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ITSEF Scholarships Helping to Fund the Future
T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E N AT I O N A L H A R D W O O D L U M B E R A S S O C I AT I O N S T R O N G R O O T S . G L O B A L R E A C H . | W W W. N H L A . C O M
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Legislative Log Rules Corner
6 President’s Message 8 CEO’s Message 24 Job Board 26 Calendar
Photo Courtesy of AHEC
IN THIS ISSUE 12 ITSEF Scholarships Helping to Fund the Future 14 Active Member Listing
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THE MISSION OF NH LA To serve NHLA Members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services;
November 2015 ▪ Issue 162 National Hardwood Lumber Association PO Box 34518 ▪ Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 ▪ 901-382-6419 (fax) info@nhla.com ▪ www.nhla.com
Pem Jenkins Turn Bull Lumber Co. President
Orn Gudmundsson Jr. Northland Corporation Unique Services
Brent Stief Huron Forest Products Vice President
Mark Mah UCS Forest Group Rules
Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Past President 2012-2014
Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Structure
promoting North American hardwood lumber and
Mark Barford, CAE Chief Executive Officer
Jack Shannon J.T. Shannon Lumber Co. Industry Advocacy & Promotion
advocating the interest of the hardwood community
Nordeck Thompson Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods Membership & Networking
in public/private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities.
Mark A. Barford, CAE Chief Executive Officer m.barford@nhla.com Melissa Ellis Graphic Designer m.ellis@nhla.com Renee Hornsby Director of Communications/Editor r.hornsby@nhla.com Kristina Thomas Marketing Relations k.bran@nhla.com
■■■ Desirée Freeman Controller Rich Hascher Inspector Training School Instructor For advertising inquiries: Contact John Hester, Director of Membership at j.hester@nhla.com or 901-399-7558.
AFS Energy Systems
Pike Lumber Company, Inc.
Dunavant Global Logistics Group
Rossi Group
King City/Northway Forwarding
TJT Consulting
NYLE Systems, Inc.
UC Coatings Corporation
NHLA Annual Convention
9 Pennsylvania & Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Companies
John Hester Director of Membership Dana Spessert Chief Inspector
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Dave Bramlage Cole Hardwood Membership Dan Caldwell Atlanta Hardwood Corporation Hardwood Advocacy Kevin Gillette Tioga Hardwoods Convention Scott Heidler Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Nominating Steve Jones Ron Jones Hardwood Sales, Inc Inspection Services Darwin Murray McClain Forest Products Finance Bucky Pescaglia Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Inspector Training School Mike Powers Maley & Wertz Communications & Marketing Jim Reader Downes & Reader Hardwood Continuing Education/ Member Services Joe Snyder Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc. Rules Brent Stief Huron Forest Products Strategic Planning
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LET NHLA HELP GROW YOUR BUSINESS What a wonderful convention in Nashville, Tennessee! Mark Barford and his staff out did themselves providing excellent educational programs and excellent entertainment on the final night with Richie McDonald. Outstanding! Thanks also to everyone who attended! I truly believe that the NHLA Annual Convention is a huge networking opportunity and can help all members grow and expand their businesses. I mentioned in my convention welcoming remarks that being a member of NHLA has helped me grow my business and that the networking opportunities at the Convention are a gold mine. I specifically discussed that NHLA Conventions are attended by the leading companies in the hardwood lumber business and each of these companies attend the convention to advance their businesses, meet with customers and suppliers, and to make new contacts. On a personal note, I also shared my business success story. When I joined NHLA I had 16 employees and modest annual revenue. Today, I have 45 employees and a nice middle market business. While my business is still relatively small compared to many NHLA member companies, I truly believe that by being involved, meeting new friends and customers, and learning by being present at NHLA events, the Association has helped my business grow. It is my goal, as NHLA President to have each and every member experience this type of success by: taking advantage of NHLA networking opportunities, becoming an involved member and realizing that NHLA can assist in the growth of their business. The bottom line is that your involvement in the Association gives you a strategic advantage over nonmembers and members who do not participate!
The bottom line is that your involvement in the Association gives you a strategic advantage over nonmembers and members who do not participate!
Published in this month’s edition of Hardwood Matters (see page 14) is a list of every Active member company and their dues category. The goal for my company is to grow from a U2 category to a U3 category and it is my hope that all members are able to grow their respective businesses and move up a category in the coming years! Thanks again for the honor and privilege of serving as your President!
Pem Jenkins, NHLA President Turn Bull Lumber Company
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2015 NHLA Annual Convention Presenting Sponsor
Thank You NHLA!
