Helena Corder (Chair) Kirsty Wayman Liz Harrison Kashif Ahmed Liz Pengelly Imran Patel Dawn Gordon Claire Troughton David Thompson Hazel Wigmore Val Ainley
Director of Corporate Services Head of Public Involvement & Relations Head of Communications Equality & Diversity Project Manager Pathways Redesign Manager Non Executive Director PEC Member Social & Marketing Manager, Public Health PPI/lLINks PPI/LINks Secretariat
CPR/32/08 The group introduced themselves around the table.
Alison Hyde, Assistant Director of Communications & Public Relations Phil Longworth, Health Policy Officer, KMC/Public Health, Linda Wilkinson Portfolio Manager, Community Capacity Adult Services, Kirklees Adults & Communities
Minutes of Meeting 2 July 2008
他 Liz Harrison referred to page 2 CPR/15/08 in the first paragraph should say that Liz is about to meet with the new editor instead of had recently met. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.
Matters Arising CPR/35/08
Matters Arising
¾ CPR/15/08 - Contact with Media and Raising the Profile of NHS Kirklees Liz Harrison reported that no response had yet been received from the Examiner with regard to reinstating a regular health column. A positive meeting was held between Mike Potts, Liz Harrison and the new Editor of the Dewsbury Reporter, Hannah Ridgeway. Whilst they tend to report on a locality basis they were keen to put more focus on health and would like to publish more information on the PCT, what we do as well as Public Health issues. The Communications Team will be following up these discussions. David Thompson referred to the Holme Valley Echo being keen to be involved with the PCT and passed on contact details to Liz. David referred to the Public Health report on children with rotten teeth in the Batley area due to Coca-Cola and publicity about this. Claire Troughton confirmed that Public Health approach was to use Social Marketing techniques all the evidence suggests that campaigns that tell people what to do are not effective. Hazel Wigmore suggested directing the communication through the baby clinic and it was noted that the PCT does have regular health features in Mumbles family magazine. Hazel questioned whether the PCT was liaising with Locality Groups and Area Committees within the Local Authority. Helena Corder confirmed this was happening although Locality Managers could not always attend and a deputy to attend Area Committees and Locality meetings when the Locality Manager could not attend would be helpful. Helena did confirm that there is now a director linked to every locality. ¾ CPR/29/08 - AGM Helena reported that the AGM was not well attended and this may have been due to bad weather and travel problems. ¾ CPR/30/08 - NHS Constitution PCT responses have been sent to Department of Health and SHA. ¾ 18 Week Liz Pengelly reported that the Department of Health have commissioned an 18 Week Patient Experience Survey which is being carried out by MORI looking at a patient’s journey along the 18 week pathway. CHFT have been chosen and will survey 900 patients who have been on an 18 week pathway from last July along with Mid Yorkshire Trust who will survey 600 patients. There will be random samples of different pathways. Liz agreed to circulate the questionnaire to the group. The results will be published in January and an Action Plan will be put together from this information with our Providers to address any issues.
¾ Claire Troughton – Social Marketing Claire gave an overview of her role in Public Health. She is a Social Marketing Manager who will focus on key areas such as behaviour change for example stopping smoking. Social marketing is about using insight to affect behaviour change. The areas which are being focused on are:
WOCBA (Women of Child Bearing Age) Alcohol – University Students and Young People – particularly in Spen Obesity – 16 – 24 year olds Smoking : Young people and routine and manual workers MRSA looking at incidents of non compliance. Starting with talking to patients, public and staff to understand where they are at, their understanding of MRSA, their attitudes, beliefs, motivation and to look at any behaviours to adopting positive behaviour.
David Thompson asked when an area has been completed would they move onto another area and Claire said that this was her understanding. Regarding the alcohol issue Hazel suggested that Jill Atkinson from the University may be a good link for Claire or those working on this area.
Communications & Engagement Strategy – How we will implement and monitor progress
¾ Helena reported that the Strategy is required for the World Class Commissioning (WCC) assurance process and is part of a suite of documents. The Strategy will need refreshing in January after the PCT has been assessed. Helena said the PCT would need to provide a simpler public facing document of the strategic plan, this will be produced after January. The WCC documents are available on the website for information. ¾ The Strategy was initially brought to this meeting as part of the development process this group would now need to consider how the plan is monitored and reported to the Board to assure them that the actions and outcomes are being achieved. Ideas were requested on the best way of monitoring the actions in the Strategy. Helena asked the group to consider how we should report and keep a track of progress and bring this back to the next meeting. Imran Patel and Kashif Ahmed joined the meeting at 10.10 am. ¾ The committee members questioned if any information could be ascertained from the QOF Patient Survey but it was felt this would not be possible. ¾ The Committee have always been concerned about the validity of the National Survey and it was felt there is a need for a much more targeted approach in obtaining information and interacting with the public. ¾ Helena requested that the group read through the Strategy as it will be refreshed in due course so changes can be made. If anyone has comments please pass these to Helena or Liz. 3
¾ The Strategy was well received by the Board and not many changes had been made since this Committee had seen the document.
