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From Textiles and Tobacco to Beyond…… Endless Possibilities……
Bonnie Minor
The Danville/Pittsylvania County region is rich in so many areas.. Built on the facets of. farming,tobacco and textiles, she is a working community. Rich in history, religion,faith.
The recent years loss of the textile and tobacco industries has thrown a wrench in to this community that relied on both the employment and tax revenue to enrich their lives and the community as a whole.
There is hope,and with hope comes change. The voting public has spoken,and we have several city council members on board with seeing the possibilities that growth will bring.
I personally am a believer in if you can see it,you can make it happen.
First and foremost the city will need a solid tax base. Programs,upgrades and maintenance for basic services costs money. In order to attract families,jobs and growth,basic services need to be on point.
A strong community starts with a strong foundation. If that foundation is cracked, it is able to be compromised. We need to build on our strengths as a community. It is the role of local government to provide a safe environment for families to flourish and grow,by providing the basics needed to sustain us. It is our responsibility to be good stewards of these resources.
Support your neighborhood groups, support libraries. Spend time with your children,invest in their growth. Less electronics,more real life adventures. Parks,libraries, small clubs . More human interaction.
There are many many individuals who are developing and dreaming of a better life for themselves,and their loved ones. The dynamics are different. We have grandparents and family members raising children that aren’t theirs, single parents,fostering parents.
Our vision needs to be that we are raising the
The possibilities are here. I know firsthand we can do this, TOGETHER.
Being born and raised into a community that was dependent on one industry, Bethlehem Steel, I felt firsthand the devastation and loss of losing all of those jobs,taxes and security. Jobs were eliminated,until finally the entire plant closed down,leaving the community shaken, broken and scared. Bethlehem has risen from those ashes ,flourishing. Danville can, I believe in all of us,and the mission that we all owe it to ourselves,and our future generations that every single person needs to strive and be the best they can,to succeed. If we don’t,we are selling ourselves and our children out. Support those bring their visions. Watch actions of your leaders ,not words. If they’re not getting it done, vote them out. Invest in your children,get those test scores up. It takes a village.Be the village.
Let’s be the city people flock to to live, not pick up and move away from.