Network Health Digest February 2021

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Tabitha Ward RD Tabitha is a Senior Dietitian in Weight Management. She is also a freelance health writer.


VEGANUARY 2021 HITS RECORD Veganuary has had its biggest sign up ever this year since launching in 2014. In January, 500,000 people signed up to take part in the month-long vegan challenge, double that of 2019. 125,000 of those sign-ups were in the UK, with supermarkets getting right behind it by releasing new vegan lines and creating dedicated online Veganuary pages providing information all about veganism. Toni Vernelli, Veganuary’s Head of Communications, said, “While new vegan product launches from big name brands are exciting, the way British supermarkets have embraced Veganuary this year is truly game changing. They are not simply using it as a marketing opportunity, but are promoting the many benefits of plant-based eating and encouraging people to give it a try.” It’s not just the supermarkets who got enthusiastic. Many celebrities joined in too, with the likes of Ricky Gervais and Paul McCartney going plant-based for the month to help reduce environmental impact. For more information please click here . . .

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EATING DISORDER HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS RISE SHARPLY Hospital admissions for eating disorders have risen by 37% across all age groups in the last two years, according to NHS Digital data for England obtained by PA news agency. The data shows that in 2018/19, there were 19,040 admissions for eating disorders, up from 13,855 in 2016/17. Of those admissions, 25% were children under the age of 18.1 The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) reported that several factors in the pandemic may have contributed to this, including, isolation from peers during school closures, exam cancellations, loss of extra-curricular activities, and an increase in social media usage with a focus on unrealistic ideas of body image.2 Dr Karen Street, a Consultant Paediatrician at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and Officer for Child Mental Health at the RCPCH said, “We are extremely concerned about many children and teenagers’ wellbeing because of the pandemic. Many of them are just not coping. Eating disorders are often related to a need for control – something many young people feel they have lost during the pandemic. Many have described needing a focus which, in the absence of anything else, has, for some, centred around eating and exercise.”2 The RCPCH is now warning parents and guardians to look out for signs of eating disorders at home so problems can be caught as early as possible. Turn to page 19 for more on acute eating disorders.

References 1 2 paediatricians-warn-parents-be-alert-signs-eating-disorders-over-holidays

6 February 2021 - Issue 160

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