The Dish A P U B L I C A T I O N O F T H E N E W H A M P S H I R E L O D G I N G & R E S T A U R A N T A S S O C I A T I O N Issue No. 7 • August 2022 • Cover Photo: The NASWA Resort page p8 age p8 age 8 page 20 Best business practices Bto est business practices Bto est business practices to comply with state claws omply with state claws omply with state laws Girls, Inc. & GNHLRA irls, Inc. & GNHLRA irls, Inc. & NHLRA Learn more about Lthis earn more Lthis earn more about this Impactful program In INH mpactful program In INH mpactful program In NH Hiring Out of HState iring Out of HState iring Out of State page 12 A US Dept. of Labor Initiative Aand US Dept. of Labor Initiative Aand US Dept. of Labor Initiative and how to take advantage in hNH ow to take advantage in hNH ow to take advantage in NH Federal Bonding FProgram ederal Bonding FProgram ederal Bonding Program

Inside Y O U R G U I D E T O I S S U E N O . 7 Members Around Town 6 Celebrations and congratulations Girls, Inc. An overview of the Girls, Inc. program In New Hampshire 8 Save the Dates10 Notable events ahead Cover photo: Beachfront at the NASWA Resort A US Dept. of Labor initiative and how to take advantage In NH 12 | 2 Federal ProgramBonding 15 Virtual Job Fairs Hiring Out of State A helpful checklist when hiring out of state employees September dates for virtual job fairs around the state 20 25 NHLRA SolutionsMember Save time and money with the NHLRA's endorsed service providers 17 CHART Honors Jason Lyon Jason Lyon of Flatbread Co. honored for his commitment to people

HAVENEWSOR PHOTOSYOU'DLIKE TOSHAREWITHUS? If you'd like to update us with any company news for our Members Around Town section, please email agoodale@nhlra com NHLRA Director of Education and Workforce Development NHLRA Membership & Business Development Director NHLRA Social Media and Marketing 2022 Chair of the Board 2022 VIce Chair of Lodging John Dunn Michael Timothy's Dining Group NHLRA President and CEO Mike Somers Amie Pariseau Samantha Poole White Birch Communications 2022 Vice Chair of Restaurants Nicole Barreira Great NH Restaurants Molly Rice Norby Woodstock Inn Station & Brewery A packed Saturday at the Concord Farmer's Market. The NHLRA Team enjoying a beautiful lake day with NASWA Resort staff! NHLRA Office and Events Manager AubreyLynn Goodale | 4

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MEMBERS AROUND TOWN he NHLRA team was on hand to celebrate with Red Arrow owner Carol Lawrence and one of their phenomenal servers Jess! CELEBRATING100YEARSOF THEREDARROWDINER! OMNIMOUNT WASHINGTONCELEBRATES 120YEARS N H L R A www nhlra com | 6 he New Hampshire Hotel Association opened Its first office on July 24, 1919 with 92 members. The office (shown) was 875 Elm Street In Manchester. Wow how we've grown! uly 28, 1902 was the day the Omni Mount Washington, then called Mount Washington Hotel, opened Its doors for business! The hotel has been welcoming guests from all over the world with open arms for 120 years Here's to 120 more! J T T TWINLAKEVILLAGEKICKSOFF THEIR125THSEASON ongrats to Twin Lake Village for kicking off their 125th season on June 17! A true NH gem that was voted Best Multigenerational Resort by Yankee Magazine's Best of New England! C hrowback Brewery was recently recognized as New Hampshire's first Sustainable Beverage Producer under the new New Hampshire Sustainable Craft Beverage Recognition Program T THROWBACKBREWERY, CHEERSTOYOU! THENHLRATEAMTAKESA TRIPBACKINTIMEASWE CELEBRATE103YEARS!

