Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2022

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Past President Dr. Stephen Permut, 2021-2022, to Incoming President Dr. Ricardo Morgenstern, 2022-2023


Time: Wednesday, September 14 at 7:00-7:30 PM (EDT) Location: Online at Zoom. (available on replay upon request.)

PCMS Installation and Awards

Please email to reserve a spot to attend and for the zoom link.

Interview: Dr. Mira Irons, President and CEO of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Philadelphia County Medical Society 2100 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

(215) 563-5343


Meet Dr. Ricardo Morgenstern


PCMS Installation and Awards Kenneth M. Certa, MD Jose Medina, MD, MSW William F. King, Jr., MD, FAAP Linton A. Whitaker, MD, FACS


Dr. Mira Irons, President and CEO of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia


Eleven Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market




Oneida Arosarena, MD, FACS SECRETARY


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dom Bucci, MD Sharon Griswold, MD Cadence A. Kim, MD William King, MD Harvey B. Lefton, MD Max E. Mercado, MD, FACS Natalia Ortiz-Torrent, MD, DFAPA Anthony M. Padula, MD, FACS Dhruvan Patel, MD David A. Sass, MD, FACP Katherine Sherif, MD Walter Tsou, MD Graeme Williams, MD

22 An Urgent Issue: Climate Change and the Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania

24 How to Get Your Smell and Taste Back After COVID-19

25 PCMS Calendar 2022 26 Quarterly Legislative Update 27 Call for Servant Leadership Champions!

Winnie Rao (Drexel) FIRST DISTRICT TRUSTEE Lynn Lucas Fehm, MD, JD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mark C. Austerberry Editor Tracy Hoffmann

In Every Issue Letter From the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

The opinions expressed in this publication are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific legal, medical or other advice or recommendations for any individuals. The placement of editorial opinions and paid advertising does not imply endorsement by the Philadelphia County Medical Society. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced electronically or in print without the expressed written consent of the publisher or editor.

Philadelphia Medicine is published by Hoffmann Publishing Group, Inc., Reading, PA | (610) 685.0914 FOR ADVERTISING INFO CONTACT:

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Meet Dr. Ricardo Morgenstern A NEW PRESIDENT WITH A BREADTH OF LIFE EXPERIENCE By Karen L. Chandler


s its new president, Dr. Ricardo Morgenstern, MD, FRCPE, FACG, FCPP, brings to the Philadelphia County Medical Society a rich tapestry of life experiences interwoven with an understanding of other cultures and an appreciation of the history of medicine.

Currently serving as the Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and at the Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, he was board-certified in gastroenterology in 1984. Morgenstern is a native of Bolivia. When Morgenstern was born in 1952 in Oruro, Bolivia, he began his life in an important South American city at that time, well-known for its tin mines, a product crucial during World War II. “Bolivia was the largest producer of tin in the world. It is the largest producer of many things, and it is the poorest country in South America,” Morgenstern said.

In Bolivia, Morgenstern’s father married his mother, a native of Uruguay. A move with his mother to Uruguay by age five meant that Morgenstern entered a school system with a focus on careers. “I liked medicine and philosophy, but I wanted something productive; both are useful; philosophy is supra-useful, as it serves as a base for every advancement in life but is not productive” he said. “In Uruguay the system was of six years of high school and the last two years you selected what you’re going to do. I was very interested in medicine and science.” After completing high school and a year of volunteerism in Israel, Morgenstern returned to Bolivia and started medical school at the University of San Simon in Cochabamba. He describes a cruel dictatorship in power at that time with a multitude of arrests that frequently reduced school availability to only one semester a year due to government closures.

“The medical school was good, and you had opportunities. The son of a holocaust survivor, Morgenstern tells of his There are very good physicians all over the world from Bolivia,” father’s arrest by the Gestapo from his upholstery shop when Morgenstern said. he lived in Warsaw, his imprisonment in a forced labor camp, The differences between the U.S. and European and Latin and his eventual escape. American school systems are striking to Morgenstern who Morgenstern’s father was hidden away behind a false notes that in the other countries students finish high school wall from 1942 to 1944 until he moved his family to Bolivia, and head into medicine, as opposed to American students one of the few countries in the world willing to accept Jews who enter other fields of study prior to medical school. desperately trying to escape Europe. 4

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He said, “When you finish high school you go directly to medicine. You don’t have to spend the most productive four years of your life doing something you aren’t going to practice. If you want to study medicine here, you have to go into biology or engineering. It may be useful, maybe not.” In an interesting twist of history, just as Morgenstern’s father found a safe haven as a Jew in Bolivia, many Japanese people also fled to Bolivia during the second World War and grew a sizeable Japanese population in South America. A collaboration between the Japanese and Bolivians was born with the creation of three hospitals known as the Bolivian-Japanese Gastroenterology Institute. As a young resident, Morgenstern found the new hospitals to offer the cutting edge of endoscopy and his GI specialty with a field of expertise in advanced endoscopy was decided. His residency complete, Morgenstern began to work, and he put plans in place to move to the United States, but an unexpected invitation created a life-altering opportunity. “I was invited to Scotland to do training in Edinburgh. At that time, I didn’t know much about Edinburgh because in those days we didn’t have the internet, we had the Encyclopedia Britannica.” Morgenstern headed in 1987 to begin a Fellowship at the Western General Hospital and the Royal Infirmary, University of Edinburgh, and Institution he describes as a cathedral of medicine. Founded in 1729, the famous university was also the training ground for many of the founders of American medicine, a fact that made an impression on Morgenstern as a young physician but was made even more inspiring as he met, among many physicians, Professor Ian Bouchier, the Chairman of the Department of Medicine, President of the World Organization of Gastroenterology, Professor Niall DC Finlayson, Professors Anne Ferguson, Kelvin Palmer, Martin Eastwood, Peter C. Hayes, and others. “When I stayed late at night in the Royal Infirmary at the top floor where the Medicine Department was, there was this room from the beginning of the Royal Infirmary history. You could see the great Physicians’ portraits, William Cullen, Alexander Monro and others. I thought, wow, this is amazing, the fathers of modern medicine teaching were here.” Morgenstern said. The historic path Morgenstern followed becomes more apparent with the connections he described between Benjamin Franklin and England and Scotland, with the famous American eventually suggesting that many of the first American physicians of that time be trained in those countries, like Benjamin Rush, the first President of PCMS. “Then they came here and founded the Pennsylvania Hospital, and the College of Physicians. His influence had a big part in that,” Morgenstern said, “and he had a bright view of the future.” On his return to Bolivia, Dr. Morgenstern re-joined the University Hospital, and grew a busy private practice treating patients from all over the country, work that continued until his move to the U.S. Other focuses in Bolivia were Morgenstern’s position as a senior advisor at the American Embassy in Cochabamba, advisor to other embassies, and a physician to many Religious Missions