And thank you NHLA members for another great annual convention. It was a tremendous honor for TJT Consulting to take part in this year’s convention as the 2015 Presenting Sponsor. Once again the organizing team at the NHLA did an outstanding job planning this year’s event and choosing another great meeting location and venue. We’re already looking forward to next year! TJT Consulting 4001 Legion Drive • Hamburg, NY 14075 Toll Free: 866-287-5919 or (716) 649-4460 E-mail: djacobs@tjt4001.com www.tjtconsulting4001.com
W W W. N H L A .CO M
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NHLA CONVENTION ATTENDANCE RECONFIRMS STRONG MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT As I begin my tenth year at NHLA, I can confirm that the 1,029 attendees at the 2015 Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase was the largest convention attendance I have experienced. The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive and I agree that it was one of the best efforts to date, but each year the staff is dedicated to not just equaling but exceeding the previous year’s success. The 2016 NHLA Convention to be held October 5-7 in Washington D.C. will be no exception to the rule of continued improvement. A pair of fabulous keynote speakers in Robert Reich and Charles Krauthammer, the beautiful historic Omni Shoreham hotel and the Nation’s capital city buzzing about the pending national elections just a few weeks later will make this another can’t miss meeting. It was so inspiring to talk with so many Association and industry friends in Nashville, but I want to take a moment to thank you, the NHLA members for making the successful convention possible. NHLA is a three-legged stool with the Annual Convention being one leg, and the other two being the Field Inspection Service and the Inspector Training School. Everything else we do is in support of these three activities, and let me be clear… none are possible without the NHLA membership. During the convention we celebrated the 100-year membership of Tigerton Lumber Co., who joins a long list of companies who have reached this mark of distinction. Congratulations to Tigerton Lumber Co.! To see the NHLA produced video of Tigerton’s history please visit www.nhla.com. This month’s edition of Hardwood Matters includes a list of our current Active members. NHLA has a graduated dues schedule, which has provided growing support for the Association as consolidation and mergers continue to occur. Active member companies have increased their dues as their companies have grown. Each year members are asked to re-evaluate their categories based on total hardwood sales and remit dues based on those new levels. This list, broken down by dues schedule, is our way of thanking them for making those changes and allowing the Association to do its work. You can expect to see our other category members in future editions of Hardwood Matters. The mood seemed bright in Nashville with many people looking forward to good years ahead for the hardwood lumber industry. Thank you for supporting the largest hardwood industry association in the world. I can’t wait to see, together with you, what the next 10 years hold.
NHLA is a three-legged stool with the Annual Convention being one leg, and the other two being the Field Inspection Service and the Inspector Training School. Everything else we do is in support of these three activities, and let me be clear… none are possible without the NHLA membership.
Mark Barford, CAE, Chief Executive Officer 901-377-1082 direct | m.barford@nhla.com 8
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OUR ANNUAL FLY-IN By Dana Cole, Executive Director Hardwood Federation
The year is racing by. It doesn’t seem possible that the Thanksgiving holiday is almost upon us and that Christmas is around the corner. The Hardwood Federation has had a very busy fall, starting with our annual Fly-In, one of our most important and widely anticipated events of the year. Although the Hardwood Federation staff is in touch with Members of Congress and their staffs every single day, the Fly-In allows our industry participants to tell their stories and relate the industry’s message directly from those living it in the meetings they attend. On September 10th hardwood industry leaders once again took to Capitol Hill to make the rounds on Capitol Hill . . . and to make a difference! Nearly 50 Hardwood Federation representatives conducted over 100 meetings with Members of Congress and staff, including more than 40 meetings with members of the Senate, almost half of that body.
Hardwood Federation representatives focused on three priority areas and delivered the following messages to Members of Congress: 1. Federal Forestry Reform – H.R. 2647 the “Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015” passed the House and is now sitting in the Senate Agriculture Committee. Congress needs to move this bill forward to address badly needed reform to federal forest management practices, including timber harvest schedules and funding forest fire suppression efforts; 2. Northern Long Eared Bat –The US Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that the NLEB should be listed as threatened and not endangered, but there are still major concerns regarding portions of the interim 4(d) rule including the ¼ mile “no harvest radius” around
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known roost trees and hibernacula. The emphasis needs to be on a cure for the White Nose Syndrome and not on forest management; and 3. Biomass Carbon Neutrality – The forest products industry needs certainty on how carbon emissions from biomass will be handled in the President’s new Clean Power Plan. Biomass carbon neutrality is the heart of the industry’s sustainability message and one that must be considered as EPA implements its new standards.
Caucus could not be better, given the many challenges that the President’s Clean Power Plan poses for biomass energy and the need our industry has for a clear, simple policy on the carbon neutrality of forest-based biomass fuels. The Hardwood Federation will join with our colleagues in the forestry, forest products and biomass energy spaces to recruit members for the Caucus. We look forward to working with the Caucus chairs and members to frame the federal policy debate more favorably for biomass energy.
