4 minute read


Where are you from and where did you study medicine?

I grew up in Lancaster and graduated from Hempfield High school. I completed medical school in 2012 at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Why did you want to be a physician?

My grandfather was an osteopathic physician and general practitioner “back in the days” when they did it all — clinic hours, house calls, obstetrics, coverage at hospitals and emergency departments, and more. As I was growing up, he was ending his career and closing his practice. However, he was a forever learner and the best teacher. As I was learning to read, he would break out the medical journals to challenge me. In his retirement from clinical practice, he started working with residents at the Orange Street Clinic. I sometimes went down to the clinic with him or into the old Community Hospital (you could do that back in those days!) and would see his interaction with residents, patients, and staff. He sincerely loved being a coworker, leader, teacher, and doctor — whatever the role meant in that moment. I was very young, and I didn’t know exactly what he did at the time, but I wanted to do whatever he did.

What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in medicine since you began practicing?

Since I began practicing, the biggest change has been the adoption of “the digital age.” When I was in medical school and even at the beginning of residency, we still used paper charts in many places, printed out daily schedules, and hand wrote prescriptions. Now it’s mostly done electronically. Although we are not completely digital, often the only paper on my desk is my personal preparation notes and reminders.

What (or who) has helped you become the doctor you are today?

My grandfather clearly had the biggest influence on me, but I have been fortunate to have been trained by other physicians and nurses who are passionate about the institution of medicine and preserving what is so special about the job of caring for another person. My patients have also molded me over the years. Lastly, becoming a mother had a huge impact on who I am today. Being a parent changes your perspective. I am for sure a different doctor than I was before having my son.

If you had one piece of advice for those just starting out, what would it be?

Identify core values and don’t compromise those values, but know the path is not always straight. Anticipate the need to be flexible at times on your journey.

If you could recommend one book for today’s medical students, what would it be?

Oh, there are so many! I can’t choose just one. Anything by Brene Brown or Atul Gwande, but I use what I learned from reading “You Can Stop Humming Now” by Daniela Lamas and “Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers” by Robert Sapolsky in my practice every day.

How has LCCMS helped you in your career?

Practicing medicine in an office, outside of the hospital, I don’t get to interact with many other physicians. Being part of the medical society gives me the opportunity to interact with colleagues I would otherwise never see or even meet in person. Before residency, I was not very interested in politics, but the medical society has allowed me to realize the importance of what happens at the state and even federal levels that impacts our day-to-day work. Whether we like it or not, our best chance to make big change is to be involved with organizations that provide that type of political support.

Why should physicians become engaged in the local medical society?

It’s no secret that many physicians are burned out and not happy with the current state of our industry. As a group, we are often divided by the workload we face, without time to discuss solutions and only blips of time to complain about the problems. The medical society is a forum that amplifies physician voices and works toward solutions that we hope will improve the way we work and in turn benefit our patients, which is always at the core of our mission.

What are your goals as LCCMS President?

Our goal as a society is always to increase membership. We want more people to come out to events, to engage, express their challenges, and share their vision for health care in Lancaster County. I want to foster an environment that encourages discussion. Our physician community is diverse and full of kind, intelligent, and innovative people. However, it’s not without its differences and barriers. We must break down those barriers before we can move mountains!

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Despite my last statement about moving mountains, I’ve never considered myself a “glass half full” kind of woman. As I’ve matured, I identify with the psychologist-reported concept from “Learnings from a Glass of Water”…either half full or empty, over time the glass becomes equally heavy to hold. If we accept that we all have a story that creates a lens that inherently limits our perspective, we can move aside preconceptions to find the common thread. I often feel stuck where we are, in medicine, as a country, a community, a society, etc. I think that’s what we need to address so that we can accomplish the positive change I know I am craving. And I don’t think I am alone.


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