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To place a job ad here and on www.dieteticJOBS.co.uk please call 0845 450 2125 (local rate)
royal bromPtoN hosPital - aDult CarDioresPiratory DietitiaN (iNCluDiNg PriVate PatieNts) - baND 7 £36,917 - £46,837 permanent, full time NHS Jobs ref: RB/RS/4539 Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is the largest heart and lung centre in the UK and among the largest in Europe. We are looking for an enthusiastic and experienced Specialist Dietitian (minimum five years post-qualification) to join our proactive Rehabilitation & Therapies Directorate. This new post is based in our dynamic multi-professional Adult Heart Services Therapy Team and has been created to develop Specialist Dietetic outpatient services whilst providing acute inpatient care for patients on our private ward. Additionally, you will work closely with The Trust Nutrition Lead providing nutritional support to complex intensive care patients including those on ECMO treatment. The successful candidate will be supported by strong working relationships directly within the therapy and multidisciplinary team. The post is suitable for someone with significant experience in acute care, preferably within cardio-respiratory, combined with excellent communication skills and a willingness to enhance practice. For more information please contact: Dr Ione de Brito-Ashurst, Nutrition Lead for the Trust and Governance & Safety Lead for Rehabilitation and Therapies on i.ashurst@rbht.nhs.uk, www.jobs.nhs.uk. Closing date 30 April 2015.
Band 6 diEtitian Community - lEaRning disaBilitiEs Band 6 Dietitian required for a full-time community position working in learning disabilities and will therefore need to be able to transport themselves around Norfolk. Support will be provided by the Clinical Lead Specialist Learning Disability Dietitian, but the locum will need to be confident with working independently in the community. Ideally, the locum will have experience in learning disabilities/mental health, but if not, good general community clinical experience and knowledge would be essential for this role and also the ability to be creative with how advice is provided to the clients. MDT experience would also be helpful, as communication with many different carers/health professionals is needed to support the clients. Accommodation is available. Ideally starting on 13th April 2015 for two to three months. Please call 01277 849 646 or email hayley@eliterec.com for more information on this role. www.elitedietitians.com
Band 6 diEtitian - stoKE on tREnt Band 6 Dietitian required for a part-time three-daysa-week role in Stoke on Trent covering acute Adult work across three sites, applicant must be able to commute between the sites. Start date is April for four weeks. Excellent rates offered for the right dietitian. Please call 01277 849 649 or email hayley@ eliterec.com for more information on this role. www. elitedietitians.com
Band 6 - diaBEtEs and nutRition suPPoRt Band 6 Diabetes and Nutrition Support Dietitian to cover a full-time community role in Wigan. For this or other dietetic vacancies with Elite, please contact Hayley on 01277 849 649 or email your CV and interest to hayley@eliterec.com www.elitedietitians.com
diEtitian REquiREd FoR wEightloss ComPany We are recruiting again for an exclusive weightloss company based in Central London. We have been retained by London’s fastest growing weightlost company to recruit an outgoing and entrepreneurial dietitian. This client specialises in body transformation programmes with an intelligent combination of fitness, nutrition and lifestyle support. The successful applicant will join a vibrant team already consisting of one dietitian. Your primary role will be to provide outstanding dietary advice to their client base, offering support to help them achieve extraordinary results and increase client retention. You will also help develop existing plans and help to improve processes, documentation and materials which accompany the clients’ programmes. To be considered for this role, please email Hayley@eliterec.com or call 01277 849 649. www.elitedietitians.com Continued . . .