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Kirklees PCT – PQQ – Adult Weight Management Service – v1.1

PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE (PQQ) ADULT WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SERVICE NOTES FOR APPLICANTS BACKGROUND Kirklees Primary Care Trust (“Authority”) is implementing an end-to-end weight management programme (“Programme”) for people living in Kirklees aged 16 years or over with a body mass index of 30 km/m2 (or above) and who are motivated to lose weight. The Authority is procuring services to support the Programme under three different ‘lots’: •

Lot 1: Gateway Services o

Lot 2: WMS Courses o

It is anticipated that a single provider will provide these services It is anticipated that a number of providers will provide these services

Lot 3: MDT Courses o

It is anticipated that a number of providers will provide these services

INSTRUCTIONS This PQQ will be used to short-list a number of suitably qualified and experienced organisations in respect of each ‘lot’, which will be invited to submit a tender for this competition. The PQQ can be used to submit a bid for one or more ‘lots’ to avoid duplication of effort. Bids for each ‘lot’ will be evaluated separately. The PQQ should be completed in the name of the organisation which hopes to be the Provider in relation to each ‘lot’ covered by the PQQ; but if reliance is to be made on the financial or technical resources of other undertakings (eg group companies or major sub-contractors), details should be given where requested. All information requested should be provided in English and in the order and format of the PQQ. It should be noted that the Authority will rely on the answers given, and any misrepresentation is likely to lead to exclusion from the tendering procedure or cancellation of the contract if one has been awarded to an organisation which was short-listed by the Authority in reliance of a material misrepresentation. Every question should be answered. If necessary use “n/a” to indicate that a question does not apply to your organisation. If you do not understand any question, please contact the named person below, and any clarification will be provided to all applicants. Applicants are advised that their responses may be reproduced and that no further indication or request prior to publication will be made. The Authority is subject to various public law requirements which may require it to disclose information to those within the Authority, including its auditors and inspectors. In addition, it may be required to disclose information to third parties under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations, and the Authority shall be entitled to determine (at its absolute discretion) whether information is to be disclosed or published and shall not be held liable for any loss arising by the Authority disclosing or publishing such information

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