Calderdale, Kirklees & Wakefield District Cluster Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee 19 July 2012 PRESENT: Ann Liston Roger Grasby
Non-Executive Director (Chair) Non Executive Director (by teleconference)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mike Potts June Goodson-Moore Ian Currell Laura Smith
Chief Executive Executive Director of Workforce and Corporate Development Cluster Director of Finance & Efficiency Assistant Director of Workforce (Secretary to the Committee)
RTSC 48/12: AP OLOGIES Mehboob Khan
Non-Executive Director
RTS C 49/12: DECLARATIONS OF INTERES T The Chief Executive declared an interest in items 51/12 and 52/12 as a VSM (not present for those items) The Cluster Director of Finance & Efficiency declared an interest in items 51/12 and 52/12 as a VSM (not present for those items) The Executive Director of Workforce & Corporate Development declared an interest in items 51/12 and 52/12 as a VSM for the Airedale, Bradford & Leeds Cluster.
RTSC 50/12: MINUTES The public and private minutes of the Cluster RTSC meeting held on 19 June 2012 were APPROVED as a correct record. The public and private minutes of the Cluster RTSC meeting held on 3 July 2012 were APPROVED as a correct record. It was AGREED that the notes of the Committee’s 5 July 2012 teleconference would be produced. In the notes of the Cluster RTSC meeting held on 3 July, it was AGREED to change the wording of “static” to “no annual cost of living uplift”; and to add “non-pensionable” to the sentence about bonus payments.