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03 CPR/71/09


Helena Corder (Chair) Mick Gudgeon Kirsty Wayman Imran Patel Claire Troughton Kate Bell David Thompson Lyz McKenna

In attendance: Val Ainley

Director of Corporate Services Head of Communications Head of Public Involvement Non Executive Director Social & Marketing Manager, Public Health Equality & Diversity Manager LINks Voluntary Action Kirklees Secretariat

CPR/57/09 The group introduced themselves around the table. CPR/58/09


Alison Hyde Phil Longworth Sue Richardson Sue Smith Dawn Gordon Linda Wilkinson Hazel Wigmore CPR/59/09

Assistant Director of Communications & Public Relations Health Policy Officer, KMC/Public Health Practice Based Commissioning Manager Assistant Director of Clinical Governance PEC Member Portfolio Manager, Community Capacity Adult PPI/LINks

Minutes of Meeting 2 September 2009

CPR/49/09 Adopting a Membership Model for NHS Kirklees On distribution of the original minutes Imran requested further details be documented on this section an updated copy was sent with the Agenda. It was also noted that it is “140” people on the database not “170”. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.


Matters Arising

CPR/46/09 – Payments made by Public Health for Involvement It was noted that an overall NHS Kirklees Policy is required and this item should be brought back to the next meeting. Action:

Val to put on Agenda for next meeting

CPR/46/09 – Update on Duty to Involve Helena reported that the Committee had discussed this previously but were concerned about the approach being taken. It was noted that the principles had been signed up by the Local Strategic Partnership. Helena has met with David Bundy to discuss this issue and she will continue to sit on the Steering Group. Lyz McKenna agreed it is understanding who is meant to be involved, who they are trying to involve and why. It was noted Joint working with the Council is getting better but there is still room for improvement particularly the mapping of involvement and engagement. Kirsty confirmed that PPI are working with council colleagues. Mick Gudgeon requested that any contacts also be passed onto the Communications Team. Helena suggested that a small group meet up to discuss the issue. Mick also suggested that a ‘rolling forward plan’ be developed on the engagement of activity and the committee agreed to this. Action:

Helena to pass on contact at CCA to Kate

CPR/27/09 – Team Briefing Helena reported that no formal new team brief was in place the new system had not started but she was aware that team meetings are taking place and staff are being briefed on key issues. CPR/16/09 – Health Talk and Distribution Helena reported that there is money available for another edition and would be looking at the New Year. A joint evaluation of Health Talk and Kirklees Together would take place. CPR//47/09 – WCC Action Plan WCC Competencies to be forwarded with these minutes. Action:

Helena to pass WCC Competencies to Val to distribute with minutes

CPR/48/09 – Media Metrics Report from SHA & press Analysis Following discussion Helena felt that some benchmarking should be undertaken on Communications and PPI staffing in other comparable PCTs. Mick will contact the SHA to see if they already have this information. Action:

Mick to contact SHA

Imran referred to the suggestion of raising Communications and PPI as a general issue at board level and Helena confirmed they are to put together a Communications and PPI report to be presented to the November Board. Helena also referred to a 3 Year Perception Survey which shows how Kirklees has improved in the last 3 years. CPR/61/09

World Class Commissioning Action Plan

Kirsty tabled the WCC Plan and the group went through it in detail. It was noted that there was a potential risk in the ability to reach Level 3 in terms of competency 3b and 3c. There was discussion about the PCT’s ambition to meet Level 3 requirements this year and if this is achievable. Competency 3b – Public and Patient Engagement The following areas were highlighted as areas for improvement: •

Capturing ‘soft’ data and demonstrating what we have done with it – how are we going to do this? Do we need a system / process in place? A number of ideas were put forward, such as setting up a process, using DATIX, using the new INVOLVE database.

Meetings with Voluntary organisations and LINk – need to capture meetings attended by staff across NHSK and not just the PPI Team.

Equality Impact Assessments – PPI and E&D to work together to ensure consultation and engagement element is included in EIAs, look at doing joint training, update PPI Toolkit to include relevant information

Complaints – need to start sending out Equality Monitoring Forms or asking complainants over the phone

Training – include Social Marketing training

Contracting – need to re-word this section. We need to be able to demonstrate that the PCT systematically uses patient feedback, complaints, surveys and PALS to drive commissioning decisions, how can we do this? There needs to be more connection with Commissioning and Contracting Teams.