While these issues were the focus of the Fly-In a number of other issues continue to percolate and demand our attention. On October 1, 2015 the Obama Administration finalized its new air quality standard for ground level ozone, tightening the limit to 70 parts per billion (ppb), from the existing 75 ppb. The Environmental Protection Agency had been under a court order to finalize the rule on this date. This is a victory of sorts for the regulated community which had been advocating for retention of the existing standard, but was fighting EPA efforts to ratchet the number down to as low as 60 ppb. Any ozone standard in the 60-65 ppb range would essentially have brought the entire U.S. into non-attainment for the pollutant. Now that the new limits have been set, the fight will turn to minimizing the negative impacts of the new standard on businesses as they work towards compliance. A fight that will no doubt be an extended one. A more positive development is the launch of the House Biomass Caucus. The Caucus will be co-chaired by Hardwood Federation friends Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Ann Kuster (D-NH), members of the House Natural Resources and House Agriculture Committees, respectively. The Caucus will provide a great platform for us to message positively on the environmental and economic benefits of forest based biomass. The timing on formation of the W W W. N H L A .CO M
N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S AFS-126A Ad Development_final.indd 1
4/21/15 10:33 AM
Shelby Rowles (left) Mark Douglas (right)
his past summer, the Inspector Training School Educational Foundation (ITSEF) proudly announced the development of its Educational Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship Fund provides financial support for individuals interested in attending the traditional 12-week Inspector Training School program in Memphis, Tennessee. In September, ITSEF announced its first scholarship recipients, both students of the 178th Class. The two recipients are Shelby Rowles from Curwensville, Pennsylvania and Mark Douglas from Pine Knot, Kentucky Shelby Rowles is new to the hardwood industry. He learned about the Inspector Training School when National Inspector, Barry Kibbey came to speak at his local high school. “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after high school and being a senior that was a scary thing. But after Barry came and spoke to my class and I knew that I wanted to go to the Inspector Training School. Knowing I would have to pay my own way, I went online and read everything I could about the School for weeks. Then one day, I opened the NHLA website and saw that they were accepting scholarship applications so I applied immediately,” said Shelby. “Being new to this industry and having to
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pay my own way was a struggle but I am so honored that ITSEF awarded me this scholarship and is allowing me to begin my career in the hardwood industry.” Shelby has high aspirations for his future. After graduation, he plans to stay in his home state of Pennsylvania and become a lumber grader for a local mill for a few years so he can become better acquainted with the industry. Ultimately, he hopes to start his own business and travel. “I’ve had so much fun attending the School in Memphis. The South, in and of itself, is an entirely new cultural experience for me. My classmates are from all over the country so I’ve had the chance to be around all types of cultures just through this one experience. It makes me excited for the future and the possibility of traveling more and the opportunity to meet people from around the world.”
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“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do after high school and being a senior that was a scary thing. But after Barry came and spoke to my class and I knew that I wanted to go to the Inspector Training School." — Shelby Rowles Mark Douglas’ career in the hardwood industry began 12 years ago when he worked as a lumber stacker. Mark always wanted to attend the School but the opportunity never presented itself. In 2010, Mark began working at Somerset Wood Products, Inc. as a lumber handler. Over the past 5 years, Mark has worked in just about every department until landing the position of tallyman, working along side the mill’s lumber inspectors. “Working with the lumber inspectors inspired me to learn more about the job and the Inspector Training School. My boss noticed that I was interested in becoming a lumber inspector so he offered me the opportunity to go through the School and introduced me to the ITSEF scholarship.” In hopes of furthering his career in the industry, he decided to attend the School in the fall of 2015. Mark’s supervisor, Bobby Atkinson, told him about the scholarship and urged him to apply. “I’ve been in this industry for several years now and met a lot of people who have gone through the School and they really benefitted from it. I’ve wanted to come for a while but never really had the opportunity so I think it’s great that ITSEF is now offering scholarships. It gives people like me, who have been in the industry for years, a chance to finally come to the School,” said Mark. “It’s so awesome to be here learning from the famous Rich Hascher. I’ve heard other guys around the yard that have gone through the School talk about Rich’s famous sayings and here I am getting to experience them first hand!” “Rich makes it easy to learn all the material. He doesn’t give up you. He will work with you and will make sure that you understand all the material before you leave,” he added. After graduation, Mark plans to work as a lumber inspector at Somerset Wood Products but would eventually like to earn a position as a buyer or seller with the opportunity to travel to China to learn more about the international hardwood markets.
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Scholarship applications for the 179th Class of the Inspector Training School are currently being accepted. Students interested in applying for a scholarship must first apply and be accepted into the 179th class. ITS enrollment applications as well as ITSEF scholarship applications can be accessed from (nhla.com/school) The Inspector Training School Educational Foundation (ITSEF) was founded in 2012 as a way for Inspector Training School alumni and friends to privately support the continued development and growth of the School. The Foundation is dedicated to gaining support for the School by: assisting with increasing School enrollment by providing financial support to worthy students; assisting with promoting the School outside of the hardwood industry; purchasing and maintaining technologically relevant equipment to enhance the learning experience and fulfill the needs of an evolving hardwood industry; and creating an Endowment Fund to assist with enhancing the experience for future generations. If you are an ITS alumni or a friend of the industry and would like to donate to the Inspector Training School please visit www.itsef.org.
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ACTIVE U1 – MEMBERS WITH LESS THAN $5 MILLION IN ANNUAL SALES A. D. Bowman & Son Lumber Co., Inc. AJD Forest Products Al-Tom Forest Products, Inc. Algoma Lumber Co., Inc. Aljoma Lumber, Inc. American Eagle Forest Products Ltd. AMF Bowling Inc. Anderson-McQuaid Co., Inc. Angelbeck Lumber Co., Inc. Anthony-Higgs Lumber Co. Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Co. Arcola Lumber Co., Inc. Atlas Trading International Aura Hardwood Lumber Inc. Aurora Timberland Wholesale Hdwd. Austin Hunt Lumber Co., Inc. B. J. Fortner Hardwoods, Inc. Baird Brothers Sawmill, Inc. Bannish-Rickard Lumber, Inc. Becesco Inc. (Les Produits Forestiers) Ben Hokum & Son Ltd. Bennett Hardwoods, Inc. Bernie McGlynn Lumber Ltd. Big River Cypress & Hardwood, Inc. 14
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Big Valley Hardwoods Bois Maron Ltee Blandy Hardwoods, Inc. Brojack Lumber Co. Brumbaugh Lumber LLC Bryant Church Hardwoods, Inc. Buchanan Hardwoods, Inc. Braxton Lumber Co., Inc. C. B. Goodman & Sons Lumber, Inc. C. C. Cook & Son Lumber Co., Inc. Cable Hardwoods, Inc. Cameron Lumber LLP Cannonsville Lumber, Inc. Cardin Forest Products, LLC Carl Rosenberry & Sons Lumber, Inc. Central Alabama Wood Products, LLC Chaney Lumber Co., Inc. Charles F. Shiels & Co. Charles Horn Lumber Co. Chatham Mill, LLC Cherry Forest Products CLC Hardwoods Clinton Hardwoods LLC Coblentz Brothers, Inc. Cochran & Zandi Lumber, LLC Colonial Hardwoods Columbia River Hardwoods, Inc. W W W. N H L A .CO M
MEMBER LIST Concannon Lumber Company
Fulton Forest Products
Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp.
