Minutes of the Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Executive (CCE) Meeting held on Wednesday 14th March 2012, 4.00 – 5.00pm in the Board Room at Broad Lea House, Bradley Business Park, Huddersfield Present: Vanessa Stirum (VS) Rob Millington (RM) Dr Steve Ollerton (SO) Dr Judith Parker (JP) Dr David Hughes (DH) Dr Dil Ashraf (DA) Dr Anuj Handa (AH) Dr Karen Dean (KD) Dr Paul Wilding (PW) Dr Jane Ford (JF) Carol McKenna (CM) Sheila Dilks (SD)
Non-executive Associate and Chair Non-executive Associate CCG Clinical Chair CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member CCG member Chief Operating Officer Director of Transformation
In attendance: Jan Giles (JG) Vicky Dutchburn (VD) Nicky Hoyle (NH) Alex Wilson (AW)
Assistant Director of Commissioning Assistant Director of Commissioning (Mental Health) Public Health Consultant Deputy Director of Finance
Minutes: Kelly Chadwick (KC)
Personal Assistant to Greater Huddersfield CCE
Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from; Merran McRae Mehboob Khan Steve Brennan Rachel Carter
Director of Wellbeing, Kirklees Council Non-executive Director Deputy Director of Finance Deputy Director of Commissioning/Head of Contracts
Operating Plan 2012-13 VD confirmed that there were no huge changes from the last draft and the content and layout were effectively the same. All comments have now been incorporated and the purpose of today’s meeting was to involve the CCE in a final check before agreement for the submission of the plan. VD confirmed the following points; Page 1 of 3