Working in Partnership Team Agreement
¾ Helena referred to a formal Section 31 Agreement that the PCT had with the Council to set up a Working in Partnership Team and passed round a copy of the agreement from 2002 regarding Partnership Arrangements on which she gave a brief overview. Under the section ‘Role and Remit of the Service’ specific groups are named and it is unsure why these particular groups were chosen as a focus for this work. ¾ The project has been in existence since 1996 and there is no evidence of it being reviewed. One of the key areas of concern is Governance Arrangements where changes may need making. ¾ It was noted that the money is supporting a number of networks, however, the PCT is unsure of the role of these networks and how much of the funding is allocated. ¾ Kirsty reported that 4 years ago regular meetings were set up with the idea of influencing their work plan but these have phased out. The WIP Team recently conducted the NHS Constitution consultation but feedback to the PCT suggested that this was not appropriate use of the team. ¾ Helena reported that she is to set up a meeting for Helena, Kirsty or Dasa to meet with Mark Greaves, Keith Smith and Linda Wilkinson from Kirklees to discuss the issues of concern as soon as possible.
CPR/38/08 PALS – Q2 Board Report ¾ There had been an increase in use of PALS but approximately over 700 a month are still around registering with an NHS dentist and Helena is concerned that the problem appears to remain the same. ¾ Imran questioned apart from dentistry queries is it possible to analyse the other calls. Kirsty confirmed that dentistry is consistent but regular PALS calls do increase if they have been out promoting the service. ¾ Imran referred to some positive feedback about the PALS Team as he is aware of 2 families who have used their services and had nothing but praise for them. ¾ Helena referred to a discussion at the Governance Committee regarding how PALS conducted their survey. The process was that the survey was sent to all the people who the PALS had names and addresses for. A telephone survey was suggested but there were concerns about how this was carried out. Helena was happy that feedback was being received from people.
¾ Kirsty referred to a phone call that PALS had received from a gentleman who had received the Health Talk who felt it was fantastic and would like to submit a health story. This had been passed to the Communications Team.
Report from the Equality & Diversity Group including final approval of Terms of Reference
¾ Kashif reported that the Equality and Diversity Group met last month and agreed the Terms of Reference which have been brought to this meeting for ratification. It was noted that there had been changes to the core membership. There had also been discussion around offering attendance of staff from Complaints, Health and Safety and Risk Management which reflects the Equality Action Plan put forward to the group. The Committee APPROVED the revised Terms of Reference. ¾ Kashif referred to the Equality & Diversity Report and point 5 regarding the Fair Play Partnership facilitating an organisational self assessment on Diversity in November which has now been changed to a provisional date of 6 January. Kashif asked if anyone was interested in being involved to contact him. Helena felt it important that someone be present from the Board, even if only for part of the time. The key outstanding issue for the PCT is Equality Impact Assessment. ¾ Liz Pengelly asked if when completing business cases were we requesting equality impact assessments. ¾ Kashif is presently meeting with all the Equality & Diversity Group members to set equality objectives and on the 6th January 2009 the PCT agreed to undertake the Diversity Driver which is an organisational self assessment on diversity. The assessment will contribute to the development of the Single Equality Scheme Action Plan. ¾ Kashif reported that Kirklees Council and SWYMHT have contacted him about carrying out a joint impact assessment. This is an issue and an agreement is to be put together on how the PCT can work with our partners in this area. Helena did point out that the PCT are working well with the Equality & Diversity Team at the Council.
Update from Patient Experience Group
¾ Helena reported that the group met again recently and it was discussed at a Practice Based Commissioning event which took place a few weeks ago and created a lot of interest. There is a small group interested in this area of work National Procurement Prems and PROMS (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) which enable people to feed back on patient experience to the PCT. This procurement is being carried out at SHA level. The Patient Experience Group are looking at setting up some patient focus groups and Helena has liaised with a group of people, including some GP’s, who are to be invited to the next meeting to finalise plans for this. ¾ David Thompson felt it was important to make sure the PCT feeds back to people and let them know what the PCT intend to do which was has been done as a result of their feedback. 5
CPR/40/08 ¾ GP Access Leaflet Liz Harrison reported that the DOH via Yorkshire and Humber SHA require every PCT had to send a leaflet to every household outlining GP opening hours before Christmas. It has been decided that the PCT will take a different approach and combine this information into “Your Guide” which is in the final stages of design and will go to SMT tomorrow for approval. This was planned to be distributed in January but the plan is to send some out before Christmas with the rest in January. The SHA have secured a print and distribution deal on behalf of PCTs. It was noted that there appeared to be lack of publicity and patients were not being informed of practice increased hours and Helena will raise the issue with Mark Jenkins. ¾ Communications Audit Liz Harrison reported that once again students from Leeds Metropolitan University are to undertake a Communications Audit which will concentrate on external communications. As part of this audit they have been asked to evaluate the new public newsletter “Health Talk” and review the website.
Date & Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday 14 January 10.00 – 12.00 Committee Room, St Luke’s House Please inform Helena or Val of any agenda items you would like discussing.
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