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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the Chester County ACEs Coalition
How is it possible that so many medical conditions in adulthood, from arthritis and heart disease to diabetes and chronic digestive problems, can be connected to our childhood adversity? It may seem like an unlikely connection, but research has shown that the trauma of our Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) has a lifelong impact on our overall health and wellbeing.
It is true that some stress and adversity in childhood is normal and can even help build resilience. But when childhood adversity becomes intense, prolonged, and frequent, and the child does not have the support of caring adults, it can be toxic. Experiencing emotional or physical neglect or abuse or growing up in a household with many difficult challenges change a child’s brain development and can wreak havoc on one’s body, activating physiological responses. Imagine the feelings of flight, fight, or freeze. When that stress response occurs over and over, it takes a toll on our body’s circulatory, digestive, nervous, and other systems.
While one might think that only certain underserved populations would be affected by this type of adversity, statistics show that one in six American adults experienced four or more adverse childhood experiences. With the profound public health impact of ACEs, there has been a groundswell of interest and research on the topic in recent years. More information than ever before is available to help individuals, families and communities identify and prevent ACEs, build resilience, and support those who need it. The Chester County’s ACEs Coalition pulls together a network of local partners committed to increasing ACEs awareness and understanding as well as educating the community about prevention strategies.
The information about this trauma is not new, however. The original study of ACEs began almost 25 years ago with a survey of more than 17,000 middle-class adults. Created by Kaiser Permanente health maintenance organization, the study is one of the largest investigations of childhood neglect, abuse, and household challenges and how they connect to adult health. The survey tallied the number of ACEs experienced to create an ACE score for individuals. The results were groundbreaking, linking such adversity to an array of physical and mental health problems, including asthma, obesity, unintended pregnancy, alcoholism, depression. The impact is also cumulative; the more adverse experiences in one’s childhood, or the higher one’s ACEs score, the greater the possibility of disabilities and dysfunction as an adult. In fact, at least five of the top ten leading causes of death are associated with ACEs.
“Six years ago, I worked at a small non-profit that assisted women and children experiencing housing instability, food insecurity and domestic violence. We realized that many of the families that graduated from the program continued to struggle with so many issues and crises, it was difficult for them to function. Our dilemma led us to discover the ACEs study and prompted the creation of the coalition,” said Chelsea Melrath, the Chester County ACEs Coalition Coordinator and certified trauma specialist. “Understanding the core issues, which are often things that began in the mother’s childhood, was key to the families achieving their goals and long-term success.”
ACEs Include:
• Emotional Abuse • Physical Abuse • Sexual Abuse • Emotional Neglect • Physical Neglect • Mother Treated Violently • Household Substance Abuse • Household Mental Illness • Parental Separation or Divorce • Incarcerated Household Member
As more people have learned about ACEs, the demand for trainings in both community and professional settings has resulted in the coalition growing exponentially. What began as a small, grassroots group formed by the small non-profit is now a county-wide program managed by the Chester County Health Department and financially supported by the Chester County Department of Children, Youth, and Families.
Melrath says the Chester County ACEs Coalition has increased awareness through advertising and social media campaigns and hosting local events. The coalition also provides trainings, workforce development opportunities, workshops, film screenings with expert panel discussions, quarterly ACEs Community Meetings, and an opportunity for professionals and community members to be trauma-informed advocates (referred to as ‘Resilience Champions’). In the year 2021, the Chester County ACEs Coalition provided 43 trainings and trained over 1,300 people in Chester County.
“These initiatives have helped foster hope to offset the cycle of trauma and contribute to long-term health benefits throughout the county,” Melrath said. “We’re proud of the expanded reach of the organization in recent years and look forward to continuing to reach more and more audiences around the county in the years to come.”
The reach continues to grow, as Melrath and her colleagues have witnessed first-hand at some of their presentations and panel discussions. Often, after community members watch a film screening and sit through a panel discussion, they will share personal experiences and express their complete astonishment over what they have learned.
“We’ve often heard people say ‘Wow, I had no idea! I didn’t expect to learn so much and I didn’t expect to be able to relate the information to my own life,’” said Melrath.
In the years since the first ACEs study, additional research has shown that frequent or prolonged exposure to ACEs affects a child’s ability to learn and function in school. ACEs can lead to difficulties with language and communication skills, attention, memory and recall, problem solving and organization, the ability to develop a plan and carry out goals, among other concerns. Students with high ACEs scores have lower standardized test scores, are more likely to be suspended from school and are more likely to fail a grade. But there is hope.
Research has also led to more understanding of the neuroplasticity of the human brain, which has the ability to reorganize itself with new neural connections throughout the lifespan. Even serious adversity and childhood trauma can be offset by practices that build resilience and promote overall health. Given the right tools and support, children and adults can survive and thrive, despite ACEs.
To learn more about ACEs and the programs offered by the Chester County ACEs Coalition, contact Chelsea Melrath at cmelrath@chesco.org. Visit the coalition website at www.ccacescoalition.com.
• Trauma & Resilience 101 • Promoting Resiliency and Developing Connections • Connections: Trauma & Suicide • Screenings for ACEs and Resilience: How to Approach Clients, Provide Resources and Follow Up • Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization To schedule trainings, contact Chelsea at cmelrath@chesco.org.
Schedule a screening of RESILIENCE, a one-hour award-winning documentary that delves into the science of ACEs and the birth of a new movement to treat and prevent toxic stress. Now understood to be one of the leading causes of everything from heart disease and cancer to substance abuse and depression, extremely stressful experiences in childhood can alter brain development and have lifelong effects on health and behavior. The film chronicles the birth of a new movement among pediatricians, therapists, educators and communities, who are using cutting-edge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction and disease. The ACEs Coalition offers a panel discussion with local experts in the field following the film.