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2015 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Recap
T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E N AT I O N A L H A R D W O O D L U M B E R A S S O C I AT I O N S T R O N G R O O T S . G L O B A L R E A C H . | W W W. N H L A . C O M
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Legislative Log Foundation Focus Rules Corner
6 President’s Message 8 CEO’s Message 20 Job Board 22 Calendar
Photo Courtesy of AHEC
IN THIS ISSUE 12 2015 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Recap To see more photos from the convention
visit www.nhla.com/nashville-recap
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THE MISSION OF NH LA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services;
December 2015 ▪ Issue 163 National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 ▪ Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 ▪ 901-382-6419 (fax) info@nhla.com ▪ www.nhla.com
Pem Jenkins Turn Bull Lumber Co. President
Orn Gudmundsson Jr. Northland Corporation Unique Services
Brent Stief Huron Forest Products Vice President
Mark Mah UCS Forest Group Rules
Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Past President 2012-2014
Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Structure
promoting North American hardwood lumber and
Mark Barford, CAE Chief Executive Officer
Jack Shannon J.T. Shannon Lumber Co. Industry Advocacy & Promotion
advocating the interest of the hardwood community
Nordeck Thompson Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods Membership & Networking
in public/private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities.
Mark A. Barford, CAE Chief Executive Officer m.barford@nhla.com Melissa Ellis Smith Graphic Designer m.ellis@nhla.com Renee Hornsby Director of Communications/Editor r.hornsby@nhla.com Kristina Thomas Marketing Relations k.bran@nhla.com
■■■ Desirée Freeman Controller Rich Hascher Inspector Training School Instructor For advertising inquiries: Contact John Hester, Director of Membership at j.hester@nhla.com or 901-399-7558.
AFS Energy Systems
Rossi Group
Dunavant Global Logistics Group
TJT Consulting
King City/Northway Forwarding
UC Coatings Corporation
NYLE Systems, Inc.
NHLA Annual Convention
Pike Lumber Company, Inc.
John Hester Director of Membership Dana Spessert Chief Inspector
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Dave Bramlage Cole Hardwood Membership Dan Caldwell Atlanta Hardwood Corporation Hardwood Advocacy Kevin Gillette Tioga Hardwoods Convention Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Nominating Steve Jones Ron Jones Hardwood Sales, Inc Inspection Services Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Finance Bucky Pescaglia Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Inspector Training School Mike Powers Maley & Wertz Communications & Marketing Jim Reader Downes & Reader Hardwood Continuing Education/ Member Services Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules Brent Stief Huron Forest Products Strategic Planning
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HARDWOOD CHECK-OFF CHAPTER CLOSES What a great convention! A wonderful turn out and a positive spirit was in the air. Thanks to everyone that made the effort to attend. As I said at the convention, I believe that attendees have a strategic advantage over members and nonmembers that don’t attend because you can meet your suppliers, customers and vendors and get a first-hand pulse of the current state of the industry. The Omni Hotel served us well and was convenient. Big enough yet not too large that you go lost. I even think that Nashville being centrally located in “hardwood country” helped drive participation. One member whose facility is in the region stated that he had a steady stream of visitors prior to and after the convention. This is something to be noted for future conventions. Mark Barford and his staff did an outstanding job and made everything run smoothly. The grand finale on Friday night with Richie McDonald was outstanding. Thank you Mark. I also want to personally thank Jeff Hanks, Grace Terpstra and Jim Howard who graciously agreed to be onstage and give their respective positions and viewpoints on the Hardwood Check-Off. The NHLA board believed that we had a responsibility to our members to address this issue. Knowing that there had been many prior presentations, the Check-Off was too important not to address. As it turns out, the United States Department of Agriculture is not going to pursue a Check-Off for hardwoods any further because of the divisiveness in the industry and in hindsight the program on Friday morning was for naught. Nonetheless, I appreciate the good faith efforts made by Jeff, Grace, Jim and Mark Barford to keep our members up-to-date and informed on this issue. The closure of the Check-Off chapter provides opportunities for all industry associations. It will be interesting to see if our Associations head down a consolidation path like many of the companies in our industry. In my opinion, I think they should. There is redundancy throughout our associations and I think we would all benefit from consolidation.
As I said at the convention, I believe that attendees have a strategic advantage over members and nonmembers that don’t attend because you can meet your suppliers, customers and vendors and get a first-hand pulse of the current state of the industry.
Thanks again to everyone who attended the convention. Your participation made it a great event. Thanks also for the privilege of serving as your President!
Pem Jenkins, NHLA President Turn Bull Lumber Company
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NHLA CONVENTION BOOSTS INTERNATIONAL CREDENTIALS The NHLA convention just completed in Nashville was a success by many measures – simply look at the photo spreads in this magazine and see the many happy faces and large crowd – but also take a moment to look at the diversity of the crowd. In recent years NHLA has invested a great deal of time and money promoting its presence overseas and the importance for the world to come to know us. This year it paid off in many ways. I would like to thank the NHLA members and guests from overseas that took the time to attend the convention this year. The international attendance included lumber buyers from Asia and Europe primarily, with the largest concentrations from China and Great Britain. Many of the international NHLA members exhibited and participated in the educational sessions, particularly the International Markets Sessions presented by the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC). This year, NHLA was privileged to host nearly 100 percent of the AHEC international staff, and they came in early and stayed right through the finale on Friday night. Also on the international front, international consultant Marco Chan of AmAsia Corporation returned to the NHLA Convention for a follow-up seminar from the 2014 Convention entitled Beyond Understanding Chinese Culture: Doing Business in China Part II. During the educational seminar, Marco took time to review and report on the NHLA Chinese Culture Tour organized for NHLA members last June. Recent figures supplied from the U.S. Department of Agriculture should act as a reminder of the importance and value of the overseas markets. For the first eight months of 2015, hardwood lumber into China was $653 million, followed by Vietnam at $105 million. Estimates are that the total exports of North American hardwood lumber will exceed $2 billion this year. 2015 did see the first drop in exports, with the actual total hardwood lumber into China down 11 percent so far, but recent reports indicate a return to more normal shipments with the Chinese economy remaining on a strong growth curve.
Recent figures supplied from the U.S. Department of Agriculture should act as a reminder of the importance and value of the overseas markets. For the first eight months of 2015, hardwood lumber into China was $653 million, followed by Vietnam at $105 million.
Next October, NHLA will take the Annual Convention to Washington, DC a dynamic international city with a draw for members and friends throughout the world. We look forward to welcoming the world once again, and seeing you our valuable members there.
Mark Barford, CAE, Chief Executive Officer 901-377-1082 direct | m.barford@nhla.com 8
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PRESENTING SPONSOR 2015 NHLA Annual Convention
Thank You NHLA!
And thank you NHLA members for another great annual convention. It was a tremendous honor for TJT Consulting to take part in this year’s convention as the 2015 Presenting Sponsor. Once again the organizing team at the NHLA did an outstanding job planning this year’s event and choosing another great meeting location and venue. We’re already looking forward to next year! TJT Consulting 4001 Legion Drive • Hamburg, NY 14075 Toll Free: 866-287-5919 or (716) 649-4460 E-mail: djacobs@tjt4001.com www.tjtconsulting4001.com
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FEDERAL FOREST MANAGEMENT REFORM By Dana Cole, Executive Director Hardwood Federation
The Hardwood Federation is always excited about the opportunity to attend the NHLA Convention and Exhibit Showcase and 2015 was no exception. We were particularly pleased that NHLA asked us to organize a panel discussion on Friday afternoon. The topic we chose was Federal Forest Management reform, including how reform would benefit the industry and potential for meaningful legislation during the current Congressional session. Hardwood Federation Executive Director Dana Lee Cole moderated the panel and was joined by Doug Crandall, Director of Legislative Affairs for the Forest Service; Bill Imbergamo, the Executive Director of the Federal Forest Resource Coalition; and NHLA Member Ray White, President & CEO of Harold White Lumber, Inc. The panelists engaged in a lively discussion of the history of access to federal lands and the timber resources that were available in the past. Ray White noted that Harold White Lumber got 30% of
their raw materials from federal lands twenty to thirty years ago; that figure is now pretty much close to zero. There is a dynamic shift beginning to take place in Kentucky hardwood oak forests; due to a lack of management species transformation is taking place further reducing the amount of hardwood available to mills. Ray also discussed the impacts reduced timber operations and thinning have had on the forests including decreased numbers of wildlife and increased potential of insect infiltration and wildfire. The bottom line is that timber harvests are down on federal lands, a fact well known to those of us in the industry. The question then becomes what can and should be done to address both the economic and environmental issues that are impacting our federal forests lands. Bill Imbergamo of the FFRC has a long history working within Washington, to create a solution. And while small incremental steps have been taken, including
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some provisions in the 2014 Farm Bill, no major legislative action has been taken to reform forest management practices since the 1976 National Forest Management Act nearly 40 years ago. As a former mill manager, Doug Crandall has a unique understanding of the wood products industry and brings this insight into his daily duties at the U.S. Forest Service. Doug provided some perspective on the current political climate how it makes passing any legislation, controversial or not, extremely difficult to pass. The three take-aways from the discussion were: • There is a dense set of rules and regulations governing federal lands. Although much of it was enacted with the best of intentions, unanticipated consequences have led to federal lands under stress and a forest products industry with limited sources of raw material; • Environmental groups that work diligently to spread the message that forests should be seen but not worked, have had the upper hand in messaging for over 30 years, creating even more challenges to passing legislation that will positively benefit both the economy and the forestlands. • Public policy guiding federal forest management wasn’t created overnight and it is going to take time and patience to move it forward. However, all hope is not lost. Practical, effective legislation is alive in Congress. As we have discussed before in these pages, the Resilient Federal Forest Act of 2015 has passed the House of Representatives and is in the Senate. While movement in the Senate has been slow, there is widespread interest in the bill from both Republicans and Democrats. On November 5, The Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee held a hearing billed as Wildfire: Stakeholder Perspectives on Budgetary Impacts and Threats to Natural Resources on Federal, State and Private Lands. Although the focus seemed to be on solving the wildfire suppression funding dilemma, the hearing proved to be an effective platform to highlight the need for more management on federal forests, including an opening statement from Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS). Republican and Democratic Committee members also asked probing questions of the witnesses to reinforce that management improvements are part of the solution. The Hardwood Federation will continue to prioritize federal forest management issues in our efforts on behalf of the industry in Washington D.C. Thank you for your support and continued involvement! W W W. N H L A .CO M
You Bring THE WOOD ...
Public policy guiding federal forest management wasn’t created overnight and it is going to take time and patience to move it forward.
We’ll Bring THE PROTECTION™ Wishing you and yours, a happy and healthy holiday season from all of us at UCC.
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2015 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Recap
he 2015 National Hardwood Lumber Association Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase presented by TJT Consulting was held October 7-9 in Nashville, Tenn. The “global gathering of the hardwood community� took place with approximately 1027 delegates in attendance, representing more than 380 companies and 14 countries.
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Keynote Speaker Chris Hogan
Thursday night Pub Crawl
Newly elected board members
Judy Cramer, Wendell Cramer, Steve Hamer and Gladys Hamer
During the October 8 Opening Session, NHLA president Pem Jenkins welcomed attendees and reported to the membership on the accomplishments of the Association over the past year. The membership then heard reports from NHLA CEO Mark Barford and remarks from David Jacobs of TJT Consulting, this year’s presenting sponsor. NHLA also welcomed new members and acknowledged companies celebrating 30, 50 and 75 years of membership with NHLA including a 100-year member, the Tigerton Lumber Co. of Tigerton, Wisconsin. After presentations from the nominating committee chairman Scott Heidler, the NHLA membership unanimously re-elected six board members and elected seven new board members. The six re-elected board members include: Lance Blanco of Hardwood Specialty Products, Inc.; Mark Cifranick of Baillie Lumber Company; Charley Fiala of GMC Hardwoods, Inc.; Scott Holley of Industrial Timber and Lumber Co.; Steve Jones of Ron Jones Hardwoods Sales, Inc.; and Michael Shapiro of Weston Premium Woods.
