Agenda Item 16 Enclosure KPCT/10/26
Trust Board
Update on Bradley Park
FOI Exemption Category
Lead Director:
Helena Corder Director of Corporate Services
Derek Jackson
Key Points to Note:
The report sets out the current position with regard to the work streams leading up to moving into the new premises at Bradley in February and March 2010. Activity in the five project streams are on target and within budget.
Budget Implications:
ÂŁ2.16m of capital
Risk Assessment:
Legal Implications:
Health Benefits:
Better working environment for staff
Staffing Implications:
All staff involved with the move with the major workload falling to Corporate and Directorate leads
Equality Impact:
Environmental Impact:
All furniture and fittings to be recycled or disposed of.
Sub Group/Committee:
Project Board
Receive and Note
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NHS Kirklees Report to Board January 2010 Purpose of report To advise the Board on the current position related to the move to Bradley Park in February and March 2010. Information Activity related to the project is routinely reported to the Project Board with the last meeting occurring on 11 January 2010. There are five key workstreams with the project which are reported as follows; 1. Construction stream Handover of the building from the developers to the Trust has now been achieved with interim systems in place to manage security until full occupancy occurs. 2. Facilities Utilisation stream A number of tenders for IM&T, furniture, equipment & facilities management have now been finalised and contracts let. 1) The Facilities Management contract has been let with effect from 1st April 2010 and this will mean that interim arrangements will be necessary for some facilities such as security and only a limited service will be available upon occupation in mid February for some facilities such as Catering, until the full contract kicks in. 2) The Furniture & Removal contract and the IM&T contract for infrastructure have also been let recently and delivery of furniture/installation of IM&T infrastructure is not now expected to pose any material risk to occupancy commencing as planned in mid February 2010. All three procurement exercises have performed well financially and the furniture contract in particular is expected to yield savings in excess of ÂŁ100k which will ease pressure significantly on the ÂŁ2.16m of capital provided by the strategic health authority. The facilities utilisation stream is nearing completion and the project is moving from the procurement phase of the work to the planning and execution of the required work. 3. Workgroup Management stream As expected in the Stage Plan this work stream has become increasingly active and is expected to continue to project close. 1) Occupancy plan The first cut of the occupancy plan allocating office space to Directorates has been produced, in consultation with Directors. This represents a significant milestone in the project since this plan will drive a number of essential actions in respect of IM & T, furniture and equipment deployment. Work on a more detailed Occupancy Plan has now progressed to 1st draft stage and this important piece of planning collateral will govern the moving in process due to occur during the 3 week window commencing mid-February. 3
This 1st draft of the Occupancy Plan suggests a phased approach to the move choreographed by specific workgroups and a key next step is for Directors to review this suggested approach and ensure it fits their business needs. Essentially the Occupancy Plan will show who sits where in the HQ and when they can expect to move. This detailed plan allocating staff to desks will be a critical input to the required work of the Facilities Utilisation stream alluded to above - this plan is expected to be completed by the mid to end January. 2) Travel - Shuttle Transport The Project Board have agreed that an interim transitional arrangement will be put in place for no longer than 6 months whereby contract taxis will be used to provide shuttle transport for staff from central Huddersfield and a location in the Dewsbury/Batley area. This is expected to cost around £20k given current indicated demand. It is anticipated that net income of around £50k per annum will accrue from car parking charges and that some form of “shuttle” provision can be secured within this budget and in time for the expected demand from mid February onwards. 3) Car parking meters The required options report is targeted for submission to the next Project Board scheduled for 5th February. 4) Staff Parking Permit Applications Invitations to apply for a staff parking permit were sent to qualifying staff on 16th November 2009 and the collated. The allocation of permits was completed and all staff were advised if their application were successful or not. 58 staff were not successful and a process of review has been conducted with the results expected. Alternative methods of transport are being provided with the project Board and leads actively working with individuals. Ongoing management of staff permits, car park metering and invigilation of parking usage is expected to become an increasing workload now permits have been issued. 4. Knowledge Management stream Increased focus will now be brought to bear on de-cluttering with storage issues and information needs moving under the microscope as planning for the physical move becomes a reality. 5. Communications stream The next edition of the Bradley Bulletin is being planned for publication in mid Jan.