National Poetry Day 2020 at NHEHS - See It Like A Poet: Vision Virtual Gallery

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I have a vision I envision a world where little girls don’t have to hide, They don’t slouch, look at the ground but stand tall with pride. Where they don’t say mum please, can I have some of these, to Look like those models in these magazines. They deserve to be seen by people who don’t hide behind a screen, tell me to my face that I’m a waste of space, is this really the case am I really a disgrace? I envision a world where all colours are alike, where people don’t fight, in spite of knowing it’s wrong and not right, where people don’t bite, a world where everythings alright. I envision a world where we weren’t all lost, Our self esteem tossed, trying to keep up, we're all overcome with exhaust and we must be better than the rest but at what cost? Keep your fingers crossed that we’ll be good enough for the likes of him or the likes of her but in the end we’ll all get squashed under the pressure of trying to be the best. You are enough. I envision a world where we don't have to hide ourselves. We all play The same game we’re going insane trying to be the same but we are not the same. It is our differences that makes us who we are and how we behave. And don’t ever let anyone take that away. Chris, 9 Blue

Vision As I began to open my eyes, I stopped and remembered. What I didn't want to see, memories I wanted to be censored. The people fighting for their lives, just trying to survive. The others who didn't even care, Or were just unaware. Of the ones who fought everyday Silenced by society. The few that did know and care, Thought that they were too small to make a change They didn't properly understand, They weren't exactly on the same page. They aren’t fighting for their voice to be heard, Not being able to say a word. They aren't living in poverty, The fact some don’t speak up bothers me. Maybe it would be better if I closed my eyes again, I would open them when things are better...but when? Amelia, 9 Blue

Visions in my head I sit alone in my cave like shrine, Stroking the pages, The hard back spine The visions I see in the stories I've read of magical places All in my head

Characters formed In a matter of days Lives sped up and gone in a haze. Sci-fi and fantasy Murders and mysteries Forbidden love Horrors and historys Just in a week I've travelled the earth Vegas and Sweden, Scotland and Perth These are all places I see in my head Nothing but visions As I lie in my bed. Charlotte, 9 Blue


The old gods are still alive. That's what I say as I see them Protecting this world And standing up for what is right. Looking at the once majestic oceans, Starting to be filled with plastic and pollution. You see Poseidon protecting the marine life, Cleaning up the rubbish left behind. The old gods are still alive

Apollo is here fighting for LGBTQ rights. He's here celebrating pride month, Teaching people to not Be ashamed of who they are.

The old gods are still alive And when wildfires happen,

That destroy everything and anything in its path, Hephaestus is there helping the firefighters, And protecting animals and people from harm. The old gods are still alive

And you can see Aphrodite, Encouraging body positivity, breaking beauty standards. Teaching all people, That there is no one meaning of beauty. The old gods are still alive YOu can see Athena,

In the protests that happen everyday. “Black lives matter!” Is what the people say.

The old gods are still alive

And as climate change threatens us, Demeter is here helping protect this earth. Teaching people how to take care, Of the beautiful nature surrounding us. The old gods are still alive

By Preet, 9 Red

Hope, 9 Green

Sophia M, 9 Green

r u b b le I see you in the shadows I hear you at the door I tried to make things ​right I should’ve done more I didn’t mean to throw it I didn’t mean it to s m Amongst the rubble a You lay there


Still You rose


And spoke to me once again I know what I have to do And

D r rag i ed

I jump I’m as free as a b Until



n by


y ou

Charlotte, 9 Red

Mustard Vision Slain soldiers litter the desolate plane, Then the gas came... Acrid smoke chokes the misty air, Dense yellow fog descends among us, There is no escape. Gas!, Gas!, Gas!, Comes the cry, Yet it was too late to try, I’m too young to die. Confusion overwhelms me, Stumbling around, I fall to the ground, Grasping onto every breathe, I drag my legs, heavy and achy, I stagger this way and that Am I going towards danger or safety? I can only see a small tunnel of light, With every step the tunnel shrinks, I am descending into a blurry abyss, And giving it all my might, This is my final fight. Sophia H, 9 Red

Millie, 8 Red

Cecily, 8 Red

Olivia, 8 Red

Vision of a Thousand Places From torn down streets, To golden valleys, Into dripping caves, And crashing waves, The vision of a thousand places All caught within an eye, A video, a blurred moving polaroid of time. From the dawn of hope, To the cracks within the desert soil, Into the pine of a wooded ridge, And the glow of the moon on the lake, The vision of a thousand places, All caught within an eye, A lens, watching, fixed within a skull. From the needle peaks, To the glaciers lying beneath, Into the lift of a glass scraper, And the wind in the moorland, The vision caught within an eye, An observer, observing the colours lay here, From the barking skinny dogs of downtown, To the birds on the cables at the end of summer, Into the alive coral trees, And the wet marshes spread across the land, The vision caught within an eye, Awaiting, always watching the present.

