August 2022 Hardwood Matters

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WWW.NHLA.COM AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS | 1 CONTENTS August 2022 • Issue 236 feature 14 Your Vote Is Your Voice 2022 Election by Dana Cole Executive Director Hardwood Federation departments 6 Inside NHLA 8 One Common Ground Let's Build Together by Dallin Brooks Executive Director NHLA 10 Talking Ties The Power of Presence by Nathan E. Irby, PH.D. 12 Member Carbotech-AutologSpotlight 18 Rules ImproveCornerYourAccuracy by Dana Spessert Chief Inspector NHLA reader services 4 President’s Message 20 Educational Calendar 22 NHLA Job Board WHAT'S INSIDE


The NHLA Inspector Training School is hosting the 199th class in Clearfield, PA this summer. Last week, they had some special visitors: Bruce Horner from Abenaki Timber, Brant Forcey with Forcey Lumber Co., Inc., and Nick Ince with Walker Lumber Company. All three have been instrumental in the class being brought to PA. We would like to give a special thank you to Brant and Nick for providing all of the lumber necessary for the training throughout the 8-week class. The class is being taught by NHLA instructor Roman Matyushchenko. NHLA Chief Inspector Dana Spessert also stopped by. We want to wish all the students the best of luck in their classwork and their future careers. us THE at

2 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS WWW.NHLA.COM HARDWOOD MATTERS THE VOICE OF THE HARDWOOD INDUSTRY National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 • Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 • 901-382-6419 (fax) • THE MISSION OF NHLA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services; promoting North American hardwood lumber and advocating the interest of the hardwood community in public/private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities. For advertising contact: John Hester, Director of Membership and Business Development at or 901-399-7558 or Vicky Simms, Membership Development Manager at or 901-399-7557 ADVERTISER INDEX 11 A.W. Stiles Contractors, Inc. 24 Ally Global Logistics LLC 24 American Wood Technology 5 Baillie IBC DMSi 17 EZLOG Company, Inc. 11 JoeScan 3 King City Forwarding USA IFC Pike Lumber Company, Inc. BC Tropical Forest Products 5 U-C Coatings, LLC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jeff Wirkkala Hardwood Industries, Inc. Chairman Jon Syre Cascade Hardwood, LLC Vice Chairman Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Past Chairman 2018-2020 NHLA STAFF Dallin Brooks Executive Director Amanda Boutwell Marketing Communicationsand Manager Julia Ganey Member Relations Manager John Hester Director of Membership and Business Development Renee Hornsby Director of CommunicationsMarketing/ Jens Lodholm Data Administration Specialist Roman Matyushchenko ITS Instructor and Associate Dean of Education Carol McElya Education Services Project Manager Vicky Quiñones Simms Membership Development Manager Melissa Ellis Smith Graphic Designer Dana Spessert Chief Inspector MISSION LEADERS Bucky Pescaglia Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Unique Services Ray White Harold White Lumber Inc. Rules Joe Pryor Oaks IndustryUnlimitedAdvocacy & Promotion Rich Solano Pike Lumber Company, Inc. Structure Stephanie VanDystadt DV Hardwoods, Inc. Membership & Networking COMMITTEE CHAIRS Burt Craig Matson Lumber Company Membership Rob Cabral Upper Canada Forest Products, Ltd. Promotion & Advocacy Dennis Mann Baillie Lumber Co. Convention Scott Cummings Cummings Lumber Company, Inc. Inspection Services Bruce Horner Abenaki Timber ITS/ContinuingCorp.Education George Swaner Swaner CommunicationsHardwood& Marketing Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules

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Suppose you believe the cause of the recession is political. In that case, this year is particularly important as there is a national election on November 8 that allows each of us to vote for new members of Con gress and the Senate. Election day is an opportunity for the people of the United States to change the course of our country’s policies. I encourage each of you to register and vote on November 8, 2022. Associations tend to focus on doing things for their members that members cannot individually do for themselves. About 20 years ago, industry leaders created the Hardwood Federation and Hardwood Federation PAC. The base of the Federation’s membership is from multiple associations. The Federation’s funding comes in part from NHLA dues (10% is given every year), contributions from other associations, and generous contributions from companies and individuals. The HF PAC’s financing comes from donations from individuals committed to supporting the politicians who support the Hardwood Industry. The main goal of the Federation and the Hardwood Federation PAC is to increase awareness of and encour age the passing of legislation that benefits our industry. For the Hardwood Federation and Hardwood Federation PAC to be successful, they need funding beyond the funds that NHLA and other association partners contribute. I have participated by financially supporting both the HF and HFPAC for years. These causes are one of the best uses of the company and the personal funds I commit to each year. Both groups do work that I cannot do myself. Please consider a monthly commitment to both the HF and HFPAC. Earlier this year, the HFPAC kicked off the “100 Quads Cam paign” to raise $100,000 from 100 members in 100 days and 100% participation from Federation leadership. The PAC is about 85% of the way to this financial goal. If you are interested in contributing, contact Bryan Brendle at 202-463-5186 or at