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The seven new board members include: Scott Cummings of Cummings Lumber Co.; Darrell Keeling of Northwest Hardwoods; Mario Lussier of Simon Lussier Ltee; Hugh Overmeyer of Linden Lumber LLC; Garner Robinson of Robinson Lumber Co; John Syre, Cascade Hardwood LLC; and Ray Wheeland of Wheeland Lumber Co. Inc. After the business side of the meeting was finalized Keynote Speaker, Chris Hogan of the Dave Ramsey Group officially kicked-off the 118th Annual Convention events. After his address, the Exhibit Showcase officially opened with a ribbon cutting by Mr. Hogan. As always, the NHLA Annual Convention was a great time to catch up with fellow members, network with customers and learn from keynote speakers and educational programs. The educational program topics covered were: Doing Business in China, State of the Hardwood Industry, Environmental Credentials of American Hardwoods, Forest Industry Issues Panel, International Trade & Finance, Lawsuits & Taxes and International Markets Session.
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Proving the true global nature of the organization and the convention, NHLA welcomed approximately 50 international buyers and conducted a Beyond Understanding Chinese Culture: Doing Business in China Part 2 conducted by Mr. Marco Chan of AmAsia Corporation. NHLA would like to thank its members, sponsors and exhibitors for making the 2015 Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase one of the best conventions in recent history. We look forward to having everyone join us again in 2016 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC October 5-7 and with the 2016 national elections
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occurring just weeks after the NHLA Convention, the 2016 event is sure to be a can’t miss event! Sponsorship opportunities and Exhibit booth sales are currently being offered. Please contact NHLA for further details at 901-399-7558 or visit www.nhlaconvention.com for more information.
To see more photos from the convention visit www.nhla.com/nashville-recap D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S
2015 NHLA ANNUAL CONVENTION & EXHIBIT SHOWCASE ATTENDEES RAISE MORE THAN $45,000 FOR HARDWOOD FOREST FOUNDATION With roots nearly 25 years deep into the NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase, this year’s fundraising initiatives were record breaking. More than $45,000 was raised for the Foundation’s educational programs through the Annual Golf Tournament, Kits for Kids Drive and the first ever ‘Travel Madness’ Raffle. In addition, through partnership with the NHLA Spouse Program, more than $1,500 worth of children’s books were donated to a Nashville area elementary school. “NHLA members and supporting lumbermen reached into their pockets while in Nashville and the support is needed now more than ever, as the Foundation is still on the rebound from the Recession, while the demand for our educational curriculum, specifically Truth About Trees, continues to grow rapidly,” said President Charley Fiala of GMC Hardwoods in Long Beach, CA. “This rapid growth of Truth About Trees is most certainly something the industry as a whole should be celebrating, as teachers and other educators are reaching to us for our expertise, scientific research and details surrounding forest management practices as a means of keeping our forests healthy and for resource extraction. I promise you the Foundation and its supporters are doing everything it can to be sure we continue to provide these teachers with truth. We are spending the money of our donors well,” Fiala added.
