Who are the trainers: Physical Activity Development Officers – Kirklees Council, Culture and Leisure Services.
For further information please contact: Julie Lawes, EPP Team Administrator/Support Officer, NHS Kirklees Tel: 01924 351448 E-mail: Julie.lawes@kirklees.nhs.uk
To enrol on this FREE course please complete and return the registration form as soon as possible.
Email:............................................................................................................ Tel no in case of emergency:..........................................................................
..................................................................................................................... Ref: MH2822 Date of publication: Aug 09 Š Kirklees Primary Care Trust
This information can be made available in other formats including large print and other languages.
Medical condition(s) or caring role:................................................................
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..................................................................................................................... Name of Practice Nurse:................................................................................
Name and address of GP:..............................................................................
a t i en
g ts Pro
Get Food Wise and Exercise with PALS
As you have now completed the Expert Patients Programme, would you like to join the Get Food Wise and Exercise Programme? Referral onto the programme is through your GP, but we can arrange this for you if you would like to join the scheme. Programmes are held at various locations across Kirklees. Who is this course for? Anyone who has completed any of the NHS Expert Patients Programmes, e.g. for long term conditions or the Looking After Me course, etc.
Will the course interfere with my current treatment or medication?
What will be expected of me? • Attend 6 weekly sessions of 1½ hours • To join in group discussions and activities and do individual exercises • To meet people, have fun and feel better!
What to wear? • Casual/comfortable clothes – would recommend trousers for ladies • Trainers or a supportive pair of shoes.
What can I expect? • Each session lasts 1½ hours in total. There is a break when refreshments will be served • Most people have found the course enjoyable and helpful in improving their fitness and activity levels • After completing the course you will receive a certificate to mark your participation on an Expert Patients Get Food Wise and Exercise Programme with PALS.
This course will not conflict with any treatment you’re having and is an extra way you can improve your fitness levels.
• Food wise education session – covering a wide range of topics including carbohydrates, fats and physical activity • Drinks break
Registration Form • Option of getting weighed each week • Social time • Exercise component - appropriate activity to suit you.
The programme consists of:
Please fill in this form and send it to: Expert Patients Programme, NHS Kirklees, FREEPOST NEA13086, Batley, WF17 5BR No stamp needed Name:............................................................................................................
What will I get out of it?
The course provides tried and tested activities with supervision which have been shown to benefit people with long term health conditions and their carers.
Whether you take regular exercise or if you have never exercised before, this is the course for you.