G. F. Hardwoods, Inc.
Continental Hardwood
G4 2010 LLC, dba Promark Percussion LLC
Corsaw Hardwood Lumber Inc.
Gagnon Lumber Inc.
Cotton-Hanlon, Inc.
Gilco International Lumber LLC
Crowley Hardwoods
Graf Brothers Flooring & Lumber
Curtner Lumber Co.
Greentree Hardwoods LLC
Cut Rite Lumber Limited
Grezenski Forest Products Inc.
D & S Calver Lumber Ltd.
Gulick Forest Products Limited
Davie Ashley Sawmill, LLC
Hanafee Bros. Sawmill Co., Inc.
Dickerson Lumber Co.
Hassell & Hughes Lumber Co., Inc.
DM Sarrazin Inc.
Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co.
DMI Martin County Farms LLC
HHP Inc.
Drakes’ Hardwood
Hidden Sawmill
Dry Run Lumber Co.
Hidden View Lumber Co.
Edrich Lumber, Inc.
Hill Country Hardwoods, Inc.
Elof Hansson Inc
Hites Hardwoods, Inc.
Facemyer Lumber Co.
Hoffman Brothers Lumber Inc.
Falcon Lumber, Ltd.
Holmes & Co., Inc.
Farney Lumber Corp.
I K World Trading Co. Ltd.
Farrow Lumber Co.
Indiana Veneers Corp.
Fine Lumber and Plywood, Inc.
Integrated Software Solutions
Ford Sawmills Inc.
Inter-State Hardwoods Co., Inc.
Forest City Trading Group
J & J Log & Lumber Corp.
Fox Lumber Co.
J J & A Lumber Services LLC
Frederick and May Lumber Co., Inc.
J K W Lumber Co.
Frick Lumber Co., Inc.
J. A. LaCour & Co.
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MDI, Inc. Mechanicsburg Lumber Co., LLC
J. D. Irving Ltd./Hardwood Division
Meier Forest Products, Inc.
J. H. Keeso & Sons Ltd.
Midway Lumber Mills Limited
J. M. Wood Products
Mitchell Forest Products, Inc.
J. McCoy Lumber Co.
Mitcheltree Bros. Logging & Lumber, Inc
J. R. Banks Lumber Co., Inc.
MJB Wood Group, Inc.
J. V. Averitt Lumber Co.
MK Hardwoods LLC
J. W. Black Lumber Co.
Mohawk Lumber Ltd.
J. W. Jones Lumber Co., Inc.
Monteath Moulding Corp.
John Sveda Logging
Moore-Newton Quality Hardwoods
Johnny Rich Lumber Products, Inc.
Moss Lumber Industries, Inc.
Johnson Brothers Lumber
Muth Lumber Co., Inc.
Johnson Lumber Co., Inc.
National Lumber Co.
K & S Lumber
Neff Lumber Mills, Inc.
Kerex, Inc.
Nelson Hardwood Lumber Co.
Kersten Lumber Co., Inc.
Kish Lumber Co.
New England Forest Products, Inc.
Knisley Lumber Co.
Newman Lumber Co.
Lapp Lumber Co.
Nicolet Hardwoods Corp.
Les Billots Select Megantic Inc.
Noland Lumber Co., Inc.
Les Bois Poulin, Inc.
Northeastern States Lumber, Inc.
Les Entreprises Exulon Inc.
O’Shea Lumber Co.
Les Produits Forestiers M. E. S. Inc.
Oakcrest Lumber, Inc.
Lindsay Hardwoods, Inc.
Oakman Hardwood Inc.
Little Creek Lumber
Ontario Hardwood Products, Ltd.
Long Lane Farm
Owens Lumber Co., Inc.
Lumberjack Lumber Inc.
P. J. White Hardwoods Ltd.
M. Bohlke Veneer Corp.
Panneaux Maski Inc.
Macatawa Forest Products, Inc.
Patrick Lumber Co.
Maeder Bros., Inc.
Patriot Timber Products, Inc.
Manchester Lumber, Inc.
Patterson Hardwoods Inc.
Mason’s Mill and Lumber Co.
Paul Bontrager
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Peachey’s Sawmill LLC
Sweetwater Lumber & Land, Inc.
Pembelton Forest Products, Inc.
Swift River Pecans LLC
Phillips Forest Products, LLC
T. T. Jones Corp.
Pierce Lumber, Inc.
Tanner Lumber Co., LLC
Pierson Lumber Co., Inc.
Terry L. Griffith & Associates
Pilson Brothers Lumber Co.
The B. Y. Lumber Co.
Pisgah Lumber Company, Inc.
