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High Level Risk Log (HLRL)


I TRS +-

3 - Best Value for all

Risk that MYHT financial position is not able to be managed by the Trust itself without the support of commissioners.

Ongoing senior level discussions invloving the StHA, Cluster, PCTs, and MYHT.

Difficult to access given the nature of the risk.



3 - Best Value for all

Failure to deliver the required level of QIPP over the next 3 years.



NHS Kirklees ability to predict or anticipate who may leave the organisation including business critical employees.





With limited time before implementation is required, there is still ambiguity and contradiction on guidance and other available information from














Penny Woodhead

1 - Best Possible Care



3 - Best Value for all



4Organisation is Fit For Purpose

Tar Assurance Positive Gaps Assurance Controls Assurance 15 Reporting to the Board on Difficult to access given Difficult to access given


4Organisation is Fit For Purpose

QIPP plan in place with key responsibilites and timescales identified. Monitored on a monthly basis and reported to Finance and Performance Group. Performance Plus system used to support monitoring and reporting. Due to management operational cost reductions and Exploration of shared working arrangements across transitional arrangements as a result of the the cluster will potentially reduce the impact of staff governments Health and Social Care legislation, reduction in numbers and potential loss of uncertainty regarding future employment has added to specialists. More effective and improved working staff leaving or considering leaving NHSKirklees arrangements within the cluster may reduce the employment. The impact of staff leaving has amount of work and duplication of work activities. significantly reduced the number of employees (at 31 Staff turnover is monitored on a monthly basis and March 2012 NHS Kirklees FTE were 37% below the is reported to NHS Kirklees SMT and reported on Following changes to organisations roles under Across West Yorkshire, a programme of workshop, "liberating the NHS", the NHS is unable provide which include the directors responsible for EPRR, assurance (to both its local authorities and the NHS EPRR practitioners and key partners, is working on CB) on its arrangements for responding to developing a series of arrangements that, if emergencies and major incidents. implemented, should allow this risk to be effectively Failure to deliver the required level of QIPP over the QIPP plan in place with key responsibilites and next 3 years. timescales identified. Monitored on a monthly basis and reported to Finance and Performance Group. Performance Plus system used to support monitoring and reporting. The quality improvement requirements associated with a) Whole System group in place with representation reduction in pressure ulcers may not be achieved. from all organisations, care homes since May 2011 Therefore, patients may develop avoidable pressure b) Terms of Reference and work plan in place ulcers. agreed by Clinical Quality Board. c) Performance measures included in CQUINS Risk reducing in Acute sector, remains at 16 in Scheme. community d) Root cause analysis undertaken for all category 3 and 4 pressure ulcers and learning shared across system, timings to be monitored via CQUINs



Gaps Identified

Steve Brennan


3424 K

Key Controls

Judith Hooper


3422 K

Principal Risk

Laura Smith


3201 K


Steve Brennan


3022 K


27/06/2012 13:26:37

CKW CET Approval

Steve Brennan


3019 K

Alex Wilson Alex Wilson Rebecca Jenkins Ben Fryer Alex Wilson Penny Woodhead


Risk Org Ad No 3018 K



a) Quality premium for care homes implemented from September 2011. b) Training strategy to be developed during 2011/12

a monthly basis, and to Directors and NEDs outside this cycle when necessary.

the nature of the risk.

Finance and Performance Group receive monthly contracting and finance reports. CCE's also receive the same. Reporting to SMT on a monthly basis and through exception reporting for any urgent issues.

Overall QIPP plans of £15m were delivered in 2010/11. Forecasting to achieve overall QIPP plan of £13m in 2011/12. Staff turnover statistics provided to board in Performance report and any serious risks will appear on the corporate risk register with appropriate risk scoring

Minutes, presentations and products from workshops. Currently managed in Kirklees through the PH transition programme Finance and Performance Group receive monthly contracting and finance reports. CCE's also receive the same. Monitor through dashboard and Clinical Quality Board. Q3 CQUINs report

Adequate assurance will be made available when the arrangements are sufficiently developed

the nature of the risk.

A paper to cluster boards will be required to detail the proposed arrangements that are under discussion

Overall QIPP plans of £15m were delivered in 2010/11. Forecasting to achieve overall QIPP plan of £13m in 2011/12. a) Reporting into Health None identified at present. & Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel. b) Regular reporting to Calderdale Commissioning Executive, Finance & Performance Committee and Board.


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