Niamh S, 8 Green


Abigail, 8 Green

When I take them off everything is a mess. When I take them off a 5 is an S, Hair is a blob And a tree is a green splodge. I can’t see detail And from far away I couldn’t see a whale! When I put them on everything’s defined I can see shapes, squiggles and lines. Before I couldn’t see anything past a meter, Now I can see everything easier. The world is crystal clear, crisp end distinguished Putting them on is like having an epiphany, Before I couldn’t view the world properly, But when I put them on it’s like I am seeing the world for the first time. Everyone's hair is stringy, People have wrinkles, But the world and the people in it are beautiful. Carolina, 8 Yellow

Elise, 8 Green

Maddy, 7D

The Looking Glass The surface of the looking glass ripples, wrinkling my reflection. Inhaling deep breaths, I close my eyes and lean forward slowly. Like walking through a sheet of water, I emerge into a different dimension, Of dancing decks of cards, cheshire cats, croquet and tea. Everything is upside down, back to front and inside out. Just like a reflection, everything is reversed. Chessman and nursery characters running all about, Another land in which I’ve been immersed? But is this just a vision, just another of my dreams? I couldn't really, could I? It’s impossible to think, Could I be in Wonderland? That is what it seems, And if it’s just a vision, do I dare to blink?

Esme, 7G

A Poem For Our Planet A journey around the world, What wonderful things to see. Strolling through the forests, What a wonderful place to be. A journey in the sea, The fishes swimming by me. The icy-cold water splashing against my skin, But the sea isn’t beautiful, it looks like a bin. The fishes are sad, Now they don’t have a home. And it is all because of us, For the land that we roam. The jungles and the forests are all being cut down, So the animals go to the lost and found. The land is for our farms and for our food, Destroying the terrain and digging up the ground. The world is crumbling, Just before our eyes. But we won’t ever notice, Until our earth dies. Katerina, 7G

I Have a Vision By Erin Walsh I have a vision: That in 10 years there will be equality, That in 10 years, everyone will have a voice, That in 10 years, anyones opinion will matter. It’s time to stop treating this like a joke. We’ve made mistakes in the past, but we still have the future. I see the future as a better and more equal place. But that can never happen if we don’t start acting now. Just beneath the surface, Our cells are all the same. But why does looking different matter. Everyone is different, everyone is unique, and that is what you need to make a fair and equal world. I have a vision: That the future will be right. That everyone will have a voice, That the world would have changed for the good. I see the future: I see that the future will be jovial and full of content. I see that the future has bumps along the road, but as we work as a team, our problem will wash away. I see that the future will be a home for everyone. I have a vision. And I know that that vision will come true. Erin, 7G

Vision The gift of sight is a beautiful thing, The love and joy and hope it brings. Whether it be inside your head Or watching days go by instead. Some people have different kinds of sight Most people see by the light. But others see from fantasies And just what they desire to see. Visions and views are different everywhere Ones that are personal and the ones that we share Dreams and hopes are loved and adored, Those are the ones that we are pulled toward. So, vision is your thoughts, Your hopes and your dreams. But we all know, That nothing is what it seems.

Adeife, 7DÂ

VISIONS OF UIST I close my eyes But I still see The fields and hills In front of me The bubbling river crystal clear And it’s running, running Away from here I take a deep breath and Remember How the mountains touched the sky The colour of September reflected in my eyes And how the clouds looked down upon me As I laid across the sand And how the waves licked At the seashore How they closed in on the land And I’m blinded by the beauty And I cannot move for awe So long as there’s breath in my body I’ll never forget what I saw. Lily, 7D

Eyes When I wake in the morning I open my eyes, The world spreads out around me, The light attacks me and I shield myself with the quilt, Light blinds me as they adjust, As I travel to work the blinking indicators and traffic lights shine bright across the morning sky, The first meeting of the day and the projector shines bright of the board, Same as all the rest, The computer screen dries my eyes as I type the report, I may not stop it’s due today, I walk outside for my lunch break, The signs of the small off-license reading “Open”, The LED lights shine on and off, Slightly mesmerizing, As I head home the sun sets, The lights of busses and cars become brighter, It's hard to keep eyes on the road, I watch the last episode of Riverdale, I think to myself about it, It's not a very good show but i watch it for entertainment, I go to my room and turn the lights out, Complete darkness my vision is no more.

Amelie VC

​Blind in Colours Lost with little colour, All my life I saw, Unlike my little brother, It was mostly all the jaw. Yellow, Blue or Red, Green, orange or purple I see in my head, WhenI i go to bed. Hearing these amazing colours round, I see nothing but darkness, In miseryI i listen to the sound, I just seemed to be voiceless and harmless. When shutting down, I am normal, I see almost everything, or am I not? I question myself to my formal friend, She says to trust myself a lot. Thankful for me, Thankful for everything, Vision for colours, Vision to thank.

