Established in 1989 by Michael J. Tinios, the popular event is now supported by his son, John Tinios. Please join us as we celebrate 34 years of making an impact. If you ' re unable to spend the day on the links, please consider supporting the National Restaurant Association's Restaurant Advocacy Fund withasponsorship.
This year we are hosting our tournament at the beautiful AbenaquiCountryClub Thiscluboffersaprivatefacilityrichin tradition and unsurpassed elegance. Abenaqui is located on thebeautifulNewHampshireSeacoast,surroundedbypristine woodlands,andcooledbysubtleoceanbreezes.
CHSPONSOR|$750 available.
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FBALLSPONSORSHIP|$1,000 available.
o prominently displayed on golf sinplayergiftbags-purchasing rowngolfballsisoptional.
o displayed on one tee/green nsorsign.
YERGIFTSPONSORSHIP|$1,500 available.
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ODSPONSORSHIP|$1,500 mitedavailable.
ed on signage displayed at strationandlunch
udes registration and fees for golfers (green fees, cart, akfast,andlunch).
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APHITESPONSORSHIP|$3,000 mitedavailable.
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ANIUMSPONSORSHIP|$5,000 mitedavailable.
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2023 Chair of the Board
Molly Rice-Norby
Woodstock Inn Station &
2023 Vice Chair of Lodg
Brian Ferguson
Flag Hill Distillery & Win
2023 Vice Chair of Resta
Nicole Barreira
Great NH Restaurants
2023 Vice Chair Allied M
Paul Ramsey
The Palace Theatre
Bernie Lontine
110 Grill
NHLRA President & CEO
Mike Somers
NHLRA Education Foundation Executive Director
Amie Pariseau
NHLRA Membership & Business Development Director
Samantha Poole
NHLRA Office & Events Manager
AubreyLynn Goodale
NHLRA Social Media & Marketing Coordinator
Jillya Jannetti
If you'd like to update us with any company news for our Members Around Town section, please email Jillya at jjannetti@nhlra.com.
Want in on The Dish?
Before you get started, please check with your local municipality to see what permits andordinancesareinplace.
Sinceoutdoorspacesaretypicallyuneven,thespaceshouldbeinspectedtomakesure therearenocracks,potholes,orruttingforcustomersorstafftofallortripon Makesure there are no electrical cords for people to trip on and all furniture is level Lights and equipment need to be built to withstand outdoor conditions, and proper covering and wiring around outlets is crucial. Protect outdoor dining areas with physical barriers to preventcarsfromintrudingintothespace.
Space should be well lit to allow safe access for customers and wait staff. Install sturdy outdoorlightsthatcanwithstandharshweatherandthatarefirmlysecured.
Equip your patio with heaters, umbrellas, awnings, or tents to provide shade and rain protection. Make sure all equipment is securely tied down and can withstand the elementswithoutfallingover.Developanevacuationplanandreviewwithemployeesfor preparationincaseofdangerousweatherconditions.
Whateveryoupurchase,makesureitcanwithstandtheelements,iseasytoclean,andis easytowipedryafterarainstorm Also,makesureallthefurnitureislevel Bemindfulof bugsandinsectsbyinvestinginhighqualitymosquitotreatments.
Space should be ADA compliant. Doorways and walkways should be clear and safe for all servers to navigate with trays around tables and customers. Provide proper signage sothatguestsknowhowandwheretocheckinalongwithexitandrestroomsigns.
If sound systems are permitted, keep the volume down. Be mindful of adjoining businesses making sure neighboring businesses remain visible to pedestrians and motorists.
With the support of FEEDNH.org and Heron Point Seafood, the New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association Education Foundation was able to provide seven scholarships for students accepted at a post-secondaryschoolin20232024.
Angelina (First Picture) will graduate from Pinkerton Academy and will attend the Culinary Institute of America to studybakingandpastryarts.
Shea (Second Picture) will graduate from Concord Regional Technical Center and will attend Johnson & Wales Universitytostudyculinaryarts.
Olivia (Third Picture) will graduate from Concord Regional Technical Center and will attend White Mountains Community College to study bakingandpastryarts.