from the U.S. and Canada. He was President of the GI Society of Bolivia, a member of the Board of Internal Medicine Society, the Secretary-General of the InterAmerican Society of Endoscopy, and international coordinator of the Latin American Training Center from the World Gastroenterology Organization in La Paz since 2004 to the present, having trained 3450 and 750 endoscopy assistants from all Latin America. He served as Chairman of Cochabamba Health Service by appointment of the City Mayor but corruption made any move to change impossible and Morgenstern eventually resigned, but he also served as Dean of Universidad Privada Abierta Latinoamericana for a year in Cochabamba before moving to the U.S. The political situation in Bolivia became dire with a change in government. Morgenstern said, “The situation became worse and worse. The future for younger generations looked very bad.” To ensure a safe future for his children, Morgenstern moved with his family to the U.S. in 2004 with the help and advice of Dr. Barbara and Leonard Frank. He began work at Drexel when his children were ages twelve, nine, and two, a position he retained until two years ago when an end to GI services at Drexel caused Morgenstern to transition to the University of Pennsylvania. Morgenstern notes the difference in health care between his earlier experiences in Bolivia and his work in the U.S. “Things here are different, because although the quality and technology is higher in the United States, the relationship between doctors and their patients in Bolivia is much closer. You have more time to be with your patients. It is very important to get the connection with the patients and you need to spend time. Maybe here it was the same in the past, but now with the number of patients we have, you don’t have the time to spend with your patients,” he said. “There, the doctor is part of the family.” His work in mostly GI, endoscopy, and specialized procedures at the CMJC VA Medical Center brings a similar fulfillment to Morgenstern as he sees veterans suffering and feels rewarded by doing what he can to relieve some of their distress. Today Morgenstern resides in Wynnewood, which he says provided an excellent education system for his children and created a nice neighborhood environment with good neighbors. His son is now an engineer in California, his middle daughter is in her fourth year at Drexel University Medical College with an interest in reconstructive surgery, and his youngest daughter attends the Drexel University business school. Although in earlier life Morgenstern enjoyed tennis, soccer, music, and reading histories and biographies, with Jewish history around the world as a favorite topic, he admits that these days he has little time for hobbies. Looking ahead to his role as the new PCMS president, Morgenstern anticipates continuing the good work of past presidents, including the CME program, courses in specialties, public awareness of health screenings, and interactions with medical students. continued on next page

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COVER STORY continued He hopes to find more offerings for area physicians to encourage an increase in PCMS memberships and looks forward to collaborations with the Philadelphia College of Physicians. Both the cost of malpractice and the growing number of mass shootings are also key issues for Morgenstern. Recent shootings cause him to question what in society is causing the rise in violence. “The gun violence is the symptom, not the only problem. It’s a symptom of disease in our society,” Morgenstern said. “I think that part of our society is very violent. Could it be because of extreme violence in the games, movies, and media? With this constant virtual violence, kids are being desensitized and eventually, they can’t tell what’s good from bad in the real life if they don’t have good family guidance. It’s a crucial age when you are more prone to receive information. I think not only gun control, but they should bring control into games, movies, and media.” He said, “When we were kids, we used to play cowboys with a water pistol and never thought to shoot people.” Dr. Joyann Kroser invited Morgenstern to join the PCMS during her tenure as president from 2005-2006, and he willingly joined and became a member of the society’s international graduates committee. Morgenstern’s broad educational and international experiences have led to his interest in Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare), developed by Sanjeev Arora, M.D., at the University

of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. ECHO is a collaborative model of medical education and care management helping clinicians provide expert care to patients wherever they live through video conferencing technology to train, advise, and support primary care physicians. The project also strives to increase access to specialty treatment in rural and underserved regions. Through PCMS, Morgenstern hopes to have members, with students’ participation, willing to give one or two hours every so often to talk to physicians both in Pennsylvania and around the world. Morgenstern’s wide range of experiences from living internationally and observing firsthand when countries are run by political interests makes listening to all political views vital to him. He believes strongly that the PCMS not be used for politics and that members should hear all sides and seek solutions in the middle. Morgenstern also expresses some apprehension about the welfare of his fellow physicians and hopes to find ways through the PCMS to help. “What concerns me, is to try to be more protective of our colleagues. Increased burnout in general. It is very concerning to me that I hear from physician friends about overwork even in out-of-office hours. I think we have to improve and look for solutions. There should be a way to get more physicians, so we can give less work and more efficient work and have more physicians in general,” he said. “We have to find out what are the needs of the physicians that we can solve to give them a better life.” •

PAMED 2022 House of Delegates Oct. 21-22 house-of-delegates/ 6

Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

Registration Closes: 2022 PAME In-Person and Virtual House of Delegates September 22, 2022

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Congratulations PCMS Installation and Awards Date: Friday, June 17th, 2022 Philadelphia County Medical Society Announces Cristol Award Recipient:

Kenneth M. Certa, MD Kenneth M. Certa, MD, DLFAPA, was born and raised in Norristown, Pennsylvania, Montgomery County, and was the first member of his family to pursue a career in medicine. He completed the accelerated premedical/ medical program operated jointly by the Pennsylvania State University and Jefferson Medical College, now the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. He completed residency training in psychiatry at Jefferson as well and has been on the faculty there since 1985. Dr. Certa is currently the Director of Adult Acute Psychiatric Services at Jefferson. He has worked clinically in emergency room psychiatry consultation, inpatient psychiatric care, and general hospital psychiatry consultation. He also served as the Residency Program Director at Jefferson for fourteen years. It has been through his work in emergency psychiatry that led to his involvement in organized medicine and advocacy. Many individuals with serious mental illness were at risk of catastrophic outcomes due to a lack of available resources, uneven training of emergency medical and law enforcement personnel, and conflicting interpretations of laws governing mental health commitment. Dr. Certa has served on the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia County Medical Society; the Executive Council and President of the Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, and later President of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society. He has also served as a Delegate to the Pennsylvania Medical Society, House of Delegates for many years. At the time of the reorganization of the Pennsylvania Medical Society Board, Dr. Certa advocated successfully for a slotted seat for psychiatry on the board. There is no health without mental health, and the House of Delegates agreed that the presence of psychiatry on the PAMED board would help inform the actions of the medical society, especially concerning advocacy. He served as the first Psychiatry Trustee for ten years.


Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

During his tenure on the PAMED board, the American Medical Association also changed the representation of specialty societies in its House of Delegates. Due to the importance of Pennsylvania to the AMA mission, Dr. Certa was named to the delegation from the American Psychiatric

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Association to the AMA House of Delegates. He has served there for the past twenty years and is currently the Senior Delegate from the APA to the AMA HOD. In the AMA HOD, he is proud to have worked with the Pennsylvania delegation to have AMA support the house staff who were left without liability tail protection when Hahnemann closed; this support was instrumental in securing coverage from the Hahnemann owners. Education of residents and medical students has driven his career, as well as care for individuals with serious mental illness and potential for suicide. His academic works have included many presentations at national meetings on the evaluation of suicidality, self-injury behavior, and altered mental status, as well as scholarly articles on inpatient hospital care. Dr. Certa has chaired or co-chaired the Government Relations Committee of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society for over twenty years, and has drafted letters and testified on numerous issues concerning behavioral health. Complex issues involve the standards for involuntary psychiatric commitment, reporting of committed individuals to the state police and national database for background checks, efforts to limit access to guns by individuals who pose a risk for harm to self or others, and improving access to mental health care, increasing the size and diversity of the psychiatric workforce, and safeguarding privacy while providing clinicians with important aspects of mental health history. Dr. Certa served in the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association representing Pennsylvania, and was elected to the Board of the APA; his term recently ended. Dr. Certa has had tremendous support in his work from his wife, Dr. Marie Robb, a radiologist at Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, and the rest of his family. His son Zachary is an emergency medicine physician at Kaiser Permanente in Walnut Creek, California. His older daughter Elizabeth works in IT, querying websites for accessibility for those with disabilities, and his younger son Anthony supports health IT, having initially worked for Cerner. His younger daughter Olivia is completing a master’s program in medical physics at the University of Pennsylvania. He looks forward to continuing to being active in organized medicine; working to fight against gun violence; assuring parity of access and reimbursement for behavioral health care; educating future physicians about clinical psychiatry; and helping to strengthen our communities, as we struggle to emerge from the pandemic. Congratulations Dr. Certa and Thank You for your dedication and activism! continued on next page


PCMS Members: We want to hear your opinions on important topics affecting healthcare. Email Mark Austerberry at Mausterberry@ to learn more about submitting a perspective to Philadelphia Medicine. Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine


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FEATURE continued

Congratulations PCMS Installation and Awards

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Date: Friday, June 17th, 2022 Philadelphia County Medical Society Announces Vanitha Appadorai Vaidya, MD, Award for Humaneness in Medicine Recipient:

Jose Medina, MD, MSW The Vanitha Appadorai Vaidya, MD, Award for Humaneness in Medicine honors the memory of the devoted and loving wife of our past President, Shailendra Vaidya, MD. The purpose of this Award is to commend humaneness demonstrated by a Resident Physician member of PCMS. This humaneness is characterized by particular skills in working with people, patients, and their families, and understanding human as well as clinical needs, especially in the kindness of treatment. Jose Medina, MD, MSW, is completing his third year of Residency in Family Medicine at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Dr. Medina is originally from sunny Miami, Florida, but has slowly been making his way up the East Coast. His first stop was Baltimore, Maryland where he attended Johns Hopkins University and studied Public Health. After graduation he was unsure regarding what he wanted to do, and found himself back in the tropics, teaching science in Guyana, where he was taken aback by the generosity of the community he lived within, and shocked by the lack of formal social support available to struggling families. The experience led him back up north to Philadelphia to pursue a Masters in Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania and to better understand how to navigate social and healthcare safety nets. After attending school in social work, Dr. Medina worked throughout West Philadelphia alongside community health workers, keeping patients in their homes, and out of the hospital. Working closely with many family physicians in this role, and seeing their impact on patients and the community, he decided to head off to Rutgers New Jersey Medical

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School; family medicine was an easy choice for him, as he felt it was an area of medicine that shares many core tenets of social work, and where he could form lasting relationships with patients. Dr. Medina was thrilled to return to Philadelphia, to complete his family medicine training at Jefferson, where he has been dedicated to underserved communities of all types throughout the city, and focused on seeking opportunities for residents to get involved outside of the typical clinic and hospital settings. He has been a committed preceptor to the JeffHope Clinics, Jefferson’s network of student-run free clinics, servicing several area homeless shelters. Dr. Medina will remain at Jefferson as a Hospitalist and currently serves as a faculty advisor to the JeffHope clinics. When not working, Dr. Medina enjoys spending time exploring Philly with his wife, Ellina (a neurosurgery resident), and their fur-children Macy and Snoopy. Congratulations Dr. Medina! We Thank You for your very special care and humanistic touch in medicine! • continued on next page


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FEATURE continued

Congratulations PCMS Installation and Awards

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Date: Friday, June 17th, 2022 Philadelphia County Medical Society Announces Practitioner of the Year Award Recipient:

William F. King, Jr., MD, FAAP PCMS presents the annual Practitioner of the Year Award to a physician who has been nominated for dedication to the medical profession in the areas of quality patient care and community service. The award is supported by the Wiener Fund established by the late Jacob S. Wiener, MD, a past member of PCMS. William F. King, Jr. MD, FAAP, has been a general pediatrician in private practice for more than 25 years, at Pediatric and Adolescent Medical Centers of Philadelphia (, an African-American owned practice. Dr. King was the Chief of the section of Community Pediatrics for six years at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. In addition, Dr. King served as an Ensign in the National Health Service Corps branch of the US Public Health Service. Dr. King received his MD from Yale School of Medicine at Yale University; he completed his internship and residency at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Additionally, Dr. King is an alumnus of Stanford University where he trained and worked in their molecular biology labs; the National Institutes of Health, and Duke University. Dr. King’s professional interests are in community-based pediatric practice and parent education. His research interests have been in youth violence reduction, childhood malnutrition, and medical student outreach. He was a decade-long board member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, where he helped coordinate the Legs Against Arms 5K, supporting gun violence reduction, and the Soul of Medicine brunch, an annual event with the 5 campuses of Philadelphia medical students, sustaining the souls and healing spirit of new doctors. Dr. King is currently the Vice President of the Medical Society of Eastern Pennsylvania, representing Philadelphia area Black physicians. His history with the National Medical Association extends back to medical school where he was a SNMA National Vice President. Dr. King also has a long history of participation on WURD radio’s Physicians-On-Air. 12 Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

