South Shore Real Estate Magazine V16N11

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Betsy Hines Realtors, LLC



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39.)EBFGHI Exceptional beachfront home! Sweeping views up and down the coast from this casually elegant Colonial situated on one of the town’s best beaches. Gourmet kitchen, a spacious !"#$% &!!'% "()$*% +),-#'% '#-'#)-% #$,./-#*% 0.1#% 2)+/(3% '!!+% 4/-0% 5./(-6/$,% opens to a patio and stairs to miles of sand and surf! $1,195,000 5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;DD""A!

39.)EBFGHI “The Cove” is a very special location, has only a few houses on a sandy beach and is a short walk to town "/#'% )$<% +)'/$)8%M0/,% ,+)((#'% 0!+#% 4/-0% )% ,.$$3% !"#$% &!!'% "()$% -)J#,% advantage of the gorgeous views of both ocean and marsh with expansion "!,,/5/(/-/#,%2!'%-0#%,#7!$<%&!!'8%K(.#%N/,0%O!P#%/,%$!-%!$(3%(!7)-/!$Q%(!7)6 tion! but also a way of life. $599,900 5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;DD"DA

39.)EBFGHI! EFHH) VILLAGE Stunning estate style house. Impressive c.1890 Colonial in the Village area has been carefully renovated and re6 stored. State of the art kitchen with 2 large pantries that will impress the 70#2%/$%3!.8%9:%'!!+,*%;%5#<'!!+,%)$<%;8;%5)-0,%"(.,%=$/,0#<%:'<%&!!'%4> 5)-0%?%7#$-8%)/'8%@#4#'%5)'$>:A%7)'%1)')1#%0),%)%B$<%&%(!2-%'!!+8%CDE;*FFF% 5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;#D:##

39.)EBFGHI!EFHH) Scenic Bartlett’s Island Better than fabulous views of river, marshes and ocean from sunrise to sunset. This picturesque neighborhood in the Damon’s Point area is a very scenic walking area and is close to G)',0=#(<%H/((,%I/(()1#%4/-0%1#$#')(%,-!'#*%"!,-%!2=7#*%)'-%7#$-#'*%(/5')'3% )$<%)%;%+/$.-#%'/<#%-!%H.+)'!7J%K#)70%!'%K!,-!$%-')/$8%L"#$%&!!'%"()$8%% 4 BRs, 3.5 baths. $899,000 5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;#D:1D

39.)EBFGHI Beautiful antique center chimney Cape combines all the 70)'+%!2%3#,-#'3#)'%4/-0%+!<#'$%7!$P#$/#$7#,8%K!),-/$1%4/<#%"/$#%&!!',*% +!'$/$1%,-)/'7),#*%+.<'!!+*%")$#((#<%(/5')'3%)$<%+)$3%5./(-6/$,8%O!+5/6 nation 2 car garage and 2 stall barn for horses plus separate paddock area and beautiful grounds with pergola, patio and fenced yard. $499,900 5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;DD">#!

39.)EBFGHI What a great house for the family to enjoy! Walk to the 5#)70%R.,-%)%2#4%<!!',%)4)3%2'!+%-0/,%E%5#<'!!+%O!(!$/)(Q%@/7#%2#$7#<% in yard for cookouts and backyard entertaining for all the relatives and friends! An enclosed porch is perfect for those rainy days to do puzzles. O#$-')(%)/'*%#)-6/$%J/-70#$%)$<%!.-<!!'%,0!4#'8%M0/,%/,%)%3#)'6'!.$<%0!+#% !'%7!.(<%5#%)%1'#)-%'#$-)(%"'!"#'-38%CSED*DFF%5**J=KKC75<L,4/M<LK;DDA#D!


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MIDDLEBORO. WELCOME TO OAK POINT! ^'L"G) %7-) !=.=0G) "/) 1,$#-) 3) %7-) -$1-) "/) $) !&/-1%G!->)) _"=6!-) :&9-) ]0&'#-%"') V0$'9) ='&%) 6"$1%1) Z) 0+1C) S) 6-90""+1C) @>P) 6$%71C) ,$%&"C) $%%$#7-9) @) #$0) 5$0$5-) 3) $) :"'9-0/=!) $9=!%) #"++='&%G) :<,""!C) 2%'-11) #-'%-0) 3) #!=67"=1->) ) ?@NDCDDD>) ) Offered by Gayle Peck 781.293.2654.

