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The Official Publication of the Berks County Bar Association
FALL 2015
Delaware County Bar Association Board of Directors PRESIDENT Kristen M. Rushing, Esquire
President’s Message
TREASURER Robert R. DeLong, Jr., Esquire
Temple Law Alumni Gather in Delaware County
RECORDING SECRETARY Vincent B. Mancini, Esquire
Finding Ways to Maintain Civility with Your Competitors
All Thing(s) Icelandic...
PAST PRESIDENTS Lyn B. Schoenfeld, Esquire Joseph T. Mattson, Esquire
The Red Mass
VICE PRESIDENT Scott C. Gottel, Esquire
YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION PRESIDENT Patrick T. Daley, Esquire DIRECTORS Patricia H. Donnelly, Esquire Karen E. Friel, Esquire Michael R. Galantino, Esquire Patrick T. Henigan, Esquire Eugene F. Jarrell, III, Esquire Robert F. Kelly, Jr., Esquire Steven R. Koense, Esquire Joseph A. Malley, III, Esquire Kathleen A. Piperno, Esquire Matthew M. Ryan, Esquire Douglas L. Smith, Esquire Gina Gorbey Zarko, Esquire
DCBA Staff William L. Baldwin, Esquire Executive Director Tracy Price Marketing Director & Editor 610-566-6627, x 225 Tracy@delcobar.com Delaware County Bar Association 335 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063-2340 PO Box 466 P (610) 566-6627 • F (610) 566-7952 www.DelcoBar.org The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific legal or other advice or recommendations for any individuals. The placement of paid advertising does not imply endorsement by the Delaware County Bar Association. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced electronically or in print without the express written permission of the publisher or editor.
10 History of the Bar 12 Delaware County Welcomes Chief Justice Saylor of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court 13 A Noble Calling... 14 Planning for the Modern Family 15 The Young Lawyers Section 5th Annual Run for the House 16 Embracing their Role in the Community 17 Expungement... Get the Facts 18 The Cranial Quest... Rowing for a Change 20 Recollections 22 Memorial Resolution Elizabeth C. Price, Executive Director, DCBA, 1974 to 2010 25 Canon Law: Two Millennia of Legal Tradition 26 What’s Trending 31 Media Pennsylvania 2015 Events Calendar
Reading, PA | 610.685.0914 x201 hoffmannpublishing.com For advertising information contact Tracy Hoffmann at tracy@hoffmannpublishing.com
If you would like to provide editorial content for future issues of DelCo re:View please forward your story ideas to Tracy Price, Marketing Director & Editor, 610-566-6627, x 225, or Tracy@delcobar.com. Article and content consideration will be given to Association members, sponsors and vendors first but we welcome content suggestions from the Delaware County community. All content placement is solely at the discretion of the Association.
President’s Message Kristen M. Rushing, Esq., President
The Delaware County Bar Association exists to serve its members and the community at large by fostering respect for the law, by advancing the competent, collegial, and ethical practice of the legal profession, and by creating opportunities for attorneys, judges, and the public to work collaboratively for justice.
s the winter months quickly approach and the Delaware County Bar Association succeeds forward with purpose through several of our remaining events held annually, such the Red Mass, the Judicial Retention Cocktail Party and the General Membership Meeting in November, I am reminded how quickly this year has passed and all that we, as an association, have accomplished in 2015. We held our traditional Law Day Program on May 1, 2015 and had yet another successful Bench Bar Conference in June at the Omni Resort in Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania. For the first time in the history of the Delaware County Bar Association, we hosted the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania in May, which included a dinner for the Commonwealth Judges, our own Board of Judges, County Council and the Board of Directors, a breakfast sponsored by the Young Lawyers Section and a Session of Court in Courtroom 1 of the Delaware County Courthouse. We have continued to fight off the proposed legislation to tax legal services and the elimination of legal notices in the Legal Journal. I am also pleased to report that the Mentoring Program, which I, along with a very capable committee, initiated at the commencement of my term as President of the Delaware County Bar Association, has been a great success. We have matched 13 new members of our Bar with 13 experienced and competent practitioners to guide our new members through the practice of law in Delaware County. We continue to receive requests for mentors on an almost weekly basis. It is our hope and mission that these mentor/mentee relationships will enhance our already great Association and the practice of law as a whole. In September, the Board of Directors of the Delaware County Bar Association took part in the 2015 Board Retreat at the Springfield Country Club where the presidents of the E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Fund, the George B. Lindsay Foundation and the Bar Foundation presented a historical background for each of these charitable arms of the Delaware County Bar Association. As part of the Retreat, each Board Member participated in the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House “Show Your Stripes Campaign,” raising a total of $3,600.00 for the Ronald McDonald House.
While we still have work left to do this year, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Directors and the members of the Association for their hard work, their undying dedication to this Association and for their support of my efforts throughout the year. Kristen M. Rushing, Esq., President
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Temple Law Alumni Gather in Delaware County
n September, Temple Law School alumni gathered at the Delaware County Bar Association to enjoy each other’s company and to re-connect with representatives of the Law School administration. Dean JoAnne Epps thanked the Bar Association for its hospitality, and shared with Temple Law alumni highlights of life on North Broad Street. Along with successes by the faculty and students, the Law School welcomed five new faculty members this Fall: Jules Epstein, Director of Advocacy Programs, tasked with the daunting task of succeeding Professor Eddie Ohlbaum; Nan Feyler, (Visiting) Phyllis Beck Chair in Law; Pam Bookman, Visiting Professor; Colleen Shanahan (most recent professor in the Sheller Center for Social Justice); Catherine Dunn (Director of Law Library). Dean Epps told the audience of her and Professor Dunn’s hope that the Library will focus on delivery
of 21st century services, including innovations in electronic research and improvements in educational technology. Unlike earlier years, when libraries were solely about books, Dean Epps described her vision that the Law Library will be an information center, a place where collaborative research is generated, but not a place to which research is restricted. Dean Epps spoke of the impressive characteristics of this year’s entering class, and remarked on how similar the new students are, by character and characteristic, to those assembled alumni who remain the hallmark of Temple’s reputation. She concluded by remarking on the enduring importance of the legal profession and the responsibility of all lawyers to serve our communities by recognizing the privilege (and obligation) our license gives us to provide legal services to those who need them.
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Finding Ways to Maintain Civility with Your Competitors By Dena Lefkowitz
n Sept. 8, sisters Serena and Venus Williams squared off during the U.S. Open in a match that could have had historical significance for Serena Williams, who was closing in on a Grand Slam, a feat not achieved since 1988. In an article aptly titled “Love Game,” Steve Tignor, for Tennis. com, described the charged atmosphere as a sold-out, celebrityriddled, crowd-filled Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York. “It was more unique, definitely,” Venus Williams said of the vibe. “Serena is going for the Grand Slam, and I think everybody is interested because she has to play her sister to get to that. People want to see, you know, how that’s going to come out.” While the crowd may have been hoping for a dramatic passion play of sibling rivalry, the competitors were more pragmatic. Tignor reported, “According to Venus and Serena, though, it was all par for the course for them as tennis pros— nothing personal. Last night each of them said that the fact that they’re sisters fades from their minds as the match starts and the normal reactions to competition take over.” Photographs of the match were compelling, particularly after Serena Williams won. They met at the net for a warm, emotional embrace. “I just said, ‘I’m so happy for you’,” Venus said later. That same day, Stephen Colbert debuted “The Late Show” with Jeb Bush, the Republican presidential candidate, in his guest seat. Colbert looked out to the audience where his own brother, Jay Colbert, was sitting. “Jay, you and I don’t agree politically, do we?” Jay Colbert agreed that they do not, and Stephen Colbert turned back to Bush and said, “I love my brother even though we politically differ. Without in any way diminishing your love for your brother, in what ways do you politically differ from your brother George?” Colbert masterfully crafted the question to include, as a given, that positions can differ strongly without ruining relationships. In another surprising twist, Colbert’s friend, Jimmy Fallon, made a cameo appearance even though they are now ratings rivals, leading me to wonder if a new era of civility is being ushered in, where competitors do their best work and can still be generous and kind. Competition and conflict can co-exist with high regard and respect in the legal profession as well. You can practice civility while doing battle. When I was a young lawyer, I accompanied my boss to an argument in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. He and opposing counsel went at each other ferociously and afterword chatted amiably about tennis and their wives. I didn’t know this was possible and it was an early lesson in collegiality. Later, I met Gordon W. Gerber, a partner at Dechert who represented property owners in a title dispute. He arrived early one morning at my office for depositions. I went to greet him
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and he acted like it was the greatest pleasure of his life to make my acquaintance. He seemed delighted and it was genuine. Even though it was two decades ago, I can still picture his face, the bright smile, the warm handshake. It did not stop him from letting me know that my case was destined to fail because of the laches doctrine, but it was nothing personal. He inspired me as the ideal of a class act and I wanted to be like him. As I progressed in my practice, there were like-minded attorneys able to separate the case from the counsel and I made friends in all camps. On the other hand, there were those for whom the battle was personal. They identified so strongly with their positions that it prevented any courtesy. There is always a choice of which way to be and it can be made at any time. Lack of civility is not only unpleasant, it can also make cases harder to resolve, because people take greater risks when they are angry and that can be bad for business. Jennifer Smith wrote about this in a Wall Street Journal article titled “Lawyers Behaving Badly Get a Dressing Down From Civility Cops,” about the New York Inn of Court, a legal group that promotes collegiality and ethical behavior. She quoted an attorney who said, “When I’m upset, I can feel the testosterone rising, and I can literally feel my judgment declining.” He was a co-chair of the American Board of Trial Advocates’ committee on professionalism, ethics and civility. Lawyers who successfully compartmentalize the client, the case and the counsel on the other side will have richer, more satisfying careers. Every person we meet represents an opportunity, and if you automatically disqualify those who oppose you in litigation or negotiation, you miss out. These lawyers can become referral sources, references and resources later on. Who has a better idea of what you can do than a lawyer who has seen you in action? Especially in the early years of a career when asking for references from your current employer could jeopardize your job, an opponent can describe your abilities in detail. What can you learn from Venus and Serena Williams about fighting a good fight but not making it personal? Here are some suggestions that have worked for me and my clients: • Be mindful that this is your job, not your life. Remind yourself to balance commitments to yourself, your partner and kids, family, work and friends. A balanced life will have less stress and fewer temptations to be uncivil. • Find role models. Identify someone who exemplifies high status, accomplishment and class. Study how they handle difficult conversations and highly adversarial opponents. • Actively seek out mentors for any area you want to develop, including managing emotions. • Lose the combative tone and use courtesy and humor to
www.DelcoBar.org respond to snarky letters or comments. Returning fire is counterproductive and leads to burnout. • Pause. If your opponent goes on a rant, allow it to end and employ silence. Take a breath, and if a response to the content is warranted, do it in a soft tone. This can prevent escalation and you will feel better afterward knowing that you resisted the lure of going toe to toe. Besides, opposing counsel may just be egging you on, hoping you’ll lose your cool. Don’t give that satisfaction. • Choose your battles thoughtfully and strategically. I went to the mats over the location of a deposition years ago and still remember it as an example of needlessly digging my heels in about an insignificant issue. If Gerber could leave his Philadelphia office in the sky and come to my threestory building in Media, I could have walked three blocks to my opponent’s office instead of spending the day at the courthouse where lawyers who cannot agree take their depositions. • Nurture relationships with fellow lawyers even when they are on the other side. They will last longer than the cases and enrich your career. This will not make you soft when pitted against the same attorney in a subsequent case unless you let it. • Be curious and positive. Ask fellow lawyers about their interests and passions. Some of the best conversations of my legal career happened while I waited with opposing counsel for witnesses to show up. One discussion led to my decision to become a coach. You never know.