Best wishes for your continued health and success. May God bless you, your families, and your business in 2022.

In closing, let me give you a takeaway to think about. A recession is upon us. No one knows how much it will affect our businesses in the future. You cannot control the national economy or the whims of our politicians. You can control how you approach a recession. You can control what you do with your business and how you do your job. There will be opportunities that unfold for each of us that don’t come up in a good economy. Your attitude about approaching “harder times” will be critical to your success. Look for opportuni ties to make improvements in your job and company. Plan to be positive, work hard and be successful.


is that they do not care if a politician has a “D,” “I,” or “R” after their name. If the person supports the Hardwood Industry, we support them. Please give generously!


Jeff NHLAWirkkalaChairman | Hardwood Industries, Inc.

Hello Everyone, The U.S. has experienced consecutive quarters of declin ing GDP and is officially in a recession. In talking with our members, it does not feel like a recession for our industry. The hardwood lumber market pricing is still good. Pricing is still well above the past few years of historical averages. There is still good demand for our products and services. We certainly have a quarter or two of betterthan-average times in front of us. Everyone I talk to is concerned about our future. How bad will the recession be? No one knows for sure. How did our good times begin to stall? Multiple factors are part of the cause, but two reasons that we see every day are inflation and the cost of energy. How did we get to $5 per gallon of gas? Is there a relationship between our current administration’s energy policies and this recession? Whatever you believe, something changed that will make our lives more difficult in the coming year.

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After a year and a half of investigation, the task force presented its findings to the Membership

6 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS WWW.NHLA.COM INSIDE NHLA In June of this year, all Active Category Members were mailed a letter outlining the new NHLA Dues Structure that will take effect on January 1, 2023. Electronic communication was sent on July 18 as a follow-up to that letter. To ensure that all members are aware of the new structure, we are enclosing the notice in this month’s edition of Hardwood Matters. BACKGROUND: At the fall board meeting In November 2020, the Membership Committee began discussing creating a more fair and equitable structure of the membership categories and dues. It was decided that a task force would be created to look at all possible member category scenarios. The task force was comprised of the following individuals: Burt Craig - Matson Lumber Co., Brookville, PA Membership Committee Chairman Stephanie VanDystadt - DV Hardwoods Inc., Fassett, QC Mission Leader Rob Cabral - UCS Forest Group of Companies, Mississauga, ON Ray Wheeland - Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc., Liberty, PA

and then to the full Board of Directors during the April 2022 meeting. After discussion, the improved membership category restructure was unanimously passed by the entire Board of Directors. CURRENT MEMBERSHIP DUES STRUCTURE Yearly Gross Hardwood Revenue Dues 0-$5 million $1,420 $5-$20 million $2,940 $20-$40 million $5,880 $40 million + $11,770 NEW MEMBERSHIP DUES STRUCTURE Yearly Gross Hardwood Revenue Dues < $1-5 million $1,420 < $5-10 million $2,205 < $10-15 million $2,940 < $15-20 million $3,675 < $20-27 million $4,410 < $27-33 million $5,880 < $33-40 million $7,350 < $40-47 million $8,830 < $47-53 million $11,770 < $53 million + $14,715 NHLA membership renews on an individual company’s anniversary date. The new membership categories and dues do not go into effect until January 1, 2023. If you have questions about the new dues struc ture, don’t hesitate to get in touch with John Hester, Director of Mem bership, at or call 901-399-7558. We look forward to your continued membership and involvement with NHLA! NEW NHLA DUES STRUCTURE ANNOUNCED NHLA BYLAWS UPDATED A s you may remember, if you attended the past two NHLA Conventions, NHLA has been on a mission to update the NHLA Bylaws. In February of 2022, the NHLA Membership returned ballots for or against the bylaw changes. On March 4, 2022, the NHLA Bylaw changes were passed by a majority vote and became official. You may find the update NHLA Bylaws on the About Us section of the NHLA Website

John Hester - NHLA Director of Membership Committee

NHLA is happy to announce that the RAHC, has launched the website, designed to inspire and educate consumers. “The website takes visitors on a digital journey to learn how and why they should choose Real American Hardwood flooring, cabinetry, millwork, furniture, and other goods for their homes,” says Michael Martin, president and CEO of the National Wood Flooring Association. “Today’s consumers are overwhelmed with product choices and often believe they’re buying natural and renewable hardwood products, when in fact, they’re buying look-alikes such as vinyl and plastic that are manufactured from non-renewable resources. Now, the industry has an informative tool that’s setting the record straight and separating fact from fiction—backed by research and science.”

If you believe in the goals of RAHC and the work that is being done to promote and increase the use of Real American Hardwood Products, please visit the separate industry website to find out how you can support the initiative through social media and funding - we need your continued support to further this very important!

Designed by CANVAS United—a high-profile agency known for its exceptional creativity, impressive project portfolio, and extensive experience in promoting commodity and agricultural goods—the website educates consumers on the advantages and benefits of Real American Hardwood products in ways that make emotional connections. Interactive site modules engage consumers and compare the appearance, durability, value, home health, and environmental attributes of real wood products to faux, wood-look alternatives. The site also serves as a hub for project inspiration, maintenance tips, and environmental facts, and explores how hardwood is influencing lifestyles and culture in the modern world.


“Our industry has a rich history and compelling stories to tell,” says Dean Alanko, vice president of sales and marketing, Allegheny Wood Products. “The website spotlights the generational, family business that make up our industry. I’m proud of how the website tells these stories and presents information that can make a difference in consumers’ lives and benefit all industry stakeholders.” We encourage you to visit, put this link on your company website, share this website with your employees, suppliers and customers.

A s you are aware, NHLA has been an active participant in the Real American Hardwood Coalition (RAHC) since its launch in 2019. NHLA has supported this initiative monetarily and with contribution of staff time and work. The purpose of the RAHC is to meet the imperative goals of increasing markets and sales of Real American Hardwood products, celebrating the sustainability of hardwood goods, generating new products, and improving overall industry stability.

Launches Consumer Website


My family of 7 kids might not have much in common with yours, but you love family no matter what they do. We can build on love. My forest preference is for the northern pine forest around a lake shore. Yours might be deciduous. We can build on trees. My fun is climbing snowy mountains, hiking long distances, and guiding moose hunters, all available here on planet earth. It doesn’t get any simpler than that, but I know that whatever you like to do for fun, you do it on earth too. Without realizing it, we have found one common ground, our inspired love for trees and nature on earth.

By DALLIN BROOKS, Executive Director

Iwant to share with you a little thing I believe can make a big difference if we all do it. Build on common ground. That is why I am titling my column for Hardwood Matters “One Common Ground.” I am one person, the NHLA is one association, but it only takes one to make a difference. Furthermore, #1 common is typically the middle of the NHLA grades. It isn’t perfect, but it isn’t junk either, which is true for just about everyone or everything. Common ground is hard to find in a discussion about any polarized topic, but it is there, even if you must go back to the basics to the simple ideas that make up the complex theories. Finally, the NHLA tag line is Strong Roots, Global Reach, both of which require ground that is not only productive but also solid enough to move across, which accurately describes the NHLA staff. If we build on one com mon ground, then each of us, our businesses, and our associations can work together for the common good of the entire hardwood industry. Let me build on a common ground; associations are important.

I have skipped the self-introduction intentionally because I have com mon ground with you. My passions lie in faith, family, forests, and fun (outdoor recreation). I guarantee you agree with at least one of those things, even though we might value and act on them differently.

Together the NHLA staff and members have one common ground to build from and fortify the hardwood industry. We are the industry for the environment, and using our products more, can make a positive difference in society. There are some 100+ million houses in North America with hardwoods inside. We have ensured sustainability for our forests by making hardwood products such as lumber, ties, and pallets from our forests, which is a great common ground to build on.

Dallin Brooks NHLA Executive Director |

Let's Build Together


For example, my faith inspires me to write in a journal every day (something I have done for more than 25 years), your faith inspires you to some action, and that is what we can build on - inspiration.

I love association management.Why? Because it doesn’t have the pressure of sales combined with the stress of production. I have been there and done that and appreciate how hard sales and production are to manage, especially with constantly changing markets and regulations. That’s why NHLA exists. To put aside the business focus on sales and production and focus instead as an industry on harmonizing such things as grading rules, education, inspector training, and increasing market stability. Your membership in the NHLA is coming together with others, forming an association with One Common Ground, hardwood lumber.

Premier Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Huntington Convention Center | Cleveland, Ohio Most ConventionRockin'Yet! 21-23September Register Today! Join us in September for a Rockin’ Good Time. The conference includes a great line-up of speakers and industry specific education, an opportunity to visit 100+ exhibitors, Exhibit Showcase demonstrations and presentations, unrivaled networking, a NOT-TO-BE-MISSED Private Rock n Roll Hall of Fame event and so much more!

Fragmentation is a complicated nuance, and with many other likedescriptors commonly thrown around within our hardwood “wheelhouse,” the time for collaboration through community safe harbor is at a pinnacle. Ties are a significant hardwood commodity, relatively steady in demand year over year, and an essential part of our country’s infrastructure. I previously worked for Union Pacific, and the company’s mission, in part, was to “Build America.” That is REAL, and hardwood crossties are still the predominant backbone of railroad track systems in North America – you/we should be proud of that. All other facets of our hard wood industry can tout similar, from flooring to pallets to board road and more. But even though, independently, we craft a great story about how wood is natural and renewable and encapsulates a low embodied energy to produce, i.e., woods to goods, I question: are we telling that story in the most meaningful and impactful way? Furthermore, if we cannot work more closely together within our own industry, how can we expect to prosper as a whole well into the future?

Iappreciate the opportunity to contribute to Hardwood Mat ters moving forward. Our new and continued collaboration with NHLA, HMR, AHMI, Forestry Associations, and many others across the hardwood landscape is a treasure for me. I come from hardwood sawmilling roots, own timberland, and am the third generation in the forest products business. Many blessings have been bestowed upon me, and I continue the good fight for our collective cause (continued relevance) because I genuinely believe in it.

So, even though two sides might conflict initially, through mutual un derstanding and respect, both can walk away with a greater appreciation of each viewpoint, establish a connection for dual benefit (albeit it may only be a small sliver), and realize the greater good is attainable with some capacity of working together, right? I challenge us all to help convey our collective message with a newly enhanced sense of community to attain the aforementioned – continued relevance through the power of presence.

By NATHAN “NATE” E. IRBY, PH.D., Executive Director of the Railway Tie Association

During my procurement days, I visited a lot of sawmills to under stand the markets better because not just strong demand for ties influ

Nathan “Nate” E. Irby, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Railway Tie Association


The Power of Presence

ences sawmill operations – a stark imbalance between ties and lumber, for instance, is not healthy, for either, for long. While visiting with mills, I always tried to listen more than I talked (emphasis on “tried”), and even if there was hostility or discontent initially, I attempted to leave with both sides possessing an understanding of the conflicting viewpoints and (hopefully) mutual respect established. I garnered a couple of sayings throughout my time on the railroad, having sur vived those more heated visits, the first being, “the human condition will prevail,” and another, “wood IS renewable, so ARE relationships.”

WWW.NHLA.COM AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS | 11 SAWMILLSIMPLYSCANNINGBETTERJS-50X6BNEW CARRIAGES & SHORTEDGERSINFEED A.W. Stiles Contractors: Family Owned and Operated Since 1976. Office: (931) 668-8768 • Fax: (931) 668-7327 • 286 Bass Lane, McMinnville, TN 37110 Lee Stiles: or cell (931) 409-0144 • Casey Miller: or cell (931) 607-7451 Through the years A.W. STILES CONTRACTORS has done everything imaginable to lumber dry kilns. From complete new green field fabrication and installation projects to minor repairs. DRY KILNS REPAIRS WE DO ROUTINELY: Complete Energy Efficient Rebuilds • Roof Replacements • Door Replacements, Existing Door Repair Electrical Controls & Upgrades • New Coil/Steam Pipe Replacements • Patching Walls & Roofs No matter the size of your kiln project, We will be happy to take a look at it with you!


Now take for example, Carbotech and Autolog. Both companies began 35 years ago, and in 2021 they decided to come together. When Carbotech first started, they of fered their customers elite handling equipment. When Autolog began, it focused more on software for optimization and PLC controls for the industry.