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KITS FOR KIDS: Led by NHLA First Lady Patti Jenkins, the Second Annual Kits for Kids Campaign collected $6,000 for the Foundation’s award-winning Truth About Trees program. In addition to allowing industry members to donate Truth About Trees kits to schools close to their hearts or within their own communities, this program is designed to also ensure that no requesting teacher is denied a free educational kit. TRAVEL MADNESS RAFFLE: For the first time ever and led by Leslie Goodman of CB Goodman & Sons Lumber, the Foundation presented Travel Madness. With a limited number of tickets sold, participants purchased a chance to win a fantastic trip or a priceless Nashville souvenir! This fundraiser raised more than $12,000. Travel Madness donors are as follows: Norm and Thuy Murray Luxury Villa Vacation Week in the Dominican Republic
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ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT, PRESENTED BY PENNSYLVANIA AND INDIANA LUMBERMEN’S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES: The 2015 Hardwood Forest Foundation Annual Golf Tournament, which brought in more than $30,000 for education, was the largest in the event’s history with nearly 100 golfers. Whitney LaRuffa of Allgood’s K9 Adventures Overnight Guided Hiking Trip in the Pacific Northwest CB Goodman & Sons Lumber, Ray White of Harold White Lumber, Ron and Susan Carlsson of USA Woods One week in New York City, dinner and Broadway show tickets Sally Johnson of Batey, Ltd. Autographed Guitar Paul and Liz Brooks of Quality Hardwoods, Ltd. Week Stay at Canadian Cabin Ted and Linda Rowe Week Stay at Canadian Cottage NHLA 2016 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase Registration (Washington, D.C.) BOOK DRIVE: First Lady Jenkins and the NHLA Spouse Program also held its Annual Book Drive, benefiting Nashville area Heritage Elementary School. Kristie Hillenmeyer, wife of Middle Tennessee Lumber’s Geoff Hillenmeyer, and some Heritage students were in attendance at Convention to accept $1,500 worth of children’s books- donated by industry members. Not only are these books now on the library shelves of Heritage Elementary School, they were hand-selected by the School Librarian. The Hardwood Forest Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that educates students and teachers across North America about our renewable forest resources. It provides free science-based curriculum to educators so they can communicate the facts about wood products and forest management to their students and their fellow teachers.
Held at The Hermitage Golf Course, the Tournament opened Convention with a bang and all for the good of the industry’s reputation. The course, designed by architect Denis Griffiths (designer of Atlanta’s Chateau Élan Resort Courses), trails through 300 acres of natural Tennessee wetlands and along the banks of the beautiful Cumberland River. Winners are as follows: FIRST PLACE Ed Armbruster Richard Uria Desmond Johnston Adam Conway SECOND PLACE Dan Caldwell Steve Arnold Rick Degen Brian Ballard THIRD PLACE Jeff Stenta Bill Buchanan Blaine Burroughs J Steve Ayers MOST HONEST (HIGH SCORE) Bruno Volpe Dennis Reid Shaun Rowe Donna Gerrits
Please consider making an end of the year tax deductible contribution by visiting www.hardwoodforest.org.
CLOSEST TO THE PIN Brian Hoschek Steve Arnold Russell Kelly
Checks can be mailed to: Hardwood Forest Foundation PO Box 34518 Memphis, TN 38184
LONGEST DRIVE JT Shannon Wally Fields Mark Gray
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NHLA has been the staple of the hardwood industry since 1898 with the development of the hardwood grading Rules. The NHLA National Inspectors have served as and will continue to serve as the oversight for the hardwood industry when it comes to the hardwood grading Rules. A number of years ago, NHLA developed the Facility Grade Certification program as a way for hardwood companies to illustrate and “certify” the standards by which their lumber is produced. In this month’s Rules Corner, I would like to highlight the NHLA Certified companies; companies who have chosen to illustrate to the industry and their customers that their in-house inspectors and business objectives are to produce lumber by the NHLA grading Rules. Below is a list of the Facility Grade Certified Companies. Algoma Lumber Co., Inc.
Allard Lumber Co.
Allegheny Wood Products, Inc.
American Woodmark Corp.
Anthony Timberlands, Inc.
Arcola Lumber Co., Inc.
B & B Lumber Co., Inc./Premier
B. J. Fortner Hardwoods, Inc.
Batesville Casket Co.
Best Home Furnishings
Boa-Franc G.P.
BPM Lumber LLC
Bryant Church Hardwoods, Inc.
Cannonsville Lumber, Inc.
Central Wisconsin Lumber, Inc.
Cole Hardwood, Inc.
Collins Hardwood
Dunaway Timber Co., Inc.