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PEMBROKE. EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOM COLONIAL! R'-) ":'-0) 7"+-) 7$1) A) 6-90""+1C) @>P) 6$%71C) '-$0!G) SDDD) 1O>/%>) "/) 1,$#-) :&%7) $') ",-') ;""0) ,!$'C) 50$'&%-) H&%C) 5!-$+&'5) 7$09:""9) ;""01C) *-'%0$!)T&0C) 2'&17-9) I":-0) I-M-!) 3) 50-$%) #=!J9-J1$#) '-&576"07""9) !"J cation. Offered by Kristine Blazo 781.534.2907.


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ROCKLAND. WELCOME TO BOXBERRY SQUARE()T):&1-)#7"&#-)/"0)1%$0%&'5)"=%)"0)9":'J1&UJ ing. Newer popular complex, close to Rte. 3, recreJ $%&"')3)0-1%$=0$'%1>))V$1)W-$%C)*-'%0$!)T&0C)2'&17-9) lower level “Patriot’s Den” for watching the game. 2 6-90""+1)3)N>P)6$%71>))?@@ACBDD>)) Offered by Carolyn Cleveland 781.706.7262.

HANOVER. GRACIOUS CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIAL!) X') ,0&1%&'-) #"'9&%&"'C) :&%7) !&57%) 3) 60&57%) 0""+1C) %7&1) 7"+-) 6"$1%1) $) /$+&!GJ/0&-'9!G) ;0) ,!$'>) *!"1-) %") 1#7""!1C) 0-#0-$%&"') 3) #"'1-0M$%&"') $0J -$1)3)7&57:$GC)/-$%=0-1Y)B)0+1C)A)6-90+1C)S>P)6$%718) !":-0) !-M-!) :<1-,$0$%-) -'%0$'#-) 7$1) &'J!$:) ,"%-'%&$!>) V$1)7-$%)3)#-'%0$!)$&0>))?PZBCBDD>)Carolyn Cleveland 781.706.7262.

MIDDLEBORO. STRESS - FREE TOWNHOUSE! K7-)"'!G)A)6-90""+)#"'9")&')%":'):<L=1%)"M-0)NBDD) 1O>/%>))K70--)2'&17-9);""01)"/)!&M&'5)3)1%&!!)/--!1)!&4-) '-:() *=1%"+) H&%) :<50$'&%-) 3) 1%$&'!-11) $,,!&$'#-18) @>P) 6$%718) /=!!) 6$1-+-'%) 3) @) 5$0$5-) 1,$#-1>) ) Q":() ?NBBCBDD>))Offered by Kristen Bishop 617.962.7065.

“The Right Direction


HANOVER X`)KWXa)WRba^)*RbI_)KTIH>>>>> E=&!%)&')NcSdC)%7-)*$,%$&')e$%7$'&-!)E$01%": W"+-1%-$9) &1) $) V0--4) F-M&M$!) 1%G!-) !"#$%-9) &') the town’s historic Four Corners area. Nestled $+"'5) 0-1&9-'#-1) :<1&+&!$0) #7$0+C) %7&1) 7"+-) 6"$1%1) P) 20-,!$#-1C) S) 6-90""+1C) @) /=!!) 6$%718) "0&5&'$!) :""9:"04) %70"=57"=%C) :""9) ;""01C) #=0M-9) 1%$&0#$1-) 3) 1") +=#7) +"0->) ) a"+-) =,J 9$%-1)7$M-)6--')+$9->))?@BBCBDD>)) Call for a private tour. Offered by Kerri Nagle and Kristen Bishop 617.962.7065




ROCKLAND. HOUSE SPECIAL! Rated one of Greater Boston’s “Top Spots to Live”! Wonderfully updated home in a great neighborhood. Larger than it !""41C):<A)EF1C)@)/=!!)6$%718)1,$#&"=1)#"%%$5-)1%G!-)H&%) :<$##-11) %") !$05-) 9-#48) 2'&17-9) II) "//-01) &'J!$:) ,"J tential. Offered by Carolyn Cleveland 781.706.7262








BRAINTREE. AHHH!!! EASY LIVING! One level condo in well maintained complex is in a great !"#$%&"'() *"+,!-.) "//-01) 2%'-11) #-'%-0) 3) 1,$04!&'5) inground pool. Unit boasts 2 bedrooms, 2 full tiled 6$%718)7$09:""9);""018):-!!)$,,"&'%-9)):<=,)%")9$%-) ,$&'%)#"!"01)3)$!!)$,,!&$'#-1)&'#!=9-9>))?@ABCBDD>)) Offered by Gayle Peck 781.293.2654.

