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How to keep customers happy after raising your restaurant’s prices — the Danny Meyer way From
Soyouraisedyourrestaurant’sprices Welcometotheafterparty
To kick us off, let’s acknowledge two things: 1) Raising prices can be a great long-term growth strategy for restaurants, especially when combating the pressure of high inflation.2)Higherpricescanoftentranslatetohighercustomerexpectations.
Whilesomepatronsmightbemoreforgivingofpriceincreases,manywillstart expectingmorefromyourrestaurantinreturnforthesteeperbillattheendoftheirmeal. One study showed that nearly 80% of respondents correlated higher prices to better experiences.
That’s why after you increase those numbers, your best bet to retain customers and attractnewonesistofocusoncultivatingaguestexperiencethey’llhavenochoicebut tolove.
Notsurewheretostart?You’reinluck Ifanyoneknowsabouthowtokeep customers happy after raising prices, it’s Danny Meyer
The founder of Union Square Hospitality Group and Shake Shack famously introduced a no-tipping policy at his restaurantsin2015byraisingmenuprices15-20%.
AlthoughhelaterreinstatedtipsduetotheCOVID-19pandemic,duringthefive-yearrun of his “Hospitality Included” model, Danny not only kept loyal customers happy but managed to grow even more popular during that time despite having markedly higher prices.
Thebestpart?DannyrecentlysatdownwithHeartlandleaderstodiscusshishard-won recipe for how to create a better customer experience and make your restaurant a success higher prices and all with a philosophy he coined as “enlightened hospitality.”
Whether you ' re a multi-location, chart-topping restaurant collective or an up-andcoming hotdog cart, read on to get the ultimate guide to meeting and exceeding customer expectations from the restaurant trailblazer who literally wrote the book on hospitality: