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Events and courses
Dietary role - BanD 7 - GUy’s anD st thoMas’ evelina chilDren’s hospital, lonDon This role is to cover the period from 26th Oct 2015 to 15th Jan 2016. Hours are 9am to 5pm, covering paediatric inborn errors of metabolism. Applicants must have paediatric experience, preferably with metabolic experience too. Email your CV to registration@pjlocums.co.uk. Our rates are competitive in the current market; we offer assistance with relocation and hospital accommodation. We provide you with a current CRB, full occupational health check and can organise your mandatory training. PJ Locums is a NHS Government Procurement and LPP framework approved supplier for Allied Health, Health Science personnel and nurses.
BanD 6 chilD weiGht ManaGeMent - w lonDon This role is to start ASAP for two months, visiting special schools and sports centres in the local area. Previous weight management experience is essential, as well as experience with paediatrics. Call Hayley at Elite for further information 0800 023 2275/01277 849649 hayley@eliterec.com www.elitedietitians.com
BanD 5 or 6 Dietitian - nhs staffs Required for a NHS trust in Staffordshire covering a community role, so car driver and car required. The role covers two days per week (preferably Tues and Weds), around 16 hours per week. Immediate start. Accommodation can be arranged locally. Three-month contract, but this might be extended. It is an Actual role (nursing homes, home visits and GP clinics) and community experience is preferable. To be considered for this or other roles with Elite, please call 0800 023 2275 or 01277 849 649. Email hayley@eliterec.com. Please follow us on Twitter @elitedietitians, or visit our website www.elitedietitians.com for up-to-date Jobs.
BanD 6 or 7 paeDiatric DiaBetes Dietitian This is a part-time role for three months starting ASAP. Please call Hayley at Elite for further information on 0800 023 2275 or 01277 849649. Email hayley@eliterec. com or visit www.elitedietitians.com
BanD 6 coMMUnity Dietitian - hertforDshire This role is for 30 hours a week covering community Neuro Rehab for a minimum of four months. The hospital in Hertfordshire is commutable from London, so applicants must either be a car driver or have a licence as we could hire a car for them. Please call Hayley at Elite for further information on 0800 023 2275 or 01277 849 649. Email hayley@eliterec.com or visit www.elitedietitians.com
BanD 6 acUte role - wales Starting ASAP for four weeks, this role covers gastro, surgical and pancreatic patients. Please call Hayley at Elite for further information on 0800 023 2275 or 01277 849649. Email hayley@eliterec.com or visit www.elitedietitians.com
nutriCiA PAediAtriC AllergY SYmPOSium
16th Oct 9.30am to 4.30pm
Marriott Victoria & Albert Hotel, Manchester
uniVerSitY Of nOttingHAm - SCHOOl Of BiOSCienCeS
Modules for Dietitians and other Healthcare Professionals
• Diabetes 1 & 2 - 14th Jan, 2016 • Understanding Behaviour Change - 9th & 10th Feb & 22nd March 2016 For further details please email marie.e.coombes@ nottingham.ac.uk, tel: 0115 951 6238 or check out the University website at www.nottingham.ac.uk/ biosciences and click on short courses then ‘for practising dietitians’.
Gastroenterology Module - University of Nottingham
School of Biosciences Modules for Dietitians and other Healthcare Professionals - 8th Oct - www.nottingham.ac.uk/biosciences
Introduction to Mental Health, Learning Disability
and Eating Disorders - BDA Trainer - 13th Oct - London Road Community Hospital, Derby www.ncore.org.uk
Hot Topic Conference 2015: Obesity & Pregnancy
29th to 30th Oct - Charles Darwin House Conference Centre, 12 Roger Street, London WC1N 2JU www.worldobesity.org/
CODHy 2015
5th to 7th Nov - Istanbul, Turkey www.codhy.com/2015/Default.aspx