PLYMPTON. NEW CONSTRUCTION! Level, 6=1&'-11) U"'-9) +=!%&J$#0-) [N@>NS\) ,$0#-!):<7&57)M&1J &6&!&%G)&1)#!"1-)%")W$!&/$.)3)]!G+,%"')#-'%-01>))^'5&J '--0&'5)&1)#"+,!-%-C):-!!)&1)&'1%$!!-9)3)1-,%&#)9-1&5') is in hand; property can accommodate a duplex to be 6=&!%>))*$!!)/"0)9-%$&!1>))?@PDCDDD>))Offered by Gayle Peck 781.293.2654.

for the South Shore!”

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Norwell 781.659.2599 Duxbury 781.934.2588 Hingham 781.749.0778 To see these and other exquisite properties visit our website

Len and Leslie Marma 781-834-7408 &-0&-U[;&-)(2.+&

Alice Mallen 781-582-7617 -().'&-(('*[9'0)C+*2*'$





MARSHFIELD ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY The Maples..a desirable end unit facing the woods in this popular, centrally located 55+ community. all the amenities for comfortable living and entertaining are found in this unit including a gourmet hostess kitchen w/granite, maple cabs and s/s appl., vaulted ceilings, gas f/p, jacuzzi, custom blinds, surround sound, security system, walkout basement and more. Convenient to H-0#48'(5% .'*$'02% '*!+1% $4'% ()/'#$1('% surrounded by nature. $525,000 N


PEMBROKE @-0-5)#'% )*% @'&>0+:'2% H'$).ulous home has been upgraded & maintained with style: newer white kitchen w/brkfst bar & hdwds, spacious liv & din rms w/hdwds, large entry foyer, bright fam rm w/ fp, & gas stove overlooks deck & grounds, fabulous master suite w/fp cath ceil, skylight & stairs to pool, sumptuous master bath 7B#$'-&% #4+7'0% 4'-$'5% 6++0#D% double sinks & heated soaking tub, large upstairs foyer w/ hdwds & in other brs, walk up -$$).D% (-0;'% )*F4+&'% +/8.'% 7)$4% separate entrance, super lower level playroom with plush carpet & wainscoting, oversized garage, new furnace, irrigations system, 3 additional outbuildings including pool cabana with shower, hot tub spa, sparkling inground pool and lovely grounds teeming with perennials, herbs, blueberry bushes and mature plantings. Wonderful side street location too!$559,900

MARSHFIELD WALK TO BEACH! A modern, well-maintained home featuring an updated eat-in kitchen w/ ;0-*)$'%.+"*$'0$+,#D%.'02%$)('%62D%.')()*;% fan, breakfast bar and access to sunny deck. a grassy fenced yard and a short walk to restaurants, shopping and beautiful humarock beach complete the picture. move right in and vacation at home. $378,900

NANCY VIRTA .'((B$'R$%STUFUTVFTWXY%%Z%%*9)0$-[.+&.-#$2*'$ Top Producer For SUCCESS Real Estate 2013! “SUCCESS . . . Dances with those who are already on the dance floor”

MARSHFIELD “ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN SEE FOREVER!” This amazing home is nestled up a quiet side street on almost 2 acres! Such privacy. The views from almost every room are just amazing. From the upper deck (trek deck) as well as the lower deck (trek deck) you could !"#$%&'($%)*$+%,'-.'/"(%#.'*'012%34'%#'.+*5%6++0%7-#%-55'5% 10 years ago so roof is recent and most systems upgraded. This home features 2 master bedrooms with baths. Could work for an in-law. The kitchen is warm and inviting and YES! Also with a view. The upper loft could be used as an +/8.'% #,-.'% +9'0(++:)*;% $4'% 7+0(5<% =&-;)*'% $4'% ()/'#$1('<% 34'%>-#'&'*$%)#%,-0$)-((1%8*)#4'5%-*5%4-#%,("&>)*;%0'-51% for another bath. Two car garage with a circular drive. Extra bonus . . . an old tennis court sits off the side which could store a boat, trailer, camper or an awesome place for the kids to roller blade or bike! Ask about subdividing the lot! This is just a lovingly cared for home. Come see! $669,000

