1 minute read
The Silver CREST Award
By Beatrice Cook, 10S
For my Silver CREST project, I have been investigating the effects of sulphate shampoo on hair loss in teenage girls. The Silver CREST project is a scientific research project which requires extracurricular research and work in a field of your choice for which you receive a certification of completion which is well-regarded by UCAS and recognised as a high-quality and tangible source of skills and knowledge. I believe that my project can have a positive effect to help teenagers who are dealing with hair loss to help prevent it from worsening or even happening The foaming and cleaning agents in sulphate shampoos have short term benefits towards your hair but can irritate it and cause it to become dry and brittle which can cause your hair to be more likely to fall out Therefore, I have found it very interesting to learn about the effects of sulphates in shampoo on hair and have had an amazing opportunity to investigate its impact