All three are passionate and enthusiastic and will certainly make their mark in the hospitalityindustry.
A recent study by BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) and NRG (National Research Group) confirmsthatmusicpositivelyimpactsthewayconsumersinteractwithlocaleatingand drinkingestablishments Accordingtothefindings,barsandrestaurantsthatfeaturelive music have customers who eat, drink and spend more when listening to music they enjoy,resultinginhigherrevenuesformanybusinessowners
Out of the 1,000 nationally represented U.S. consumers surveyed across age demographics 21+, atmosphere and music are a big part of what keeps them returning to the establishments that they frequent. When taking a closer look at the data, specificallytheresponsesofMillennials,musicisthesecondmostimportantfeaturethey considerwhenselectingabarorrestaurant.Infact,it’ssomethingtheyactivelyseekwith more than half of respondents reporting that they often check the establishment’s websitetoseeiftheyhavelivemusicbeforechoosingwheretogo.
Music not only drives consumer traffic, but it also has the potential to increase revenue. Thesurveyfoundthatnearly80%wouldstaylongerifgoodmusicwasplaying,withclose to 60% stating that they would buy more food and drinks to continue listening to music thattheyenjoy.ThatstatisevenhigherforMillennialsat70%.
Other findings show that music makes memories, and it has the potential to make or break the customer experience Eighty-six percent of all those surveyed said that good music at a bar or restaurant creates a more memorable experience, with 89% of Millennials agreeing. Across the board, the younger generations show that music is an importantpartofthediningexperience,with84%ofGenZandMillennialsnotingtheyare more likely to stay at a bar or restaurant with good music. If the music isn’t right, however,oneoutoftwopatronssaidtheywouldleaveanestablishment.
Live music also has very tangible benefits for consumers and businesses by creating ambiance and bringing people together while helping bars and restaurant owners differentiatethemselvesfromcompetitors.Eighty-twopercentsaidthattheirexperience ismoreenjoyablewithlivemusicandnotedthatthetypeofmusicplayedtellsalot
abouttheestablishment,includinghelpingtoestablishitsbrand.Peoplewerealsomore likely to wait for a table and grab a drink at the bar if live music was playing to keep them entertained with 81% of those surveyed saying they’d wait 20 minutes. That number rose to 87% when you just look at how Millennials responded, and 80% of that demographicwouldalsopayforatwo-drinkminimumtohearlivemusic
In addition to consumers, restaurant owners and managers were also interviewed, sharingthattheysawaclearboostinrevenueonthenightsthatfeaturedlivemusic An owner with breweries in Colorado and Utah confirmed that customers stay longer and spendmoremoneywhenabandorDJperforms,commenting,“checkaveragestendto go up 5-10% … and revenues have jumped almost 25% on the nights that we have live music.” The owner of a family Italian restaurant in Atlanta, GA agreed, noting, “Without the [live] music we didn’t have the linger time, we would close sometimes at 9 o’clock. With the live music, we could push one o’clock in a bedroom community. There were moreliquorsales,andthat’sa75%profitmargin.”
For the complete consumer survey, click here and for more information on how to obtainaBMImusiclicensepleasevisitwww.bmi.com/ede.
GoodStartPackaging,aleadingNorthAmericansupplierofcompostablealternativesto plastictakeoutfoodcontainersandrestaurantsupplies,hasannouncedthatithasbeen certified as a B Corporation (B Corp), reflecting the company’s commitment to helping foodservice operators build sustainable, successful businesses while creating a better world
The B Corp certification administered by the nonprofit B Lab indicates that a business has passed a rigorous review and met the highest standards of verified social and environmentalperformance,publictransparency,andlegalaccountabilityinaquestto balance profit and purpose. Good Start Packaging is among the small group of companiestoachievethiscertification,earning93.3pointsintheBImpactassessment, exceedingtheminimum80-pointrequirementand50.9medianscore.
“B Corps are the pinnacle of what it means to be a great company. We are honored to receive this recognition and join other like-minded B Corps in redefining success in business,”commentsKenJacobus,FounderandCEOofGoodStartPackaging.