Thoroughbred Hardwoods, LLC
Plumb Lumber Co., Inc.
Titan Global Trading Co. Ltd.
Porosky Lumber Co., Inc.
TM Wood Products
Quality Hardwoods, Inc.
Toal Lumber Co.
R. J. Hoffman & Sons, Inc.
Townsend Lumber, Inc.
Ralph Largent Sawmill
Tradewinds International
Ray H. Miller Logging & Lumber, LLC
Tri-State Hardwood Co.
Red Bluff Interests Inc.
Triple S Enterprise
River City Hardwoods, Inc.
Turman Tye River, LLC
Roanoke Forest Products Co., Inc.
TYR Wood Products
Robert S. Coleman Lumber Co., Inc.
USA Woods International, Inc.
Roberts Plywood Co.
Verde Wood International
Ron Baltzley Hardwoods, Inc.
Virmurco Inc.
Rorabaugh Lumber Co.
W. R. Deacon & Sons Timber, Inc.
Rustic Wood Products, Inc.
Walters Brothers Lumber Mfg., Inc.
Rutland Lumber Co., Inc.
Weber Brothers Sawmill
Saroyan Lumber Co.
Weston Forest Products Inc.
Scierie Bois St-Francois Inc.
Whitesville Wood Products
Scierie Dion et Fils, Inc.
Whitson Lumber Co.
Sebasticook Lbr.
Willard G. Hallman Lumber Ltd.
Seneca Hardwood Lumber Co.
Wilson Lumber Co., Inc.
Shady Hill Hardwood
Winston Hardwood Lumber Co.
Shomaker Lumber Co. Inc.
Wolverine Hardwoods, Inc.
Sisler Lumber Co., Inc.
Y & Y Hardwood, Inc.
Spann Brothers Lumber Co.
Young Sawmill, Inc.
Stephens Hardwood LLC
Youngblood Lumber Co.
Superior Lumber, Inc.
Z. B. Forest Products, LLC
W W W. N H L A .CO M
N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S
Deer Park Lumber, Inc. Dunaway Timber Co., Inc. DV Hardwoods Inc. Dwight Lewis Lumber Co., Inc.
Abenaki Timber Corp.
East Ohio Hardwood Lumber Co.
Alan McIlvain Co.
East Perry Lumber Co.
Allard Lumber Co.
Edwards Wood Products, Inc.
Altenburg Hardwood Lumber Co.
Emerson Hardwood Co.
B & B Lumber Co., Inc.
Emmet Vaughn Lumber Co.
Batey, Ltd.
Finmac Lumber Ltd.
Bauman Sawmill, Inc.
Fitzpatrick & Weller, Inc.
Bayou State Lumber
Frank E. Wilson Lumber Co., Inc.
Beacon Hardwoods, LLC
Fred Netterville Lumber Co.
Beard Hardwoods, Inc.
Frost Hardwood Lumber Co.
Begin & Begin Inc.
G. H. Evarts & Co.
Bill Hanks Lumber Co., Inc.
Ganahl Lumber Company
Boehm-Madisen Lumber Co.
Gates Custom Milling, Inc.
Bridgewell Resources LLC
Gilkey Lumber Co., Inc.
Brownlee Lumber, Inc.
GMC Hardwoods, Inc.
Buskirk Lumber Co.
Granite Hardwoods, Inc.
C. A. Spencer Inc.
Hanawalt & Son Lumber, LLC
C/K International, LLC
Harold White Lumber Inc.
Canadian Wood Products
HAVCO Wood Products LLC
Central Wisconsin Lumber, Inc.
Hermitage Hardwood Lumber Sales, Inc.
Champlain Hardwoods, Inc.
Highland Hardwood Sales, Inc.
Cherry Hill Hardwoods, Inc.
Hull Forest Products, Inc.
Church & Church Lumber Company, LLC
Huron Forest Products, Inc.
Clark Lumber Company, Inc.
Indiana Wood Products, Inc.
Cook Brothers Lumber Co., Inc.
J. E. Jones Lumber Co.
Craftsmen Hardwoods Inc.
J. M. Jones Lumber Co., Inc.
Crone Lumber Co., Inc.
J. P. Smith Lumber Co., Inc.
Cronland Lumber Co., Inc.
Johnny Asal Lumber Co., Inc.
Cummings Lumber Co., Inc.
Josey Lumber Company, Inc.
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Keiver-Willard Lumber Corp.
Northern Neck Lumber Co., Inc.
Kendrick Forest Products
Oakridge Lumber, LLC
Kennebec Lumber Co.
Ohio Valley Veneer, Inc.
Kepley-Frank Hardwood Co. Inc.
Olympic Forest Products Inc.
Krueger Lumber Co., Inc.
Ozark Wood Fiber, LLC
Kuhns Bros. Lumber Co., Inc.
P J Lumber Co., Inc.
L. L. Johnson Lumber Mfg. Co.
Parton Lumber Co., Inc.
Lafferty & Co., Inc.
Patterson Lumber Co., Inc.
Lakewood Products, Inc.
Peach State Lumber Products, Inc.
Lawrence Lumber Company, Inc.
Penn-Sylvan International, Inc.
Leonard Lumber Co.
Prime Lumber Co.
Lewis Brothers Lumber Co., Inc.
Produits Forestiers St-Armand
Lumbra Hardwoods Inc.
Quality Hardwoods Ltd.
Maine Woods Co., LLC
Quality Hardwoods, Inc.
