The Franklin - Notting Hill & Ealing High School's Science Dept Newsletter - Issue 5 (Spring 2022)

Page 7

Idea #3: The Alcubierre Warp

bubble and no way to know how you would

The theory of Alcubierre warp drives is based

leave one once in a bubble.

on the concept of stretching the fabric of

In conclusion, I believe that scientists could find

spacetime in a wave-like shape which would

a way to time travel at speeds that exceed the

cause the space ahead of the object to contract

speed of light as new discoveries are being

while the space behind it would expand. The

made every day, and with new technological

object inside the wave would be able to ride the

advancements, time travel could be possible -

area, known as the ‘warp bubble’ between the

How exciting!

two warped areas of space. This concept is


known as ‘Alcubierre Metric’. Linking back to

Einstein's Theory of Relativity, it allows the warp bubble to appear in a previously flat region of spacetime and move effectively at speeds that exceed the speed of light. But there are a few problems with this theory. Namely, that

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there are no known methods to create a warp

What lurks at the bottom of the ocean? By Isabella Pagadala Year 9 If you ventured to the bottom of the ocean, what

tectonic plates collide and rip apart. As magma

would you find? From lost relics to legendary

that wells up from these tears, it cools, and

creatures, the bottom of the ocean is a place of

becomes a new section of oceanic crust

spectacular biodiversity much of which is

meaning that the age and density of oceanic

undiscovered. Oceanographers believe at least

crust increases with distance from mid-ocean

75% is a region known as the “deep ocean”

ridges. The state of the crust and formations

which extends from 1,000m deep to the ocean

also reflect changes in water environments.

floor and receives no natural light.

The bottom of the ocean is also home to ruins

In the deepest parts of the ocean, the ocean floor

and artefacts from the past, which reflect the

is composed of oceanic crust, rocks and

lives of past humans, ancient climates, the

minerals, specifically basalt. Basalt is the most

evolution of our coastline and what life was like

common volcanic rock type made of magma

in the past. In the deepest sections, ocean

and is created through the process of upwelling

archaeologists can, with the help of new

on divergent boundaries. Oceanic crust is

technology, excavate the remains of ships sunk

constantly forming at mid-ocean ridges, where

from collisions, war and storms. The deeper the


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Articles inside

Two Cambridge University offers for Medicine

pages 47-48

Imperial Engineering Project

page 46

How to grow a heart

pages 29-30

Why do we dream?

pages 34-35

Earth’s Artificial Moon

pages 27-28

How did the work of other scientists help Crick and Watson to develop their theory for the structure of DNA?

pages 39-43

Are We Alone in the Universe?

pages 23-26

UK Space Design Competition

page 44

The population problem

pages 31-33


page 45


pages 21-22

Are there other universes?

page 20

What lurks at the bottom of the ocean?

pages 7-9

Witnessing death of a red supergiant for the first time

page 17

What is consciousness?

pages 12-14

Is Poo the Key to All Our Problems?

pages 10-11

Will Artificial Intelligence conquer the world?

pages 18-19

Glow-in-the-dark pigs and banana vaccines: Has human curiosity taken a step too far?

pages 3-4

Hydrogen: Can it save our planet?

pages 15-16

Is time travel possible?

pages 5-6
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