Good Start Packaging’s commitment to carrying 100% compostable and eco-friendly food and drink packaging and donating 20% of its profits to humanitarian and environmental causes helped support its success in the five impact areas that B Corp measures:Governance,Workers,Community,Environment,andCustomers.
“CompletingtheBImpactAssessmentoverthecourseof11monthswastheculmination ofyearsofefforttostandardizepracticesthatvalidatethatwetreatallourstakeholders with integrity,” said Jacobus “It also helps us prioritize initiatives that are the most impactfulandmakesusaccountabletoahigherpurpose.”
Good Start’s dedication to quality client service, ethical marketing, and employee satisfaction,includingpaidparentalleave,401Kmatchingprogram,andcoverageof80% ofhealthinsurancepremiums,werealsosignificantfactorsinaccreditation.
The company is presently focusing on charitable contributions to support causes that feedcommunities,advancehumanrights,andprotecttheplanet.GoodStartPackaging mostrecentlyassistedtheWorldFoodProgramme’s(WFP)effortstofeedschoolchildren inNicaragua.
Nicaragua is one of the poorest, most food-deficit countries in Latin America, where 17% ofchildrenunderfivesufferfromchronicundernutrition.GoodStartPackaginghelpedto deliver daily nutritious meals to 16,600 food-insecure school children for 1/3 of their schoolyear,contributing$200,000tothiscrucialcause.
GoodStartPackagingjoins19otherNewHampshireBCorpsandnearly7,000BCorpsin 90countriesand161industriesworldwidethatarecommittedtotransformingtheglobal economytobenefitallpeople,communities,andtheplanet
Keep NH Brewing Festival
July 8, 2023
Everett Arena Waterfront Park, Concord
34th Annual NHLRA Golf Tournament
September 11, 2023
Abenaqui Country Club, Rye
Stars of the Industry
November 6, 2023
Grappone Conference Center, Concord
June 26- Portsmouth
July 5- Concord
July 17- Manchester
July 24- Lebanon
July 24- Portsmouth
July 25- Nashua
August 1- Concord
August 15- Manchester
SpotOn announced the launch of Seat & Send, the first ever "order while you wait" functionalityforwaitlists.Here,BryanSolar,ChiefProductOfficeratSpotOn,breaksdown whatthefeaturemeansforrestaurants,guestengagement,andwinningthewaitlist.
It’s a busy Friday night. You’re at a Mexican restaurant that uses SpotOn Reserve. After jointing their waitlist, you get a text updating you on when your table is ready. Usually, you’d wait to be seated and then it would be another 10 minutes before someone takes your order And another 5 or 10 minutes before you get your drinks With Seat & Send, you’re free from that Now you can place your order ahead of time, while you’re on the waitlist, and have your items fire to the kitchen as soon as you’re seated You get your margarita, guac, and queso immediately, and you’re now first course in 20 minutes earlier.Youjust86’dthewait.
This is helpful for that business lunch that can’t run over. That table of friends who want togetthepartyrollingassoonastheysitdown.Andforthosefamilieslikemine.
I’m a parent of three young kids, so every time we go out to eat it’s effectively a race against the clock. How fast can I get chicken tenders on this table before they lose it?
Timeitrightandtherestaurantisahero.Timeitwrongandchaos.Forme,Seat&Send means I can go out to restaurants more often, spend more (i.e. dessert), and give that tablebackintimeforbedtime.
Seat & Send means you’re turning tables faster, or keeping guests staying at the table but running up a larger check I was talking to a restaurant owner recently who runs a brunch place He told me his biggest problem is he’s not able to add more hours between 8 and 11 am We can’t give you more hours, but by turning tables faster, you’ll get more guests served in that lucrative brunch block Plus, your guests get the experiencetheywant.
Withlaborchallengesandhighfoodcosts,profitprotectioniskey.Anythingwecandoto makerestaurantoperationsmoreprofitableisabigwin.AndifIasaguestgetthatextra margaritaorbrowniesundae,wellweallwon.
