NHEHS MFL Newsletter Issue 1 December 2020

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今年三月,为了控制新冠病毒的疫情,英国政府法律 规定封城了,谁都不让出门。然而封城的日子,却让 我看到了世界经济和环境的变化,封城让环境变好, 但却让经济变差了。环保和经济一直是冲突的。但是 年轻人跟我一样都希望保持封城下的好环境,但也希 望解决经济问题。 首先,我想继续环境的差异因为新冠病毒以前,近年来 的一项研究显示日渐快速增长的碳排放量所以世界越 来越空气污染。由于人口留在家所以工厂关都了,少 用汽车,导致风平浪静,减碳。因此大幅改善显而易 见因为空气污染逐渐消失,比以前人口身体健康更好 。我希望人口跟我一样有新的习俗, 比如比起坐公共交 通,比较走路去工作或学校,对环境有很好的影响。 新冠病毒给年轻人保护环境的机会,现在我们都很热 情。 其次,由于全球化进程的加速,国家互相太依赖了, 是唇亡齿寒。这样新冠病毒造成了经济萧条因为英国 无法比以前那样进行国际贸易。别国也面临这个挑战 。我为了帮忙英国经济境内计划去地方的商店和餐馆 因为人口留住在家的时候,他们不能做生意。虽然没

Firstly, I want to continue the environmental changes as before Coronavirus, studies in recent years showed that increasing carbon emissions led to the world having more and more air pollution. Due to the population having to stay at home, factories shut and cars were used less, resulting reduced carbon emissions and cleaner air. This improvement is easy to see as air pollution is gradually disappearing, allowing people’s health to improve. I hope the population will adopt new customs such as using public transport less or walking to school and work, as this has a great impact on the environment. Coronavirus has given young people an opportunity to protect the environment, and now we are all very enthusiastic about it. Secondly, due to the acceleration of globalisation, countries rely on each other so much that “without the lips, the teeth feel cold” and they can become too interdependent. In this way, Coronavirus has caused an economic depression as England is unable to trade internationally as much as before. Other countries also face this challenge. In order to improve the British economy, I plan to go to local shops and restaurants as they haven’t been able to do business whilst everybody has been at home. Although we don’t have as much economic activity as before, this will stimulate rapid economic development. In short, Coronavirus has had a deep influence on our lives, the environment and the economy. I hope that we can all continue to protect the environment and help to improve the economy.

HOW TO SOUND LIKE A REAL SPANIARD Sabah Malik, Sydney Wright, Agnese Tremonti


Tres consejos divertidos para mejorar tu pronunciación en español


Elegir tu acento En diferentes regiones y países, las personas hablan español con muchos acentos diferentes, por ejemplo los acentos de Argentina, México o Cuba. Es útil ver videos de personas de estos países que hablan español para entender la forma como que hablan y tratar de copiarlo

济有很深元的影响。我希望我们都会继续保护环境, 帮经济改善。 This year in March, the British government implemented a lockdown in order to control the Coronavirus pandemic, stating that nobody could leave their homes. However, in the days of lockdown, I was able to see changes to the economy and the environment, where the environment changed for the better, but the economy deteriorated. The environment and the economy have always been in conflict. Young people and I all hope to maintain lockdown’s protection of the environment, but also hope to solve the economic problems of the day.

Pronunciar los acentos Muchas palabras en español tienen acentos para demostrar qué parte de la palabra tienes que enfatizar. Los acentos son importantes porque cambian el significado de la palabra. Por ejemplo, la palabra 'papá' (father) tiene un acento en la última letra. Cuando no usas el acento, tienes la palabra 'papa' (potato)'. ¡No cometas el error de llamar patata al padre de alguien! Practica diciendo la letra con el acento más fuerte y en voz alta.

COMING SOON Do watch out for the Year 9 Reading for Pleasure Initiative – coming soon to Year 9!