Maley & Wertz, Inc.
R. Booe & Son Hardwoods, Inc.
Maple Rapids Lumber Mill, Inc.
R. J. Williams, Inc.
Maple Ridge Hardwoods, Inc.
Ralph Taylor Lumber Co., Inc.
Marietta Wood Supply
Reel Lumber Service
Mayfield Lumber Co.
Renno Brothers Lumber
McGee Lumber Co., Inc.
RGM Hardwoods, Inc.
McRae Lumber Co., Ltd.
Rives & Reynolds Lumber Co., Inc.
Menominee Tribal Enterprises
Roach Sawmill & Lumber Co.
Meridien Hardwoods of PA, Inc.
Robbins, Inc.
Middleton Lumber Co., LLC
Robinson Lumber Co., Inc.
Midwest Walnut Co.
Rock Hill Lumber Inc.
Miller & Co., Inc.
Ron Jones Hardwood Sales, Inc.
Missouri Walnut, LLC
Salamanca Lumber Co., Inc.
Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc.
Sam Carey Lumber Co.
Mount Storm Forest Products, Inc.
Savage Lumber Co., Inc.
Mueller Bros. Timber, Inc.
Schaller Hardwood Lumber Co.
Murray Bros. Lumber Co. Ltd.
Scierie Arbotek Inc.
Nelson Forest Industries, Inc.
Sears Trostel Lumber Co.
Northern Hardwoods
Shaver Wood Products Inc.
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Wieland & Sons Lumber Co. Wightman Lumber Sales Corp.
Simon Lussier Ltee Sirianni Hardwoods, Inc. Sitco Lumber Co. Snowbelt Hardwoods
Somerset Wood Products, Inc. Sonoking Corp.
American Hardwood Industries
St. Croix Valley Hardwoods Inc.
American Lumber Co.
Stetson Hardwoods, Inc.
Anthony Timberlands, Inc.
Stewart Lumber Co., Inc.
Architectural Woods L.P., DBA AWI
Sweeney Hardwoods
Associated Hardwoods, Inc.
T & S Hardwoods, Inc.
Babcock Lumber Co.
The A. Johnson Co., LLC
Blue Ridge Lumber Co. LLC
Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co.
BPM Lumber LLC
Tigerton Lumber Co.
Bradford Forest, Inc.
Timber Products Michigan
Brenneman Lumber Co.
Tradelink Wood Products, Inc.
Cedar Creek Wholesale, Inc.
TRICO Enterprises, LLC
Cersosimo Lumber Co., Inc.
Trumbull County Hardwoods
Cherokee Wood Products, Inc.
Turn Bull Lumber Co.
Classic American Hardwoods
Tuscarora Hardwoods, Inc.
Cole Hardwood, Inc.
Two Rivers Timber Co., Inc.
Dakota Premium Hardwoods
Vexco Inc.
DeNoon Lumber Co.
W. M. Cramer Lumber Co., Inc.
Devereaux Sawmill, Inc.
Walnut Creek Planing
Downes & Reader Hardwood Co., Inc.
Walter M. Fields Lumber Co.
Goodfellow, Inc.
Ward Timber Co., Inc.
Hardwood Industries, Inc.
Watson Sawmill Inc.
J. T. Shannon Lumber Co.
Wayne Lumber Co., Inc.
Jim C. Hamer Co.
Weston Premium Woods
Kretz Lumber Co., Inc.
Wheeland Lumber Co., Inc.
Linden Lumber LLC MacBeath Hardwood Co.
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Matson Lumber Co.
Collins Companies
Middle Tennessee Lumber Co., Inc.
Ethan Allen, Pine Valley Division
Northland Forest Products, Inc.
Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.
Oaks Unlimited
Gutchess Lumber
Peladeau Lumber Inc.
Hardwoods Specialty Products
Peterman Lumber Inc.
Hartzell Hardwoods, Inc.
Primewood Lumber, Inc.
Holt & Bugbee Co.
RAM Forest Products
Hood Distribution
Rayner & Rinn-Scott, Inc.
Industrial Timber & Lumber
Renneberg Hardwoods, Inc.
Legacy Wood Products
Rex Lumber Co.
Midwest Hardwood Corp.
Roy Anderson Lumber Co.
Northland Corporation
Spellman Hardwoods, Inc.
Northwest Hardwoods
Swaner Hardwood Co., Inc.
Pike Lumber Co., Inc.
Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods, Inc.
Rossi Group
Thompson Hardwoods, Inc.
Superior Hardwoods of Ohio, Inc.
Tioga Hardwoods, Inc.
Tides and Times Group USA, Inc.
Welter Forest Products, Inc.
Upper Canada Forest Products, Ltd.
Yoder Lumber Co., Inc.
Wagner Lumber Co.
NHLA would like to once again thank our Active Members. Please use this list as a reminder to keep us up to date on any changes your company may have by visiting the “Member Area” of the website at www.nhla.com. Also, look for other membership categories to be listed in upcoming issues. For any Membership questions, please contact John Hester at j.hester@nhla.com. The Active Category Member Listing is of October 15, 2015.