Restaurant-goers have two main modes. Sometimes, they’re looking for efficiency and sometimes they’re looking for experiences. Restaurants shine when they can meet their guests’needs.Seat&Sendhelpsrestaurantsdowhattheydobest:anticipateandmeet guestneeds Whetherthat’sfasterserviceormoretimetogooverthespecialssincethe firstdrinkisalreadyonthetable
Aserver’stake-homepayisheavilydependentonaverageticketsize Ifaguestcomesin and gets their guac, queso, and margaritas quickly, they’re going to be happy. It’s the perfect time for the server to tell them about the specials, answer any questions about the menu, and build the server-guest relationship. The faster service leads to that secondcocktailorthatbonusadd-on,increasingtheticketsizeandserver’stipsby10%.
Waitlistandreservationsoftwareisessential,butnotjustforbookingtables.Yes,ithelps youforecasthowbusyit’sgoingtobetohelpwiththingslikestaffingandinventory.Yes, it helps reduce no-shows and walk-outs with automated reminders and 2-way texting. Yes,ithelpsyoumanageyourtablesandserversmoreefficientlytoincreasetableturns. Butequallyimportant ifnotmoreimportant ishowaSpotOnReservehelpsyoubetter understandyourguests
With SpotOn Reserve, you can create a customer profile so you know it’s my fifteenth timecomingin,IalwaysdrinkSyrah,andI’mcelebratingmymom’sbirthdaytonight The host sees that right from their host station to give you the warm welcome you deserve And because SpotOn Reserve has a 2-way sync with the POS, the server also gets this information,helpingcreateaseamlessexperiencefromstarttofinish.
Astheschoolyearwindsdowntoitsend,weintheCareerTechnicalEducationFieldare puttingthefollowingfinishesonourstudentswhoaregettingreadytobeginworkingfull timeandgetthemselvesready,inmanycases,forcollege.
While you may hear that teachers “get the summer off,” it’s quite the opposite. It’s true thatwelookforquietrefugetogetawayfromitall,butmuchofthattimewillbespentin heavy thought on how to be better prepared in September for the new rush of enthusiastic students. How to improve upon what we’ve built already, how to do it with less money, and at the same time deliver more to each student and bring them up to industry standards. We invest ourselves heavily in creating the next generation workforce.
At the CRTC in Concord, we are preparing for some major updates to our dining room, kitchenspace,andculture Ournewbrandingcameeasy It’s“Gratitude”Wearegrateful for all our industry partners, community connections, supportive parents, steadfast administration, and encouraging School Board Most of all, we are grateful for our students Theyhavemadesolidchoicesinthedirectiontheywanttogo,puttheirtrustin us, dedicate themselves to our culture of being professional, and carry our brand with pridewherevertheygo.
We wish our students who are graduating a very successful path forward and we couldn'tbemoreexcitedforthestudentswhowillbewithusnextyearforourwonderful transformation. A special thanks to FEEDNH.org for their support. In their final stretches towards their “Hill to $1Mill,” our program along with many others received $15,000. This willensurewehavealltheindustryratedequipmentandsuppliesnecessarytoprepare ourstudentstoperformattheirbestwhentheybegintoworkormoveontocollege.
Gratitude, where education meets opportunity. If you would like to know more about becoming one of our industry partners, you can contact us at thecrtc.org. If you aren’t from the greater Concord area, check out nh-cte.org/ to find out more about a CTE Centernearyou Haveagreatsummer!
A native son of NH, Steve Duprey grew up in NH’s North Country, where his parents shapedhisdevotiontocommunity.“Mymotherandfather[asurgeon]weremyoriginal rolemodels,”Dupreysays.“Fromaveryearlyage,mymotheranddadinstilledvaluesin me ’you have been given so much more than so many kids in the world, you have an obligationtogiveback.’”
DupreyhasbuiltadevelopmentandhospitalityempirethroughtheDupreyCompanies, which includes four hotels, the Grappone Conference Center, Foxfire Property ManagementandFacilitechFacilitiesServices.
