Alison Hyde (Chair) Dasa Farmer Imran Patel Dawn Gordon David Thompson Liz Pengelly Val Ainley
Assistant Director of Communications & Public Relations Head of Public Involvement Non Executive Director PEC Member LINks Pathways Redesign Manager Secretariat
CPR/21/09 The group introduced themselves around the table.
Helena Corder Kashif Ahmed Claire Troughton Phil Longworth Linda Wilkinson Sue Smith Hazel Wigmore
Director of Corporate Services Equality & Diversity Project Manager Social & Marketing Manager, Public Health Health Policy Officer, KMC/Public Health, Portfolio Manager, Community Capacity Adult Assistant Director of Clinical Governance PPI/LINks
Minutes of Meeting 11 March 2009
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record. It has been noted that after submitting the minutes of 14 January to the Board Meeting of 29 April meeting it was highlighted that informal comments on page 3 be removed, third bullet point under item CPR/07/09.
Matters Arising
CPR/35/08 – Marketing for Health Board Alison reported that the contract had now been signed and a meeting is being held in the next couple of weeks to discuss particular work on databases, and working with the LINk and hoping to develop a relationship between VAK and LINk.
CPR/16/09 Communications Audit Report Website Issue - Alison has not yet investigated the problems experienced and Mick Gudgeon will take this up. Health Talk – Alison confirmed that a new distribution company will be used for the next edition. Communications for Health Board – The next meeting is being held tomorrow. It was noted that an interesting piece of work has been carried out by a consultant employed on behalf of the group and commissioned by Phil Longworth. CPR/18/09 - NHS Constitution and Related Communications Activities Life Channel – Alison reported that a meeting is to be held with Practice Managers. Mick Gudgeon is picking up with Life Channel today in order to obtain an understanding of what they are offering. CPR/21/09 – PPI Work Programme Health Talk re: Holme Valley Hospital – David Thompson asked if there had been any feedback on Holme Valley Hospital as he was on annual leave when the last Area Committee Meeting was held. Kirsty confirmed the last meeting was in January and nothing had been heard of since. David would like to be advised when it is going to open. CPR/25/09
Evaluation Media Cover
Mick Gudgeon reported that he is starting to review whole of the communications activity and the impact that public perception has of the PCT. Mick referred to a power point presentation on the intranet and internet and how they are used by people so consideration can be given to how to get messages out in the future. Kirsty asked how many of the hits were actually staff and it was noted how people reach the site does not show at present. Media Analysis – Mick reported that at the moment this is done across Yorkshire & Humber by an external company and the way details are calculated are based on various factors. There are graphs which give an idea how things are looked at on a regional basis. It was noted that Kirklees are regionally down the scale but when analysed, this does not give a local picture. An article could be picked up nationally and can increase favourability. Information comes back through different analytical companies and gives a strong indication if media in an area are reporting favourably then the public perception in that area is favourable.
There is a need to understand the type of articles that publishers are putting out. Where there are negative partnerships there is a need to try and build on this and understand where the report is coming from. The aim is to deliver communications fit for our area and getting the support of local media. The Yorkshire & Humber group meet on a regular basis to look at media then share the best practice with the region.
Feedback from SHA on WCC Communications & Engagement Strategy
Alison and Kirsty had a meeting with the SHA regarding World Class Commissioning and Communications and Engagement Strategy. It was noted that Kirklees PCT is at the top of the region in reflection to some competencies and criteria will produce a report of the meeting and suggestions on how we can progress. There is an amount of work being carried out on communications and engagement to bring the PCT up the scale. Alison is a member of the WCC Project Team who are looking at all the competencies and taking the PCT forward and a plan is to be put together which will be brought back to this group.
CPR/27/09 Proposals for a new style Team Briefing Alison took a paper to SMT last week and after discussion it was agreed that staff will be briefed on key issues face to face on a regular basis. It was noted it will be the responsibility of those selected as briefers to make the key messages appropriate and understandable to those they are briefing and this will be monitored. Alison will look at how this is implemented. It was noted that Provider Services have their own communications system in place.
Equality & Diversity update
Kashif forwarded a paper to be tabled for information. Kashif is now only working 1 day per week for the PCT. Short listing took place yesterday for his replacement and 7 candidates have been selected with interviews on 29 May.
