NHS Calderdale (Calderdale Primary Care Trust) 5J6 GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2011/12 1. Scope of Responsibility The Board is accountable for internal control. As Accountable Officer and Chief Executive of this Board, I have responsibility for maintaining a sound system of internal control that supports the achievement of the organisation’s policies, aims and objectives. Patient safety remains our first priority and I take personal responsibility for this along with safeguarding the public funds and the organisation’s assets, as set out in the Accountable Officer Memorandum. I am also responsible for ensuring that the organisation is administered efficiently and effectively within our resources. Internal auditors have throughout the year reviewed governance arrangements and found these to be satisfactory. NHS Calderdale is part of the local health and social care economy that aims to improve health wellbeing for the people of Calderdale. It supports the development of local services to deliver better health, in partnership with other stakeholders. Our Operating Plan for 2011/12 set out our objectives and targets for the short and medium term. The Board oversees delivery of our Operating Plan, supported by its subcommittee arrangements which maintain the focus on the local priorities. The NHS North of England assesses and monitors performance of the PCT against national and local objectives through the reporting arrangements in place with the SHA. 2. The Governance Framework of the Organisation During 2011/12 the governance arrangements changed significantly for NHS Calderdale in line with national policy to support the NHS reforms. 2.1 Board Committee Structure (April to September 2011) For the period April to September 2011, NHS Calderdale had a Board in place with a committee structure of an Audit Committee, Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee, Finance and Performance Committee, Risk Management Committee, Clinical Commissioning Executive and Health and Social Care Partnership Board. In March 2011, the three Boards of Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield District Primary Care Trusts also agreed to establish the Cluster Partnership as a Sub Committee, with responsibility for overseeing the transition to the new structure of the NHS. This arrangement retained the three Boards as accountable and responsible for the commissioning of safe and effective local health services within the financial resources. It included the creation of a single executive management structure including one Chief Executive and Accountable Officer for the three organisations and one set of executive directors who sat on the Boards of all three organisations. To ensure clarity of governance for these individuals and the organisations as a whole, Wakefield District’s Standing Orders were adopted by the three Boards. Draft 3 NHS Calderdale Governance Statement 23 April 2012
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