• Meet in person more. It is harder to be nasty in person than on the phone or by email. • Disarm disrespect by focusing on the positive. Finding something good about your opponent will help you keep his or her humanity at the forefront. Effective lawyers are also charming, accommodating and gracious when it doesn’t cost them anything. Being genuinely friendly to opponents will make them more apt to cooperate, negotiate with a win-win orientation, and become resources. No matter how others behave, you always have a choice of how to respond. Taking the high road may not give you the last word, but civility has rewards that far outweigh being right when it doesn’t matter, and you can still win the match. Dena Lefkowitz is a certified professional coach who works oneon-one with clients to help them achieve their practice goals, implement marketing strategies and achieve career satisfaction. She is a member of the International Coach Federation and a prior board member of the Philadelphia chapter. Lefkowitz attended the College of Executive Coaching. She is also a lawyer and practiced for 26 years in private firms and in-house. Reprinted with permission from the September 17, 2015 edition of The Legal Intelligencer © 2015 ALM Media Properties, LLC. All rights reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. For information, contact 877-257-3382, reprints@ alm.com or visit www.almreprints.com
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All Thing(s) Icelandic... By William Baldwin
Alþingi or Parliament Building in Reykjavik
hen one hears about Iceland, thoughts of volcanoes, glaciers, and geothermal pools immediately come to mind. This is an amazing country with a diverse and exotic topography. On a recent trip there, I was able to enjoy many of the adventures which Iceland has to offer. However, as I explored Reykjavik, the capital city, I learned that there is more to Iceland’s appeal than its natural wonders. This is also a country which has a rich culture and history, especially in the area of government and law. Some interesting facts about Icelandic history and politics are: • The Alþingi (which literally translates to “All Thing”) is the Parliament, or General Assembly, of Iceland. It was established in 930 A.D., making it the oldest parliamentary institution in the world. Today, the Alþingi has 63 seats divided among several major parties, including the Progressive, Independence, Social Democratic, Left-Green Movement, Bright Future and Pirate Parties. (Despite the fact that its title conjures up images of legislators wearing eye patches and dueling on the floor of parliament, the Pirate Party actually derives its name from its policies to reform
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copyright and patent law and to allow for a freer exchange of knowledge and information without a fear of committing “piracy”.) • The Prime Minister’s office is open to visitors, and his home number appears in the telephone directory. (The Icelandic telephone directory is an interesting subject in and of itself. Icelandic names are based on a patronymic system. Children take the first name of their father and add “sson” (male) or “sdottir” (female) to the end of his name to form a last name. Therefore, Icelanders are listed alphabetically by first name rather than last name in the phone book.) • Hólavallagarður (meaning “garden on the hill”) is a famous cemetery in Reykjavik which was dedicated in 1838. (The old church cemetery in central Reykjavik had become full, and the need for a new burial site necessitated the opening of the Hólavallagarður.) When the new graveyard was dedicated, no one was willing to be the first to have a family member buried there. According to Icelandic superstition, the first body buried in a new cemetery would never decay but would serve as the eternal “guardian” of the graveyard, watching over all people subsequently buried there. No one wanted to “condemn” his/her deceased family member to an eternity of guarding the cemetery. Finally, an Icelandic judge ignored this superstition and buried his wife, Guðrún Oddsdóttir, at the graveyard. Iceland offers visitors a myriad of activities and opportunities to experience its rich cultural and historic heritage. I look forward to my next trip to Iceland, when I hope to learn more of the lure of this amazing country.
The Red Mass September.
Members of the Delaware County Bar Association enjoyed a beautiful day and a round of golf at Paxon Hollow Country Club for the 25th Annual Delaware County Red Mass Golf Outing, in memory of John A. Yannacone and Robert M. Spears. This year, in addition to benefitting the Red Mass, a portion of the outing proceeds were donated to the Missionaries of Charity for use at their Chester facility which provides hospice care for women with AIDS.
Members of the Delaware County Bar Association Celebrate the Red Mass to Invoke God’s Blessing on the Judicial Year . . . The Red Mass is a Mass celebrated annually at Nativity B.V.M. Church in Media, for judges, attorneys, law school professors, students, and government officials. The Mass requests guidance from the Holy Spirit for all who seek justice, and offers the opportunity to reflect on the God-given power and responsibility of all in the legal profession. The Red Mass this year featured the St. James High School Alumni Choir “Blue and Gray Voices” and Principal Celebrant and Homilist, Reverend Peter M. Donohue, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Father Donohue was born in Bronx, N.Y. and raised in Royal Oak, Michigan. He earned a B.A. from Villanova University in 1975 and was ordained an Augustinian priest in 1979. Father Donohue is a tenured associate professor at Villanova who served as Chair of the University’s department of theater from 1992 to 2006. He annually directed musical theatre productions on campus, earning six Barrymore Award nominations and one Barrymore Award for Outstanding Direction of a Musical from the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia. Father Donohue became the 32nd President of Villanova University on June 1, 2006. As president, he has worked together with students, faculty, staff, alumni and parents to strengthen the Villanova community and renew its commitment to the institution’s Catholic, Augustinian and educational mission. Father Donohue believes strongly in the important role that community service plays in the Villanova educational experience and has instituted an annual Day of Service each September as a way for the University community to put its Augustinian ideals into action. Nearly 5,000 students, faculty, staff, and alumni take part in projects throughout Greater Philadelphia, making it one of the largest single-day service initiatives in the region.
DCBA Executive Director William Baldwin also had the opportunity to participate in the national Red Mass in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, October 4, 2015. Sponsored by the John Carroll Society, the national Red Mass is held on the Sunday preceding the first Monday in October at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. Dignitaries in attendance included Chief Justice John Roberts and many of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough.
Fall 2015
History of the Bar By Robert R. DeLong, Jr., Esq.
