Eternal Bliss Guaranteed The other common trap women fall into is the assumption that those butterflyin-the-stomach feelings you first get when you meet someone will remain CONSTANT in the relationship. However, this just isn't going to happen. Even happily married couples who've been together for decades know that their initial infatuation for each other evolved into a deeper and more MATURE sense of loving. This kind of love goes beyond the initial rush that all new couples go through. This is the love that's weathered countless emotional storms, power struggles and other CHALLENGES. The end result is a rock-solid relationship that doesn't constantly require you to feel the heart-quickening rush found in infatuation. But there's no reason to panic over this fact of life. You shouldn't be afraid of outgrowing this primary stage in your relationship since better things are headed your way. Over time, the falling in love stage will eventually be replaced by something more powerful in the long run. It's just that you're going to go through a series of trials as a couple before you get there. Don't buy into the myth that loving your guy as you do now will be enough to get you through the years. Remember that neither of you are perfect; somewhere along the way, your "little" differences are going to catch up to you.

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(I've heard of couples breaking up over their brand of toothpaste, but hopefully your own relationship won't go to that extreme!) I'll be honest with you here: you're going to FIGHT tooth and nail over things like this, and you're going to wake up and smell the coffee sooner or later. But power struggles are NORMAL after the familiarity settles in. If you can accept the reality that love will inevitably undergo a transformation over time, then you'll have no reason to worry about the growing pains in your relationship. Otherwise, insisting that everything will run smoothly or take care of itself will BLIND you to speedbumps in the future. Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy the moment because being HAPPY is the point of having a relationship, right? You just have to be aware that things will change eventually. However, you can stay happy as long as you're cool with having to deal with the reality check phase in due time. (No need to worry your pretty little self about stuff UNTIL you have to!) All in all, finding happiness in a man's arms is best done by keeping a REALISTIC perspective no matter how head over heels you may feel at a given moment. There are a lot of impractical beliefs and notions that we women are unnecessarily exposed to in these modern times. Like it or not, picking up unrealistic perceptions of love and dating is just a TV show or DVD rental away. In this confusing sea of misinformation, a sassy girl definitely needs to keep her wits afloat!

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For the most part, whatever we read in books or see onscreen are distilled versions of life at best. It doesn't necessarily reflect what happens in REAL situations! So we can't project unrealistic fantasies onto real life and NOT expect to run into problems! The real world naturally includes the complexities of human behavior. You need to keep this in mind when considering what men want from us and what we should expect from them. If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet's Get a Guy Guide. If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs about love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story. No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real women! Click here to learn more! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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