Allegheny Wood Products International Inc. Anderson-Tully Lumber Co. Armstrong Wood Products Atlanta Hardwood Corp. Baillie Lumber Co. Banks Hardwoods, Inc. Battle Lumber Co., Inc. Bingaman & Son Lumber, Inc. Cascade Hardwood LLC W W W. N H L A .CO M
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Since taking on the great responsibility of serving as the NHLA Chief Inspector five years ago, I have travelled around the world, teaching the NHLA hardwood grading rules and what a tremendous experience it has been! Not only have I had the opportunity to meet new people, but I have also had the privilege of educating people on many of the challenging NHLA lumber grading rules. On an international level, I am asked several recurring Rules questions that I want to share with you. The first question is about the First Lineal Foot Rule or Paragraph 59. The Rule states that: “Within one lineal foot from the ends of the boards of standard lengths there must be 50% clear wood, and not less than 25% of sound wood in the aggregate.� The first thing to remember when applying this limitation is that it only applies to FAS and the FAS side of FAS 1 Face and Selects. This limitation should also be measured inside the Standard Length and over length is not considered. The best way to describe how to measure this limitation is to divide the first 12 inches from the end (of the standard length) into 4 equal parts, and then you can determine if there is 50% clear and 25%
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sound. Remember, there is no limit to the number of pieces to determine this requirement. Another question frequently asked refers to Side Bend. Side bend is a complicated defect due to the fact that we are looking at the yield and number of cuttings in a combination and not the board in its entirety. When a board has side bend in FAS, F1F or Select and the surface measure is less than 6, it is relatively easy to turn the arc of the bow up so that both ends of the board are touching a flat surface. Then measure up to the widest area between the flat surface and the edge of the board. Next, subtract that number from the full width of the board to determine the maximum width of a straight edge cutting that may be available in that piece. While this is a good measurement for narrow boards with small surface measures for the full length this does leave a substantial amount of room for interpretation in larger surface measures or lower grades where there can be multiple cuttings taken. Ideally, when encountering a board with side bend the inspector should take a piece of string to simulate the cutting of the saw and use that information to grade the board. However, this approach would be too time consuming as well as impractical in
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This year, the Alumni reception had an excellent turn out with more than 75 alumni in attendance along with ITS Instructor Rich Hascher who came to greet many of his former students. a production environment. I would recommend that the inspector use some string to test a few boards and get a good understanding of how much side bend is affecting the grade and use their best judgment in applying that knowledge gained. One of the most important things to remember when utilizing the NHLA Grades is that the useable portion of the board is measured to establish the grade and not the defects. On another note, NHLA has just completed another successful convention in Nashville, Tenn. Traditionally, NHLA hosts an Inspector Training School Alumni reception at the Annual Convention. This year, the Alumni reception had an excellent turn out with more than 75 alumni in attendance along with ITS Instructor Rich Hascher who came to greet many of his former students. During the reception, the Inspector Training School Educational Foundation (ITSEF) announced its new scholarship fund and revealed to alumni the first two recipients of the fund who are currently enrolled in the 178th class. ITSEF appealed to School alumni to help raise money for the Foundation and had great success! The money collected will aid in giving scholarships to more students interested in attending the School. Thank you to everyone for their contribution! We would like to invite all graduates to attend next year’s ITS Alumni Reception at the NHLA Annual Convention to be held in Washington, DC.
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* To view current job postings or to post a job, visit www.nhla.com/jobs.
Lumber Grader for Green Mill
CLC Hardwoods is seeking a lumber grader. Grader must be able to apply basic math skills, read a tape rule/measure and digital calipers, have a Good Safety and housekeeping record, have excellent verbal and written communication skills. NHLA graduate with certificate from the long course or five years’ experience grading lumber at a sawmill or yard is preferred. If not already a graduate, grader must be willing to attend NHLA long course for training (to be reimbursed by employer.)
James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. desires an experienced sawyer for their Stevens Point location. Applicants will be responsible for operation of the carriage. Applicants must have experience and knowledge in this field.
CLC Hardwoods offers a great benefits package, including PTO and competitive pay. To apply email resume to kmccune@clchardwoods.com CLC Hardwoods 190 Industrial Park Drive | Amma, WV 25005 Phone: 434-825-7717 | Fax: 540-221-6428
This is a full-time position offering benefits and a competitive salary package. To apply please call 715-344-0878 and/or email resume to bgrezenski@ grezenskiforestproducts.com James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. 3158 County Road X North | Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-0878 | Fax: 715-344-1470
Hardwood Lumber Inspector
Dry Kiln Operator/Manager
The Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Co. is seeking an energetic experienced lumberman to its dry-kiln division for its Ohio Distribution/ Concentration yard. The candidate should have experience in kiln operation and green and kiln-dried yard management. Dry kiln and yard experience is necessary however The Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Co. will train the right individual who has been or is currently in an assistant management position. The Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Co. offers competitive pay and a strong benefits package including profit sharing and 401k opportunities. To apply email resume to ezbricks@gmail.com or fax resume to 440-232-6795
James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. is seeking an experienced hardwood lumber inspector. Applicants must have experience in lumber inspection and the NHLA grading Rules. Applicants must have a high school diploma. This is a full-time position offering benefits and a competitive salary package. To apply please call 715-344-0878 and/or email resume to bgrezenski@ grezenskiforestproducts.com James Grezenski Forest Products Inc. 3158 County Road X North | Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-0878 | Fax: 715-344-1470
The Appalachian Hardwood Lumber Co. 5433 Perkins Rd. | Bedford Heights, OH 44146 Phone: 440-232-6767 | Fax: 440-232-6795
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Channel Lumber is seeking a Purchasing Agent to provide support to department activities with specific responsibility for implementing purchasing and responding to a range of inquiries regarding processes or bid status. 2-5 years of experience is required. Channel Lumber is a family-owned business offering competitive pay. For more information about applicant requirements please visit www.nhla.com/jobs Please visit www.chanellumber.com to apply. Channel Lumber 100 West Cutting Blvd. | Richmond, CA 94802 Phone: 707-556-5100 | Fax: 707-556-1960
Hardwood Lumber Inspector BPM Lumber LLC. is seeking an experienced hardwood lumber inspector. Applicants must have experience in lumber inspection and the NHLA grading Rules. Applicants must be able to grade green lumber or kiln dried in a sorter cab. BPM Lumber LLC offers competitive pay, benefits package, paid vacation and retirement. To apply please email resume to mcornett@bpmlumber.com BPM Lumber LLC. 24 Seeley Rd. P.O. Box 2800 | London, KY 40743 Phone: 606-877-1228 | Fax: 606-877-1230
Hardwood Lumber Inspector Church & Church Lumber Company is seeking an experienced hardwood lumber inspector. Candidate must be NHLA trained with at least 1 year of experience. Must be a highly motivated team player with excellent attendance record.