Joseph Albert “Jock” Yablonski
olleen Neary and Gene Malady have been documenting the Bar Association’s rich history through videography. The pair has been digging into the archives, interviewing current members of the bar and researching significant people and events related to the Bar Association for their series “The History of the Bar.” They have been assisted in their efforts through a generous grant from the E.Wallace Chadwick Foundation. Pictured above: Joseph Albert “Jock” Yablonski was an American labor leader in the United Mine Workers in the 1950s and 1960s. He was murdered in 1969 by killers hired by a union political opponent, Mine Workers president Tony Boyle. His death led to significant reforms in the union. The fourth installment of “The History of the Bar” premiered at this summer’s Bench Bar Conference. The topic of the piece was Commonwealth v. W. A. “Tony” Boyle. The 1960s were a tumultuous time in labor union history. Yet another major mine disaster, this time in Farmington, West Virginia, claimed another 78 lives. Tony Boyle was the head of the American Mine Workers Union, at the time the largest and most powerful labor union in the country and the predecessor to such unions as the ACL-CIO. The Union was noted for its corruption and placing greed above the interests of its members. Tony Boyle appeared to be more concerned with accumulating power and wealth through illegal kickbacks from the industry corporations than protecting his workers or advancing their cause. His response to the Farmington Disaster, one of the worst mining disasters in modern history, was callous, calling it an “unfortunate accident.” Meanwhile, doctors had discovered that “Black Lung” disease was taking even more miners’ lives, yet no responsibility was being placed on the mining companies that were making their fortune on the backs and lives of the miners. Jock Yablonski, a native of Clarksville, Pennsylvania, decided to challenge Boyle for the leadership of the Union. Jock was a reform candidate, pressing for better standards of work for his men. He pushed to have Black Lung
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disease recognized as a compensable work injury under the Workers’ Compensation Laws and was successful in having Pennsylvania’s Governor Scranton do so, over Boyle’s objection. In 1969, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, due in part to Yablonski and other advocates of more stringent safety measures for miners. When Yablonski made the unprecedented decision to challenge Boyle for the union presidency, he did not do so lightly. He was well aware of the dangers he faced in doing so. While campaigning he was knocked unconscious from a blow to his neck by one of Boyle’s henchman; the gasoline tank of an airplane that he was scheduled to travel on was tampered with; and numerous other incidents made it clear to Yablonski that his very life was being threatened. Despite this knowledge and his requests to the state police for assistance, none was forthcoming. The election results of December 8, 1969 revealed Boyle as the winner. Unsurprisingly, there was evidence of massive fraud committed by Boyle and his associates, and Yablonski filed suit in federal court and asked the Department of Labor to investigate for fraud. On the night of December 31, 1969, 3 men, Paul Gilley, Claude Vealey and Austin Martin, entered the Yablonski home and murdered Jock Yablonski, his wife Margaret, and his 25year old daughter, Charlotte. Yablonski himself helped lead investigators to his killers, as Paul Gilley had previously come to the home in an aborted attempt to commit the murder. The investigators found Gilley’s name written in Yablonski’s hand from that earlier contact. Ultimately, the trail from the murderers led to Union officials, all the way up to Boyle, who by then was under federal indictment for fraud. Boyle had paid for the ordered hit with embezzled union funds. The trial against Boyle for murder in the first degree began in September, 1973. It took place in Media, Delaware County, due to a request by the defense for a change of venue from Greene County. Richard Sprague, Esquire, acted as special
prosecutor and the Honorable Francis Catania was the presiding judge. Boyle’s defense attorney was Charles F. Moses, Esq., criminal defense attorney from Billings, Montana, Boyle’s hometown. The jury found Boyle guilty of 3 counts of murder. In 1977 the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the conviction on appeal due to evidentiary issues. Boyle was tried again in 1978. Richard Sprague, then in private practice, agreed to again act as special prosecutor. During the second trial Charles Peruto, Sr., Esquire, represented Boyle. The legal matchup of Sprague and Peruto promised to be one for the ages. It pitted Sprague, the tough, tenacious, methodical prosecutor with a record 69 out of 70 successful homicide convictions, against Peruto, the flamboyant and outspoken defense attorney who had handed Sprague his only loss to date. The attorneys did not disappoint. Sprague again built his case brick by brick, methodically laying out for the jury the path that led from the trio of nearly inept assassins to the powerful and corrupt Boyle. Sprague had carefully constructed his case, prosecuting each defendant, one at a time, each time laying the groundwork for evidence against the next one. Despite Peruto’s well known adept courtroom style and flair for dramatic courtroom antics, he was unable to defeat Sprague’s well crafted prosecution. Again Boyle was convicted of murder and sentenced to 3 consecutive life terms in prison (during this time the death penalty had been essentially suspended due to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Furman v. Georgia). Boyle died in prison in 1985.
Yablonski’s death spurred Union reforms. Miners for Democracy, a group initially formed in the hours immediately following his funeral by some of his supporters, was successful in not only having Boyle’s election overturned, but also in ensuring that the Union members would have more of a voice in leadership’s agenda. In keeping with Yablonski’s goals, the new Union leadership no longer tolerated trading Union benefits for miners’ safety. The story of the Yablonski murders was the subject of the book Act of Vengeance, which was later made into a movie starring Charles Bronson. Acclaimed folk singer Hazel Dickens wrote Cold Blooded Murder (featured in the DCBA movie) about the heinous crime and the award winning documentary Harlan County, U.S.A. features the union fight and ensuing murders. The 2015 History of the Bar movie tells the Boyle trial story through historical news footage and videos and interviews with current members of the bar that were present during the Boyle trial, including Superior Court President Judge Emeritus Steven McEwen, Senior Judge Frank T. Hazel, who was the District Attorney of Delaware County, and William Halligan, Esq., former law clerk to Judge Catania. The authors also interviewed Joseph “Chip” Yablonski, Jock’s youngest son, and Paul Gilley, who remains in prison and is the sole known surviving defendant of the 8 defendants tried and convicted for their roles in the murders (2 defendants were placed into the Federal Witness Protection Program after becoming witnesses for the prosecution).
Fall 2015
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Delaware County Welcomes Chief Justice Saylor Of The Pennsylvania Supreme Court
n October 22, 2015, President Judge Chad F. Kenney and the Board of Judges welcomed Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to Delaware County. The Chief Justice spoke to Delaware County attorneys about issues affecting the state Supreme Court. The visit of Chief Justice Saylor was sponsored by the George B. Lindsay Foundation. George B. Lindsay was a distinguished member of the Delaware County Bar Association from 1875-1918. Upon his death, he made a gift in trust of the contents of his personal law library to be made available to attorneys whose principal offices were located in the City of Chester. Between 1919-2009, the Lindsay Law Library operated successfully at its Widener University site. In 2009, the physical library facility closed, and the Lindsay Law Library Board expanded the mission of the trust to encompass general education of attorneys. The George B. Lindsay Foundation, as it is now known, works closely with the Delaware County Bar Association and maintains its principal office in the Bar Building. In 2011, the Lindsay Foundation made a generous grant to the DCBA to build a “Lawyers’ Lounge” so that attorneys who do not have an office in Media would have a space where they could work or do research. In October, 2011, the Lindsay Memorial Lawyers’ Lounge was dedicated and is now open to all members of the DCBA. The Lindsay Foundation continues to support the DCBA by underwriting an annual CLE Lecture Series. Also, the Lindsay Foundation has provided grants to bring keynote speakers to the Bench Bar Conference.
Chief Justice Thomas G. Saylor Pennsylvania Supreme Court
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12 | Fall 2015
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Thomas Kerstan, Esquire, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
or those who may not know me, my name is Tom Kerstan, and I have been a staff attorney at Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (“LASP”) for the last eight years. My primary practice areas include custody and housing law. I am also a member of the Delaware County Bar Association and have been an active participant in the Family Law Section. I am a 2006 graduate of the Beasley School of Law at Temple University, and I earned my undergraduate degree in computer science at Villanova University. Prior to coming to Legal Aid, I worked doing document review for a large Philadelphia law firm. With some recent structural changes at LASP, I am now serving as the Legal Aid Pro Bono Coordinator in addition to handling cases. In that role, I am working closely with Jacqueline Csop, the DCBA Pro Bono Coordinator, to insure that clients who are eligible for pro bono representation are matched with attorneys who have volunteered through the DCBA Pro Bono Program. Any attorney interested in providing pro bono services should contact Jackie Csop, who will then share that volunteer information with me. For attorneys who may be reticent about joining the program because of lack of experience in a particular area of law, I am also willing to work to find a “seasoned” pro bono lawyer who would be willing to provide mentoring. Newer attorneys can also request a mentor through the DCBA Mentoring Program, which is chaired by John Neumann Hickey, Esquire, and Carrie Woody, Esquire. The goal of LASP and the DCBA is to make your pro bono volunteer experience as easy as possible.
If you have any questions about pro bono service, please contact Jackie Csop at (610) 566-6625, extension 227. If you would like to know more about Legal Aid and the services we provide, feel free to contact me by phone at (610) 874-8421 or via e-mail at tkerstan@lasp.org.
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Planning for the Modern Family
September. The DCBA and PNC Bank co-sponsored a seminar entitled “Planning for the Modern Family” on September 22, 2015. The featured speaker was Jacquelyn S. Boyer, J.D., LL.M., who works for PNC Wealth Management, and over fifty attorneys attended this informative program. In her presentation, Jacquelyn explained that the modern family could include blended families, same-sex couples, unmarried couples, bi-cultural families, couples with large age gaps between partners, etc. She stressed that practitioners must be cognizant of the issues which are unique to each of these types of relationships, and she explored specific concerns facing the couple which chooses to marry, which chooses to remain unmarried, which has blended family issues, and which faces hostility to the relationship for family members. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s rulings (both 2013 and 2015 below) affecting the federal and state recognition and availability of same-sex marriage, the discussion focused on examining the legal and social significance of these groundbreaking decisions:
While many questions have been answered, many new considerations were raised for advisors serving same-sex couples, including the impact specific to same-sex couples, contemplation of marriage in light of rights, benefits and obligations incurred, and other family matters affecting relationship recognition. In addition to a brief legal history of same-sex couples’ relationship recognition rights, topics of discussion included: growing pains facing the country after the Supreme Court rulings; weighing the rights, benefits and obligations of marriage; creative estate and financial planning solutions; protective considerations for the family unit. The DCBA thanks PNC for co-hosting this event and for its ongoing support of the Association.
• Windsor, 2013
In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States held that restricting U.S. federal interpretation of “marriage” and “spouse” to apply only to heterosexual unions was unconstitutional under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
• Obergefell, 2015
Again, in a 5 to 4 decision, the Court held that same-sex married couples are entitled to equal protection under the laws and that the Fourteenth Amendment requires that: 1) states must issue marriage licenses to individuals of the same gender and 2) states must formally recognize same sex marriages of that state’s residents, when those residents entered into a samesex marriage in another state where the marriage was legally valid.
