NUTRITION AND HYDRATION WEEK: 12TH TO 18TH MARCH 2018 “Our mission is to create a global movement that will reinforce, focus, energise, create activity and engagement for nutrition and hydration as a fundamental element to maintaining the health and wellbeing for our global community.” It’s an important mission statement from the organisers of Nutrition and Hydration Week. It’s an important annual event too. What started out as a one-off patient safety week back in 2012 has become a global social movement that aims to highlight, promote and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration locally, nationally and around the world.
Emphasising the importance of good nutrition and hydration is essential, not only in our personal lives when we are ill, but in social care too: malnutrition in elderly patients puts a great burden on the NHS budget; good nutrition and hydration can alleviate this problem and protect patients from unnecessary risks.
Screen all patients and service-users to identify malnourishment or risk of malnourishment and ensure actions are progressed and monitored.
Together with each patient or service user, create a personal care/support plan enabling them to have choice and control over their own nutritional care and fluid needs.
Care providers should include specific guidance on food and beverage services and other nutritional and hydration care in their service delivery and accountability arrangements.
People using care services are involved in the planning and monitoring arrangements for food service and drinks provision.
Food and drinks should be provided alone or with assistance in an environment conducive to patients being able to consume their food (Protected Mealtimes).
All healthcare professionals and volunteers receive regular raining to ensure they have the skills, qualifications and competencies needed to meet the nutritional and fluid requirements of people using their services.
Facilities and services providing nutrition and hydration are designed to be flexible and centred on the needs of the people using them, 24 hours a day, every day.
All care providers to have a nutrition and hydration policy centred on the needs of users, and is performance managed in line with local governance, national standards and regulatory frameworks.
Food, drinks and other nutritional care are delivered safely.
Care providers should take a multidisciplinary approach to nutrition and hydrational care, valuing the contribution of all staff, people using the service, carers and volunteers working in partnership. March 2018 - Issue 132
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PUBLIC HEALTH Originally focusing on improve-ments in nutrition and hydration across health and social care, Nutrition and Hydration Week is spreading its wings. Over recent years, so many organisations and sectors have got involved in the week’s events, including schools and businesses, that now everyone is encouraged to take part in highlighting and promoting nutrition and hydration from 12th to 18th March this year. Nutrition and Hydration Week is your week - take a look at the website (www.nutrition for ideas on how to get involved and the kind of events you could put on. The key is that you should be able to use the week to do the things that are important to you. All they ask is that you share your plans and events, so that they can be highlighted on the website. THERE’S STILL TIME TO JOIN IN
If you are keen to raise awareness of how eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties
(dysphagia) can affect people’s lives, then please visit: to get involved in the Week’s events. Wednesday 14th March is the date for the Global Tea Party which will see an afternoon of tea served in health and social care settings around the world. Wednesday 14th March is a big day too, for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT); it’s Swallowing Awareness Day 2018. The RCSLT has built a campaign toolkit to help you get involved, including posters, factsheets and puzzles to enable you to get your message across. Visit: www. more information. The aim of all events is, of course, to promote the week, the work your organisation does every day and to show how to improve nutritional intake. The number of afternoon teas you serve, for example, may vary, but every one of them indicates YOUR commitment to improving nutritional care.
Reference 1 NHD England (2015). 10 key characteristics of ‘good nutrition and hydration care’.
NETWORK HEALTH DIGEST A wealth of useful dietetic resources for all dietitians and nutritionists Make the most of your NHD Community! March 2018 - Issue 132