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Agenda Item 06 Enclosure KPCT/09/76


PCT Board


Finance Report

FOI Exemption Category


Lead Director:

Bryan Machin

Executive Director of Finance Presented By:

Bryan Machin

Key Points to Note:

Financial targets for 2008/09 achieved based on draft Annual Accounts. Revised planning assumptions for 2009/10 requiring amendments to the financial plan

Budget Implications:

As above

Risk Assessment:

As above

(To include impact on the achievement of national targets and legal implications)

Health Benefits

Not applicable

Staffing Implications

Not applicable

Sub Group/Committee:

Finance and Performance Committee


The Board is asked to: 1. Note the financial results for 2008/09 based on the draft Accounts 2. Approve the virements to and from reserves to maintain a balanced budget 3. Agree that, on the basis of current planning assumptions, all foreseeable revenue growth for the next few years has already been committed and that, therefore, future developments will have to come from recycling existing budgets or efficiency savings over and above the national requirement.

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