The Magic Necklace
By Dakota BednarSarah Kelly was excited. Her older cousin, Brenda, had just given her a gold starshaped jewel as a back to school gift, and Sarah knew just what to do with it. She grabbed a bottle of superglue and carefully put the jewel in the empty spot on her lucky necklace. Then, she stepped back to admire her work.
The necklace had a silver chain, with small gold roses, leaves, and vines twisting around it. The necklace charm was a large circle full of jewels. There were sapphires, rose quartz, amber, gold, and jade. There were many different shapes, and to Sarah, it looked beautiful.

After letting the glue dry, Sarah put the necklace on. It felt warm on her neck, like someone had worn it a moment ago. Her body got a warm sensation, and she felt a little tired. It was earlier than usual, but Sarah went to bed, not even realizing that she was still wearing her necklace.

When Sarah woke up, she looked at her clock. It was so late! She bolted out of bed.

While she gobbled up a bowl of cereal, she thought about what she would wear. It would be my rainbow T-shirt and my neon pink shorts, she decided, visualizing the objects in her mind. And my shiny black sneakers. And just as soon as she finished deciding, her outfit was in the kitchen, right in front of her! Sarah was so confused.

Oh, I wish I were in school right now! Sarah thought. And then, just like that, she was in front of the building!
As she rushed up the stairs and into her classroom, Sarah thought about what had happened to her. And then she realized that she had superpowers! It must be the necklace, she thought. The necklace gave me superpowers! Sarah wondered what else she could do, but for now, it was time for school. She would have more time to explore later. But no matter how much power she had, she knew she would always use it to do good in the world.