Do you remember when Disney and Pixar merged? The two companies brought a dif ferent skill set to the table and when they merged, the magic really started to happen.

Éric Michaud, VP of Sales & Marketing at Carbotech International, says, “Autolog was deeply involved in the different processes of saw mills and planner mills. Bringing the two companies together made perfect sense.”


Carbotech purchased Autolog in July 2021, and since then it’s been a marriage made in heaven. Now Carbotech-Autolog can design and manufacture practically anything, load it with the latest technology, and handle the installation.

Éric continued, “I would say the key to our success has been our after-sales service. We’ve been known for that since the beginning. Our customers know that we ensure they’re happy with their equipment and our services. They know they are in good hands. That is part of what separates us from our competition. We supply a complete turnkey solution where the customer has one project manager to take care of the whole project. So, our customers have one phone number to call when they have an issue, be it with the equipment or anything else. We can provide the whole solution while many other companies cannot. Another thing that makes us different is that we do business in other countries, which allows us to learn new concepts from other cultures that can be brought back to North America, giving us more expertise in this industry.”

Carbotech-Autolog will be exhibiting at the Annual NHLA Conven tion in Cleveland, OH, this September (Booth 523). They are excited to see their industry friends while looking forward to making new ones. Éric spoke on the importance of being a part of NHLA, stating, “Our NHLA membership is essential to us. The visibility provided by the Annual Convention is an excellent opportunity to increase our company’s notoriety because we can meet many customers with out having to travel to multiple facilities across the country.”

Michaud elaborates, “So, let’s say we have a customer who wants to go faster with their line. Because, I mean, everybody wants to go faster these days. They call us, we meet with them and look at their existing facility, then we let them know what we can do to improve their process. If we cannot improve their current process, we will offer a new system with the state-of-the-art technology they need to go faster. Together, CarbotechAutolog has the expertise and capacity to improve productivity.”

Carbotech's head office

Carbotech-Autolog is bullish for 2022. Actually, they are bullish through 2025. Éric says, “We are so busy right now! Autolog is booked through 2023, and Carbotech is booked until 2025, which is impressive – I have never seen that in our history. We had a very slow year in 2020 when the pandemic started. Mostly because we couldn’t travel, and it is hard to make sales when you don’t travel. But we caught up quickly after the first six or seven months of 2021. Now, things are looking so good that we are exploring the idea of opening a divi sion in the southern U.S. We plan for that to widen our capacity to deliver even more projects.”

Looking toward the next several years, Michaud said, “We love being a part of the forestry and sawmill business. This is a great industry because it continues to evolve year after year. There are always new technologies coming up on the market. I would say the future looks bright for Carbotech- Autolog. We will continue growing and will be present everywhere there is wood.”

You can reach out to Carbotech-Autolog online at, via email at, or by phone at 800-387-6317. “We love being a part of the forestry and sawmill business. This is a great industry because it continues to evolve year after year. There are always new technologies coming up on the market. I would say the future looks bright for Carbotech-Au tolog. We will continue growing and will be present everywhere there is wood.”


14 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS WWW.NHLA.COM By DANA COLE, Executive Director Hardwood Federation In case you missed it, 2022 is an election year. Incumbents and candidates at all levels of government are already on the campaign trail, trying to convince voters they are the best option to address the myriad of issues and challenges we, as individuals and as a nation, face today.

The legislative agenda for Congress is complicated by the fact that there are relatively few working days between now and the elec tion less than 25 days when both House and Senate will be in session and by a typical hesitancy to take tough votes so close to the second Tuesday in November. This limited time will be focused on debating and preparing budget bills to fund 2023 federal government operations and programs and addressing the ongoing war in Ukraine. And, of course, the debate continues about how to address inflation and the increasing cost of living for Americans, further eating into limited hours.

But as we have witnessed over the past few elections, voters have become unpredictable, and no one should consider the November outcome a foregone conclusion.

t the federal level, each and every one of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives is up for grabs. Although the vast majority of in cumbents are running to retain their seats, more than 50 have opted to retire or to leave early for other opportunities. More have been and will be defeated during the primary season. In the Senate, 34 of 100 seats are on the ballot; six incumbents have announced their retirement, with one additional Senator retiring in early 2023 before the end of his term.