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PNC Wealth Management and Business Banking, pictured left to right: Christian Merritt, Jacquelyn Boyer, John McCabe, Barbara Laurenzi and Michael Okino
n September 19, 2015, the Young Lawyers Section of the Delaware County Bar Association held its 5th Annual “Run for the House” at Ridley Creek State Park. The 5k race, started in 2011 by the YLS, donates all net proceeds to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House – whose mission is to provide a home away from home for families of critically ill children receiving treatment at area hospitals. This year’s event, as in years past, was a great morning of fun and exercise in support of a great cause! First and foremost, congratulations to the female and male winners of this year’s race (pictured to the left) – 6ABC’s Cecily Tynan, who was the overall winner with an impressive time of 20:07, and Sean Dwyer, who finished the race in 23:11. Also, a special thank you to all of our sponsors, especially to our Gold Sponsors – The Delaware County Bar Association; the law firm of Sweeney & Neary LLP; Wechsler, Marsico and Simpson – Wealth Management Services; the law firm of Schoenfeld, Surkin, Chupein & DeMis; and the Family Law Section of the Bar Association. Due to their support, and the support of many others, we were able to donate $6,000.00 to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House this year – bringing our grand total of support throughout the last five years to more than $26,000.00! This contribution is especially helpful to an organization that needs to raise nearly two million dollars a year in order to carry out its mission. On behalf of the Young Lawyers Section and the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, I extend our deepest appreciation and thanks to everyone who helped make this year such a huge success. For information on next year’s race, please like our page on Facebook by searching “Run for the House” or contact Michael H. Hill at HillM@co.delaware. pa.us.
Pictured, from left to right: (back row) Matthew Bilker, Esquire; Patrick Daley, Esquire; Michael Hill, Esquire; Patrick Henigan, Esquire; Sean Dwyer; Justin Miller; Patrick Scanlon, Esquire; (front row) Alan Borosky, Esquire; Rachael Kemmey, Esquire; Miriam Straus, Esquire; Jennifer Galante, Esquire; Maureen Kane, Esquire; Cecily Tynan; Ashleigh Latonick, Esquire; Gina Gerber, Esquire; and Kaley Miller.
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Embracing their Role in the Community Innovative Public Library for 2016 The Media-Upper Providence Free Library has begun construction of a new state-of-the-art library in its current location at 1 East Front Street in Delaware County’s Media, PA. The Library is projected to open in its expanded 10,000 sq. ft. space in spring 2016. The new two story building was designed by the acclaimed local firm of Linn Architects. It features a welcoming wraparound front porch that evokes elements of the Library’s original design as the Sprogell Preparatory School in the 1920s. During construction, the Library has partnered with the Borough of Media Firehouse to establish a full-service temporary library on the second floor. The temporary Library is open regular hours and offers daily programs with details at www.mediauplibrary.org.
What Do Public Libraries Offer? Libraries are embracing their role in the community by offering access to databases, online homework assistance, employment resources, e-books, digital reference, workspaces for mobile workers, video-conferences and maker/creator spaces. The public, as identified by a recent Pew Foundation survey, has definite ideas of what they want in their local library: free early literacy, coordination with local schools, programs on how to use digital tools, services and programs for immigrants, businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as a comfortable space for reading, working and relaxing. Our Library has been delivering on these expectations and will do even more in the new space.
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The new Library will provide enhanced technology, ADA compliant accessibility, innovative programs and inviting public areas for all ages to read, relax and interact. The second floor features three public meeting room spaces with high-tech capability to support multimedia, web-based presentations. The large conference room will accommodate more than 100 attendees, and is the first of its kind in the area. Because of its importance, the Rotary Club of Media has committed to raising funds needed for this special space. The meeting areas are designed to be flexible, and can be configured for diverse community uses for decades to come.
Success for the Future Success for public libraries lies in their ability to align their resources with local community goals. Creating unique public purpose in intentional ways will better position libraries for local funding and ensure their long-term sustainability. Library-community collaboration is a crucial step toward this goal along with providing access to content in all formats. Media-Upper Providence Free Library has launched two initiatives in preparation for the move to its 21st century space. It is the first of the Delaware County public libraries to offer a free iPad Pass program. Library cardholders can borrow iPads loaded with 100 apps for in-library use. MUPFL staff are also offering hands-on iPad workshops for adults as well as iPad story times and STEM programs for children. The Library has established a partnership with Delaware & Chester County SCORE to present free quarterly seminars to support the lifelong learning needs of local professionals.
Community Solidarity While many libraries are owned by municipalities, a few, like the Media-Upper Providence Free Library, continue to be independently owned and operated as a non-profit organization with financial support from private fundraising, local, county and state government, while relying on a small paid staff, an active board of directors and a large core of dedicated volunteers. These dedicated individuals maintain the library for free use by thousands of local residents. A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education Keystone Grant was the initial catalyst that made it possible for the library to undertake this great rebuilding venture. The Borough of Media and Upper Providence Township recognized the value of this project and committed funds. Although very few foundations provide funding for bricks and mortar projects such as rebuilding a library, Media-Upper Providence Free Library received a grant of $25,000 from the Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Foundation. A number of small grants from local foundations have also been received. Additional funds are needed, and details about the capital campaign project are available on the library’s website, or by contacting Director Barbara Hauck-Mah at medirector@delcolibraries.org and by phone at 610-566-1918.
EXPUNGEMENT . . . GET THE FACTS FREE SEMINAR FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FREE TO PRO BONO ATTORNEY VOLUNTEERS DISCOUNTED CLE CREDIT FOR ATTORNEYS Members of the public are invited to attend a free seminar on EXPUNGEMENT sponsored by the Legal Services to the Public and the Pro Bono Committee of the Delaware County Bar Association. Date: November 4, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Location: Delaware County Bar Association Auditorium, 335 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063. Phone: (610) 566-6625 Website: www.delcobar.org Cost: DCBA Attorney Members $35; Non-Member Attorneys $45; Free to Pro Bono Attorney Volunteers Worth: 1.5 Substantive Law CLE Credit Hours
WHO QUALIFIES? HOW DO YOU APPLY? • Have you been denied a job or fired from a job because of your criminal record? • Have you been denied entrance into a job training program because of your criminal record? • Have you been denied an occupational license because of your criminal record? • Have you been convicted of a summary offense and not been arrested or charged with any other crime in the past five years? If you answered, “YES” to any one of these questions, JOIN US! Distinguished panel members include Phil Rosenthal, Esquire, and Erica Briant from Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania who will provide important information on the expungement process. Hon. Stephanie H. Klein (Ret.) will moderate. Participants will receive a detailed overview of the application process, an explanation of which court records are eligible for expungement, and the benefits of having a criminal record expunged.
If you want to learn more about expungement, join us for an informative seminar . . . No advance registration is required. Fall 2015
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The Cranial Quest... Rowing for a Change!
drove past the Delaware County Bar Association over the weekend . . . What is normally a vacant lot on any given Sunday, was occupied, by what you ask? Yes, a $100,000 ocean-worthy rowboat; approximately 23 feet long and 6 feet wide! Of course I stopped to inquire further, why was it here and where is it going? I questioned the gentlemen who were preparing the rowboat for travel and found out that “it will serve as home for George Pagano and rowing partner, Caitlin Miller, for about three months this winter.” The first thing that went through my mind … WOW Your Honor, what an adventurous soul you are … These are the stories I am looking for every quarter! Your Editor.
I phoned Judge Pagano’s chambers first thing Monday morning. Of course, his son George Pagano, and rowing partner Caitlin Miller, will take two-hour shifts of rowing nearly around the clock in order to successfully make their cross-Atlantic journey in the 2015 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge this winter. Viewed as one of the world’s toughest endurance races, the Atlantic Challenge is a 2,700 mile race from The Canary Islands to Antigua. The first race was held in 1997 and has continued every two years since then.
With Passion and Cause . . . Memories of his grandfather inspired Pagano’s journey. At the young age of 10, George witnessed the only grandfather he had known suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the illness without a cure commonly referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” In 2003, when George eventually lost his grandfather, a World War II Navy veteran, he was unable to
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do much more than grieve the loss of a loved one without a full understanding, and many unanswered questions. George knew that someday he would make a difference; he would raise awareness with passion and drive, for something he did not yet understand.
The Next Level of What He Loves To Do: Row! Pagano first took up rowing when a friend convinced him to go out for the crew team in his first year at The Haverford School. With help from the likes of legendary coach Jim Barker Sr., who guided the Fords for nearly a half-century before retiring in 2012, Pagano qualified for the Scholastic Rowing Association of America National Championships Regatta in each of his four seasons. He enrolled at the University of Nebraska where, as a freshman on the university’s men’s club team, he was first introduced to the idea of ocean rowing in the form of the biyearly Atlantic Challenge. Once two of the team’s seniors showed Pagano a 40-minute video on YouTube detailing the race, he was intrigued. His teammates joked about actually taking part. Pagano, though, seriously loved the idea of doing it, all while benefitting charity.
We Can Do This! Pagano sat on the idea for a couple of years until pitching the idea to a friend from the University of Nebraska, Minnesota native Caitlin Miller, by way of the same YouTube video that peaked his interest. Miller’s experience included competition for two years at the University of Nebraska before coaching the women’s club team as a senior. Together, they pursued the notion of, at first, an independent race, but later realized they needed the support of the race organizers to do it successfully.
Center for Leadership
We Will Do This! Pagano and Miller have committed to one of two American rowing teams to take part in the challenge. They have since adopted the team name, “The Cranial Quest,” and will depart December 15, 2015, from the Canary Island of La Gomera, just off the coast of Africa. Depending on the race conditions, they should arrive on the southern coast of Antigua in English Harbor, approximately 50 to 90 days and more than 3,000 nautical miles later. The ocean rowboats are designed to be water tight and self-righting in the event of high seas. All boats are equipped with a water maker, GPS, navigation, life raft, med kit, and 90 days worth of food. Several training courses are required prior to departure including: Ocean Yachtmaster, Sea Survival, Marine Radio Short Range Certificate, and First Aid at Sea. Atlantic Campaigns provides on water support throughout the challenge if needed. However, teams will be disqualified from the race if they take any repair, food, or help during the crossing.
Rowing for a Change! A journey with oars across the Atlantic Ocean, as part of the 31-team Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, will help Pagano give back to the effort he vowed to support all
The Neumann University Center for Leadership serves as a venue for existing and emerging community, corporate, and non-profit leaders to enhance their skills by learning from the experience of C-Level executives. Participants will gain valuable insights on effective leadership styles and best practices from the region’s top companies.