For more than two decades, Duprey has been a prolific developer, revitalizing old buildings into vibrant parts of Concord’s community, including the Love Building that is home to Gibson’s Bookstore and the Smile! Building that houses the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce and the League of NH Craftsmen When Duprey learned the League was considering moving from Concord, he developed a proposal to re-house it inhisnewSMILE!building.Dupreydonatedoverahalfmilliondollarsoftaxcreditsaswell as $225,000 in cash to the project and funded a professional fundraising study for the League’scapitalcampaign.HeevenpreparedtheapplicationtotheCDFAthatsecured $1.1millionintaxcredits.
Duprey played a critical role in creating the legislation that established the NH Community DevelopmentFinanceAuthority(CDFA) taxcreditprogram,ofwhichheserved asafoundingboardmember.
“StevewasthecatalystfortheredevelopmentofHorseshoePond.Thisgatewayproperty was transformed from an abandoned and burned-out lumber mill wasteland to a firstclass office park, hotel and conference center,” says Tim Sink, president of the Greater ConcordChamberofCommerce.
Duprey was also integral to the redevelopment of Concord’s Main Street. “Steve chaired thecommitteethatheldmorethan50publichearingsontheMainStreetredevelopment project.Healsopersonallyfundedandledapublicrelationsandlobbyingcampaignto secure a highly competitive $4.5 million federal TIGER grant, which turned the project fromadreamtoareality,”Sinksays.
Duprey is breathing new life into the former Eagle Hotel while preserving the historical integrityofthebuilding ahallmarkofhisdevelopmentefforts Hislatestprojectisanew five-story building in downtown Concord that will host restaurants and retailers Last year,heboughttheformerLincolnFinancialbuildingsinConcordforredevelopment
“He has been a leader in revitalizing neighborhoods and creating new opportunities for economic growth, while also preserving the cultural heritage and character of these communities,” says James Key-Wallace, executive director of the NH Business Finance Authority.
Dupreywasafounder,directorandthesecondpresidentoftheConcordBusinessGroup, an independent group of business leaders formed to work with the city and state to makeConcordmorebusinessfriendly.
HeplayedakeyroleinsecuringfundingfortherestorationandreopeningoftheCapitol Center for the Arts and he served on the board of trustees for two terms. And when the Capitol Center was ready to expand and open a second smaller performance space, Duprey acquired the building, lent his expertise in leveraging tax credits and helped develop plans for renovating the space into what is now the Bank of NH Stage. He also served on the board of trustees of the NH Historical Society and helped to lead the fundraisingeffortstoopentheMuseumofNHHistory TheDupreyCompaniesalsomade a$100,000gifttowardestablishingRedRiverTheatresinConcord
Last year, Gov. Chris Sununu tapped Duprey to chair the Pease Development Authority. He also currently serves on the boards of the Currier Museum of Art, the NH Business FinanceAuthorityandNHCivics,whichpromotesciviceducation.
Duprey could provide a masters class in civics, having served in the NH legislature and devotedhimselftohelpingothersgetelected.At19,whileincollege,hewonaseatinthe state legislature, becoming the youngest elected official in the country, Duprey says. At one point, attorney and then House Deputy Speaker Kimon Zachos waived the young man over to ask what he intended to do with his life and convinced Duprey to apply to law school. After graduating, he worked for the law firm of Solloway and Hollis before becomingadeveloper.
HetwiceservedaschairmanoftheNHRepublicanParty,buthasalwaysbeenwillingto reachacrosstheaisle.DupreyhasworkedwitheverygovernorsinceWalterPetersen. And while he has advised his share of presidential candidates, he struck a particularly deepfriendshipwithU.S.Sen.JohnMcCain,whowouldoftenhaveDupreyjoinhimonthe campaign trail to share some laughs as well as insights. As Duprey recalls his time with McCain, who died from a brain tumor in 2018, it is apparent the loss of his friend still weighsonhim.
Asked what lessons he learned from McCain, Duprey says, “Try to do what’s right. You won’t always succeed. You will make mistakes, sometimes big mistakes. Make amends, move on and take on the next battle. Don’t take yourself too seriously and be sure to enjoytheride.”