KINGSTON% =&-;)*'% 1+"0% ()/'#$1('% )*% $4)#% "*)?"'(1% 5'#);*'5%>0).:/0+*$%.+(+*)-(%)*%,0'#$);)+"#%=*5)-*%@+*5%A#$-$'#% and Golf Club! This 4000 sqft home offers a warm cherry kitchen w sub/zero,wall ovens, stainless app/gas cooktop -*5%,-*$012%@'0/'.$%/+0%'*$'0$-)*)*;%-#%)$%+,'*#%)*$+%,-*'(('5% /-&)(1%0&B80',(-.'%-*5%-..'##%$+%+9'0#)C'5%5'.:D%#$+*'%,-$)+D%80'%,)$%D%-*5%,0)9-$'%>-.:1-05%,0+/'##)+*-((1%(-*5#.-,'52% =00);-$)+*% #1#$'&% 7B,0)9-$'% 7'((2% E(-##).% 80',(-.'5% ()9B0&D% formal dining rm, and private study/library. The details in this home are amazing! Dental molding, wainscoting thru ought ! Master suite has 2 rooms, amazing bath and 2 walk in closets. Another bedroom w/private bath. Downstairs is .+&,('$'(1%8*)#4'5%7)$4%-%5'#);*'0%$+".4<%=*.("5'#%-%&'5)-% rm, pool room with private bar and wine cellar thermostatically controlled! Now add another bedroom and full bath. @'0/'.$%/+0%-%;"'#$%#")$'%+0%)*F(-72%G#:%->+"$%+"0%#,'.)-(%+/fering for a golf course membership! $847,900

KINGSTON GHGI=JK<%ELGMH=JK<%34)#%)#%$4'%+,'*% 6++0%,(-*%1+"N9'%>''*%(++:)*;%/+0<%L";'%/-&)(1%0++&%/'-$"0'#%6++0%$+%.')()*;%#$+*'%80',(-.'2%O,'*%$+%$4'%5)*)*;%-0'-% and kitchen with stainless appliances and pantry/mudroom!! Great entertaining home.Sun drenched master bedroom 4-#% /"((% >-$4% -*5% 7-(:% )*% .(+#'$<% P*5% 60% (-"*501D% P% &+0'% 4";'% >'50++&#% -*5% /"((% >-$4% ",2% Q)0#$% 60% >'50++&% 7B/"((% >-$4%.+"(5%7+0:%/+0%;"'#$%+0%)*F(-7%*''5#D%'9'*%-*%+/8.'<% Central air, central vac. Quiet dead end street. Fenced yard, $7+%50)9'7-1#D%$+$-((1%,0)9-$'<%L150+FG)0%4'-$)*;BP%C+*'#2% J+$'%$4'%#?"-0'%/++$-;'%+*%$4)#%4+&'<<%=&&-."(-$'<%K0'-$% location! Just a skip to Rt 3, commuter rail, shopping malls, golf course, swimming, and beaches! Charming curb appeal. Newly painted inside and out! Ready to just move in! Easy to show! Call for your appointment today! $337,900

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REAL ESTATE • MORTGAGE • INSURANCE K*,%24):,89%!4+"5&-@C#,$%E,45%L8949,%G'+;4#&%"#%9*,%M')9*,489

2345678% F#A"9"#:% P)"3]%% 2345678% G*4)+"#:% $(93*% G'5'#"45% 9(9')% P,4(9">(55&% 8,9% '#%% *'+,% C"9*% ;)'>,88"'#45% 54#$834;"#:% almost 1.5 acres, located close ),4$&%>')%4%:4)$,#%9'()W to the harbor, train station and $'C#9'C#H $699,000 7*,"54%G),*4# Denise Marshall `SSI0/// R.S-TQI-ISYQ R.S-TSX-SSSQ R.S-XIY-XQ/R%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Z'4#%[489(8\4]

Duxbury D,89'#% >4)+% Q% P$)+% *'+,% C"9*% U% P49*8% "#% :),49% #,":*P')*''$H% ^;$49,$% ]"93*,#0% *4)$C''$80% J#"8*,$% U)$%_'')%:),49%)''+H

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H<&8:"B6% Q% cE% 3'5'#"45% >,49(),8% #,C% ,49% "#% ]"93*,#% C?:)4#"9,%=%88%4;;58%';,#8%9'% 8(#)''+% =% 'A,)5'']8% P,4(9">(5%5,A,5%P43]&4)$H% `QYY0Y// 7*,"54%G),*4# Denise Marshall R.S-TQI-ISYQ R.S-TSX-SSSQ

Duxbury% N(OP()&% L8949,8H% 64#&% (;:)4$,8%C,),%4$$,$%9'%9*"8%P,4(9">(5% $,943*,$%*'+,%C"9*%4%Q-8,48'#%;')3*% C*"3*%';,#8%9'%4%5'A,5&%;)"A49,%&4)$H $609,000 R.S-TUQ-.I.U%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%V5"3,%N,8+'#$

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Dorothy McDonald

Duxbury The Thomas Delano Home. V55% 9*,% 3*4)+% =% P,4(9&% '>% &,89,)&,4)% C?% 4% P')#"#:% )''+% =% :''$% +')#"#:% 894")348,%8"9(49,$%'#%IHX%43),8H

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`QYY0/// R.S-TUQ-.I.U%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%V5"3,%N,8+'#$

