1 minute read
Good Start Packaging Donates Profits to The Water Project
By Melissa Breslin
164 million children in sub-Saharan Africa have nodrinkingwaterserviceattheirschools,and215 million children attend schools without basic sanitation.

In honor of World Water Day on March 22nd, NHLRAishighlightingoneofournewestmembers, Good Start Packaging, who is working to change this.
Located in Bedford, NH, Good Start Packaging offers compostable takeout food containers madefromrenewableplant-basedmaterialslike corn, wheat fiber, and sugarcane. Committed to being a force for good in the world, Good Start donates 20% of profits annually towards feeding communities, advancing human rights, and protectingtheplanet.
One of their key partners is The Water Project. This global non-profit helps bring clean water to communities by providing training, expertise, and financial support for water project construction. Good Start Packaging’s recent donation supportstheKasioniCommunityinKenyaintheconstructionoftheirnewhanddugwelladjacenttoanewsanddamontheriverbed.
Thesanddamwillbuildupsandtoraisethewatertableandnaturallyfilterwater, while the well will provide a safer method of drawing drinking water for the community. It could take up to three years of rain for this sand dam to reach maximum capacity because sometimes it only rains once a year! As the sand dammaturesandstoresmoresand,thesurroundinglandscapewillbecomelush andfertile.