Edwards Wood Products, Inc.
Edwards Wood Products, Inc.
Elkay Wood Products Co.
Ethan Allen, Pine Valley Division
Farney Lumber Corp.
Fox Lumber Co.
Frank E. Wilson Lumber Co., Inc.
Goodfellow, Inc.
Granite Valley Forest Products
HHP Inc.
Hull Forest Products, Inc.
Interforest Lumber Corp.
J. D. Irving Ltd./Hardwood Division
J. D. Irving, Ltd./Veneer Sawmill
J. M. Jones Lumber Co., Inc.
J. M. Wood Products
Kane Hardwood
Kersten Lumber Co., Inc.
Kish Lumber Co.
Krueger Lumber Co., Inc.
L. L. Johnson Lumber Mfg. Co.
Les Billots Select Megantic Inc.
Les Bois Poulin, Inc.
Les Entreprises Exulon Inc.
Mackeys Ferry Sawmill
Maple Rapids Lumber Mill, Inc.
Menominee Tribal Enterprises
Menuiserox Inc.
Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc.
Nicolet Hardwoods Corp.
Northland Corporation
O’Hair Shutters, Ltd.
Preverco Inc.
Produits Forestiers St-Armand
River City Hardwoods, Inc.
Roy Anderson Lumber Co.
Rustic Wood Products, Inc.
Sheoga Hardwood Flooring & Paneling
Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods, Inc.
Tigerton Lumber Co.
TRICO Enterprises, LLC
Trumbull County Hardwoods
Turn Bull Lumber Co.
Vexco Inc.
Walnut Creek Planing
Wellborn Cabinet, Inc.
Welter Forest Products, Inc.
Wood-Mode, Inc.
Young Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Z. B. Forest Products, LLC
Zickgraf Hardwood Flooring Co.
*Note: Companies that have multiple locations will show their company name multiple times.
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The NHLA National Inspectors have served as and will continue to serve as the oversight for the hardwood industry when it comes to the hardwood grading Rules. The Facility Grade Certification Program is a biannual inspection agreement, where a company allows a NHLA National Inspector to randomly inspect packs of lumber to ensure that (1) the lumber is at least 80% or better on grade and (2) there is not more than a 4% value difference. Facilities capitalizing on this program gain the following opportunities: Ability to advertise with the NHLA Certified Logo, listed as certified on the NHLA membership directory, in the NHLA Buyer’s Guide and any other document or advertisement. NHLA IS NOW OFFERING A NEW PROGRAM, THE TALLY MACHINE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. This program ensures that the tally machine is being checked bi-annually for accuracy by a NHLA National Inspector and conforms to the standards of the program. The Tally Machine Certification Program is for the certification of automated types of tally equipment that have very limited human input and cannot be adjusted/calibrated by the company operating the equipment. The NHLA Facility Grade Certification Program and the Tally Machine Certification Program are available to NHLA members only. For more information on these programs please contact the NHLA Chief Inspector, Dana Spessert at d.spessert@nhla. com or 901-399-7551.
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* To view current job postings or to post a job, visit www.nhla.com/jobs.
Apprentice Dry Kiln Operator
Rex Lumber Company is seeking an apprentice dry kiln operator for their Englishtown, NY location. Responsibilities include all aspects of drying, such as proper sticking, drying schedules, wood waste boiler operation and kiln maintenance, and overseeing the lumber stacking operation. Qualified applicants must be mechanically inclined and familiar with lumber. Further training relative to the specifics of the company’s operation will be provided upon hiring. Rex Lumber Company offers medical, dental and vision benefits, as well as a 401k, life insurance and a flexible spending account. Salary is based on previous experience. To apply, please send cover letter and resume to careers@rexlumber.com Rex Lumber Company Station Street | Englishtown,, NJ 07726 Phone: 732-446-4200 | Fax: 732-446-5036
James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. desires an experienced sawyer for their Stevens Point location. Applicants will be responsible for operation of the carriage. Applicants must have experience and knowledge in this field.