`QXY0Y// R.S-SYS-SYX/%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%L55,#%LA,#8,# “The Best Website in Real Estate” !"#$%&'()%*'+,%-%.//0///%1%2'345%627%5"89"#:8%(;$49,$%$4"5&%<%2'345%*'(8"#:%3*4)98% 73*''5%),;')98%<%6(59";5,%;*'9'8%=%,#*4#3,$%$,83)";9"'#8%<%64;;"#:%'>%455%),3,#95&%8'5$?5"89,$%*'+,8%<%@#5"#,%*'+,%,A45(49"'#% B(45">&%>')%5'C%)49,8%-%D"55"4+%E4A,"8%F#8()4#3,%G'H%-D"55"4+%E4A,"8%6')9:4:,%G'H%-%'A,)%I//%J#4#3"#:%';9"'#8

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Danielle Delagrange 781-710-9094 “The Best Website in Real Estate” !"#$%&'()%*'+,%-%.//0///%1%2'345%627%5"89"#:8%(;$49,$%$4"5&%<%2'345%*'(8"#:%3*4)98% 73*''5%),;')98%<%6(59";5,%;*'9'8%=%,#*4#3,$%$,83)";9"'#8%<%64;;"#:%'>%455%),3,#95&%8'5$?5"89,$%*'+,8%<%@#5"#,%*'+,%,A45(49"'#% B(45">&%>')%5'C%)49,8%-%D"55"4+%E4A,"8%F#8()4#3,%G'H%-D"55"4+%E4A,"8%6')9:4:,%G'H%-%'A,)%I//%J#4#3"#:%';9"'#8

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“My Captain” Finds a Home Yardsailing on Facebook One popular website, and app, has become an unlikely source for home furnishings - the ultra popular Facebook. Its all part of a new trend aptly named “Facebook Yard Sales”.! If you haven’t heard of this trend you may be missing out on some amazing, and incredibly unique, bargains. It makes perfect sense for homesellers to post belongings that they can’t take with them to their new residences. For those of you who equate yard sale shopping with a crisp fall morning driving around and looking for street signs, this is a bit different. Once you search Facebook and find the site you’d like to visit, you’ll need to request to become a member of the group. Once accepted, you are ready to go, but before you do you need to be aware of the yard sale rules.!

“My Captain” by Dave Pelbam, posing at a local beach

Yard sale sites are really big on rules and if you don’t follow them the group could quite easily turn on you (which is the second thing these sites offer - and that is drama). Once an item is posted you can use the ‘comment’ box to post your interest or questions. Rules are that the first person to comment on a post has 24 hours to decide if they want the item or not (so you’ll need to check often as there is nothing worse than finding the perfect piece with 10 people already in line for it). If you aren’t the first to post your interest, just put yourself in line by commenting that you’re interested. It is not uncommon for items to go too far down the line for various reasons so don’t think it won’t happen if you aren’t first or second in line. You can also post ‘ISO’ ads, which stand for ‘in search of’, if you are looking for something you’d prefer to buy used instead of new and you’d be surprised how many people respond.

Kristen Bishop, a Realtor at Compass Realty in Hanover, Massachusetts recently renovated her family room and was looking for unique ‘one of a kind’ pieces to finish the space. She came across an old painting of a ship’s captain for sale on a local Facebook yard sale for forty dollars and posted her interest third in line. She waited over a week “in line” while she did a little research on this little known artist name Dave Pelbam. It turns out that Dave Pelbam was born in Rhode Island in 1932 and painted in the 1960’s and 1970’s mostly. His favorite subject was always the same white haired man, rumored to be Dave himself or that of his father, dressed as either a ship captain, dockworker or a rabbi. Pelbam’s paintings range in value from $100-1000 and have been featured in homes in publications such as Country Living, Better Homes and Gardens and Traditional Home. There are conflicting stories about this artist, but regardless of the dollar value of the oil painting, Kristen says “My Captain” by Kristen Bishop is priceless as it is the one-of-a-kind piece she was hoping to find. Compass Realty, LLC Hanover

The Premier Signs of Real Estate

COHASSET$L(%&6"5(+$8"*>,(.$:("59,(#$"$.21!5$3..(+$("5$2%$<25$/0#5"2%@ .(##$"''.2"%4(#$)$#."5($:'7J$1(%(,&9#$#2M(+$>(+,&&*#$2%4.9+2%1$"$*"#5(,$ >,$/0'.(%5?$&:$49#5&*$4.&#(5$#'"4(7$AA$:,$/0*"'.($-&&,2%1=>92.5@2%$>&&<@ 4"#(#=)$#9,,&9%+$#&9%+$#'("<(,#=!"#$+&9>.($1."##$#.2+(,#$5&$+(4<7C7J$ "4,($',26"5($.&57BFJD=GGG$HIC@JIJ@DKGK