Presented in partnership with:
those years ago; The ALS Association’s Greater Philadelphia Chapter. Preparing for this oceanic rowing marathon has not been easy, it is costly. An entry fee, the purchase and shipping costs for a six-foot-wide “ocean rowing boat,” and the cost for a support vessel highlight a myriad of expenses. Though George Pagano and company struck up a partnership with the Philadelphia-based Urban Affairs Coalition, the team’s fiscal sponsor, much of Pagano’s time goes toward contacting potential corporate sponsors … that is, when he isn’t training for the race or studying for a law school admission test scheduled for October. If it helps Pagano’s charitable cause, however, he knows all the time, money and effort will have been worth it, in more ways than one. When the journey comes to an end, Pagano plans to enroll in law school. That is, if he doesn’t decide to try his hand at The Great Pacific Race, which runs from the California coast to Hawaii.
This is a Trip of a Lifetime … A Challenge of Lives, For Life! Follow George & Caitlin on the Cranial Quest... Rowing for a Change www.thecranialquest.com www.atlanticcampaigns.com Fall 2015
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By Donald W. Lehrkinder
Oh, how I miss the stories, his wit, and the Friday afternoon visits to the Bar Association . . .
, Donald W. Lehrkinder, was born in Union City, New Jersey on July 16, 1923, which city is immediately north of Jersey City. I had four siblings, all deceased now. I grew up in the terrible Depression. My father, educated only through the third grade, was a craftsman. He with his brother Hugo made smokeless items – that is briar pipes, cigarette and cigar holders—in a small shop on Nassau Street in downtown Manhattan, for little money. In New Jersey, students were required to go to school and get a diploma. You were able to quit school when you reached the age of 16, no earlier unless it was medically necessary. My brother George quit school at the end of his sophomore year. When I completed my junior year in high school, I turned 16. My father told me at that time, that I had learned as much as I would in school; I could read and write, add and subtract, multiply and divide. The rest of the education I would receive, in literature, ancient history or a foreign language class, was not money earning. It did not mean anything to him that with no diploma, I would be limited to a ditch digging job. Not in compliance with his wishes for me to quit school, I was just about ousted from home. Afterall, 40 weeks could mean room and board of $5.00 per week and that was all of $200! Upon completion of high school and earning my diploma, I got myself a job at the Chase National Bank as a “runner” – five and ½ days a week for a total pay of $55 per month plus lunches – I was making about $.25 per hour. I also set up pins at a bowling alley on Saturday night for 4 hours each week, for which I was paid $1.00 plus $.35 in tips. After I finished high school, I started college at night in Jersey City at St. Peter’s College. The cost of each of the 130 credit hours I needed to get a degree was $7.00. In other words, a college degree would be mine after spending about $1,000, plus fees and books, quite a contrast from the costs today! The war then broke out, I quit working at the bank, and got myself a job at an instrument factory. Twelve hour days but with overtime pay and pay for exceeding production levels. I was making more than $60 per week, and at times $75 to $80 per week. I saved all that I could.
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My best friend at the time was attending Gettysburg College. His father was a medical doctor and had also acquired a legal degree. While my friend was at Gettysburg, he told me that I had qualified for a scholarship there. I had already saved enough to pay for a dorm room, and readily agreed to attend Gettysburg and share a dorm with my friend. I truly believe his father paid my tuition and he never admitted otherwise. I joined a fraternity and remained very active while at Gettysburg. In time, I joined the Naval Reserve V-12 program. I was sent to Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. There were about 800 V-12s or eight companies. I was able to qualify as a company commander. In my company, I had about 100 men, and one of those men was Johnny Siegle who later became a lawyer here in Delaware County. John is now deceased, but we were very good friends and eventually served at sea while in the Navy together. My days in the U.S. Navy were very active. Having been a company commander at Muhlenberg, when I went to Columbia University in New York, I was designated a Battalion Signal Officer. In four months, I was commissioned an Ensign in the Navy and was assigned to a United States Navy Cleveland-class light cruiser, the USS Amsterdam (CL-101), the last of the class to see action in World War II. After shakedown, a period of testing undergone by a ship, airplane or other craft before being declared operational, we sailed through the Panama Canal to Hawaii where we joined Halsey’s Third Fleet, and stayed until the war ended. The Third Fleet was one of six numbered fleets in the United States Navy. It was first established in 1943, and conducted extensive operations against Japanese forces in the Central Pacific during World War II. Deactivated in 1945, the fleet remained inactive until 1973, when it was reactivated and assumed its current responsibilities. Having participated in that portion of the war, at sea, I recall the scariest episode of my life; Typhoon Cobra (a.k.a. The Typhoon of 1944, or Halsey’s Typhoon named after Admiral William ‘Bull’ Halsey). Halsey’s Typhoon was the United States Navy designation for a tropical cyclone that struck the United States Pacific Fleet in December 1944 during World War II. Task Force 38 (TF 38) had been operating about 300 mi (260 nmi; 480 km) east of Luzon in the Philippine Sea, conducting air raids against Japanese airfields in the Philippines. The fleet was attempting to refuel its ships, especially the lighter destroyers, which had small fuel tanks. As the weather worsened it became increasingly difficult to refuel, and the attempts had to be discontinued. Despite warning signs of worsening conditions, the ships remained in their stations. Worse, the information given to Halsey about the location and direction of the typhoon was inaccurate. On December 17, Halsey unwittingly sailed Third
Fleet into the heart of the typhoon. Because of 100 mph (87 kn; 160 km/h) winds, very high seas (as high as 50 feet as I recall), and torrential rain, three destroyers capsized and sank, and 790 lives were lost. Nine other warships were damaged, and over 100 aircraft were wrecked or washed overboard; the aircraft carrier Monterey was forced to battle a serious fire that was caused by a plane hitting a bulkhead. The typhoon’s impact represented a more crippling blow to the Third Fleet than it might be expected to suffer in anything less than a major action. The events surrounding Typhoon Cobra were similar to those the Japanese navy itself faced some nine years earlier in what they termed the “Fourth Fleet Incident.” This typhoon also led to the establishment of weather infrastructure of the US Navy, which eventually became the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. When the war was over, we went to the Asian Mainland and picked up 600 “Seabees” and took them to the West Coast on our ship. A Seabee is a member of the United States Naval Construction Forces (NCF). The word “Seabee” comes from initials “CB” which in turn comes from the term Construction Battalions. The Seabees have a history of building bases, bulldozing and paving thousands of miles of roadway and airstrips, and accomplishing myriad construction projects in a wide variety of military theaters dating back to World War II.
Of Counsel Frederick W. Kreppel*** Glenn L. Madere* **** John J. Maffei#
“from small beginnings come great things”
Joseph Patrick O’Brien+ ++ +++* John Yanoshak++ +++ Christopher H. Peifer+++ **
Legal Assistants Patricia Bevers Bonnie M. Bolc++++ +++++ Donna Lee Willis+++
Sickness broke out and all Hell ensued. We were turned loose to speed to the west coast, and that we did. Upon our arrival, the sickly were carried off the ship. I wasn’t sure whether we had lost any, but the conditions were horrific. Those of us who remained healthy, went ashore to call our families to tell them that we had arrived safely. I stayed in the Naval Reserve and returned to Muhlenberg in pursuit of my degree. While in the Pacific, I had thoughts of attending law school and had written a letter to the University of Pennsylvania Law School requesting an application. In essence, I was told to wait and apply when I had finished with the Navy. Temple Law School, however, readily accepted me to the school, at that time located on the 13th floor of the Gimbels building in Philadelphia. I stayed in the Naval Reserve until the Korean War broke out. I was ordered to active duty and reported aboard the USS Roanoke CL 101, now as a lieutenant. I served another 19 months at sea, and 2 tours in the Mediterranean Sea. I came home to a 7-month-old son, Donald Jr., who had never seen me. Anticipating screams as I approached him in full uniform, he instead lifted both of his arms for me to hold him.