Girls Inc. focuses on the development of the whole girl. She learns to value herself, take risks, and discover and develop her inherent strengths. The combination of long lasting mentoring relationships, a pro girl environment, and research based programming equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers, and grow up healthy, educated, and independent As part of their summer Young Women’s Leadership program, the girls gain leadership skills, explore careers, and visit college campuses. It encourages girls to see themselves as the strong, smart, bold leaders! Throughout the course of the summer, the girls had many hospitality experiences such as a behind the scenes tour at the DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Downtown, a trip on the Cog Railway, and making brownies and learning about the culinary programs at Lakes Region Community College The camp wraps up with a Career Fair with more hospitality industry members including 110 Grill, Fisher Cats Stadium, and Ohana Kitchen There are many opportunities to engage with the next generation of leaders. Girls Inc. is just one of many fantastic ways to reach New Hampshire’s youth. Please check out the One Hour Challenge on page 11 or contact Amie Pariseau at to become involved. | 10 SavetheDate | 11

The Federal Bonding Program provides fidelity bonding insurance coverage to at risk individuals. These applicants may have been denied commercial coverage due to a criminal record, history of alcohol or drug abuse, poor credit, lack of employment history, or dishonorable military discharge. Many employers carry insurance to protect themselves against employee dishonesty, theft, and embezzlement. However, insurance companies often refuse to cover at risk job applicants. Therefore, some employers will not hire those individuals who cannot be covered.
Bonding assistance may be provided to any individual who is qualified for the employment in question, not commercially bondable, and has a firm job offer. The job must offer full time work, adequate working conditions and wages, reasonable expectation of permanence, and excludes both self employment and employment as a franchise representative.
The Federal Bonding Program administered by NH Employment Security was specifically designed for such situations. Travelers Property Casualty, under contract with the US Department of Labor, has agreed to provide insurance through The McLaughlin company, its agent in Washington DC. This coverage is provided at no cost to the employer or the applicant. US LABOR

Requests for bonding may be made by the job applicant or the prospective employer to the state's Bonding Coordinator. Providing the applicant meets the eligibility criteria, bonding coverage becomes effective immediately following certification and the applicant’s first day of work. The bond will be mailed directly to the employer. The bond is issued for a six month period. At the end of six months, employers may purchase a transfer bond for an additional six month period, at the discretion of the insurer Eventually, the employee may be able to become permanently bondable
Any at risk job applicant is eligible for bonding services, including: ex offenders, recovering substance abusers (alcohol or drugs), welfare recipients and other persons having poor financial credit, economically disadvantaged youth and adults who lack a work history, individuals dishonorably discharged from the military, and others Anyone who cannot secure employment without bonding
| NHES Federal Bonding Coordinator (603)
·Is NOT a bail bond or court bond needed in adjudication. Is NOT a bond needed for self employment (contract bond, license bond or performance bond). Is Fidelity Bonding?
·DOES NOT cover “liability” due to poor workmanship, job injuries, work accidents, etc.
All persons bonded must meet the legal working age set by the State in which the job exists Self employed persons are NOT ELIGIBLE for bonding services (Bondee must be an employee who earns wages with Federal taxes automatically deducted from paycheck). Bonds can be issued to cover already employed workers who need bonding in order to (a) prevent being laid off, or (b) secure a transferor promotion to a new job at the company. Bonding coverage can apply to any job at any employer in any State Who Is Eligible for Bonding? Hampshire Security Kelly 228 4079
An | 13
•The insurance provided by the Federal Bonding Program to protect employer against employee dishonesty Covers any type of stealing: theft, forgery, larceny, and embezzlement effect, a guarantee of worker job honesty incentive to the employer to hire an at risk job applicant
Federal Bonding Contact: Joshua

The Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers (CHART) today announced that Jason Lyon, President and COO of Flatbread Company, Inc., is the recipient of its 2022 Commitment to People award. Lyon will be honored on Tuesday evening, August 2, during CHART’s 102nd Hospitality Training Conference at the JW Marriott in Austin, TX.
“Jason’s journey in hospitality began at the age of 14 as a dishwasher for the Common Man Family of Restaurants. His 27 year ‘home grown ’ experience there was instrumental in forming his philosophy of how leadership should support and collaborate with team members,” said Monique Donahue, CHART President. “At Flatbread Company, he wasted no time bringing those values to life and putting the organization on the path to be an exceptional employer of choice. It’s rare that a current CHART member receives the Commitment to People award, and we are very proud of Jason and his impact on CHART and our industry ”
A common theme in his team’s award application was transparency. Always clear and direct, communications from Lyon are rooted in creating a safe, socially responsible, and inclusive environment. He minces no words when it comes to inclusivity and leading this charge. In a letter to employees about the death of George Floyd and in support of Black Lives Matter, he stated “We stand for equality, liberty, and justice for all. Stand with us; together in unity with peace and love in our hearts for each other ”
WESTFIELD, NJ, July 19, 2022
“My deepest appreciation goes to my team This award is not about me, it’s about them Without their continued feedback, dedication, and support, we would not be the company, the community advocate, or the family that we are today,” said Lyon “I’d also like to thank our founder, Jay Gould, who created a culture that allows us to renew our spirit and prioritize people over profits ”

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Membership in the NHLRA means being a part of the only organization in the state dedicated to protecting, promoting, and educating our hospitality industry. Contact us for questions or to share what issues are affecting your business. We're here for you. GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS: Mike Somers msomers@nhlra com MEMBERSHIP AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Samantha Poole smacdonald@nhlra com EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Amie Pariseau apariseau@nhlra com OFFICE AND EVENTS: AubreyLynn Goodale SOCIAL MEDIA AND MARKETING: White Birch Communications kate@whitebirchcommunicatio ns com MEMBER SOLUTIONS HAVE A QUESTION OR CONCERN? Save time and money with the NHLRA's endorsed service providers Members save up to 20% off music licensing fees for BMI and 10% off SESAC NHLRA members receive cash back on manufacturer rebates normally unavailable Save up to 15% on dental and vision insurance rates through our group buying program Save up to 20% off your liquor liability insurance premium. Members receive an exclusive 10% discount on the subscription price and a 30 day free trial Establish a 401(k) program with minimal overhead under a NHLRA umbrella plan You may be eligible for a 5% discount on property insurance 30 minutes of free legal advice per incident, issue, or matter Need to retain their services? Receive a discounted rate LIQUOR LIABILITY INSURANCE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING GROUP PURCHASING ORGANIZATION MUSIC LICENSING LEGAL SERVICES MUSIC LICENSING WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE PROPERTY INSURANCE 401(k) PROGRAM DENTAL & VISION INSURANCE Receive a discount of up to 10% off of processing fees Our self funded, not for profit, workers' compensation trust returns dividends (on average) of 20 35%. COMPLIANCE PORTAL Including risk management and safety tools, compliance support, and templates for training and safety manuals NHLRA OFFICE: (603) 228 9585 info@nhlra com | 25

Alamo Texas Barbecue & Tequila Bar Alan's Of Boscawen Best Western White Mountain Inn Comfort Inn & Suites North Conway Conway Scenic Railroad The Draft Sports Bar Eagle Mountain House & Golf Club Granite Financial Partners Holiday Inn Express & Suites Merrimack La Quinta Inn & Suites Manchester Las Olas Taqueria Hampton Margate on Winnipesaukee Merlino's Steak House JULY RENEWALS | 26 Colwen Hotels Port City Coffee Roasters S&S Hotels Mountain View Grand Pease Golf Course Grill 28 RogersGray Row 34 Silver Sands Motel & Marina Stark Brewing Company Thayers Inn Tilton Inn & Onions Pub Restaurant UNH Peter T Paul School of Business Wentworth Hotel of Jackson Thank You! Welcome

16 Centre Street Concord, NH 03301 | (603) 228 - 9585 |