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Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage COHASSET DUXBURY HINGHAM HULL NORWELL PLYMOUTH SCITUATE 781-383-9202 781-934-6995 781-749-4300 781-925-8585 781-659-7955 508-746-0051 781-545-1888 Owned and operated by NRT, Incorporated. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

The Premier Signs of Real Estate

NORWELL Meticulously maintained colonial style home in a popular neighborhood. Granite kitchen with new stainless appliances; hardwood !""#$%&'($&)#*+,(-*.&,/0/1'&#""2%&2($3*#&$4/3*%&$*-"1.&!""#&5(2/,6&#""2%& $+(-/"4$&.*-7&"0*#,""7/1'&3#**8,/1*.&6(#.9&:"10*1/*13&3"&-"2243*#&#(/,& ;& $-<"",9& =& #""2$>& ?& @*.#""2$>& A& 54,,& @(3<$9& BCD?>EFF& C=G8HIE8CEII&

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Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

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!"#$%&'( Enjoy the Ocean Views from this property

!"#$%&'() Picture Perfect is this wonderful home in

located in neighborhood of Million Dollar homes. Renovated Main level features 2 bedrooms, GORGEOUS kitchen with custom cabinets, granite counters and stainless appli!"#$%&'()$*+!#$,'+-.-"/')001&'2!),300,'400)%'!",'!'+!)/$' deck to enjoy those ocean views. Lower level offers an ad,-5-0"!+'6$,)001&'7-5#2$"&'()$*+!#$,'+-.-"/')001&'89++'6!52:' laundry, patio area with ocean views also.....the possibilities !)$'$",+$%%;;;;201$'08(#$&'<"'=!3&'$5#;''>?@A&ABB'

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!"#$%&'() Don’t miss your chance to live in the desir-

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!"#$%&'() What a great area to live in this well kept

,-./0'%.) New construction, custom built colonial,en-

!"#$%&'()The same family has called this house their

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home. Close to town, but very much in the beauty of nature. K;?'1-+$%'8)01'%911$)'%5)$$5;Z9%5',03"'52$')0!,'8)01'[E+$%'\5!",-%2'\5!5$'H0)$%5;=0.$+E'2$!5$,'-"/)09",'*00+;R+9%2' newer carpet, clean linoleum. Hardwoods through out (un,$)'#!)*$5];H-"-%2$,'6!%$1$"5'0"'0"$'%-,$&'30)7%20*'0"'52$' 052$);' G01$E' ,-"-"/' !)$!' !",' 7-5#2$";' H!1-+E' )001' )-/25' 088'52$',-"-"/'!)$!&'!",'*0)#2'088'52$'H!1-+E')001;'M2-%'-%'!' must see to appreciate the area, as well as the energy put in to make it shine. Come take a peak and see this rare offering in this part of Plymouth. Tranquility best describes this 201$;''>?IA&BBB

201$' %-"#$' -5' 3!%' 69-+5' -"' SALL;' G!),300,' 400)%' 52)9095' the downstairs. Brand new wall to wall carpeting on the K",400);'Q.$)E')1'2!%'6$$"'8)$%2+E'*!-"5$,;'J)-/25'!",'!-)E' 7-5#2$"'3:!,,-5-0"!+'#09"5$)'%*!#$'0"'#0".$"-$"5'*$"-"%9+!;'R!)5-!++E'("'6!%$1$"5'3:5-+$'4)'`3!+7095'%+-,$)'50'6!#7' yard. Entire rear of house has just been re-shingled and a "$3'()$'*-5'*!5-0'2-/2+-/25%'52$'8$"#$,F-"'6!#7'E!),;'_\$++$)' %5-++' 1!7-"/' %01$' -1*)0.$1$"5%' 50' 6!#7' E!),;]' <"F/)09",' sprinkler system. Title V inspection process has begun. Safe and quiet cul-de-sac location in desirable Ponds of Plym0952'"$-/260)200,;'>?BA&ABB'

85 Samoset Street, Plymouth, MA 508-747-3153 Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

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!"#$%&'()PRICED TO SELL! Shows like NEW at a substantial savings! Charming 55+ One Floor Townhouse in perfect location. Close to EVERYTHING...Historic Plymouth Waterfront and all Major Highways. Liv Rm with Hrd!"#$%&#'#()&#*%+,-).+/#01.+#213134#5667/#-)%4+#819.:+3# !19:#&-1"+%&#96#"+.;#6<+%-66;134#,%1<)9+#!66"+"#-69/#=)&9+%# >5#&?19+/#(?+&9#>5/#2+3#!19:#4)&#&96<+#96#+3@6A#B?1+9#917+/# C#D?--#>)9:%667&/#D?--#>)&+7+39/#D?%3).+#!19:#:?71"1*+%# )3"# )1%# ,?%1*.)9163# &A&9+7/# C# .)%# )99).:+"# ()%)4+/# E)%"!66"# $66%&/# F+%)71.# 91-+/# (%)319+/# F+39%)-# )1%# )3"# 7)3A# extras. Enjoy the Clubhouse with heated saltwater pool and G?3.9163#)%+)H#IJKL/LMM#