17 East Street, P.O. Box 626, Media, Pennsylvania 19063 (610) 565-3800 • (800) 648-8597 • Fax: (610) 892-6888 The Firm welcomes attorney referrals and strictly observes and protects the client relationship with referring counsel. For over fifty years, KAO Law Associates (formerly Kassab Archbold and O’Brien, LLC) has been representing real property owners throughout Pennsylvania lowering their real estate tax assessments, handling thousands of appeals to County Boards of Assessment Appeals and Common Pleas Courts. The Firm’s experience includes commercial, industrial, and residential properties assessed from under $1 million to over $500 million. The Firm has extensive involvement with LERTA, PURTA, and KOZ exemptions. Our experience allows the Firm to provide effective representation throughout the appeals process addressing PA’s Consolidated County Assessment Law, as well as the differing procedures in the various County Boards of Appeals and Common Pleas Courts. Please contact us for the tax appeal dates and procedures for all Pennsylvania Counties. We welcome your confidential inquiries! Joseph Patrick O’Brien, Esq. josephobrien@kaolawassociates.com
www.kaolawassociates.com Fall 2015
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Elizabeth C. Price, Executive Director, DCBA, 1974 to 2010
t is the tradition of the Delaware County Bar Association to remember and honor members who have passed from this earthly life. We present a written resolution and then reminisce with all assembled about the life of the member. We recount the life, both civilian and legal, tell some out-ofcharacter stories and find a refreshing way to say farewell to a brother or sister of our profession. Today, we add to that tradition. We present a memorial resolution and gather to reminisce with each other about the passing of Elizabeth C. Price, our beloved Executive Director. She was so much more than simply our executive director. Although not a lawyer and not technically a member of our association, she was, indeed, the public face and the inner soul of our association. The Talmud teaches that when a sage dies, all are his or her kin. In that light, we gathered here today to all share kinship with Elizabeth Price. Elizabeth was born in Boothwyn and was a life-long resident of Delaware County. Her parents, William and Emily Cassidy, instilled in Betty values, skills and instincts that guided her in her everyday life and enabled her to excel in all she attempted. Her educational pursuits exemplify her drive and dedication. She graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature and Economics. Not satisfied with a normal college education, she continued her education by taking courses in Business Management, Business Law and Psychology at Widener University. Betty then completed studies in Psychology and English Literature at Neumann College. She was truly a lifelong learner. Betty married William Price, III, a marriage that lasted fifty-four years and was the best thing that ever happened to Bill and Betty. From that union, they produced a daughter,
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Tracy, a son, Mark, and four grandchildren, Samantha, Meghan, Angelo and William. To say that family was paramount to Betty is to state the obvious. Always ready to talk about her children’s lives, she reveled in keeping you spellbound with proud tales of her grandchildren. Mimmer, as she was affectionately known to her grandkids, was always there to watch, to listen, to gently instruct and to insure that her love clothed each one of them as a protective shield. She was seldom happier than when her family gathered with her at their summer home in Barnegat Light, New Jersey. Where does one start describing Betty’s career? She was a model with the Powers Modeling Agency and shared her outer beauty with others. She was an interior designer, a newspaper editor with Town Talk, and an author. She shared her intellect and charm with an extended community. Betty was a radio commentator with stations WEEZ, WDEL and WCAU. She, additionally, was employed by Sun Oil Company in its research and engineering division. Elizabeth was an accomplished, self-taught artist who shared her talent with a worldwide audience. Some of her artwork is displayed in galleries in the international theater, both the United States and Europe. She was commissioned to paint works that now hang in many prestigious buildings and are revered by many in their personal art collections. Our esteemed executive director had professional associations with organizations and positions too numerous to enumerate here. If there was an organization close by, Betty would volunteer. If there was none, she would create one—then volunteer to be a part of it! She was a member of the American Society of Association Executives, the National Association of Bar Executives, the Pennsylvania Association of Bar Executives, the Delaware Valley Society of Association Executives and the Pennsylvania Society of Association
Executives. She served as president of five parent groups when raising her children. She served on the boards of Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Little League, the Rose Tree Colts Junior Football League, the Heart Fund Association and the American Red Cross. As Betty soared through life, she embraced her God-given talents and shared them with all around her; family, close friends and many with whom she had just a passing, brief period of contact. Each individual so touched became a better person for it. Although her passion for all things would tire the ordinary person, Betty drew energy and strength from her labors. She imbued in all she met a piece of that passion. All who knew Betty are better for it just as, the more she gave of herself, the more she herself grew. For our own selfish reasons, we seek to ease our loss by immortalizing Betty’s love of the Delaware County Bar Association and the many hundreds of members with whom she came in contact in her thirty-six years as Executive Director. Where does one start . . . Perhaps by suggesting that Betty really had three children; Tracy, Mark and the Delaware County Bar Association? She loved us like a child—well behaved—and at times, not so well behaved! When she was hired in 1974, there was really no such position as Executive Director of the Delaware County Bar Association. She soon remedied that. In five short years, Betty became a founding member of the Pennsylvania Association of Bar Executives and its first President. Not resting on her laurels, she pushed for more prominence for bar execs in the 1980s. She went to the top—lobbying the President of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, Ira B. Coldren, in the mid1980s. Reportedly, her emphatic, but courteous letter to the president contained several requests. Most notably, she requested “that all Executive Directors or Executive Secretaries of local Bar Associations be included on all state bar mailing lists; be included as courtesy members of state bar committees; be on the mailing list for the VIP publication; have a designated section for seating at the PBI House of Delegates meeting as well as being provided the necessary and informational materials of the meeting” and “be recognized by the volunteer members of the Pennsylvania Bar Association as a professional organization of the state of Pennsylvania.” As one can see from the above, our Betty had, as always, done her homework and prepared diligently. Working with characteristic professionalism and tact, Betty moved through the then male-dominated legal world and brought stature and prominence to the position she loved, the Executive Director of the Bar Association. She continued to elevate the position of Executive Director through her tireless efforts until her passing. She was a mentor to every bar leader, especially the thirty-six presidents with whom she served. She made the President’s job so easy that each president quickly learned that the key was simply not to speak when Betty was thinking
about a solution to a problem. She guided upcoming leaders through the minefields of effective decision making. She encouraged diversity and was instrumental in having the first female president of our organization elected, our first African American and an ever increasing number of minority voices in leadership positions. Elizabeth inspired our Association with her insight, innovations and new ideas which were way ahead of the curve. She was instrumental in having our Association certified as the first Continuing Legal Education provider in the Commonwealth. Our fledgling Bench Bar Conference grew to its present premier stature as a result of Betty’s ideas, hard work and dedication to its success. Her ability to find sources of funding for the educational conference left us in wonderment: contributions from the E. Wallace Chadwick Foundation, U.S.I. Affinity, PNC Bank and Wealth Management and The Legal Intelligencer, figured prominently in the success of our Conference. When our Bar Building was in need of an extreme makeover, Betty became general contractor, laborer and interior designer and decorator. The beautiful renovations of our building are truly Betty Price originals. What many of you don’t know about Betty is the personal love and attention which she gave to members in need. Whether it be a personal problem or a problem with a client, Betty went to great lengths behind the scenes to assist in continued on page 24
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Fall 2015
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resolving the issue. She was always very protective of our members and sought neither reward nor acclaim for this quiet humanity. Betty’s devotion to members of our Association was both professional and personal in that she was interested in the family of each member and their travels. This devotion was returned by members bringing Betty rocks from their worldwide travels. Betty’s “rock collection” numbers almost 500, each rock being carefully recorded as to its origin from the four corners of the globe. She was committed to service to the less fortunate and took this commitment seriously. She was a board member of the Legal Association of Southeast Pennsylvania and its predecessor, Delaware County Legal Assistance. Betty worked hours upon hours in developing funding sources, organizational integrity and the success of the program. Did our Executive Director stay local? Indeed, not. Her persona was renowned at both the state and national levels, and she was sought after as a speaker at both levels on a myriad of topics. As a speaker at the American Bar Association Leadership Conference in Chicago for emerging leaders, she would always extol the successes of her Bar Association. After being the Executive Director of the Delaware County Bar Association for twenty-five years, Betty was honored by the establishment of the Elizabeth C. Price award. It is presented annually to “a person whose dedication, integrity, and loyalty to the Bar Association most closely exemplify that of Elizabeth C. Price, our most beloved Executive Director.” The members of the association who have been awarded this honor speak volumes of the high esteem in which Elizabeth is held: Lex DiSanti, Nate Nichols, Don Weiss, Bill Archbold, Dick Mitchell, Murray Eckell, Bill Halligan, Andy D’Amico, Len Sloane, Joe Mattson and Mary Wachterhauser. Current President Bruce E. Rodger stated that “the greatest fear of Delaware County presidents who worked with Betty was that she would retire during
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their term.” Betty had absolutely no thoughts about retiring from the position that she loved. State Superior Court President Judge Emeritus Stephen J. McEwen, Jr., stated “the lawyers came first to like her, then to trust her, then to agree with her.” This is certainly a testament to her professional and personal abilities. Betty, additionally, was a champion of good relations between the Bench and the Bar. At every opportunity, she cemented that relationship, one of the strongest in the nation. President Judge Joseph P. Cronin, Jr., recently credited Betty with “enabling a good, professional, ethical relationship between the Bench and the Bar.” In giving so much to others, Elizabeth was a very reluctant receiver of praise. Her thoughts were always to give kudos to others, not herself. She was not very successful when one looks at the impressive list of awards given to Elizabeth C. Price. Delaware County: • Outstanding Citizen Award • Leadership Award • Woman of the Year Award • Rose Tree Media Service Award
National: • The NABE Section on Communications and Public Relations • The 1985 E.A. “Wally” Richter Communication Leadership Award • The NABE Bolton Award World: • The Distinguished Achievement Award by the “World Who’s Who on Women” We mourn the loss of our Executive Director. More importantly, we mourn the loss of a friend, a mentor, a guiding light. Words do not do this tribute justice. Our actions from this day forward will do more to honor Elizabeth C. Price than the verbal accolades today expressed. While our own place on earth has been diminished by her passing, heaven is a better place today because of it. Respectfully submitted,
Richard A. Mitchell, Esq., Co-Chairman Hon. Frank T. Hazel, Co-Chairman Alexander A. DiSanti, Esq., Co-Chairman William G. Halligan, Esq., Co-Chairman Delaware County Bar Association: Rodger L. Mutzel, Esq., Co-Chairman • The Orlowsky Award from the Linda M. Anderson, Esquire Board of Judges Lewis B. Beatty, Jr., Esquire • Paul R. Sand President’s Award Carmen P. Belefonte, Esquire • Themis Award for Outstanding Andrew J. D’Amico, Esquire Contribution to Our American Patricia H. Donnelly, Esquire Justice System Hon. Murray S. Eckell • Justinian Award Robert M. Firkser, Esquire • Young Lawyers Section Recognition Warren Higgins, Esquire Award Rocco P. Imperatrice, III, Esquire • Man of the Year Award by the Donald J. Lehrkinder, Sr., Esquire Lawyers Club of the Delaware Eugene J. Malady, Esquire County Bar Association Hon. Stephen J. McEwen, Jr. • The Geezer Award Colleen M. Neary, Esquire Karen J. Pholeric, Esquire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: David E. Robbins, Esquire • The Pennsylvania Bar Association John Churchman Smith, Esquire Special Achievement Award for Harry F. Spiess, Jr., Esquire Outstanding Service Mary V.Z. Wachterhauser, Esquire • The Arthur J. Birdsall Award Donald J. Weiss, Esquire • The 2009 Pennsylvania Legal Aid Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esquire Network Excellence Award Committee members
CANON LAW: TWO Millennia OF LEGAL TR ADITION By William Baldwin
mong the 195 nations of the world, the United States enjoys the enviable position of having one of the strongest and best civil legal systems. The evolution of American jurisprudence can be traced to early English Common Law, giving the U.S. a long and rich legal history. However, U.S. law is in its adolescence when compared with canon, or “ecclesiastical” law, which began developing over two millennia ago. Canon law (a name derived from the Greek word “κανών” meaning “straight”) is the law which has governed the Roman Catholic Church since the first century. Beginning with the promulgation of rules, or canons, by the early Church fathers, an ecclesiastical legal system began to take shape to govern practices and procedures within the Church. Relying on earlier Roman civil law, the apex of which was the famed Code of Justinian, the Church created a body of laws and a court system by which to enforce those laws. Therefore, canon law predates all modern European legal systems. In medieval Europe, civil courts and canon law courts operated as unique but equal tribunals for the enforcement of justice. Clergy were generally immune from prosecution in the
civil court system and were subject only to ecclesiastical courts, which interpreted and applied cannon law. (There was often great tension between the civil and church courts, as civil rulers resented the fact that clergy were exempt from their jurisdiction. The murder of Thomas Becket by Henry II is an example of the fierce competition between secular and religious leaders for control of the legal system.) Today, canon law and ecclesiastical courts function solely for religious purposes. These courts have no civil jurisdiction nor are they recognized by secular governments. However, the Catholic Church maintains a fully developed ecclesiastical court system, with lawyers, judges, rules of procedure, and penalties. The role of this court system is to apply canon law when dealing with issues such as annulments or parochial administration. All modern Western law is indebted to canon law, because it was through its ecclesiastical codes and courts that the Church was able to keep Roman law alive in the Dark Ages and give Europe, and ultimately the United States, a foundation upon which to build their legal systems.