Lumber Inspector
James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. is seeking an experienced lumber inspector. Applicants must have experience in lumber inspection and the NHLA grading Rules. Applicants must have a high school diploma. This is a full-time position offering benefits and a competitive salary package. To apply please Call 715-344-0878 and/or email resume to bgrezenski@ grezenskiforestproducts.com James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. 3158 County Road X North | Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-0878 | Fax: 715-344-1470
Lumber Inspector
Hartzell Hardwoods is seeking an NHLA certified lumber inspector. Minimum of 2 year’s experience in grading walnut lumber along with other hardwoods species is desired. Knowledgeable of NHLA grading rules is a plus. NHLA graduate preferred but not mandatory. Applicants must be familiar with lumber grading rule, calculator, tally book, pencil, lumber crayon stick, grad console and board turner is a plus. Hartzell Hardwoods offers competitive pay and benefits including health, 401k, and paid vacations.
This is a full-time position offering benefits and a competitive salary package. To apply, email resume to Jfarra@hartzell.com To apply please Call 715-344-0878 and/or email resume to bgrezenski@ grezenskiforestproducts.com James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. 3158 County Road X North | Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-0878 | Fax: 715-344-1470
Hartzell Hardwoods 1025 S. Roosevelt Ave | Piqua, OH 45356 Phone: 937-615-3049 | Fax: 937-615-1929
Dry Kilns Dehumidification Kilns Indirect Fired Gas Kilns No Boiler needed!
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JOB BOARD Outside Sales
Rex Lumber, one of the nation's leading Hardwood Lumber Wholesalers and Custom Millwork Manufacturers is seeking interested candidates to fill a position in Outside Sales. The territory includes Southeast Virginia and North Carolina and will require the successful candidate to reside in North Carolina. The Doswell, VA operation, serves this territory. Experience in the hardwood industry is preferred. Rex Lumber Company offers medical, dental and vision benefits, as well as a 401k, life insurance and a flexible spending account. Salary is based on previous experience. To apply, please send Resume to Tom Murray at careers@rexlumber.com Rex Lumber Company 10524 Road | Doswell, VA 23047 Phone: 804-876-3553 | Fax: 804-876-3363
Lumber Inspector
BWP Hardwoods, a division of Gutchess Lumber is seeking an NHLA certified lumber inspector. Lumber inspectors are responsible for visually inspecting lumber according to species, grades, and dimension using NHLA lumber grading rules. BWP Hardwoods offers competitive pay and a superior benefits package. If you share our vision of excellence, then we invite you to join our winning team! Send resume to jlortiz@gutchess.com to apply. BWP Hardwoods 12942 Route 322 | Brookville, PA 15825 Phone: 724-537-6447 | Fax: 607-428-8097
Millwork Scheduler
J. Gibson Mcllvain is seeking an experienced Millwork Scheduler. Applicants must optimize job tasking for the most efficient use of time and lumber, have mill experience and be able to anticipate set up times per machine and have a keen understanding of waste factors, analyze our current process and work to streamline and improve it. Willing to get their hands dirty and leadership skills to be groomed to take over the Mill Foreman role.