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Salary for this position is based on experience.
To apply please email resume to office@churchandchurchlumber.com Church & Church Lumber Company Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Phone: 336-973-5700 | Fax: 336-973-5703
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WH ERE IN THE WOR LD IS N H LA? NHLA Board of Managers Meeting November 16-18 | Memphis, TN The Peabody Hotel
Thanksgiving Holiday November 26-27 | NHLA Headquarters Closed
Christmas Holiday December 24 & 25 | NHLA Headquarters Closed
New Year Holiday December 31 & January 1 | NHLA Headquarters Closed
118th Annual IHLA Convention & Exposition February 2-4, 2016 | Indianapolis, IN Attending John Hester, Director of Membership
2016 AHMI Annual Meeting February 24-28, 2016 | Naples, FL Attending Mark Barford, CAE, CEO
Interzum March 28 -April 1, 2016 | Guangzhou, China Attending Dana Spessert, Chief Inspector
NHLA Board of Managers Meeting April 18-20, 2016 | Charleston, SC Belmond Charleston Place
NWFA 2016 Wood Flooring Expo April 27-30, 2016 | Charlotte, NC Participating John Hester, Director of Membership
EDUCATION & TRAIN I NG Progressive Inspector Training School Program: Block 3 Memphis, TN | November 2-20 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
Flex-Day Lumber Grading Short Course Indianapolis, IN | November 16-20 | Wood-Mizer Products, Inc. Instructor: Barry Kibbey, National Inspector Contact: Denice Helmbrecht | 317-875-3661 | info@ihla.org
Progressive Inspector Training School Program: Block 1 Memphis, TN | November 30-December 11 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
5 Day Lumber Grading Short Course Oak Ridge, TN | December 7-11 | University of Tennessee Aboretum Auditorium Instructor: Benji Richards, National Inspector Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
Inspector Training School 179th Class Memphis, TN | January 6-March 25, 2016 | NHLA Headquarters Instructor: Rich Hascher, NHLA ITS Instructor Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
3 Day Lumber Grading Short Course Madison, WI | January 12-14, 2016 | Madison Area Technical College Instructor: Barry Kibber, National Inspector Contact: Becky Miller | 901-399-7569 | b.miller@nhla.com
For applications, a complete listing of events and more information please visit www.nhla.com/calendar.
Lake States Lumber Association Winter Meeting Green Bay, WI | January 14-15, 2016
Hardwood Manufacturers Association National Conference & Expo Fort Worth, Texas | March 9-11, 2016 The Worthington Renaissance
EXPO Richmond Sandston, VA | May 13-14, 2016 26
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NHLA ANNUAL CONVENTION & EXHIBIT SHOWCASE SPONSORS* PRESENTING SPONSOR TJT CONSULTING ALDER LEVEL SPONSOR Cascade Hardwood, LLC WALNUT LEVEL SPONSORS Rossi Group Pennsylvania & Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co. CHERRY LEVEL SPONSORS Atlanta Hardwood Corp. Baillie Lumber Co. BB&T Insurance Services Forest Products Practice Cole Hardwood, Inc. Downes & Reader Hardwood Co., Inc. USNR MAPLE LEVEL SPONSORS Allegheny Wood Products, Inc. BPM Lumber LLC DMSi
Matson Lumber Co. Mayfield Lumber Co. Sii Dry Kilns TMX Shipping Company W.M. Cramer Lumber Co., Inc. RED OAK LEVEL SPONSORS Brewco, Inc. Champlain Hardwoods, LLC Collins Connexus Industries, Inc. DV Hardwoods Inc. eLIMBS, LLC Frank Miller Lumber Co., Inc. Harold White Lumber, Inc. Hassell & Hughes Lumber Co., Inc. Heidler Hardwood Lumber Co. Jim Howard Hull Forest Products, Inc. Industrial Appraisal Company Pem Jenkins McClain Forest Products Missouri-Pacific Lumber Co., Inc. Ted Rossi
Thomas & Proetz Lumber Co. Thompson Appalachian Hardwoods, Inc. Thompson Hardwoods, Inc. Tioga Hardwoods, Inc. Turn Bull Lumber Co. U-C Coatings Walter M. Fields III Weston Premium Woods