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What’s Trending... Live Deliciously... By Tracy E. Price, Editor
Live Deliciously . . . And he did; and so did we because of him!
y beloved brother, the late Mark Price, delighted the senses of many in numerous ways. He was an extraordinary man who lived his life with grace and dignity, always colored by the deep love he felt for his family and the warmth he felt for his friends. He possessed a delightful sense of humor; he moved our souls to dance. Mark was an educator; knowledgeable, inspirational and enlightening. Although his time on earth was short, he awakened many to a new understanding with vision, care and wisdom. Mark comforted many with his warmth; he was comfort food for the soul. His warmth was heartfelt and evident through his culinary skills; his infamous soups will all be remembered but never recreated. Mark did not conform to a recipe; each concoction was an undocumented surprise often referred to as “garbage soup.” Without recipe cards, we can only hold in memory the many victorious “Soup-Off” competitions at Eagles Tailgate parties to the table at holiday family dinners. Some say that anyone can make soup; start with the basics, add spice as desired, top accordingly, and serve! My brother served with love, and that is the difference. He, like good soup, came from good stock; each ingredient enhanced the other, each batch had its own characteristics, and all took time to simmer to reach full flavor.
May his memory live on . . . deliciously! I recently enjoyed a delicious bowl of soup from the Desert Rose, a Middle Eastern restaurant on the west side of town, State Street, in Media. I observed the chef working the kitchen, preparing meals and serving his creations with a similar level of passion to that of my brother. Who is this man? So I asked, he replied, and much to my surprise, he
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shared the soup recipe and his recipe for success . . . Chef Owner Jason McHugh, a native of Media and a '92 graduate of local Penncrest High School, brings more than 22 years of gourmet, international cooking experience to State Street in Media. Chef Jason has trained in Michelin Star restaurants in Dublin, Ireland, Pula Sardinia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Locally, Chef McHugh has worked as Chef Di Cuisine with Master Chef Fritz Blank in the kitchens of Deux Cheminées, La Boehme, and the Old Chadd’s Ford Inn. After opening Desert Rose within 3 years, Desert Rose has been recognized as the “Best Middle Eastern Restaurant” 2013 Philly Magazine; a 4 1/2 star rating and certificate of excellence from TripAdvisor; as well as awards from Mainline Today, Chester County Lines.
SOUP FOR YOU! Austrian Mushroom Soup 1 lb dried porcini mushroom 1 lb fresh crimini mushroom 1 lb fresh shiitake 1 cup chopped leeks whites only 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped garlic 1 qt chopped cabbage 1 qt chopped parsnip 1 qt chopped carrot 1 can San marzan Tom 3 cups brandy 1 cup cooking sherry 3 qt beef stock 1 cup tomato pasta 1/4 paprika Salt Black pepper 2 lbs butter 3 qt water
Simmer and serve with love.
The Historical Papal Visit:
Facts and Francis By Tracy E. Price, Editor
ope Francis arrived in the United States on Tuesday afternoon, 9/22/15, through Andrews Air Force Base, where he was met by President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. The base is home to Air Force One and the president travels there regularly for his out-of-town trips, but rarely welcomes a visiting dignitary. One exception came last year when Obama met French President Francois Hollande at Andrews. When Pope Benedict XVI visited in 2008, thenPresident George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, greeted him at Andrews. Pope Francis visited the White House on Wednesday morning, 9/23/15, becoming only the third pope to visit the home. The others were Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 and Pope John Paul II, who visited President Jimmy Carter in 1979. Pope Francis met with all of the U.S. bishops at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, where they said the midday prayer. The parish dates back to 1840 as the fourth Catholic church established in the District of Columbia. St. Matthew’s is the mother church or seat of the Archdiocese of Washington, and the current church hosted its first Mass in 1895. It was designated a cathedral in 1939 when the combined Archdiocese of Baltimore and Washington was created. The two regions were later separated. The cathedral was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. St. Matthew’s is best known as the site where Washington mourned the death of the first Catholic president,
John F. Kennedy. He is memorialized with a marble plaque in the cathedral floor at the site of the 35th president’s funeral. Pope Francis later celebrated Mass with a crowd of about 30,000 from the basilica’s east portico, facing the campus of Catholic University. The Mass served as a canonization for Franciscan missionary Junipero Serra to make him a saint. The elevation of the California missionary will give the U.S. its first Hispanic saint. Serra died in 1784. Catholic University, the national university of the Catholic Church in the U.S., was founded in 1887 and is run by the U.S. bishops. The university mall hosted a crowd of Hispanic Catholics and Washington-area parishioners to celebrate Mass with Pope Francis. Catholic University enrolls about 6,800 students from all 50 states and about 86 countries. Next to Catholic University stands the largest Catholic church in the United States and North America, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The basilica is located in Washington’s Brookland neighborhood, which is nicknamed “Little Rome” for its numerous seminaries, monasteries, convents and other Catholic sites. Ground was broken for the church in 1920, and the shrine was dedicated in 1959. The massive basilica now stands as one of the 10 largest churches in the world. It was designed in a Romanesque-Byzantine style with a colorful dome, but church officials say it was not designed to imitate or duplicate any other church in the world. Pope John Paul II became the first reigning pope to visit the church in 1979 and elevated it to the status of minor basilica in 1990. Pope Benedict XVI visited in 2008 to worship and meet with the U.S. bishops. Approximately 1 million people visit the basilica each year. On Thursday morning, 9/24/15, Pope Francis visited the U.S. Capitol to give an address to a joint session of Congress. This was the first time a pope addressed the body of 434 House members and 100 senators; also
in attendance were members of the Supreme Court and the Cabinet. The House chamber where Francis addressed members of Congress is where the president gives his yearly State of the Union speech. Three foreign heads have addressed a joint meeting of Congress this year: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. After addressing Congress, Pope Francis paid visit to Catholic Charities, the largest provider of social services in the region, serving about 115,000 people per year. Following a brief visit to St. Patrick’s Church, the oldest Catholic Church in the nation’s capital, he visited the headquarters for Catholic Charities next door. The charity serves dinner to about 300 homeless people daily at the site, and served a meal during the pope’s visit. This visit was his last stop in Washington before heading to New York. After arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Thursday evening, Pope Francis was taken to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan for evening prayers. The timing is fortuitous: A three-year restoration project at the Fifth Avenue edifice was recently completed. The $175 million renovation was thorough — the entire exterior was washed, all the way to the top of the 330-foot spires. Every glass panel in all 75 stained glass windows was cleaned, and the massive bronze doors at the entrance were restored. St. Patrick’s receives about 5 million visitors a year and is the seat for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. The first Mass was celebrated there in 1879 and it was declared a national landmark in 1976. On Friday morning, 9/25/15, Pope Francis addressed diplomats and world leaders just before the opening of the summit at the United Nations General Assembly that focused on goals to combat poverty and protect the environment. The pope spoke in the general assembly hall at the U.N.’s headquarters on Manhattan’s east side. continued on page 28
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The museum and memorial commemorating those lost in the Sept. 11 attacks in lower Manhattan was the site of a multi-faith service in which the pope participated later that afternoon. The museum pavilion is situated between the two reflecting pools that mark the footprints of where the twin towers once stood. No visit to New York City could be considered complete without a jaunt through Central Park, not even for the pope. He took a processional through part of the green space designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. The Pope’s route also took him along the park’s West Drive, from 72nd to 60th streets. This marked the last chance for some members of the public to catch a glimpse of the pontiff. More than 93,000 people entered a lottery for free pairs of tickets to the processional, and approximately 80,000 tickets were given out. The pope’s final event in New York City was a Mass on Friday evening at Madison Square Garden, more commonly home to sporting events and concerts. The arena can accommodate approximately 18,000 people. It is located on top of Pennsylvania Station, a major transportation hub in midtown Manhattan. Tickets for the Mass were distributed through the archdiocese’s parishes. The pope left for Philadelphia on Saturday morning, 9/26/15. One hour after arriving in Philadelphia, the Pope held Mass for approximately 1,600 parishioners and clergy at The Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The 150-year-old cathedral occupies a prominent spot, its green dome and Corinthian columns rising between City Hall and the art museum steps made famous by “Rocky.” Pope John Paul II spoke at the cathedral in 1979, the only other papal visit to Philadelphia. He heralded the city as a symbol of freedom and fraternity and said he was praying for residents to ensure no one there felt disrespected, abandoned, rejected or alone. The start of construction on the cathedral in 1846 didn’t evoke as much harmony. The project rekindled