He knows he has not achieved success alone, crediting his employees “I am the Vanna Whiteoftheteam ThesuccessI’vehadthatgivesmetheopportunitytospendasmuch time as I do on civic efforts is because of my housekeepers, maintenance people and banquetservers Thosearethepeopleeverydaywhomakeourbusinesssuccessful,that allowsmeprivilegetobeasinvolvedasIam,andIamgrateful,”hesays.
ComingthisJune,GreenHeartHospitalitywillopenthedoorstoTheElmsRestaurantand Bar at the New London Inn, a celebration of the flavors and spirit of the Lake Sunapee Region, under the watchful eyes of newly appointed Executive Chef, Ken Cazeñas, and newGeneralManager,KateHolt.ChefKenwillalsoassumetheroleofExecutiveChefat the beloved New London classic, Oak & Grain Restaurant at the Inn at Pleasant Lake. In her role as general manager, Kate will oversee daily operations of both restaurants and inns. The Elms is centrally located along Main Street in the heart of charming New London,NewHampshirewithinthehistoricNewLondonInn,juststepsfromColby-Sawyer College, the New London Barn Playhouse and Pleasant Lake. Oak & Grain is located 1.5 miles from Main St. in New London, New Hampshire, along the shores of the serene PleasantLakewithinthehistoricInnatPleasantLake.
Chef Ken has a wide array of experience behind him. Spending the lion’s share of his careeronthewestcoast,Kenhasbeenapartofaward-winningkitchensspanningrustic Italian, modern Korean, contemporary Peruvian, French Japanese, Barbecue/SmokehouseandJewishDelis Kenhaslearnedcateringandeventsalongside theteamatWolfgangPuck’sSpagoBeverlyHillsandpastryatthefamedRooseveltHotel in Hollywood He opened a vegan restaurant in Hong Kong and built from scratch a farm-to-table restaurant and small inn on a remote island of the Philippines He even spent time as the private chef for one of rock and roll’s most beloved. Ken was most recently the Executive Chef of The Los Angeles Forum (former home to the Los Angeles LakersandLosAngelesKings)beforemovingtocoastalRhodeIsland.
“Icouldn’tbemoreexcitedtounveilallwe’vebeenworkingon for The Elms and am equally excited for the opportunity to sharemyculinaryexperienceswiththeteamandguestsofthe storied Oak & Grain. They are such beautiful properties, and suchanimportantpartofthevibrantNewLondoncommunity.
I’m eager to dig deeper into the local culinary scene, farms, andproducers,andtogettoknowourguestsoverthecoming summer.” said Cazeñas. “I’ve been fortunate to have worked alongside some amazing mentors and traveled to experience truly unique cultures that I am eager to share with New London.”
Katehaslivedanequallytraveledlife,committedtoherpassionforhospitalityandlove for service. After attending The Ohio State University, Kate immersed herself in the Portland, Oregon restaurant scene before pursuing leadership opportunities in Washington,D.C.,LosAngeles,SiliconValley,andMilwaukee.Katespentseveralyearsas aCorporateDirectorfortheKimptonHotelGroup,whereshewasinvolvedinthelaunch, evolution, and ongoing operations of dozens of hotel restaurants and bars throughout the US, Caribbean, and Western Europe She most recently served as the Corporate DirectorofFood&BeverageforHayCreekHotelsoutofExeter,NewHampshire
Respectively, their first order of business is the launch of the new restaurant, The Elms. The Elms is rooted in the traditions of regional American cooking, drawing inspiration from familiar New England recipes, executed with equal parts skill and care. Presentations are meant to be fun and approachable, aimed towards a mantra of “delicious,notprecious.”
Anentirelynewmenuwillbeintroduced,whereguestscanenjoydisheslikePan-Roasted Striped Bass with vibrant local produce, Mussels & Clams alongside a cold, crisp Sancerre,orsettleintothehouseTavernSteakwithabig,boldCaliforniaRed.Thereisan abundance of vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and dairy free options as well, ensuring everyone feels right at home. A handsomely stocked bar, perfectly balanced classic cocktails,regionalbeersondraftandbottle,andawell-appointedwinelistroundoutthe offerings
"The opening of The Elms on Main Street in New London is a wonderful addition to our community," said New London resident Jerod Rockwell, "The team at Green Heart Hospitalitywillbringalocalflarecombinedwithyearsofexperienceandprofessionalism intheindustry."