PPI Update
Kirsty gave a brief overview of the PPI report.
They are aware that there is no proper training for staff who would like to undertake PPI and they are to look at what training could be delivered on behalf of the PCT across the patch. A meeting is being held with the University on Monday to look at developing a package. A DVD is being produced to give staff an understanding of what PPI is all about. Hip Replacement – There is an issue regarding obtaining the required information and Liz Pengelly felt they could work on an alternative route and Kirsty is to meet up with Liz to discuss. Action:
Liz/Kirsty to meet re: Hip Replacement information
Pain Management Study – Work is being carried out with Julie Tolehurst and Focus Groups have been set up for 3rd and 5th June after which more will be considered. David Thompson felt there was an issue with pain management. Liz Pengelly reported that they have put a Pain HIT together looking at all the different pathways working along with PPI and by December should be able to put together a more robust commissioning package across Kirklees. Comments Campervan – This will attend various events over the summer where the public will be asked to give their comments about the PCTs on video.
Healthcare Commission – Listening Learning Working Together – Key Issues
Kirsty referred to this document which Helena had identified. There is a table which sets the PCT should be achieving and a corresponding table has been produced to answer the questions. It was noted there is a need to encourage staff to inform PPI of any work they are involved in. Liz felt that in terms of commissioning all Health Improvement Team Leads need to see this document. Action:
Kirsty to circulate document to Health Improvement Team Leads
It was agreed that the form flags up where the gaps are and this can also be used for WCC. Imran referred to the JSNA and felt that the PCT should be conscious of highlighting examples, also noting localities and PSB.
Communications Update
Mick Gudgeon gave an update on Swine Flu and the current situation with WHO. Phase 5 is being assessed continually and they will look at whether it needs to be increased to Phase 6, at the moment it is UK level 0. It does not appear to be a particular virulent strain. An anti viral treatment given to suspected cases is working and it is being contained well. 4
There are 65 cases in the country but none in Yorkshire & Humberside. The DOH have organised a public information campaign continuing with “catch it, bin it, kill it” and a door drop has been distributed to UK homes via Royal Mail. A day had already been planned last week for an Emergency Planning exercise so the opportunity was taken to link in the processes within the PCT and focus on how a situation would be dealt with. Communication routes should be robust and information passed through to the Local Authority with reassuring messages being passed to the media. In case a second wave erupts in the Autumn they are to continue to review and ensure that everything is in place. The advice is still not to travel to Mexico on any non-urgent trips and appropriate messages are in place by travel companies. A new vaccine is being investigated but would be unlikely to be ready until October and it was questioned if everyone would be given this vaccine but this decision has not yet been made. Mick referred to a paper he had produced “Improving Communications with NHS Kirklees” which was tabled at the meeting. This is to look at everyone’s understanding of what the Communications Team are there for. They are to work closely on Social Marking to ensure the flow of information and make sure they have an understanding of what everyone is doing. The team are to set out how to assist on communication and have a process to deliver a plan which sets out what work needs to take place to provide this service and how to get to a final point of communications being delivered, Full support is required from the SMT. The Group agreed that the plan was very effective.
Any Other Business
18 Week Patient Experience Survey – NHS Kirklees PCT Action Plan Liz Pengelly tabled a copy of this survey. They are to look at how to link this survey with other programmes, look at any actions to take on board and work with other people. The document has been submitted to SHA who are happy with it buy Liz asked the group to inform her of any areas they may feel needs amending. Liz confirmed that they surveyed 1500 various people but the issue is who actually replied.
Appointment Issues David Thompson referred to an issue of people complaining as they were receiving early morning appointments and they lived some distance which was causing them problems. It was felt that Choose & Book should be utilised more which would enable them to choose their own time slot. David also highlighted the issue that in the Dewsbury area people were having to travel to see a consultant instead of the Consultant going to Dewsbury. It was noted that Mid Yorkshire are under reconfiguration and this should improve in time.
Date & Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday 8 July 11.00 – 1.00 (to include lunch) Committee Room, St Luke’s House Note: Some times have had to be changed for future meetings due to the Senior Managers’ Meetings changing to Tuesday mornings a list of new times have been sent out. Please inform Helena or Val of any agenda items you would like discussing.
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