Tài liệu Online: Grasshopper3d - Thiết Kế Tham Số

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Grasshopper3d - Thieát Keá Tham Soá © 2015 Nguyen Phuc Nguyen [P] +84909748807 [E] nguyenphucnguyenarch@gmail.com [W] issuu.com/nguyenphucnguyen

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


GRASSHOPPER Grasshopper laø gì? Grasshopper laø plug-in cuûa Rhinoceros Grasshopper coù theå saûn sinh ra “thuaät toaùn”, “tham soá”,... [ phöông phaùp naøy ñöôïc goïi laø Algorithmic Modeling ] Taïi sao söû duïng Grasshopper ? Grasshopper laø “coâng cuï” hoã trôï cho caùc nhaø thieát keá vôùi phöông phaùp döïng hình môùi “Parametric Design”, “thieát keá tham soá, thuaät toaùn, Scripting - laäp trình, Coding - maõ hoùa,...” Grasshopper laø phaàn meàm mieãn phí. Grasshopper ñöôïc phaùt trieån bôûi coäng ñoàng ngöôøi duøng treân toaøn theá giôùi, ngaøy caøng toái öu hôn, deã söû duïng hôn. www.grasshopper3d.com

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


GRASSHOPPER Algorithmic Modeling laø gì? Algorithmic laø saûn sinh “thuaät toaùn”. Algorithmic Modeling laø phöông phaùp döïng hình baèng caùch saûn sinh “thuaät toaùn”, “tham soá”. Taïi sao söû duïng Algorithmic Modeling? Löu tröõ “thuaät toaùn” ñeå söû duïng nhieàu laàn vôùi nhieàu keát quaû khaùc nhau baèng caùch thay ñoåi “tham soá”. .Giaûm thôøi gian. .Hieäu quaû cao. Algorithmic Modeling vôùi Grasshopper

Fig.0.1 Triangle Louver

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


GRASSHOPPER Parametric Design laø gì? Parametric laø “tham soá”. Parametric Design laø phöông phaùp thieát keá, döïng hình 3D baèng caùch söû duïng “tham soá”, “Algorithic Modeling”. Vôùi ‘n’ giaù trò tham soá, ta coù ‘n’ keát quaû, ngöôøi thieát keá seõ löïa choïn moät tham soá phuø hôïp nhaát vôùi phöông aùn mong muoán.

Fig.0.2 ‘n’ keát quaû vôùi ‘n’ tham soá

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá



Fig.0.3 Overview Grasshopper3d - Thieรกt keรก tham soรก



Fig.0.4 Overview Grasshopper3d - Thieรกt keรก tham soรก


01 Started 1.1 Installing & Launching Grasshopper ? Installing: Update the latest version: download baûn setup môùi nhaát www.grasshopper3d.com

Launching: Khôûi ñoäng Grasshopper Goïi leänh “Grasshopper” vaøo thanh Command cuûa Rhinoceros 5

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


01 Started 1.2 Interface: Giao dieän Grasshopper 1.0 version 0.9.0076

< Component Tabs

< Canvas

< Keùo vaø thaû Components vaøo Canvas >

Fig.1.3 Canvas

1.3 Components :

. Components laø caùc “thaønh phaàn” ñoái töôïng hình hoïc (Geometry), caùc leänh bieán ñoåi (Transform), toaùn hoïc (Mathematics), haøm soá (Function), ... Input

<Scale> component


<Point> component Fig.1.4 Components

Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


01 Started . Colour Component: Maøu cuûa moãi Component theå hieän thuoäc tính cuûa noù. File > Preferences > Palette

Fig.1.5 Colour Components Grasshopper3d - Thieát keá tham soá


01 Started

Grasshopper3d - Thieรกt keรก tham soรก


01 Started

Grasshopper3d - Thieรกt keรก tham soรก


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