| O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 H A R D W O O D M AT T E R S
Presenting the NHLA Leadership Award The NHLA Leadership Award is presented every two years to an NHLA member whose leadership has made a significant difference to NHLA, the industry, and our membership. To be nominated for this prestigious award, candidates had to meet specific criteria, including being an NHLA member for at least 20 years. Nominees also had to demonstrate ongoing contributions and dedication to serving the industry. Finally, nominees had to be proven innovators with consistent track records of supporting NHLA and the industry. The Award Selection Committee considered all the nominees and awarded the 2021 NHLA Leadership Award to the late William Milton “Milt” Cole of Cole Hardwood, Inc. at the 2021 NHLA Convention and Exhibit Showcase.
W W W. N H L A .C O M