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Dr. King is a deacon at White Rock Baptist Church in West Philadelphia, where he works actively with scouting as a merit badge counselor and cultivates the White Rock Children’s Garden. For the past decade, he has helped maintain a children’s garden with foster kids at Northern Children’s Services in Roxboro. Dr. King continues to be involved in COVID-19 education, working with the; the Philly Counts Coalition; City Government; school administrations and community organizations, to encourage and support vaccination as part of the “Back to School to Stay Campaign.” This work has extended to acting as the medical consultant on COVID-19 policies to the Chester-Upland School District through his public health consultancy business, Dr. King’s wife, Dr. Marina Barnett, is a Professor in the School of Social Work at Widener University; they have a talented high school student son and college graduate daughter who take up the rest of his attention. PCMS is proud to honor, thank, and give recognition to Dr. King who has demonstrated the highest art of medicine and outstanding contributions to the Philadelphia community. continued on next page

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FEATURE continued

Congratulations PCMS Installation and Awards

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Date: Friday, June 17th, 2022 Philadelphia County Medical Society Announces Strittmatter Award Recipient:

Linton A. Whitaker, MD, FACS The annual Strittmatter Award is the highest honor presented to a physician who has made the most valuable contribution to the healing arts. Established in 1923 by I. P. Strittmatter, MD, the award commends the recipient’s contribution to one of the fundamental sciences of medicine, having a beneficial influence on either surgery or medicine. Dr. Whitaker is a graduate of the University of Texas (Austin) and received his MD from Tulane University School of Medicine. He completed his internship at the Montreal General Hospital (McGill), and completed a general surgery residency at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College. Additionally, Dr. Whitaker completed a plastic surgery residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania where he has been since 1969. There he served as Chief of Plastic Surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Whitaker, a pioneer in the field of Plastic Surgery, is internationally recognized for his innovations and expertise in craniofacial reconstruction and cosmetic surgery of the face in adults and children. Dr. Whitaker has made numerous contributions over five decades, including introducing widely used surgical advances, early involvement in the development of infant craniofacial surgery and the nation’s first breakthroughs in bone/soft tissue relations for both reconstructive and aesthetic purposes. Dr. Adzick is the C. Everett Koop Professor of Pediatric Surgery at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Professor of Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

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At the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Dr. Whitaker held a Chair in Plastic Surgery in each place. In addition, Chairs in his name were subsequently established at each of those two places. He is now Surgeon Emeritus at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Honorary Surgeon at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and remains a Professor of Plastic Surgery at Penn. In 1972 Dr. Whitaker founded the Craniofacial Program at Penn and served as its Director until 2000. In 1987 Dr. Whitaker established the University of Pennsylvania Center for Human Appearance and remains as Director. This was the first multidisciplinary center dedicated to research,

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education, and the treatment of appearance-related disorders at a major medical center in the United States. Dr. Whitaker holds eleven honorary memberships in medical societies including eight in foreign countries. Honors also include the Distinguished Service Award from the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the Tessier Medal, given only once before, from the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery. Two Whitaker lectureships have been established in his name and Dr. Whitaker has been listed in Castle & Connelly’s Best Doctors in America every year published since 1979; in Who’s Who in America since 1996; and in Who’s Who in the World since 2004. Dr. Whitaker’s Academic Activities include having authored or co-authored over 227 papers, and six books on plastic surgery, and having given more than 300 invited lectures to scientific organizations worldwide. As Chief and Program Director at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, he has had primary responsibility for training plastic surgery resident physicians and craniofacial fellows. Additionally, Dr. Whitaker has served our country as Captain, Medical Corp in the US Army, 1963-1965. Dr. Whitaker is married to Renata Whitaker, a nurse he met in Montreal while doing his internship there; they have been married for 58 years, and have 3 children. Congratulations Dr. Whitaker, The Philadelphia County Medical Society is proud and honored to add the Strittmatter Award to your many accomplishments. •


Thank you for your membership in the Philadelphia County Medical Society PCMS defends against threats to your ability to deliver high-quality patient care. We work tirelessly to ensure our physicians remain strong, empowered and secure. In an ever-changing health care environment, your representation is more important than ever. We can’t do our work without support and participation from physicians like you. We appreciate your support and remain committed to helping you succeed in your practice by providing you with relevant programs tailored to your professional and personal needs. Please encourage your colleagues to become members. Call us at 215-536-5343 or by email at Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine 15

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Dr. Mira Irons, President and CEO of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia by Karen L. Chandler Leading The College of Physicians of Philadelphia since August 2021, Mira Bjelotomich Irons, M.D., FACMGG, FAAP, FCPP, talks of her past, the journey which brought her to her current role, and her hopes for the future of The College. As the first woman leader in the College’s history, Dr. Mira Irons is inspired to bring her skills to both the organization and the surrounding area to both address current issues and share the impacts of medicine. “Women like to be collaborative,” Irons said. “We like to bring groups of people together to work together. There are many organizations in the Philadelphia area: medical schools, and hospitals, the county medical society and specialty societies, in addition to cultural institutions. Identifying ways that the College can work with some of the other groups in Philadelphia to advance their mission and convene around important issues is one thing that benefits from being able to bring people together. I’d like to be able to do that.” A Chicago native, Dr. Mira Irons was the only child of World War II refugees from the former Yugoslavia. Irons’ upbringing focused on the importance of education and the breadth of opportunities available in the United States. The emphasis on education impacted Irons’ early life, as she remained an engaged student who committed to a career as a physician during her high school years. Irons was accepted into a six-year medical program at Northwestern University, an event which decided her future. She graduated from medical school at age 23 and entered a threeyear pediatric residency at Children’s Memorial Hospital, the Northwestern pediatric program in Chicago, followed by a three-

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year fellowship in medical and biochemical genetics in Boston. Her move to Boston set in place the next thirty years of Irons’ career in medicine. The years in Boston were spent in a fellowship in Genetics at the Boston Children’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, followed by caring for patients as a pediatric geneticist at Tufts Medical Center, and a return to Boston Children’s Hospital where she served as the clinical Chief of Genetics and Metabolism. Irons also acted as program director for the Harvard Medical medical genetics and laboratory training programs, continued a busy clinical practice, and remained active in research during her time in Boston. A job opportunity arose for Irons to become the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the umbrella organization of medical certifying boards, and allowed Irons to move back to Chicago to be nearer to her parents. “I had participated in a lot of national leadership work in genetics and medical education, so when this opportunity came up it was really to do something different. It was to impact medical care on a national basis as opposed to only within my specialty,” Irons said. A position as the Chief Health and Science Officer for the American Medical Association followed the ABMS. Irons describes the role as giving her a deeper understanding of how to work with advocacy groups at the AMA at both the state and national levels to support physicians and help protect patients. “The pandemic hit while I was there and given my role, I became the point person to provide the necessary thought leadership with regard to the pandemic, to work with all the groups across the AMA

