Kate is a Freelance Dietitian with a wide range of clinical experience of working with adults and children having previously working in the NHS. Her specialities are Diabetes and Allergies.
In 2002, the World Health Organisation (WHO)1 recommended that mothers should breastfeed exclusively until six months and then begin complementary feeding. This is what the majority of mothers in the UK are being advised.2 But is this the correct message? Are people following the advice? What can and should dietitians be recommending? Complementary feeding is the period when infants no longer get all the nutrients they need via breast milk or infant formula, therefore, other foods and liquids need to be introduced.1 It can also be called weaning, but this term can be confused with weaning off breastmilk onto infant formula. The overall aim of complementary feeding is for children to be getting the right nutrients at the right time and eventually eating more or less the same as the rest of their family by the age of one.1 New guidelines from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) have recommended that Vitamin D should be supplemented in breastfed babies from birth.7 Nutrients which are needed in addition to breast milk and formula from four months are iron and zinc.11 There have been some excellent studies recently which have changed our outlook on complementary feeding. Here, I summarise the main points of each. Learning early about peanuts (LEAP) study 20153 This landmark study found that the introduction of peanuts to high risk infants reduced the incidence of peanut allergy. The LEAP study found that only 3% of the children who consumed peanuts between the ages of four to 11 months developed a peanut allergy by the age of five, compared to 17% in the group that avoided them. This trial was a game-changer in the advice that should be given to new parents, as, for decades, healthcare professionals
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had been recommending that allergens should be avoided. Enquiring about tolerance (EAT) 20164 In this study, six allergenic foods were introduced to breastfed infants from three months of age. The allergens included: peanut, cooked egg, cows’ milk, sesame, whitefish, and wheat. Although they were unable to statistically prove that introducing these foods reduced the incidence of allergy, they did prove that introducing them was safe; there were no cases of anaphylaxis and doing so did not adversely affect growth. The study did indicate that reducing the risk of allergy was dose-dependent. When it was strictly adhered to, there was a significant reduction in the development of allergies. Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study, 20165 This Canadian study included prospective questionnaires and skin prick testing, specifically looking at cows’ milk, egg and peanut. It found that exclusive breastfeeding up to six months did not affect the sensitisation of foods apart from cows’ milk. It did find that there was benefit to introducing the three allergens before the age of one. Following these studies, the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition released a position paper in early 2017 on Complementary Feeding.6