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The New NHLA Rules Book is HERE! Changes You Need to Know

By DANA SPESSERT, Chief Inspector

Later this month, NHLA member companies will receive the 2023 edition of the NHLA Rules Book for the Measurement & Inspection of Hardwood & Cypress. As a reminder, there are three Rules changes to this year’s edition. You will also see updates to the NHLA Sales Code and formulas added to the Tally section of the Rules Book. All the updates are listed below.

Hardwoods For Construction

Page 66, Select Car Stock: Change split limitation from - “SPLITS: Shall not exceed 6” in length in any one end or the aggregate equivalent in one or both ends of the piece.” To – “SPLITS: Shall not exceed 12” in length in either end of the piece of Standard or specified length.”

Page 67, Common Dimension: Change Split limitation from –“SPLITS: Shall not exceed 12” in length in any one end or the aggregate equivalent in one or both ends of the piece.” To – “Splits shall not exceed in the aggregate in inches in length twice the surface measure of the piece of Standard or specified length, except when one foot or shorter.”

Cypress Rules

Page 50, paragraphs 98 & 99, No. 1 & No. 2 Peck – Combine paragraphs 98 & 99 to create “Peck” as follows – “Each piece must contain peck, with a minimum area of 10% of the Surface Measure, well distributed on one side. Each piece must be suitable for ordinary handling and construction without breakage.”

Sales Code

Page 79, ARTICLE V – Quantity & Loading has been changed to: Note: Shippers shall make every attempt to ship full, accurate tallies for both grade and measurement on all shipments under the sales code as defined by the order. Attempts to intentionally under ship footage and/or ship a percentage of off-grade material in order to fall within Article X (Inspection) regulations, or to vary tallies and grade by the trend in market conditions are discouraged as they do not accurately portray the intended purpose of Article X, and therefore, represent a breach of good faith under the sales code.


Page 7, below paragraph 16, a formula was added:

Formula to calculate Surface Measure

(Actual W x Std. L)/12 = SM Rnd.

Actual W = Full width, including fractions.


Page 7, below paragraph 16, a formula was added:

Formula to calculate Surface Measure (Length & Width Tally)

((Nominal W x # pcs.) x Std. L)/12 = SM Rnd.

Nominal W = Width rounded to the nearest inch

The 2023 NHLA Rules Book and changes become effective on January 1, 2023. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me: Chief Inspector Dana Spessert, at d.spessert@nhla.com.



Plus NHLA Sales Code & Inspection Regulations

Effective January 1, 2023

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