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and inform their efforts. It was COVID, 24/7, all COVID all the time. We were all going through it together,” Irons said. “I can’t tell you how much I learned from the advocacy group at the AMA about really advocating for physicians to be able to care for their patients in the manner they should be cared for and to be sure people are cared for appropriately.” Almost two years later, Irons decided to accept her role at the College of Physicians, a historic institution she describes as sitting at the intersection of medicine, public health, and the public, serving to convene important conversations that are not just within medicine, but impact public health and the public. Physicians have always been aware of history, according to Irons, and she believes that this understanding of the progression of science and how that informs new diagnoses and new therapies positively impacts health and provides hope for many people. “It’s important that we are reminding people of medical progress and making them aware of the human stories of newly characterized diseases and new therapies,” Irons said of the mission of the College. The College of Physicians also has a history of inspiring young people to careers in medicine, according to Irons. She speaks with pride of the programs which target historically underrepresented students from the Philadelphia community and focus on stimulating interest in STEM and health care careers. Irons said, “I’d love to expand our educational programs and be able to provide more programs for other young people who may not have a clear path to medicine. There were no doctors in my family, so I had no idea how to follow that path, but fortunately I had a guidance counselor who helped, and I asked a lot of questions. We could be that resource for young people. “

Looking toward the future, Irons hopes the College can provide both enhanced exhibition spaces and public events to continue sharing the history of medicine in Philadelphia, stories of innovation and the impacts of medicine, plus providing a place for the public to ask questions or raise concerns. Irons is enjoying her life in the Philadelphia area, noting how she loves the diversity, the people, and the history of the city. “You can’t escape history when you walk around the city and how history is juxtaposed with innovation and learning and moving toward the future. You see it in the architecture, and you see it in the educational systems,” she said. Currently a resident of Moorestown, New Jersey, Irons has a daughter who is following in her footsteps toward a career in medicine and a son who is a teacher. The importance of her role at the College of Physicians and its place in Philadelphia is not lost on Irons as she reaches a year in her position as its president and CEO. “I love Philadelphia and it’s the perfect city for the College because Philadelphia is the birthplace of American medicine, the first college, the first medical school, as well as the home to many specialties and societies. There are many firsts from a historical perspective, but there are also a lot of firsts from today: mRNA vaccines, cancer immunotherapy, gene therapy. All of that happened in Philadelphia and continues to happen in Philadelphia. We are telling those stories to not only inspire young people to careers in science and health care but also to inspire patients and provide hope.” •

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Eleven Ways to Help Yourself Stay Sane in a Crazy Market by Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Nash Wealth Management Scott Nash, AWMA Executive VP/Wealth Management

Words to ponder “Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” — Warren Buffett “Most of the time common stocks are subject to irrational and excessive price fluctuations in both directions as the consequence of the ingrained tendency of most people to speculate or gamble ... to give way to hope, fear and greed.” — Benjamin Graham “In this business if you’re good, you’re right six times out of ten. You’re never going to be right nine times out of ten.” — Peter Lynch

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eeping your cool can be hard to do when the market goes on one of its periodic roller-coaster rides. It’s useful to have strategies in place that prepare you both financially and psychologically to handle market volatility. Here are 11 ways to help keep yourself from making hasty decisions that could have a long-term impact on your ability to achieve your financial goals.

1. Have a game plan Having predetermined guidelines that recognize the potential for turbulent times can help prevent emotion from dictating your decisions. For example, you might take a coreand-satellite approach, combining the use of buy-and-hold principles for the bulk of your portfolio with tactical investing based on a shorter-term market outlook. You also can use diversification to try to offset the risks of certain holdings with those of others. Diversification may not ensure a profit or protect against a loss, but it can help you understand and balance your risk in advance. And if you’re an active investor, a trading discipline can help you stick to a longterm strategy. For example, you might determine in advance that you will take profits when a security or index rises by a certain percentage, and buy when it has fallen by a set percentage.

2. Know what you own and why you own it When the market goes off the tracks, knowing why you originally made a specific investment can help you evaluate whether your reasons still hold, regardless of what the overall market is doing. Understanding how a specific holding fits in your portfolio also can help you consider whether a lower price might actually represent a buying opportunity. And if you don’t understand why a security is in your portfolio, find out. That knowledge can be particularly important when the market goes south, especially if you’re considering replacing your current holding with another investment.

3. Remember that everything is relative Most of the variance in the returns of different portfolios can generally be attributed to their asset allocations. If you’ve got a welldiversified portfolio that includes multiple asset classes, it could be useful to compare its overall performance to relevant benchmarks. If you find that your investments are performing in line with those benchmarks, that realization might help you feel better about your overall strategy. Even a diversified portfolio is no guarantee that you won’t suffer losses, of course. But diversification means that just because the S&P

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500 might have dropped 10% or 20% doesn’t necessarily mean your overall portfolio is down by the same amount.

4. Tell yourself that this too shall pass The financial markets are historically cyclical. Even if you wish you had sold at what turned out to be a market peak, or regret having sat out a buying opportunity, you may well get another chance at some point. Even if you’re considering changes, a volatile market can be an inopportune time to turn your portfolio inside out. A well-thought-out asset allocation is still the basis of good investment planning.

5. Be willing to learn from your mistakes Anyone can look good during bull markets; smart investors are produced by the inevitable rough patches. Even the best investors aren’t right all the time. If an earlier choice now seems rash, sometimes the best strategy is to take a tax loss, learn from the experience, and apply the lesson to future decisions. Expert help can prepare you and your portfolio to both weather and take advantage of the market’s ups and downs. There is no assurance that working with a financial professional will improve investment results.


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6. Consider playing defense During volatile periods in the stock market, many investors re-examine their allocation to such defensive sectors as consumer staples or utilities (though like all stocks, those sectors involve their own risks and are not necessarily immune from overall market movements). Dividends also can help cushion the impact of price swings.