Gutchess Lumber is seeking an experienced (minimum 2 years) sawyer. Sawyer is responsible for sawing logs for maximum value recovery by following daily cutting orders and achieving proper levels of yield. Accountable for proper operation of the carriage, feed works and log turner; checks lumber thickness at saw; conduct a daily physical inspection of all equipment. Send resume to jlortiz@gutchess.com to apply. Gutchess Lumber 10699 Maple Grove Road | Freedom, NY 14065 Fax: 607-428-8097
J. Gibson Mcllvain offers competitive pay and benefits. To apply, send email to: hclay@abacuscorporation.com J. Gibson McIlvain 10701 Philadelphia Road | White Marsh, MD 21162
Lumber Inspector
Ohio International Lumber is seeking a lumber inspector. Applicants must be able to grade green and kiln-dried lumber according to NHLA guidelines. One year experience is required. Ohio International Lumber offers competitive pay. Salary is based on experience. To apply, call 740-941-1300 or fax or email resume. Fax: 740-941-1333 Email: cglock_oil@frontier.com Ohio International Lumber 423 Hopewell Rd | Waverly, OH 45690 Phone: 740-941-1300
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Christmas Holiday
Inspector Training School Progressive Program: Block 1
December 24 & 25 | NHLA Headquarters Closed
New Year Holiday December 31 & January 1 | NHLA Headquarters Closed
118th Annual IHLA Convention & Exposition February 2-4, 2016 | Indianapolis, IN Attending John Hester, Director of Membership
2016 AHMI Annual Meeting February 24-28, 2016 | Naples, FL Attending Mark Barford, CAE, CEO
Interzum March 28 -April 1, 2016 | Guangzhou, China Attending Dana Spessert, Chief Inspector
NHLA Board of Managers Meeting April 18-20, 2016 | Charleston, SC Belmond Charleston Place
NWFA 2016 Wood Flooring Expo April 27-30, 2016 | Charlotte, NC Participating John Hester, Director of Membership
Memphis, TN | November 30-December 11 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
5 Day Lumber Grading Short Course Oak Ridge, TN | December 7-11 | University of Tennessee Aboretum Auditorium Instructor: Benji Richards, National Inspector Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
Inspector Training School 179th Class Memphis, TN | January 6-March 25, 2016 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
3 Day Lumber Grading Short Course Madison, WI | January 12-14, 2016 | Madison Area Technical College Instructor: Barry Kibbey, National Inspector Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
Inspector Training School Progressive Program: Block 3 Memphis, TN | March 7-24, 2016 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
INDUSTRY EVENTS Lake States Lumber Association Winter Meeting Green Bay, WI | January 14-15, 2016
For applications, a complete listing of events and more information please visit www.nhla.com/calendar.
Hardwood Manufacturers Association National Conference & Expo Fort Worth, Texas | March 9-11, 2016 The Worthington Renaissance
EXPO Richmond Sandston, VA | May 13-14, 2016
The International Woodworking Fair (IWF) Atlanta, GA | August 24-27, 2016
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NHLA Education & Certification Programs Call on the Association with more than 117 years of experience & expertise to help your business succeed. • Lumber Grading Short Courses • NHLA Inspector Training School traditional or online program offerings • Facility Grade Certification • Tally Machine Certification • Kiln Drying Certification • Custom in-house job training • Dispute Resolution For more information about any of these great opportunities contact NHLA Chief Inspector, Dana Spessert at d.spessert@nhla.com or 901-399-7551.
NHLA ANNUAL CONVENTION & EXHIBIT SHOWCASE SPONSORS* PRESENTING SPONSOR TJT CONSULTING ALDER LEVEL SPONSOR Cascade Hardwood, LLC WALNUT LEVEL SPONSORS Rossi Group Pennsylvania & Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. CHERRY LEVEL SPONSORS Atlanta Hardwood Corp. Baillie Lumber Co. BB&T Insurance Services Forest Products Practice Cole Hardwood, Inc. Downes & Reader Hardwood Co., Inc. USNR MAPLE LEVEL SPONSORS Allegheny Wood Products, Inc. BPM Lumber LLC DMSi
Matson Lumber Co. Mayfield Lumber Co. Sii Dry Kilns TMX Shipping Company W.M. Cramer Lumber Co., Inc. RED OAK LEVEL SPONSORS Brewco, Inc. Champlain Hardwoods, LLC Collins Connexus Industries, Inc. DV Hardwoods Inc. eLIMBS, LLC Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc. Harold White Lumber, Inc. Hassell & Hughes Lumber Co., Inc. Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Jim Howard Hull Forest Products, Inc. Industrial Appraisal Company Pem Jenkins McClain Forest Products Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Ted Rossi
Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co. Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods, Inc. Thompson Hardwoods, Inc. Tioga Hardwoods, Inc. Turn Bull Lumber Co. U-C Coatings Walter M. Fields III Weston Premium Woods