Oak&Grainwillcontinueitsstoriedhistoryofbeingoneofthemostcharmingsettingsin theLakeSunapeeregion,withmenuofferingsthatwillevolvewiththeseasons,takingfull advantageofthebountyofthestate’sfieldsandstreams,farms,andpastures.
The Elms Restaurant and Bar is located at 353 Main Street in New London, New Hampshire,andwillbeopenfordinnerTuesdaythroughSaturdayfrom5pmto9pm,the bar opens at 4pm, closed Sunday and Monday. Additional dinner offerings, along with breakfast and weekend brunch are set to follow later this summer. For further updates, information, latest job openings, or to contact The Elms’ team directly, please visit https://TheElmsRestaurantcom
Oak & Grain is located at 853 Pleasant Street, New London, New Hampshire, along the tranquil shores of Pleasant Lake Oak & Grain is open for dinner Wednesday through Sundayfrom5pmto9pm,closedMondayandTuesday Additionalofferingsandevents aresettofollowlaterthissummer.Weddingsandevents,bothintimateandgrand, are welcome. For further updates and information, to make a reservation, event inquiry, ortocontacttheOak&Grainteamdirectly,pleasevisithttps://InnatPleasantLake.com/.
On May 23, we welcomed 80 industry members to the second annual Women in Hospitality&Tourism.ItwasabeautifuldayatChurchLanding.Ourmorningwas spent "Putting Things First," the third habit of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."Thefocuswaslearningstrategiesandtoolsforfocusingonyourhighest priorities.Afterlunch,wewerejoinedbytheCEOofNHCenterofNonprofitsanda panel of our peers to discuss board service, why it is important to be involved, andtheneedforwomen'svoicestobeheardintheircommunities.Wewrapped upthedaynetworkingbythelake.
TheindustryisingoodhandswiththesefutureleaderswhorepresentedConcord Regional Technical Center, Nashua Community College, Pinkerton Academy, SouthernNewHampshireUniversity,andtheUniversityofNewHampshire.
MembershipintheNHLRA meansbeingapartoftheonly organizationinthestate dedicatedtoprotecting, promoting,andeducatingour hospitalityindustry.
Contactusforquestionsorto sharewhatissuesareaffecting yourbusiness.We'reherefor you.
PRESIDENT&CEO: MikeSomers msomers@nhlra.com
OFFICEANDEVENTS: AubreyLynnGoodale agoodale@nhlra.com
SOCIALMEDIAAND MARKETING: JillyaJannetti jjannetti@nhlra.com
NHLRAOFFICE: (603)228-9585 info@nhlra.com
Memberssaveupto20%offmusiclicensingfeesfor BMIand10%offSESAC
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Saveupto15%ondentalandvisioninsurancerates throughourgroupbuyingprogram
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Ourself-funded,not-for-profit,workers'compensationtrust returnsdividends(onaverage)of20-35%
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30minutesoffreelegaladviceperincident,issue,ormatter. Needtoretaintheirservices?Receiveadiscountedrate.
Abundantly Yours
Belmont Hall Restaurant
Checkmate Workforce Solutions
Dairy Queen Grill & Chill
Dinnerhorn Restaurant
Duprey Hospitality
Earth Eagle Brewing
Ed & Nora's "Italian In A Hurry"
Garwoods Restaurant & Pub
Golden Apple Inn
Hampton Beach Casino
Hooked & Ignite
Ice House Restaurant
Island Hospitality Management
J-Town Deli & Country Store
Jumpin' Jay's Fish Cafe
Mount Washington Cog Railway
Omni Mount Washington Resort
Park View Inn
Red Blazer Restaurant & Pub
Santa's Village
Snowvillage Inn
Stonehurst Manor
The Jefferson Inn