Trabalenguas Trabalenguas son una manera divertida de mejorar tu pronunciación en español. Practica diciendo lo siguiente: Tres tigres tragaban trigo, tres tigres en un tribal. ¿Que tigre tragaba mas..? Como poco coco como, poco coco compro. Rápido corren los carros Paco Peco chico rico insultaba como un loco a su tío Federico Crib Sheet! Consejos = tips, advice Demostrar = to demonstrate, to show Elegir = to choos Enfatizar = emphasize En voz alta = saying something with a raised voice Hablan = they talk La forma en que hablan = the way they speak Mejorar = to improve Palabras = words Qué parte de la palabra = which part of the word Sonar = to sound Suena = it sounds Trabalenguas = tongue twisters Tratar de copiarlo = to try to copy it Una manera divertida de mejorar = a fun way to improve Útil = useful Verdadero = real

IS SPAIN TOO DEPENDENT ON TOURISM? Sabah Malik, Sydney Wright, Agnese Tremonti Spain has suffered more heavily than most countries throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, ranking at number 10 globally with over 43,000 deaths. But the damage from the virus has extended beyond the mortality rate, as it also has impacted the economy. According to the IMF, “Spain has so far experienced one of the sharpest economic contractions in Europe”, at 8.7% below what it was a year ago. As the virus spread, contact-intensive sectors were hit hardest, among them being the tourism industry, which makes up around 12% of Spain’s economy. This blow to the tourism sector has exposed Spain’s dependence on the industry, leading us to question whether now is the time for the country to broaden its horizons. So why does Spain depend so much on tourism? Spain already has excellent infrastructure to support large numbers of tourists every year, who come to enjoy its sunny beaches, rich culture and northern ski resorts. It brings huge revenue from abroad, especially attracting tourists from the UK, France, and Germany. Surely everything would have been fine if the pandemic hadn’t broken out? Spain’s economy is worth an estimated $1.4 trillion, making it the 13th largest in the world. While an impressive statistic, the situation at ground-level isn’t quite perfect for many Spanish citizens: over 1 in 4 of Spanish workers had a temporary contract in 2016, which

reflects the fact that with tourism being a largely seasonal industry, the number of jobs available fluctuates over the course of a year, with the most jobs being available in summer. While this is beneficial for young people looking for parttime work, it is frustrating for overqualified adults looking for career opportunities. Another issue to be considered is the impact on locals in the touristic areas: multiple types of pollution (air, water, sound, and light) have negatively impacted the environment, which means that the current climate of excessive tourism is unsustainable and could have lasting impacts on nature. Additionally, the partying and drinking on the part of British tourists causes a strain on local police as well as healthcare, as accidents occur more frequently among intoxicated partygoers. What other options are there? Already, Spain has many major industries, primarily exporting pharmaceuticals and automobiles, with the pharmaceutical market in the country valued at $25 billion. Additionally, while energy is a critical industry in the country only 3% of it is exported, and it has been said that Spain’s lack of energy resources is a key hindrance to the economy’s growth. Therefore, further developing its energy production could be another method of spreading the dependency of the economy - especially considering the increasing demand for energy, combined with the fact that around 70% of Spain’s energy is sourced from fossil fuels.


Deutsches Schulsystem


Das Schulsystem Deutschlands ist sehr interessant. Kinder zwischen drei bis sechs Jahren können den Kindergarten besuchen. Danach ist die Schule für neun oder zehn Jahre obligatorisch. Im Alter von 6 bis 10 Jahren besuchen Kinder die Grundschule. Dann besuchen sie eine von drei verschiedenen Schularten: Hauptschule, Realschule oder Gymnasium. Die Hauptschule (11 bis 15 Jahre) unterrichtet die gleichen Fächer wie die Realschule und das Gymnasium, aber langsamer. Nach Abschluss der Realschule dürfen gute Schüler ein Gymnasium besuchen. Das Gymnasium ist die akademischste Schulart und bereitet die Schüler auf die Universität vor.

Frau Schindler-Smith Handball is one of the most popular team sports in much of Europe, particularly Germany, France and Spain. League games often draw sell-out crowds to the halls where it is played and the passion and dedication with which European handball connoisseurs follow their sport knows no equal. Handball is known for its fast pace and high scores and Championships are mainly held in Europe, with France and Germany dominating the game.

SCHULE IN DEUTSCHLAND Carmel Webb, Nancy Saville Sneath

Der erste Schultag

Vergleich mit britischen Schulen

In Deutschland ist der erste Schultag ein großes Fest und beinhaltet viele Traditionen. Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert ist die Schultüte - ein massiver Kegel, den Eltern mit Leckereien, Schulbedarf und anderen Geschenken füllen die bekannteste und beliebteste Tradition. Nach dem Schultag werden Verwandte zu einem Essen mit dem Kind eingeladen, um ihren erste Schritt in die Bildung zu feiern.