Democrats hold the majority in the House and Senate and, of course, hold the White House, but razor-thin margins in both chambers make for a fascinating election cycle, and the pundits are having a field day. Combined with global economic uncertainty, rising inflation, and a war in Europe, the U.S., many believe the electorate is poised to make some changes in November. But as we have witnessed over the past few elections, voters have become unpredictable, and no one should consider the November outcome a foregone conclusion.

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In many ways, this period is best used as a time to prepare for the next Congress and the year or so window of opportunity to make real progress. Con gressional offices and advocacy organizations alike start looking towards the coming year and establishing their priorities. For the Hardwood Federation, a major agenda item in 2023 will be to influence negotiations related to the reauthorization of the Farm Bill, the massive piece of legislation reviewed and renewed every five years.

WWW.NHLA.COM16 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS Above: ripeharvesterCombineharvestswheat. Left: Oak Biomass

WWW.NHLA.COM AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS | 17 Resaw LET US PROVE IT TO YOU. High-grade, cold rolled steel with engineering so good, it’s patented. The EZLOG Hog Nose Staple™ is built for easy install, quick removal and solid holding power. Premium galvanized and perfect depth penetration also means it protects your logs and your profits. PATENTED Visit: EZLOGSTAPLE.COM/SAMPLE OR call (502) 648-2808 to get yours and learn more about EZLOG. ORDER YOUR FREE SAMPLE KIT FIGHTTOUGHHOGHOLDSTODAY!LOGENDSPLITSTHEEZ-LOGHOGNOSELOGSTAPLE™TheBIGREDBUCKET Now available in a 300 staple count value bucket. NHLA SHOW VISIT BOOTH #430 The Farm Bill includes a Forestry subtitle that covers a number of programs and policies related to the hardwood industry. While we are just starting to think about how the Farm Bill can better serve the hardwood industry, there are a few items we will almost certainly be addressing, including: • Maintaining or increasing funding for export promotion programs administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. • Including hardwood products in federal carbon accounting systems and programs.  • Improving the U.S. Forest Service’s capacity to manage federal lands, including meeting regional timber harvest objectives and funding state and local partnership programs. • Maintaining or increasing funding for the Wood Innovation Grant programs and including specific hardwood projects. • Maintaining programs that promote biomass energy and deploying heating and power systems that rely on wood-based biomass fuel. • Supporting programs that incentive private woodland owners to keep forests as forests. While the Farm Bill will be a priority, other issues will certainly emerge, and we will work with our Board of Directors and industry members to identify and address them. And as always, we will need ev ery individual involved in the U.S. hardwood industry to get involved and engaged. As we develop strategies and outreach materials, we will share them widely. As one cycle ends, we look forward to positive ac tion and outcomes in the next!

RULES CORNER Hardwood Lumber Inspectors have a significant responsibil ity in grading hardwoods. They must not only determine the grade but also ensure that all limitations are not exceeded. This month I would like to point out some areas that can improve the lumber inspector’s accuracy and the mill’s overall grade yield. The first area involves the “Miscut lumber Rule” that was thickness issues are identified, the Inspector should inform someone who has the authority to fix the issue. The Inspector should also be able to provide which areas of the boards are out of tolerance to aid in the identification of the machine that is causing the issue. Inspectors should also work with the edger and trimmer opera tors to teach them the wane and First Lineal Foot rules. It is much easier for a lumber inspector if the lumber is properly manufactured Improve Your Accuracy Empower Your Lumber Inspector and CREW! By DANA SPESSERT, Chief Inspector Chief Inspector Dana Spessert can be reached d.spessert@nhla.comator by phone at 901-399-7551. Find your National Inspector


Cory Christen with NHLA’s Kevin Evilsizer. ”

— Greg Blomberg, General Manager at Kendrick Forest Products NHLA CHIEF Call 901-399-7551 or Email NHLA FACILITY GRADE CERTIFICATION

Kevin and the NHLA have been a great resource for continuing to build into our team. We look forward to Kevin coming back in the summer.”


Kendrick Forest Products is a member of the National Hardwood Lumber Association’s (NHLA) Facility Grade Certification Program. This is a voluntary quality assurance program where our lumber is re-inspected by the NHLA National Inspector 2-3 times per year to ensure we are representing the lumber properly. It is with a great deal of pride that I can inform you Cory Christen passed his test with flying colors. He was well within what the NHLA allows. Great job, Cory! This certification gives us a competitive advantage when selling in the marketplace as new customers know that we honor the NHLA grades and system. Most mills are not certified. In fact, Kendrick is the only mill in Iowa with this designation and one of only two in the American Walnut Manufacturers Association.