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tensions after Protestant riots two years earlier that targeted Irish Catholics. To prevent vandalism, architect Napoleon LeBrun designed the cathedral without street-level windows. Independence Hall is the birthplace of American democracy, the building where the founding fathers debated and ratified the Declaration of Independence and signed the U.S. Constitution. It opened in 1753 as Pennsylvania’s colonial legislature, and is located across a cobblestone street from where the Liberty Bell now resides. The red-brick structure, immortalized on the back of the $100 bill, provided the backdrop for Pope Francis’ speech Saturday on immigration and religious freedom. The celebration continued Saturday into Sunday, as a half million “pilgrims” had the opportunity for an up-close view of Pope Francis as he paraded down the outer lanes of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway before the Festival of Families Concert and the Mass. The Ben Franklin Parkway is a mile-long boulevard stretching from Philadelphia’s City Hall to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It is the city’s cultural center and the epicenter of this years’ papal activities. The parkway, modeled after the Champs-Élysées in Paris, was built between 1917 and 1926 in an early attempt at urban renewal. The area had been a neighborhood; presently, it is lined with trees, statues, sculptures and cultural institutions, including the Franklin Institute science museum and the Barnes Foundation art museum. Later Sunday, Pope Francis met with about 100 inmates and some of their families, fulfilling a goal of his trip to visit with people incarcerated in the U.S. As the largest jail in Philadelphia, the CurranFromhold jail houses more than 2,800 male inmates. Most of them are either awaiting trial or serving sentences of up to two years. Curran-Fromhold is named for the only two Philadelphia prison workers killed in the line of duty: Warden Patrick Curran and Deputy Warden Robert Fromhold, who were attacked by inmates at Holmesburg Prison on May 31, 1973. Pope Francis stayed at the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary while in Philadelphia and had the opportunity to greet bishops
from around the world. He also posed for a photograph with seminarians, recreating an image featuring Pope John Paul II in 1979. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is located on a pastoral 75 acres just outside Philadelphia, where it prepares men for the priesthood and the diaconate and provides high-level religious instruction for lay men and women. Bishop Francis Kenrick founded St. Charles Borromeo, named for the reforming 16th century cardinal, in his downtown Philadelphia home in 1832. It moved four times, including briefly to where the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul now stands, before landing in suburban Wynnewood in 1871. The seminary has also welcomed Mother Teresa and three cardinals who later became pope, including Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI.
FUN FACTS . . . Somewhere Over the Rainbow:
A rainbow appeared in the sky as Pope Francis finished his speech at Independence Mall Saturday afternoon— and it wasn’t the first time that happened on his United States trip. Rainbows appeared during Pope events in both Philadelphia, where Francis arrived Saturday, and in New York, where he was the day before.
“Blessed”: American Airlines and
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles are reaping an enormous amount of free publicity by providing the pope’s transportation —via a Fiat hatchback 500L, his Jeep “Popemobile” and a plane American Airlines has dubbed “Shepherd One.” The pontiff made his first journey on U.S. soil in a modest family car sending out a message of humility and a commitment to environmental stewardship. The Fiat 500L, the small car with new cachet since Pope Francis made it his vehicle of choice, has become a talking point across America.
Source: A variety including news reports, individual research, and personal observation.
What’s Trending In Art...
In NJ, There Is More In Store Than The Jersey Shore
e have all returned from our vacations on the sandy beaches and now prepare for the much anticipated fall foliage tours. Some weekend in the interim, you may be looking for something “artsy” to do; I recommend heading back to Jersey, further north that is. Check out the Grounds For Sculpture, established in 1992 to promote an understanding of and appreciation for contemporary sculpture for all people by: maintaining a 42-acre sculpture park composed of works by well-known and emerging American and international artists; organizing accessible exhibitions; and interpreting these exhibitions through publications, lectures, workshops and other educational programs. In accordance with its mission, Grounds For Sculpture presents visitors with an evolving permanent outdoor collection, seasonal exhibitions, and educational programs designed to facilitate the understanding of and appreciation for contemporary sculpture.
HOW IT ALL STARTED In 1984, J. Seward Johnson, sculptor and philanthropist, envisioned a public sculpture garden and museum in Hamilton, NJ. His desire was to make contemporary sculpture accessible and offer people from all backgrounds the opportunity to become comfortable with contemporary art. Grounds For
Sculpture was conceived as a place where audiences could experience sculpture in a familiar, accessible, and informal setting. Construction on the sculpture park began in 1989 on the site of the former New Jersey State Fairgrounds; Grounds For Sculpture opened to the general public in 1992. Since its inception, the park is now exhibiting over 270 works; some commissioned specifically for the sculpture park. Since 2000, Grounds For Sculpture is a public not-for-profit corporation with a Board of Trustees overseeing the successful operation of the sculpture park and museum. As a not-for-profit and public institution, Grounds For Sculpture relies on the support of visitors, art patrons, donations and grants to offer its rich programs and activities each year. Grounds for Sculpture is located at: 80 Sculptors Way Hamilton, NJ 08619 For general inquiries call (609) 586-0616 or email info@groundsforsculpture.org.
KENNETH P. BARROW, JR., REALTOR Offering services in commercial sales, leasing, management, development, land searches; appraisals for condemnations, tax assessment appeals, change of use, subdivision www.kpbrealtor.com and zoning.
kpbrealtor@rcn.com 610.447.8816 Fall 2015
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The Season of the Pumpkin Pumpkin Nutrition Facts Did you know . . . ? Pumpkin fruit is one of the widely grown vegetables incredibly rich in vital antioxidants and vitamins. Though this humble backyard vegetable is less in calories, it carries vitamin A, and flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, xanthin, and carotenes in abundance. Pumpkin is a fast-growing vine that creeps along the surface in a similar fashion like that of other Cucurbitaceae family vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, squash, and cantaloupes. It is one of the most popular field crops cultivated around the world.
Health Benefits of Pumpkin • A low caloric vegetable containing no saturated fats or cholesterol. • Rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins. • A storehouse of many antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E.
When Life Gives You Pumpkins... Bake Pumpkin French Toast Casserole! Bring on vitamins A, Bs, and minerals please! This Baked Pumpkin French Toast Casserole is chock full of pumpkin goodness and absolutely scrumptious for fall weekends or holidays. Submitted by Tracy Price, Editor
4 large eggs 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 4 TB granulated sugar ⅛ tsp table salt 3 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground cloves ¼ tsp ground nutmeg 1 (8oz) can pure pumpkin 6½ cups cubed dense bread (such as a thick French bread, hearty wheat, or fresh Texas Toast)
For the Streusel:
• It is one of the vegetables in the Cucurbitaceae family featuring highest levels of vitamin-A, a powerful natural antioxidant required by the body for maintaining the integrity of skin and mucusa. It is also an essential vitamin for good visual sight.
1 cup packed light brown sugar ½ cup chopped pecans ¼ cup roasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds) ¼ cup cold salted butter, sliced 2 tsp ground cinnamon
• An excellent source of many natural poly-phenolic flavonoid compounds such as a, ß carotenes, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zea-xanthin. Carotenes convert into vitamin A inside the body.
• Zea-xanthin is a natural anti-oxidant which has UV (ultraviolet) rays filtering actions in the macula lutea in retina of the eyes. It may offer protection from “age-related macular disease” (ARMD) in the elderly. • A good source of B-complex group of vitamins like folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid. • A rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. • Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. The seeds are concentrated sources of protein, minerals and health-benefiting vitamins; and, an excellent source of the health-promoting amino acid tryptophan which is converted to GABA in the brain.
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1. Make the Streusel: Combine all streusel ingredients in a bowl, mixing well until resembles chunky, damp sand. Use clean fingers to mix if needed, but don’t overwork it. Cover and keep in fridge to chill. 2. Preheat oven to 3500F with rack on lower middle position. 3. Grease a 8x8 baking dish with butter on bottom and up sides. 4. In a large bowl, combine eggs, vanilla, sugar, salt, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Hand-whisk to thoroughly incorporate. Whisk in pumpkin until smooth. Add bread cubes to pumpkin mixture and gently toss to fully coat all bread cubes in bowl. It will seem thick and gloppy, which is ok. 5. Transfer bread/pumpkin mixture evenly into buttered baking dish. Sprinkle chilled streusel evenly over the top. Bake uncovered 40-45 minutes, or until a knife inserted in center comes out mostly clean. The topping should be bubbling at the edges, and the center should feel set. 6. Let stand at room temp 10 minutes. Serve warm with pure maple syrup.
Media Pennsylvania 2015 Events Calendar 51st Annual Delaware County Halloween Parade Sat., 10/24/15 at 2:00 p.m., State Street [rain date: Sun., 10/25/15]
56th Annual Veterans Day Parade
Wed., 11/11/15 at 11:11 a.m., State Street [610-565-7909]
13th Annual Jazz By Night Celebration
Sat., 11/21/15, 7 p.m. – 1:30 a.m., Downtown Media
Santa’s Arrival & Festival of Lights
Fri., 11/27/15 at 5 p.m., Courthouse on Front Street
New Year’s Eve Community Celebration & Ball Drop Thurs., 12/31/15 at 11 p.m., Downtown Media
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