Chloe W

A Better Earth I see the crisp, autumn colours. I see the flowers in the spring. I see the burning sun above. I see the softly falling snow. I see the smile of a newborn child. I see the first wobbly steps. I see the glisten of a tear. I see the warmth of a home. I see the universe looming huge. I see the new life in the beyond. I see the stars, so big and bright. I see the discoveries waiting to be made. I see blazing trees screaming for help. I see a polluted ocean losing its breath. I see suffocated skies choking for air. I see an endangered earth begging to be saved. I see a community trying to help. I see people trying to change. I see a world that is improving. I see a better earth emerging.

Aditi, 7T

These Eyes Today, these eyes have watched a murderer These limbs: useless, hopeless, unavailing. This mind overflowing with guilt and remorse, As another of my kind is slaughtered. Wiped out like a fly. And this body knows it cannot prevent fate. These eyes watched the giants come again; Come with the sound of death accompanying them. It filled the air; you could taste it Like a burning mix of chemicals And then we knew The end had come for one of us. These eyes have seen so many narrow escapes. These limbs have made them too. This mind has been thankful it wasn’t me But it was always scared that next time it would be. I was lucky, people said I never believed them. Many loved ones have been lost And no matter what people say You never get used to it. It’s still the same as the first day: Mama, Papa, brothers, sisters I will never forget. These eyes have seen too much horror. These limbs have felt too much pain. This mind has been too troubled. Worried, always worried That these broken wings Will never fly again. And now I know that soon They will come for me.

Soon it will be my turn. And I think, soon I will be reunited with my loved ones And now I feel That I do not mind. These eyes are growing weary. This mind is growing weak. These limbs will welcome Death as an old friend. The reluctant beating of this tired heart Will soon rest. Come to an end. And this body Will acknowledge: This is what life is like Through a Fly’s Eyes.

Annabelle, 7T

A Vision

​I have a vision that I’m sure you’d like to see? A vision of the future, of what it could be. Our planet was heating up And all the countries were fed up. The Earth was on a mission To cut down on global emissions. A girl called Greta Fought for what needed to be better Because our world needs to be cool And fossil fuels just aren’t the right tools. I have a vision that I’m sure you’d like to see A vision of the future, of what it could be. We need to stop the hot weather You and I Together.

Hattie, 7T

My vision on our Earth Our earth is dying A long and painful death​. And we are the cause​. I see mother nature mourning Mourning for justice​. I want to aid her sorrow But I am useless. But when we join forces I know she will continue to breathe. We are her only hope​. Plants and animals We cannot live without. But they will be the merriest if we fade away. We are her only hope. Shaaruja, 7T


My hair was black, My dress was blue, Some would call it pretty, I would call it a bruise. I didn’t have the vision I saw the glass as half empty People were just stardust, I was just a reflection. But one day I saw it, or rather felt it, This ‘vision’ everyone was talking about. I didn’t expect to find it this way, or at all But at least I felt that breath of freedom.

It was there staring at me, Peculiar I guess, Filled with different shapes. You could almost jump from one to another It was the sky; A nice shade of blue, Not like my dress. It made me feel small, but powerful It gave me a purpose But more importantly, A destination.

Aniya, 8 Blue

Vision by Aswini Kandiah V​ery long ago,people were discriminated based on the colour of their skin and they still are today. I ​do not understand why we should judge people based on their looks. S​o​ ​if you see a boy wearing a dress or anything you deem out of the ordinary,don't judge them. I ​hope that you will follow this O​ccasionally it may make someone smile. N​o-one should ever be treated worse than others.

Aswini, 8 Blue


A Tunnel of Visions

I see a tunnel Inside my head It’s covered in visions Some fill me with dread Inside of my mind I hear these visions fight About all the things That fill me with might The strength that I have Is not due to me But due to the visions That help set me free They give me ideas never would have believed They’re wonderful things Even when I feel deceived I Laugh at them Because they sometimes seem mad But in reality They’re really not that bad All of these visions Make my future come to life They are all my dreams And they will not end with strife

Maanvi, 8 Blue

Vision The world rushes by us in a frenzy of colour, one blink and it is gone. Birds spread their wings and fly, the sun glittering on their backs like gold, Trees flourish into vast guardians, branches thrown wide to shield us from the elements. Words sit, etched onto a page, waiting for their secrets to be told, The flame of a candle sways and dances to its own unsteady rhythm. Day melts into night as smoothly as syrup, While the seasons bring new life. People vary in wealth, class and status, But sight is something most of us are given, regardless of our background. Although it is something we take for granted, Vision is the most beautiful thing. Rosa, 9 Yellow

Nirupama, 9 Yellow

Agnes, 9 Yellow

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