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CÁC CHỮ VIẾT TẮT CỦA CÁC TẠP CHÍ Y HỌC Danh sách dưới đây được chọn lựa trong số những tạp chí đã được đưa vào Index Medicus với chữ viết tắt của các tạp chí đó theo quy định trong Index. Danh sách đầy đủ được in trong số tháng Giêng của Index Medicus hàng năm và trong số 2 của cuốn “Cumulated Index Medicus”. Nói chung trong tên viết tắt sẽ loại bỏ các tính từ và chữ nối. Những tạp chí mà tên chỉ gồm một từ được giữ nguyên (ví dụ như chest, gut, circulation). Trong danh sách dưới đây cũng như trong Index các dấu của tiếng Pháp được lược bỏ. Với những tạp chí không có trong Index Medicus, nên sử dụng các chữ viết tắt theo danh sách chuẩn của tổ chức tiêu chuẩn quốc tế (International Standard ISO-4-172(E): Documentation-international code for the abbreviation of titles of periodicals. Geneva: International Organisation for Standardization; 1972). Danh sách này có thể tìm thấy ở Viện tiêu chuẩn quốc gia Hoa Kỳ (American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY10018) và cũng có thể tham khảo trong cuốn sách của Huth EJ. (Medical style and format. An international manual for authors, editors and publishers, Philadelphia: ISI Press, 1987, 355p). Acta anaesthesiologica belgica: Acta Anaesthesiol belg Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica: Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Acta anatomica (basel): Acta Anat (Basel) Acta cardiologica (bruxelles): Acta Cardiol (Brux) Acta chirurgica belgica: Acta Chir Belg Acta clinica belgica: Acta Clin Belg Acta cytologica (baltimore): Acta Cytol (Baltimore) Acta dermato-venereologica (stockholm): Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) Acta medica scandinavica: Acta Med Scand Advances in cancer research: Adv Cancer Res Advances in cardiology: Adv Cardiol Advances in immunology: Adv Immunol Advances in internal medicine: Adv Intern Med Advances in neurology: Adv Neurol Advances in pediatrics: Adv Pediatr Advances in pharmacology and chemotherapy: Adv Pharmacol Chermother Agressologie: Agressologie Aids research: AIDS Res Ajnr. American journal of neuroradiology: AJNR Ajr. American journal of roentgenology: AJR Alcoholism: Alcoholism Allergy: Allergy American family physician: Am Fam Physician American heart journal: Am Heart J American journal of anatomy: Am J Anat American journal of cardiology: Am J Cardiol American journal of clinical nutrition: Am J Clin Nutr American journal of clinical oncology: Am J Clin Oncol American journal of Clinical pathology: Am J Clin Pathol American journal of dermatopathology: Am J Clin Dermatopathol American journal of diseases of children: Am J Dis Child American journal of epidemiology: Am J Epidemiol American journal of gastroenterology: Am J Gastroenterol American journal of the medical sciences: Am J Med Sci American journal of medicine: Am J Med American journal of nursing: Am J Nurs American journal of obstetrics and gynecology: Am J Obstet Gynecol American journal of ophthalmology: Am J Ophthalmol American journal of pathology: Am J Pathol American journal of physical medicine: Am J Phys Med American journal of physiology: Am J Physiol American journal of psychiatry: Am J Psychiatry American journal of public health: Am J Public Health American journal of surgery: Am J Surg

