2 minute read
What looks good on you- Confidence!
Good Mental Health is ALWAYS in Style
Brandie Kendrick
I have never been a fashionista. Even at a young age, I knew that I would always choose comfort over fashion any day of the week. As I have grown older, I have found a small safe space where I can dress comfortably while also remaining stylish. I use the term “stylish” very loosely because I know many people that would not truthfully use that adjective to describe me. Thanks to the world of Pinterest and social media, I have learned so much about colors, textures, and design. I have come to terms with what items of clothing look great on me and what items I can never wear (insert the romper design here) Over the years I have often wondered why some people have this magical ability to look good in anything that they clothe themselves with. I have watched many different women rock all the various styles, yet some people are just different. I have spent many days trying to figure out what makes some people look different in the same outfit. It is for sure something internal. It got me thinking, ya know what looks good on anyone….. confidence. It doesn’t matter your size, shape, or color; if you have a smile, confidence, and good mental health you are going to look GOOD!
I’ve faked confidence, and I am sure if we were all honest, we could each say that at some point we have faked being confident. I have faked a smile more times than I have likely truly smiled throughout my life. I have hidden behind a layer of makeup and used my brightly colored hippie style to hide my hurt many times. In fact, I’ve been so fake for so long that finding my authentic self, has been an uphill battle. In 2021 I started to seek the active guidance of a therapist. This wasn’t my first rodeo; however, it was the first time as an adult that I was committed to finding the right person. This was the time I was truly committed to working on my mental health. I’ve spent years dieting, tanning, exercising, and buying all the right clothes just to feel comfortable in my own skin. NONE of those things worked. So, I decided that change and confidence must come from the inside out. For an entire year, I have met weekly with my therapist. It hasn’t been easy. In fact, it has been so much harder than I anticipated. However, I see and feel the difference. When I look in the mirror. I still see the stretch marks and dark circles under my eyes, but ya know what else I see? Confidence. I see beauty. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for this body and mind that has gotten me through a whole lotta life. This girl has survived some things; both physically and mentally. So, when I see those glitter greys peeking through my dark black hair, or when I must tuck my post-mommy belly in
Anyone can slap on some fancy slacks, cute pumps and throw a Gucci crossbody around their neck; but it is all for nothing if you don’t feel confident. Confidence doesn’t rest in the numbers on a scale or in the number of calories you eat a day. It comes from the heart and mind. So, what is always in fashion? Good mental health. What will also look good on any body type? Confidence. The joy of a woman working on herself, not just physically but mentally is breathtaking. It is a thing of beauty to see a woman finding her true self! It’s time to take our body, mind, and soul to give it the work it deserves. Plastic surgery, expensive clothes, and big jewelry are all great and nice, but Girl… you got to love yourself first.
So don’t you ever forget; a smile looks good on you girl!!!