!"#$!'%*) Contemporary log home has it all~Set on

+,*-.'%*) Charming New England Colonial in Sought )G9+%#=).D)%-)3+#D)%7&OP,).16?&#SM#%7/R#N"%7/#CHT#N)9:&# is great for the growing family.Hardwood throughout the S&9#$66%H#U<+%&1Q+"#;19.:+3#!V7),-+#.)N13+9&/PP#),,-1)3.+&/;19.:+3#1&-)3"#)3"#"13134#)%+)O,+%G+.9#G6%#+39+%9)13134HC# .)%#)99).:+"#4)%)4+#!19:#7?"V-)?3"%A#%7#'#;19.:+3#+39%AH# W%?+#7)&9+%#N"%7#&?19+/#N63?&V4%+)9#%667#6<+%#9:+#4)%)4+/# *31&:+"#N)&+7+39H#X%1<)9+#N).;#A)%"#!19:#C#91+%+"#"+.;/#,)916/#.?&967#"+&143#134%6?3"#,66-/,%6G+&&163)--A#-)3"&.),+"# '.67,-+9+-A# G+3.+"H# X+%G+.9-A# -6.)9+"# .-6&+# 96# &.:66-&/# &:6,,134#)3"#7)@6%#:14:!)A&H#IRYL/LMM#


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over an acre of private property with a Vermont feel. Qual19A# N?1-9# 96# 13.-?"+O.?&967# ;19.:+3# !19:# 4%)319+# .6?39+%&/# stainless steel appliances and upgraded wood cabinets. Spa like bathroom wrapped in riverstone with a waterfall and &;A-19+H#D1%&9#$66%#-)?3"%AH#D)71-A#%667#!19:#)#!+9#N)%#'# .)%6?&+-#*%+,-).+#-+)"134#96#)#.6<+%+"#!%),#)%6?3"#,6%.:H# P+.63"#$66%#:)&#)#&,+.9).?-)%#7)&9+%#N"%7#!19:#)#&.%++3+"# ,6%.:# 6<+%-66;134# 9:1&# &)39?)%AHC# .)%# "+9).:+"/# 6<+%&1Q+"# 4)%)4+/#:14:#.),).19A#4+3+%)96%#)3"#7?.:#76%+HHH#IRKL/LMM#

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85 Samoset Street, Plymouth, MA 508-747-3153 Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

NORWELL,MASSACHUSETTS Downsizing? Nowhere to go?

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NEW Townhomes Starting at $519,000 • Luxurious Homes • Wooded Setting • Open Floor Plan • Classic Interiors Near World Class Golf •!Extraordinary Shopping • Fine Dining • Art Galleries • Every Day Conveniences Contact Amy Toth for private showings. 617-283-1464 •

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5 River Street, Kingston MA 02364


KINGSTON Gorgeous new construction on large corner lot in final phase of MacFarlane Farms! This custom home with 2-car attached garage will be built by a local and well respected builder. In addition to an open floor plan, this home will feature a Master bedroom w/walk-in closet and well appointed master bath. The gas fireplace with mantle will be the centerpiece of the Great room. Access to the over-sized 16’x10’ deck can be found through either the Great Room or the Dining Room. The Kitchen features a large island, granite countertops and a pantry. Hardwood floors throughout the first floor and Pocket doors leading to the Home Office/Study add great character! Parents will appreciate the 2’nd floor laundry. Generous allowances and many upgrades, such as Central Air, are included. VALUE: This home will be sited amongst homes in the $500k-$700k range. This beautiful home will not last!! $479,900

KINGSTON The “William Jones Homestead” is a beautiful antique home built in 1804 and situated in the heart of Kingston. The home has tremendous character,, including 6 fully functional fireplaces, wide plank flooring and extensive moldings. 3-4 bedrooms, including 3 ensuite baths. Fantastic gourmet kitchen. Take a dip in your in-ground, heated pool after enjoying a warm summer night in your three-seasoned porch. Very large detached barn has many possibilities. $629,000

“A new way of doing business. . . the old way.”

Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

SCITUATE CONDOS 'LT?KD?KK'>NUN7P''V.#!+/%B'E#$&(G?&(&4;&'$/-'9/4'$&-'*6=8&W' +/$*/('#$'7KX2'EYTRKZ'LY[[RK'>[LT2N[7Z'\<Q]]'(J'9!1<\B4<:B"'6$#!(<H(!'54'%"(!&4'(6#!&<' hardwoods, & all amenities one is looking for today ! 2 car att. garage, low condo fee! Close to beaches, golf shopping, harbor, and commuter rail station. Call for appointment pick your unit & custom features-priced at $519,900. 781-383-1800

COHASSET Scenic views of Minot’s Light from nearly every room in this Celeste Cooper designed luxury home. Open, expansive living area with Kit,LR w/FP,DR,family room w/FP,enter!"#$%&$!'(#)&*'*&+,'-#!.'+//,#$0'(!"!#/$1'2.&'34(!'5//4'%"(!&4'(6#!&'#('"'*4&"%1'7/!.#$0'#('8&9!' undone in this special home. Offered at $3,995,000. 781-749-1600

SCITUATE '7"$!6+,&!'04&A'(#*#$0<'+4#(='-.#!&'!4#%'C'+46(.&*'(&"'(.&88'*4#;&'8&!('A/6',$/-' that you are close to the beautiful beaches of Scituate. 4 bedroom home complete with 2 full baths, in-law suite and so much more. Multi level deck overlooking the pool and private back yard. Over 3 acres of land on town sewer. $419,000.781-545-4100

SCITUATE Minot Beach! Sweeping waterfront views of ocean & pond! Enjoy pvt. beach & green 8"-$(1':'5//4('/9'8#;#$0<'=86('8/-&4'8&;&8'(6#!&1'>?'-@'+"!.&*4"8'+&#8#$0<'(,A'8#0.!(<'B"8+/$A'C'DE1'F?' ."(' +6(!/%' B6#8!G#$(' C' DE1' ?&+&$!8A' 4&3$#(.&*' .*-*' #$8"A' 54(<' :' =/4+.&(<' :' ="!#/(<' H' +"4' 0"4"0&1' $979,000. 781-749-1600

HINGHAM Pride of ownership abounds in this much admired custom built home with an #$G8"-@"6G="#4'(6#!&1'P8&"%#$0'."4*-//*(<'34&=8"+&<'Q'B&*4//%('"$*':'9688'B"!.('R6$'*4&$+.&*' *&+,'-#!.'4&!4"+!"B8&'"-$#$0'/;&48//,('0/40&/6('-&88'%"#$!"#$&*'04/6$*('-#!.'5/-&4#$0'!4&&(' C'4/(&'B6(.&(1'7/!'9"4'94/%'+/%%6!&4'!4"#$'C'9&44A'!/'S/(!/$'781-545-4100

NORWELL'>//,'"!'!.&'B6+/8#+'H1II'"+4&('/9'(!/$&-"88(<'+"44#"0&'./6(&<'(.&*<'9&$+#$0<'"$*'86(.' 8"$*(+"=#$01'2.#('J6#$!&((&$!#"8'7&-'K$08"$*'L/8/$#"8'(#!('=4/6*8A'/$'!.#('%"M&(!#+'(&!!#$01'N!O('M6(!' as spectacular inside. This home has all the bells and whistles plus a 4 car garage. $899,000. 781-749-1600






SCITUATE Sparkling Oceanviews from this Amazing shingle style home. Meticulously renovated over the years, featuring 12 rooms, !"#$%&''()*""+",-."#/01)*"."2&$34/5$)*"/6%""267)1$%"+&%"8''&9" Spectacular wrap around porch overlooking sweeping lawn, privacy wall bordered by beach roses. $3,000,000.

SCITUATE Text 52875 to 35244 IDEAL HARBOR LOCATION Close to Scituate Harbor, town pier, shops,& restaurants. Four generous sized bedrooms, large master suite :701"1/&#'&";7$:)9"."2&$34/5$)*"<&$/0")0'&/<$""/6%"/")3/&=476<"76"<&'>6%"3''49"" 2 car garage. $600s

MARSHFIELD HILLS Amazing all new 8 rm. Dutch Colonial. Features custom kitchen, granite counters, open dining room,front to back living room :701"</)"2&$34/5$9"?'6>)"267)1$%" +&%"8''&"@"4':$&"4$;$49"."5/&"</rage & spacious deck. Close to A/&)12$4%"B$6$&/4"C0'&$9"A769"0'" highway and/or train. $599,000

!"#$%&'()*#+,*#-#./0(&,(12#34##5!566##7"89:;;9!555 Virtual South Shore Real Estate Magazine Online @

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