American journal of surgical pathology: Am J Surg Pathol American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene: Am J Trop med Hyg American reiewof respiratory disease: Am Rev Respir Dis American surgeon: Am Surg Anaesthesia: Anaesthesia Anaesthesia and intensive care: Anaesth Intensive Care Anesthesia and analgesia: Anesth Analg Anesthesiology: Anesthesiology Annales de biologie clinique (paris): Ann Biol Clin (Paris) Annales de cardiologie et d,angeiologie (paris): Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) Annales de Chirurgie: Ann Chir Annales de dermatologie et de venereologie: Ann dermatol Venereol Annales d,endocrinologie (paris): Ann Endocrinol (Paris) Annales de gastroenterologie et d,hepatologie (paris): Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris) Annales de genetique (Paris): Ann Genet (Paris) Annales de l,institut pasteur. immunologie: Ann Inst Pasteur Immunol Annales de l,institut pasteur. Microbiologie: Ann Inst Pasteur Microbiol Annales de medecine interne (paris): Ann Med Interne (Paris) Annales de pathologie: Ann Pathol Annales de pediatrie (paris): Ann Pediatr (Paris) Annales de radiologie (paris): Ann Radiol (Paris) Annales d,urologie (paris): Ann Urol (Paris) Annales of Clinical biochemistry: Ann Clin Biochem Annales of dentistry: Ann Dent Annales of emergency medicine: Ann Emerg Med Annales of internal medicine: Ann Intern Med Annales of Neurology: Ann Neurol Annales of the newyork academy of sciences: Ann NY Acad Sci Annales of otology, rhinology, and lagyngology: Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Annales of plastic surgery: Ann Plast Surg Annales of the rhematic diseases: Ann Rheum Dis Annales of Surgery: Ann Surg Annuals review of microbiology: Annu Rev Microbiol Antimirobial agents and chemotherapy: Antimicrob Agents Chemother Archives of dermatology: Arch Dermatol Archives of disease in childhood: Arch Dis Child Archives of environemental health: Arch Environ Health Archives of general psychiatry: Arch Gen Psychiatry Archives of internal medicine: Arch Intern Med Archives of neurology: Arch Neurol Archives of ophthalmology: Arch Ophthalmol Archives of otolarygology: Arch Otolaryngol Archives of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery: Arch otolaryngol Head Neck Srg Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine: Arch Pathol Lab Med Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation: Arch Phys Med Rehabil Archives of Surgery: Arch Surg Arthritis and rheumatism: Arthritis Rheum Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy: Biomed Pharmacother Blood: Blood Brain: Brain British dental journal: Br Dent J British heart journal: Br Heart J British journal of anaesthesia: Br J Anaesth British journal of cancer: Br J Cancer British journal of clinical pharmacology: Br J Clin Pharmacol British journal of dermatology: Br J Dermatol British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: Br J Obstet Gynaecol British journal of ophthalmology: Br J Ophthalmol British journal ofpharmacology: Br J Pharmacol British journal of psychiatry: Br J Psy British journal of radiology: Br J Radiol British journal of rheumatology: Br J Rheumatol British journal of surgery: Br J Surg

British medical journal: Br Med J Bulletin of the world health organization: Bull WHO Cahiers d, anesthesiologie: Cah Anesthesiol Canadian medical association journal: Can Med Assoc J Cancer: Cancer Chemotherapy: Chermotherapy Chest: Chest Chinese medical journal: Chin Med J (Engl) Chirurgie: Chirurgie Circulation: Circulation Clinical genetics: Clin Genet Clinical immunology and immunopathology: Clin Immunol Immunopathol Clinical orthopaedics and related research: Clin Orthop Clinical pediatrics (Philadelphia): Clin Pediatr (Phila) Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics: Clin Pharmacol Ther Critical care medicine: Crit Care Med Current problems in surgery: Curr Probl Surg Cutis: Cutis Dakar medical: Dakar Med Danish medical bulletin: Dan Med Bull Diabetes: Diabetes Digestive diseases and sciences: Dig Dis Sci Disease of colon and rectum: Dis Colon Rectum Drugs: Drugs East african medical journal: East Afr Med J Encephale: Encephale Endocrinology: Endocrinology European heart journal: Eur heart J European Journal of cancer and clinical oncology: Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol European Journal of clinical investigation: Eur J Clin Invest European Journal of immunology: Eur J Immunol European Journal of pharmacology: Eur J Pharmacol European Journal of respiratory dieases: Eur J Respir Dis Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique: Gastroenterol Clin Biol Gastroenterology: Gastroenterology Gastrointestinal endoscopy: gastrointest Endosc Geriatrics: Geriatrics Gut: Gut Heart and lung: Heart Lung Hepato-gastroenterology: Hepato-Gastroenterol Hepatology: Hepatology Hypertention: Hypertention Immunology: Immunology Infection and immunity: Infect Immun International surgery: Int Surg JNCI. Journal of the national cancer institute: JNCI Journal of allergy and clinical immunology: J Allergy Clin Immunol Journal of the american college of cardiology: J Am Coll ardiol Journal of the american dietetic association: J Am Diet Assoc Journal of the american medical association JAMA: JAMA Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume: J Bone Joint Surg [Am] Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume: J Bone Joint Surg [Br] Journal de chirurgie (Paris): J Chir (Paris) Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism: J Clin Endocrinol Metab Journal of clinical gastroenterology: J Clin Gastroenterol Journal of clinical hypertention: J Clin Hypertens Journal of clinical immunology: J Clin Immunol Journal of clinical investigation: J Clin Invest Journal of clinical microbiology: J Clin Microbiol Journal of clinical pathology: J Clin Pathol Journal of clinical pharmacology: J Clin Pharmacol Journal of clinical endocrinology: J Clin Endocrinol Journal of epidemiology and community health: J Epidemiol Community Health