7. Stay on course by continuing to save Even if the value of your holdings fluctuates, regularly adding to an account designed for a long-term goal may cushion the emotional impact of market swings. If losses are offset even in part by new savings, your bottom-line number might not be quite so discouraging.

If you’re using dollar-cost averaging — investing a specific amount regularly regardless of fluctuating price levels — you may be getting a bargain by buying when prices are down. However, dollar-cost averaging can’t guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. Also consider your ability to continue purchases through market continued on next page Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine 19

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FEATURE continued

slumps; systematic investing doesn’t work if you stop when prices are down. Finally, remember that the return and principal value of your investments will fluctuate with changes in market conditions, and shares may be worth more or less than their original cost when you sell them.

8. Use cash to help manage your mindset

Remember that while they’re sound strategies, diversification, asset allocation, and dollar-cost averaging can’t guarantee a profit or eliminate the possibility of loss. All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal, and there can be no guarantee that any investing strategy will be successful.

Cash can be the financial equivalent of taking deep breaths to relax. It can enhance your ability to make thoughtful decisions instead of impulsive ones. If you’ve established an appropriate asset allocation, you should have resources on hand to prevent having to sell stocks to meet ordinary expenses or, if you’ve used leverage, a margin call. Having a cash cushion coupled with a disciplined investing strategy can change your perspective on market volatility. Knowing that you’re positioned to take advantage of a downturn by picking up bargains may increase your ability to be patient.

9. Remember your road map Solid asset allocation is the basis of sound investing. One of the reasons a diversified portfolio is so important is that strong performance of some investments may help offset poor performance by others. Even with an appropriate asset allocation, some parts of a portfolio may struggle at any given time. Timing the market can be challenging under the best of circumstances; wildly volatile markets can magnify the impact of making a wrong decision just as the market is about to move in an unexpected direction, either up or down. Make sure your asset allocation is appropriate before making drastic changes.

10. Look in the rear-view mirror If you’re investing long term, sometimes it helps to take a look back and see how far you’ve come. If your portfolio is down this year, it can be easy to forget any progress you may already have made over the years. Though past performance is no guarantee of future returns, of course, the stock market’s long-term direction has historically been up. With stocks, it’s important to remember that having an investing strategy is only half the battle; the other half is being able to stick to it. Even if you’re able to avoid losses by being out of the market, will you know when to get back in? If patience has helped you build a nest egg, it just might be useful now, too.

11. Take it easy If you feel you need to make changes in your portfolio, there are ways to do so short of a total makeover. You could test the waters by redirecting a small percentage of one asset class to another. You could put any new money into investments you feel are well-positioned for the future, but leave the rest as is. You could set a stop-loss order to prevent an investment from falling below a certain level, or have an informal threshold below which you will not allow an investment to fall before selling. Even if you need or want to adjust your portfolio during a period of turmoil, those changes can — and probably should —happen in gradual steps. Taking gradual steps is one way to spread your risk over time, as well as over a variety of asset classes. •

Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Financial Advisors are available to discuss all considerations and risks involved with various products and strategies presented. We will be happy to provide a prospectus, when available, and other information upon request. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, its affiliates, and its employees are not in the business of providing tax, regulatory, accounting, or legal advice. These materials and any tax-related statements are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied upon, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Any such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC is a member of the New York Stock Exchange, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. For more information about Janney, please see Janney’s Relationship Summary (Form CRS) on which details all material facts about the scope and terms of our relationship with you and any potential conflicts of interest.

20 Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

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An Urgent Issue:

Climate Change and the Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania by Susan Robbins, MD, MPH, Poune Saberi, MD, MPH, and Tonyehn Verkitus


hysicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania (PSR PA) is a non-profit organization through which a variety of health professionals in the state address “the greatest threats to public health” and advance the greatest public health opportunities of our century. Its mission is to “promote socially and environmentally responsible practices, policies and programs to safeguard and improve public health” with particular concentration on climate change and environmental health issues along with efforts to prevent violence and ban nuclear weapon proliferation (with the last item being a founding objective of the national PSR organization). As the World Health Organization in 2021 described climate change as the “single biggest health threat facing humanity” while it called for organizations to “act with urgency,” it is certainly appropriate that PSR PA considers addressing climate change to be one of its highest priorities. Climate change is of great concern throughout our state, our country and the world because of the magnitude and rapid rate of the change that is occurring. Human activity has led to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and deforestation, considered two of the primary causes of climate change, with much of the greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. being due to the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation. According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Earth’s rise in surface temperature is leading to a decrease in sea ice and land ice (glaciers), an increase in permafrost thawing, an increase in heat waves along with heavy precipitation in many areas, and decreased water resources in semi-arid regions. Each of these changes is having devastating effects around the globe. In the northeast of the United States, the number of heavy precipitation events has increased by more than 70% since the 1950s and the climate stands to get hotter and wetter in the next decades. Why is climate change a threat to health? Some of the threats include the following: • Warmer climates are causing increases in water-borne, food-borne, and vectorborne diseases including Zika and Lyme disease, which is now being reported in every Pennsylvania county • Air pollution, especially from the burning of fossil fuels, is multiplied in a warming climate and adversely affects those with asthma and other respiratory ailments and is even associated with increased death rates • Increasing numbers of floods, storms and heat waves are causing injuries, accidents and death to thousands • Rising sea levels are destroying homes, communities and places of employment

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• Drought and flooding are affecting food production and access, leading to more incidences of food insecurity and hunger • Longer periods of warm weather are leading to longer pollen seasons (particularly affecting those with allergy-related disorders), and more smog and mold issues Along with such life-altering experiences, often not taken into consideration are the mental health issues that are additionally occurring with climate change – partially due to more physical illnesses, family deaths, home and job losses, food insecurity, and other challenges. Depression, anxiety, social unrest and posttraumatic stress disorder all have been linked to persons experiencing the adverse effects of climate change. As with most health issues, people living in poverty, particularly minorities, along with the very young, the elderly and those with chronic health conditions, are being most adversely affected by climate change. Children in particular are also being affected by what is being called “eco-anxiety.” Children are paying attention and they understand that their future health and prosperity are being threatened from inaction by those in charge, and they feel powerless to do anything about it. According to Dr. Ned Ketyer, pediatrician and PSR PA’s board president, “Children’s fears about climate change are well founded and shouldn’t be dismissed by the adults in their lives.” When possible, having children see responsible adults take positive actions on climate change helps to reassure them that their concerns are being addressed, and their futures are being considered. What strategy is PSR PA using to address the issue of climate change? 1. Ensure that public health professionals and public health messaging are front-and-center in Pennsylvania’s efforts to tackle climate change. 2. Ensure that decision makers are hearing from health professionals about their concerns surrounding climate change. 3. Mobilizing and expanding the network of public health organizations, officials and experts in Pennsylvania who can speak to the issue of the threats posed by climate change.

