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Spring Term 2010 Wednesdays: 13 January – 31 March 2010 (except 17 February) Closing date for applications: 11 December 2009 All sessions will run from 9.00am – 12.00 noon at Dewsbury Health Centre. The cost is £210 which includes the photocopiable resource and accreditation fees. Once staff have attended this course they are eligible to attend any of the specialist Elklan courses. This year we are running the following 5/6 week specialist courses: Unclear speech Autistic Spectrum Disorder All courses are accredited (upon successful completion of a portfolio) and credits can be accumulated towards a “Certificate in Speech and Language Support”. It is advisable to book early as places are limited and will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. Please note this is the only time that this course is being run this academic year.

Please contact the Speech & Language Therapy Department for details.

Accredited ELKLAN Course Speech and Language Support for the under 5s (suitable for any staff working in Early Years settings)

Dewsbury Health Centre Wellington Road Dewsbury WF13 1HN Tel: 01924 351546 Academic Year 2009 - 2010 Tutors: Alison Paxton and Joanna Gill Speech & Language Therapists

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