Journal of family practice: J Fam Pract Journal of gerontology: J Gerontol Journal of hepatology: J Hepatol Journal of immunogenetics: J Immunogenet Journal of immunological methods: J Immunol Methods Journal of immunology: J Immunol Journal of immunopharmacology: J Immunopharmacol Journal of infectious disease: J Infect Dis Journal of laryngology and otology: J Laryngol Otol Journal of medical education: J Med Educ Journal of molecular biology: J Mol Biol Journal of nervous and mental diseases: J Nerv Ment Dis Journal of neurology: J Neurol Journal of neurosurgery: J Neurosurg Journal of nursing administration: J Nurs Adm Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery: J Oral Maxillofac Surg Journal of Pediatrics: J Pediatr Journal of physiology (cambridge): J Physiol (Lon) Journal de radiologie: J Radiol Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery: J Thorac Cardivasc Surg Journal of toxicology, clinical toxicology: J Toxicol Clin Toxicol Journal of trauma: J Trauma Journal d,urologie (paris): J Urol (Paris) Journal of urology: J Urol Kidney international: Kidney Int Lancet: Lancet Mayo clinic proceedings: Mayo Clin Proc Medical clinics of north america: Med Clin North Am Medical Journal of Australia: Med J Aust Medicine: Medicine MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report: MMWR Nature: Nature Nephron: Nephron Neurology: neurology New england journal of medicine: N Eng J Med Obststris and gynecology: Obstet Gynecol Pain: Pain Pathologie biologique (Paris): Pathol Biol (Paris) Pediatric research: Pediatr Res Pediatrics: Pediatrics Pediatrie: Pediatrie Pharmacology: pharmacology Phlebologie: Phlebologie Plastic and reconstructive surgery: Plast Reconstr Surg Postgraduate medicine: Postgrad Med Presse medicale: Presse Med Proceeding of the natonal academy of sciences of the united states of america: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Radiology: Radiology Reviews of infectious diseases: Rev Infect Dis Revue d, epidemiologie et de sante publique: Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique Revue francaise de gynecologie et d,, obstetrique: Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet Revue des maladies respiratoires: Rev Mal Respir Revue de medecine interne: Rev Med Interne Revue neurologique (paris): Rev Neurol (Paris) Revue de pneumologie clinique: Rev Pneumol Clin Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulaires: Rev Rhum mal Osteoartic Science: Science Sleep: Sleep Stroke: Stroke Surgery: Surgery Surgery gynecology and obstetrics: Surg Gynecol Obstet Therapie: Therapie

Thorax: Thorax Thymus: Thymus Transplantation: Transplantation

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