CPD: IMPROVING PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Emma Coates Registered Dietitian Emma has been a registered dietitian for 10 years, with experience of adult and paediatric dietetics. She specialised in clinical paediatrics for six years, working in the NHS. She has recently moved into industry and currently works as Metabolic Dietitian for Dr Schar UK.
There is huge recognition for learning and development (L&D) in the workplace, whether you work in the public or private sector. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) conduct a survey every year to highlight areas for improvement and key trends in L&D. In 2015, it found eLearning methods were increasingly used and commonly found in larger organisations. Up to three quarters of workplaces offer coaching and mentoring, which is set to increase further. In-house or on-the-job training programmes and coaching by line managers or peers remain the most popular development methods.1 Table 1 shows the most common L&D methods. It is expected that an increase in the use of mobile device-based learning, virtual classrooms and webinars will be observed in the coming years. Whilst all of these L&D methods can enrich our professional development, it is acknowledged that there are challenges when reviewing and evaluating the outcomes of these opportunities. Despite the various challenges L&D throws at us, it is an ever-changing landscape and looking back on my experiences of L&D, that this quite apparent. Over the years, as a student and a healthcare professional, you’ll attend many courses and study days, some clinical or others for personal or team-based L&D. Some will bring about those ‘lightbulb’
moments, where everything just makes sense and you’ll leave feeling inspired or empowered. Others will leave your head spinning, or you’ll simply think it didn’t really meet your needs. And there are, of course, the limitations in financial or time resources to attend L&D opportunities. I recently attended a personal development course and whilst keeping an open mind about this opportunity, there’s always a little nag at the back of my brain saying, “you’ve got so much to do; this is using valuable time that could be spent doing your work!” However, as well as learning a new perspective on personal development, I also learnt that spending some time on personal development can reap benefits for the long term. THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE: PERSPECTIVE THAT INSPIRES IMPROVEMENT©
This course is a well-established approach to being effective in attaining goals. Devised by Franklin Covey,2 the course has work sessions based on the content from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.3
Table 1: The top five most popular L&D methods1* Method
Percentage use
On-the-job training
Online learning
In-house development programmes
Learning from peers (through face-to-face interactions or online networks)
external conferences, workshops and events
*Based on responses by 1,993 participants. www.NHDmag.com April - Issue 123