MODULE 1 Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor Oct.OCT17-21

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks hands-on training and final testing at NHLA headquarters. Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor

Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber.


9 Training School Online Training Program

Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor



Intro to LumberHardwoodGrading Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber.

Venue: Cherokee Wood Products, Inc. Location: Upland, CA Instructor: Dana Spessert, NHLA Chief Inspector ITS CALENDAR

Intro to LumberHardwoodGrading

2 Training School Online Training Program MODULE 1 Two weeks of hands-on training.

Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Instructor: Roman Matyushchenko, ITS Instructor Sept. 26-Nov. 18



Inspector Training School 200th Class Traditional 8-week hands-on training to achieve the certificate of completion in Hardwood Lumber Inspection.


Intro to LumberHardwoodGrading Intro class to gain a basic understanding of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules and how the rules affect the value of lumber.

Venue: Wood-Mizer, LLC Location: Indianapolis, IN Instructor: Kevin Evilsizer, National Inspector


Venue: NHLA Headquarters Location: Memphis, TN Module 2: Online study Module 3: Three weeks hands-on training and final testing at NHLA headquarters.


BE PART OF THE TRADITION September 26-November 18 Inspector Training School 200th Class In just 8-weeks, you can receive a certificate and gain the knowledge and skillset to jump-start your successful career in the hardwood lumber industry as a Lumber Inspector. To learn more about this class and other programs and to register to attend visit us at Have questions? Call Carol McElya at 901-399-7563. CONTACT US TODAY!

HARDWOOD LUMBER INSPECTOR AHC CLARKSVILLE, LLC General Responsibilities include: • Examines lumber on table, moving belt, chain conveyor, or in racks for defects such as knots, stains, decay, splits, faulty edges, pitch pockets, wormholes, and defective milling. • Grades lumber to ensure specified dimensions. • Marks lumber to indicate grade and processing instructions • Tallies pieces of lumber according to grade and board footage. • Determines cuts to be made to obtain the highest marketable value from material. • Removes unsatisfactory pieces from conveyor or table and places pieces on stacks, in bins, or on carts. • Scales board footage and records results. • Pulls graded lumber into unit form. • Lead work crew: make certain that all employees are on the job at starting times and throughout the day. • Make sure all work area paperwork is completed daily and turned in to the manager. • Keep area clean when down. • Work with maintenance to assure good equipment operation. Skills & Experience Required • Dedication and a strong work ethic/attitude required • Proper attendance required: on time and at work every scheduled workday • Ability to inspect hardwood and softwood species to determine dimension, grade, and other qualities • Ability to scan lumber for defects and imperfections • Identify damages and report shortages & quality deficiencies • Must have basic math skills including reading and writing, interpersonal skills • Effective communication skills and conflict resolution • Ability to motivate/lead workforce and teammates by example • Attention to detail and ability to troubleshoot • Inspect machinery and determine the need for repairs • 3+ years experience as a lumber inspector (NHLA certification preferred) Salary & Benefits • Pay Rate based on experience • Paid Vacation & Sick Time • 401K with Company Match • Hours: Monday-Friday 6am-2:30pm • Medical, Dental, and Vision through Cigna (competitive rates/majority of EE coverage paid by employer) • HSA w/ Company Match • Employee Assistance Program • Paid Life Insurance • Disability Insurance, including AFLAC How to Apply Send your resume to: AHC Clarksville, LLC (Atlanta Hardwood Corporation) 310 Dover Road | Clarksville, TN 37042 404-214-4719 HARDWOOD LUMBER INSPECTOR AJD FOREST PRODUCTS L.P. AJD Forest Products LP in Grayling, Michigan, is the original Lake State industrial hardwood lumber sawmill. We produce high-grade, red oak, soft maple, aspen, ash, and basswood. Since 1974, we’ve been the producers of the best quality industrial lumber in the Lake State. Skills & Experience Required • NHLA Certification • Examines lumber for defects such as knots, stains, decay, splits, faulty edges, pitch pockets, wormholes, and defective milling. • Grades lumber to ensure specified dimensions • Marks lumber to indicate grade and processing instructions • Tallies pieces of lumber according to grade and board footage • Determines cuts to be made to obtain the highest marketable value from material 22 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS WWW.NHLA.COM NHLA JOB BOARD Here you will find our current job listings. To see more details or to post a job, visit

How to Apply Send your resume to:

How to Apply Send your resume to:

Midwest Hardwood, LLC 9540 83rd Ave North | Maple Grove, MN 55369 608-768-4735 LOG YARD SCALER MEISTER LOG & LUMBER

Skills & Experience Required The ideal candidate will be a degreed forester looking for a position to start their career in the forest products industry, but we are also willing to train a person without a forestry degree.