it is participating in or leading conferences on climate change and environmental health such as The Pennsylvania Climate Convergence, and COP27: A Regional Response to Climate Action Health and Equity, both conferences taking place in June 2022. More conferences are planned. PSR PA is also offering two CME programs regarding climate change: 1. The Climate Emergency Film Club, a 5-part science documentary and panel discussion series which explores how human activity is setting off Earth’s own warming loops that are pushing the climate to a point of no return and what can be done to stop them; and 2. OCAREER, a certificate program to assist practitioners in assessing how climate change is impacting health. The new mnemonic, OCAREER, stands for occupation, conditions, activities, residence, environmental conditions, education and resources. OCAREER has eight online, asynchronous modules which contain a slide deck and an article to read. 4 CME credits are available to physician participants, 4 CEUs for pharmacists, and 4 CEs for nurses. For those interested in learning more, PSR PA can provide knowledgeable speakers and presentations, particularly through their Education and Advocacy Council, and can conduct general advocacy skills trainings, especially suited for health care professionals or students. Additional information regarding past PSR PA activities, including educational presentations on climate change, can be found on its website: There you will also find archived informative videos, articles, op-eds, and relevant interviews with PSR PA speakers. PSR PA welcomes health care professionals and students who are interested in and concerned about climate change to reach out and join its efforts, especially by signing up through the Education and Advocacy Council (email: Utilizing their background knowledge and expertise, the professionals and students can work alongside PSR PA staff to send messages that have weight. Their voices are needed to speak out about the health threats posed by climate change — an urgent issue! •

Knowing that time is of the essence to address climate change, PSR PA is on the move using its strategy noted above. Currently Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine 23

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How to Get Your Smell and Taste Back After COVID-19 By Shellie Wass


he social media videos on eating strange combinations of food to get your sense of taste back may not be as crazy as they seem.

loss, which leads to their loss of the sense of taste. When you eat food, the aroma goes to the base of the tongue, and then it goes up into the nose for you to say, ‘Oh, this is cherry.’”

The first sign of COVID-19 is often the loss of taste and smell, also known as anosmia, and even those without other symptoms have experienced this. Not being able to smell or taste your food can be an alarming realization, but this doesn’t typically last long, and you can help decrease these symptoms from home. Dr. David Rosen, an otolaryngologist at Jefferson Health, spoke with us on why this is happening and how to get your sense of smell and taste back after recovering from COVID-19.

How to get taste and smell back after COVID-19

Understanding the loss of taste and smell

Many videos have surfaced online of people trying to trigger their sense of taste with aromatic foods like blackening oranges and eating them or biting into onions like they are apples. While some of these attempts may seem absurd, they may actually work. These unique exercises are similar to those of olfactory training.“Olfactory training actually utilizes the body’s neuroplasticity, which is the body’s ability to form new nerve pathways. These methods help the body create new neural pathways and help recover the sense of smell,” says Dr. Rosen.

Smell loss during and after a respiratory virus isn’t new. Typically, There is no wrong time to start trying to trigger your sense of smell post-viral smell loss includes a runny nose or nasal symptoms. This is and taste to return. If you have COVID or have recently recovered not the case with COVID, where the smell and taste loss arrive before but still have smell and taste loss, Dr. Rosen recommends starting any respiratory symptoms. COVID is a unique type of respiratory early smell exercises. Alpha lipoic acid, vitamin A supplements, virus with quick access to the nervous system. Dr. Rosen says that and over-the-counter steroid nasal sprays may be helpful.Olfactory this means that the virus easily travels up the nose and attaches itself training can easily be done at home and has been the most helpful to the olfactory nerve, which is at the top of the nose and responsible in promoting smell fibers to start working again. for conveying sensory information related to smell to your brain. Dr. Rosen recommends smelling readily available items around the Dr. Rosen says the most common complaint of those recovering house and slowly mastering new smells. It’s good to begin smelling from COVID is that they can smell fine but have lost their sense coffee, perfumes, citrus, or different types of essential oils—master of taste. After smell testing these patients, they’re only able to smell identifying these and then move on to a new scent. There is no some of the scents, and they realize they, in fact, don’t have a good downside to doing these tests, and data has shown that it helps sense of smell. “Generally, people can identify tastes, like sweet, patients recover quickly. sour, salty, bitter, and umami (savory), but if you can’t smell, you [Editor’s Note: Read how Dr. Rosen is helping patients like Nancy can’t tell the difference between something like cherry or grape. It Damato regain their sense of taste and smell through a clinical trial.] just tastes sweet,” Dr. Rosen says. So, most people are having smell 24 Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

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Recovery time Recovery time varies from patient to patient. While some recover within days, some may take months, and this is why treatment can be tricky. Patients who have lost their smell after COVID may have a side effect of parosmia so that when their sense of smell returns, things can smell very bad to them. Dr. Rosen says that any sign of smell is a good sign of recovery. This means that some neuro-regeneration is happening, and the smell fibers are just not fully back to normal. This is when you would want to start doing more olfactory training to help stimulate the olfactory nerve. The good news is, the majority of patients recover quickly, so this loss of taste and smell is temporary. If you are still suffering from these symptoms after recovering from other COVID symptoms, start doing more olfactory training and over-the-counter nasal steroid sprays.

Long-term risks The riskiest part of having no sense of taste and smell is not being able to smell gas. Other issues include it being difficult to cook and eat because the diet becomes more about texture instead of taste. “People become unable to have a normal diet due to everything tasting flat, which results in weight loss issues,” Dr. Rosen says. Socially, one of the things that connect people is food, which becomes a disconnect when you can’t share the same way with your friends and family.

