The Franklin - Notting Hill & Ealing High School's Science Dept Newsletter - Issue 5 (Spring 2022)

Page 31

This defence mechanism works in many

unusable and usually gets turned off. However,

different types of bacteria, but in 2012, scientists

if scientists add in a DNA template, the proteins

figured out how to hijack CRISPR to target any

can carry out homology directed repair. This

DNA in almost any organism! In the lab, the

guide allows the rebuilding process of a

scientists first design a “guide” RNA to match

defective gene or even creation of an entirely

the gene they want to edit. They then attach the

new one.

“guide” RNA to Cas9 which tells Cas9 which

Although CRISPR is such an amazing tool, it

gene to target. Cas9 then snips the DNA which

does not always make the exact changes that

matches the “guide”. Just by attaching this

we want. This makes it difficult to predict some

“guide” RNA to Cas9, scientists can practically

of the long term effects that CRISPR gene

edit any gene in the genome.

editing will have and raises a lot of questions

After the DNA has been cut the cell tries to

about what is ethically right and wrong. But, we

repair itself by trimming the broken ends and

should always try and explore further into the

joining them back together. This type of repair


process is called nonhomologous end joining

potentially the key to creating cures for the

and is apparently prone to mistakes such as

genetic diseases putting many lives in danger.







extra or missing bases. This makes the gene

The population problem By Katherine Marriott Year 10

Scientists have spent decades pondering on how we can solve the world’s population problem. Many questions arise when answering this, is it better to have overpopulation or underpopulation? Can we really solve this problem?In the world we live in today, there are numerous problems in the field of earth's population. From insect colonisation of habitats, to poor living conditions, population can influence quality of life on any spectrum. A historical example of the problem with a country having a large population would have to be China’s infamous one child policy, which remains to be a staple in discussions on population, mainly due to the economic, social and political consequences. By 1949, China’s government sporadically began promoting family planning and the use of birth control, until after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976. Around this time China’s population was close to the 1 billion benchmark, but then under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, pragmatic steps were taken to “solve the population problem”, in 1978 a voluntary program was introduced, with the aim to encourage families to have no more than two children. This escalated in 1979 the demand grew for families to stick to one child, however this policy was nationalised in 1980 on the 25th of September in the form of a public letter published by the central


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Articles inside

Two Cambridge University offers for Medicine

pages 47-48

Imperial Engineering Project

page 46

How to grow a heart

pages 29-30

Why do we dream?

pages 34-35

Earth’s Artificial Moon

pages 27-28

How did the work of other scientists help Crick and Watson to develop their theory for the structure of DNA?

pages 39-43

Are We Alone in the Universe?

pages 23-26

UK Space Design Competition

page 44

The population problem

pages 31-33


page 45


pages 21-22

Are there other universes?

page 20

What lurks at the bottom of the ocean?

pages 7-9

Witnessing death of a red supergiant for the first time

page 17

What is consciousness?

pages 12-14

Is Poo the Key to All Our Problems?

pages 10-11

Will Artificial Intelligence conquer the world?

pages 18-19

Glow-in-the-dark pigs and banana vaccines: Has human curiosity taken a step too far?

pages 3-4

Hydrogen: Can it save our planet?

pages 15-16

Is time travel possible?

pages 5-6
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