NHLA JOB BOARD Here you will find our current job listings. To see more details or to post a job, visit WWW.NHLA.COM AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS | 23 • Removes unsatisfactory pieces, table, and planes pieces on stacks. • Scales board footage and records results • Grading lumber according to NWH proprietary grades • Maintaining grading accuracy in a fast-paced environment Salary & Benefits • Competitive Compensation • Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance • Company Match 401K • Paid Time off • Paid Life Insurance • Sign-on bonus How to Apply Send your resume to: AJD Forest Products L.P. 4440 West Four Mile Road | Grayling, MI 49738 989-348-5412 HARDWOOD LUMBER INSPECTORS MIDWEST HARDWOOD, LLC Midwest Hardwood, LLC is actively hiring Lumber Inspectors for all loca tions in Wisconsin which include, Mellen, Park Falls, Fountain City, and Reedsburg. Duties required (but not limited): • Inspects grades milled, rough-sawed, or dimensional stock lumber according to standards. • Examines lumber on moving belts, chain conveyors, or in racks for defects, like knots, stains, decay, splits, faulty edges, pitch pockets, wormholes, and defective milling. • Grades lumber, using caliper rule, to make sure specified dimensions. • Marks lumber to indicate grade processing instructions, using a marker. • May remove unsatisfactory pieces from conveyor or table place pieces • on stacks, in bins, or on carts. • May scale board footage, using lumber ruler, and record results. • May be grading green lumber or kiln-dried lumber. Skills & Experience Required NHLA Certification or been grading hardwood lumber with 2+ years experience. Salary & Benefits Midwest Hardwood, LLC offers competitive wages, 401K, health insurance, clothing reimbursement, monthly employee appreciations, and relocation assistance, if needed.

Salary & Benefits Midwest Hardwood offers competitive wages, 401K, health insurance, clothing reimbursement, monthly employee appreciations, and relocation assistance.

Midwest Hardwood, LLC is seeking candidates for a Log Yard Scaler posi tion at our Meister Log Yard located in Reedsburg, WI. Duties include; grading, scaling, and receiving logs. Coding and sorting veneer logs, assisting in the marketing of veneer logs, operating loader and chainsaw, and running and maintaining an efficient log yard.

Meister Log & Lumber 1440 Laukant Street | Reedsburg, WI 53959 608-768-4735

NHLA JOB BOARD Here you will find our current job listings. To see more details or to post a job, visit 24 | AUGUST 2022 HARDWOOD MATTERS WWW.NHLA.COM


The Risk Assessment Representative will be responsible for assisting our Risk Assessment Director, Corey Bounds, by visiting various forest prod uct insureds across the region. They will also assist with compiling and reviewing reports based on these visits and working with our custom ers to ensure compliance is received. Risk Assessment consultation and understanding are vital to the success of our Underwriting team, so this role entails working closely with our group of Underwriters to ensure we are always doing what is best for the client and our carrier partners. Our ideal candidate for this position is self-motivated and capable of working independently while promoting the success of our entire Continental Underwriters, Inc. team. They are eager to learn, curious and inquisitive, consultative in their approach, and able to learn from constructive criticism. If this sounds like you, let’s talk about your future today!

Skills & Experience Required • Reporting daily to our home office in Richmond, Virginia except when traveling. • Willing to travel approximately 50% of the time. • Strong mechanical aptitude and problem-solving skills (ASP/CSP certifications, desired but not required). • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Excellent attention to detail, time management, and organizational skills. • This position does not necessarily require prior experience in insurance or risk assessment. We are looking for someone with the right attitude, personality, and potential; we can teach the technical skills! Salary & Benefits TBD How to Apply Send your resume to: Continental Underwriters Inc 3435 A West Leigh Street | Richmond, VA 23230 804-643-7800 DomesticFreight InternationalExport TransportationManagement More than your Logistics Partner We are your Ally www.allygloballogistics.comsales@allygloballogistics.com781.544.3970WEYMOUTH,MAJACKSONVILLE,FL



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