How a doctor can help The first thing Dr. Rosen does is perform nasal endoscopy in the office to make sure there isn’t another cause for smell loss. He may prescribe patients with a steroid rinse and possibly oral steroids. At this point, patients are instructed on how to perform smell training exercises. Many COVID patients have previously been prescribed oral steroids for the COVID infection. But additional oral steroids may be helpful. If patients still haven’t recovered after six months, they may be eligible for a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) study. This is where plasma is inserted into the nose through a needle or sponge at the olfactory cleft to trigger a regenerative cell growth process, just as doctors would do to heal scars or encourage hair growth. If you’re concerned that you lost your sense of smell and were diagnosed with COVID, there is no underlying condition causing this, so you don’t need to worry too much. If it has been months and you are still unable to smell, contact a doctor. It is also important to make sure that there isn’t a more serious cause of the loss of taste and smell. The sooner you pursue treatment options, like a more aggressive medical treatment or olfactory training, the better. For the latest information on Jefferson Health’s COVID-19 vaccine distribution, visit Want more information? Tune into The Health Nexus Podcast where Dr. Rosen discusses a clinical trial that uses platelet-rich plasma to help patients get back their sense of smell, and a patient offers her personal experience on this trial and regaining her senses. •

PCMS CALENDAR 2022 AUGUST 12 Editorial Review Board Meeting 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 22 PCMS Executive Committee 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM SEPTEMBER TBA House of Delegates Information Session 101 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 9 Editorial Review Board Meeting 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 13 Child Abuse Recognition Training Certified Program 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM 22 PCMS Board of Directors 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM OCTOBER 14 Editorial Review Board Meeting 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 22 PAMED HOD in Hershey 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM 27 PCMS Executive Committee 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM TBA Contract Review Program 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM NOVEMBER 11 Editorial Review Board Meeting 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 17 PCMS Executive Committee 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM DECEMBER 8 PCMS Board of Directors 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM 9 Editorial Review Board Meeting 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine 25

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lot of legislation has been going on in Harrisburg in the last couple of months. There was a big win for international medical graduates in April when Governor Tom Wolf signed House Bill 245 into law, which establishes a licensing parity for graduates of international medical schools. This reduces the clinical residency requirement from three years to two years from IMGs to apply for a medical license. PAMED championed this legislation and celebrated this win. On May 17th, Pennsylvania held its primary election day and there were a lot of interesting results. One loss we saw was for House Appropriations Committee Chair Stan Saylor (R-) by over 10 percent to his challenger. Another highlight to note, the race for the 86th PA State House District pitted incumbent Rep. John Hershey against incumbent Rep. Perry Stambaugh; Stambaugh won re-election in the new district by 10 percent. As the legislative session ends in June, there has been a lot of movement on bills we are keeping an eye on: • Venue Rule (House Bill 2660) – Introduced by State Representative Rob Kauffman, institutes a Constitutional amendment that will strip the Supreme Court’s ability to establish venue and place the matter in the hands of the legislature. While the Supreme Court has not acted on the proposed venue rule change, it continues to be a threat. PAMED supports the proposed amendment to keep the current venue rule in place. • Prior Authorization (Senate Bill 225) – The prior authorization bill was amended by the Senate and has been referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Final passage by the full Senate is expected next week. PAMED has been supporting and advocating for prior authorization reform and is supportive of the amended version of Senate Bill 225. 26 Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2022

Quarterly Legislative Update • Pharmacists Performing Immunizations (House Bill 2679 & Senate Bill 511) – The temporary waiver issuing Pharmacists to perform vaccinations is set to expire on June 30th. The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association has been advocating for a permanent position for pharmacists to perform all vaccines for children. Working in coordination with the PA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the PA Academy of Family Physicians, POMA, and the PA Chapter of the American College of Physicians, an agreement has been reached to allow pharmacists to administer seasonal flu and COVID vaccines to their customers aged 5 and above. The legislation, House Bill 2679, along with Senate Bill 511, contains the compromise language. At this time, it is uncertain as to what vehicle will be approved and sent to the Governor. • Mental Health Services (House Bill 2686) – Introduced by Rep. Wendi Thomas, this legislation aims to improve access to mental health care in Pennsylvania through the Collaborative Care Model, an integrated care model that can deliver timely psychiatric care in the primary care setting. This grant would create a program for small and solo practices to cover their Collaborative Care Model start-up costs, prioritizing those practices in rural and underserved areas of Pennsylvania. PAMED is in support of these services, and the bill has been referred to the Health and Human Services Committee. • Fentanyl Strips (House Bill 1393) – This bill amends The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act of 1972, which includes the definition of drug paraphernalia. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously approved the bill which would legalize fentanyl test strips. PAMED supports this legislation,

and the bill has been referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate. • Patient Test Result Information Act Amendment (House Bill 1280) – The proposed legislation amends the current Patient Test Result Information Act to remove the definition of “significant abnormality” and require diagnostic imaging entities to provide patients with written notice that their results will be sent to the ordering health care practitioner, at the time of any imaging service. PAMED supports this legislation and is awaiting approval from the Health and Human Services Committee. We remain hopeful that the bill will win final approval before the end of the legislative session in late November. In addition, PAMED has written letters in support of the following: • Primary Care Loan Repayment PAMED sent a letter to representatives in support of an increase in funding for the Pennsylvania Primary Care Loan Repayment Program in the 2022-2023 state budget. • Access to Vision Medications PAMED wrote a letter to the PA Senate Banking and Insurance Committee in support of Senate Bill 1201, expanding access to important sight-saving medicine by authorizing refills for prescriptions at 70% of the original length. At the beginning of this year, PAMED launched a new legislative community platform. The platform is a way to get physicians more engaged with legislation and to provide an opportunity to keep up to date on regulation and calls to action. For more information about any of the items mentioned above, please visit the Advocacy Section of PAMED’s web site at •

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Call for Servant Leadership Champions! By Dr. David Talenti, PAMED’s 172nd president

What is a servant leadership champion? A champion is an individual who has conscientiously and intentionally implemented one or more components of servant leadership into their interactions and engagement with co-workers, patients, colleagues, and groups with success.

If chosen, what does a servant leadership champion do? PAMED wants to highlight great work in the area of servant leadership and help other PAMED members learn about ways to implement the components of servant leadership into their everyday lives. If you’ve successfully done so, we’d like to hear about it. We’ll use your story to share with our membership and educate them on the successful use of servant leadership.

If chosen to be a servant leadership champion, here are things you might do! Record an interview discussing how you’ve implemented/benefitted from servant leadership in your healthcare setting (students, residents, system employed, private practice, administrators, academia, etc…). Write a blog entry describing a scenario or situation where servant leadership helped you overcome an obstacle or solve a problem with a patient or colleague. Record yourself discussing one of the pillars of servant leadership and provide a tip you find personally useful. Do a social media “take-over” walking us (PAMED members) through a “day in the life” as you highlight ways you live out servant leadership. Commit to talk with a group of physicians about Servant Leadership (practice, medical staff, section, etc…). •

Summer 2022 : Philadelphia Medicine 27

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