ADVOCACY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 by DANA COLE, Executive Director Hardwood Federation
he spread of the COVID-19 virus has dramatically impacted our preconceived notions of family, work, recreation, government and indeed our entire economy. As I write this in early May, how and when we move to restart the economy following such a devastating health crisis is still very unclear. However, what is clear is that we are certainly heading towards a new normal.
The Hardwood Federation has been closely tracking developments related to legislation addressing the COVID-19 crisis and will continue to do so. Our most recent focus has been on the implementation of the various relief programs that have been enacted, and looking forward to any future measures that may be introduced. While we spearhead and drive advocacy efforts directly related to hardwoods, when we face a challenge as all-encompassing as the
J U N E 2 0 2 0 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S
COVID-19 virus: we must double down on coordination with all our allies from the wood products industry to maximize our impact and positive outcomes. Work around travel restrictions and locked down office buildings, we must explore new ways to communicate and keep our message top of mind with federal policy makers. Since coming to the Hardwood Federation, I have been active in a group of DC-based forest products association executives who have met regularly to discuss issues of common interest and identify ways to work together. This group includes all sectors of the wood products industry: associations that represent the landowners that supply our raw materials, foresters that help us manage the land and companies that make and transport finished products. Participating groups include the American Forest and Paper Association, the American W W W. N H L A .C O M