Ein großer Unterschied zwischen deutschen und englischen Schulen ist, dass die meisten britischen Schüler eine Uniform tragen, während Schulen in Deutschland keine Uniform haben. Ein weiterer Unterschied ist, dass die Schulen in Deutschland viel früher beginnen, oft um 7:35 Uhr, was bedeutet, dass die deutschen Schüler nicht vor der Schule frühstücken, sondern nach der ersten Unterrichtsstunde. In Deutschland, gibt es auch mehrere Möglichkeiten nach der Grundschule.

Crib sheet! Vergleich = comparison Unterschied = difference während = while Möglichkeiten = options Verschiedene = various Geschenke = presents Geschäfte = shops Verwandte = relative

LGBTQ+ RIGHTS IN GERMANY Lizzie Nandra, Abha Bhole, Zoe Marsland

Germany has taken a divided but generally positive stance on LGBTQ+ rights. An early example of this were the numerous gay bars and clubs specifically for gay men which opened around the 1920s and a growing social tolerance. Despite only legalising gay marriage in 2017, Germany has generally been legally ahead of many countries, such as the UK, regarding LGBTQ+ related laws.

Germany officially started allowing transgender people to legally change their gender in 1980 and recently passed the momentous law stating that ‘conversion therapy’ is illegal for under 18s in May 2020. While these are significant changes, many German speakers reading this article will be aware of the binary nature of gendered pronouns in the German language. Many of us have witnessed subtle changes in language within our own lifetimes and it’s widely accepted that, as time goes on, societies and languages change and develop. While in English people are becoming gradually more comfortable and confident with using ‘they/them’ pronouns for trans and/or nonbinary people, a third option is not as obvious in German. A solution garnering support and popularity is the use of ‘dey/deyren’ pronouns - which, when spoken aloud, sound similar to the English ‘they/them’. Though there may not be a definitive solution any time soon, it’s invaluable to have an understanding of German laws and attitudes surrounding relevant concerns which are close to many hearts. This helps open dialogues and makes it easier to respect others with different cultures.


provide access to the bilingual programme in underprivileged neighbourhoods with a growing Frenchspeaking population. "I call this the French bilingual revolution," said Fabrice Jaumont, education attaché at the embassy in New York.

‘LES CLICHÉS SONT NOMBREUX’ - UNE VISION FRANÇAISE D'EMILY À PARIS L’émission ‘Emily à Paris’ est censée représenter la ‘version Wikipedia de Paris’ selon Alice Pfeiffer, auteur de Je ne suis pas Parisienne. Le personnage principal, Emily, se promène dans Paris, avec des vêtements de haute couture tandis qu’elle dîne dans des restaurants chers et a une obsession pour son voisin, un chef attractif. Cette interprétation idéaliste de Paris a causé des Parisiens autochtones à étiqueter Emily comme La Plouc, un terme qui décrit un étranger comme ‘country bumpkin’. Non seulement le style d’Emily (stylisé par Patricia Field qui a dessiné beaucoup de costume pour Sex in the City) a quelque chose de mauvais goût et est une version américanisé de la culture française (selon Pfeiffer), mais elle représente aussi l’experience de la classe moyenne, hétéro, femme blanche a Paris. Cela se nourrit des critiques d'émissions parce que la série ne représente pas les rues diverses de Paris ou les expériences plus réalistes, comme prendre le métro.


French is important in New York, which you may not expect due to the large population of Asian and Latino immigrants, which is increasing the number of people speaking Spanish and Chinese. The French bilingual programme, in which half of the classes are in French and the other half in English, is booming. This campaign seems to resonate with a certain existential importance for France, which once controlled a vast empire spanning the globe. Approximately 15,800 French immigrants live in New York City. One of the main objectives of the campaign is to

The MFL Newsletter is the perfect platform to launch our MFL Logo competition! The brief is to design a new logo for the MFL department that captures the essence and aims of the department-to create confident linguists that can communicate and collaborate with people from all over the world. Please email me your entries by 14th of December. Housepoints and fame to be won!

THE BOX OF IDIOMATIC DELIGHTS German Spanish Chinese French Icelandic

Spring über deinen Schatten (to jump over your shadow): to get out of your comfort zone Hablar por los codos (to talk through your elbows): to talk a lot 以毒攻毒 (to cure ills with poison): to fight evil with evil, to fight fire with fire。 Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe (arriving like a hair in the soup): joining a conversation at the most awkward moment possible. Ekki upp í nös á ketti (not enough to fill a cat’s nostril): a very small amount of something

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