Strategic Development Committee – needs to have links into Comms & PR group.

Commissioning College – Helena to speak with David Anderson re PPI and a presentation at a commissioning college meeting.

Helena asked from a LINks and VAK context if they could provide some evidence where NHS Kirklees has provided feedback on an event. VAK confirmed they do have some but it is bitty, although agreed that it has improved significantly over the last few weeks and some processes are to be amended. It was agreed this is an area to work on.

David Thompson referred to the issue of questions not being answered within the set time. Helena said she was unaware this was an issue and requested she is informed of any questions which were not being dealt with. It was noted there is a set timescale for responding to LINks and the PCT should be made aware it is a LINks question. Helena requested that any questions from the LINk come through the PALS office where they can be passed on and tracked.

It was noted that working with members of the Commission Teams has improved but there is still work to be done. Helena is also to follow up attendance from the Commissioning Team at this meeting.

There is still a gap with Practice Based Commissioning. Which can be picked up via the Commissioning College.

Competency 3c – Delivery of Patient Satisfaction •

Dasa and Naomi from Patient Care and Professions are to attend an event on 5 November looking at local patient surveys.

There was a discussion with regard to the level of evidence and there was an issue of how feedback is obtained from the Acute Trust.

Kirsty has met with Complaints who have a robust system in place and PALS are to consider developing a similar system. Kate questioned if an equality monitoring form is sent out with any complaints or PALS issues. Kirsty advised that PALS didn’t and would have to check to see if Complaints had started using them. It was noted that there was good cooperation between Complaints and PALS.


Kirsty to enquire about the use of Equality Monitoring Forms in respect of Complaints

Patient Opinion is being utilised and good examples were available although it was noted that it is not used regularly. It was agreed that further promotional work needs to be undertaken to raise awareness of Patient Opinion.

Mick informed the group that patients are now able to give feedback on their GP through the NHS Choices Website.

It was noted that there is some level of risk in providing robust evidence for level 3. The group were requested to look through this document and consider any points which will improve in the short term and also to provide robust evidence in terms of WCC. Helena will report to the WCC Steering Group if there is not enough evidence to meet Level 3 requirements. CPR/62/09

Risk Register/Log

Helena reported that this committee should have a Risk Register in place Committee which will be a regular agenda item. She asked if anyone else has identified any high level risks that will impact on the PCT ability to meet its strategic objectives then to let her know. CPR/63/09

PPI Update Report

Report attached for information. DVD from the Campervan Campaign This was a pilot to test a different technique for capturing patient feedback. It was felt it would be helpful to show the DVD to the group. It was believed that this approach had elicited responses from groups that did not normally respond to engagement activity. Kirsty reported that they were happy with the feedback they have received from the public and felt that it was useful technique to use to obtain the views of people not usually heard. However, it was an expensive way to capture patient feedback and there had been some issues regarding the quality of the DVD and the draft written report. It was agreed that whilst the technique was favourable it may be something to consider doing in-house. Lyz reported that Kirklees Partnership Team did a similar event and also Media Matters, who were very good and she will obtain copies of these. Imran agreed that the quality of the DVD from Media Matters is very good. Imran felt there was a great deal of learning to be obtained from some of the issues highlighted. Helena felt that when referring to NHS Kirklees people talked about the services and not the PCT and it was discussed with the group whether this really mattered. It was noted the PCT were judged as a commissioner by service delivery. If people are happy with the services we are commissioning then the PCT is being an effective commissioner.

Helena asked Claire if Social Marketing could be used for example insight on how people felt about NHS branding. Which had been gained from some of the Social marketing activity. It was agreed this was a valid approach. The Committee agreed it to be a good idea but would use an alternative company and look how it could be done differently. CPR/64/09 Communications Update Mick Gudgeon reported that the main issue was Swine Flu and updated the Committee. A vaccination programme is being put into place for frontline staff. GP practices started receiving vaccines yesterday for vulnerable groups. The Department of Health’s campaign will be supported as and when a wider programme is set up but it was noted that there is limited material across the region at the moment for the campaigns. VAK requested guidance for employers and Mick confirmed there are links on the website. CPR/65/09

Equality & Diversity Update

Kate gave a brief outline of her report. She confirmed that the key issues were terms of compliance and it is her view that the PCT is not compliant in terms of Equality Impact Assessment. There is a need to publish the Equality Impact Assessments that have been carried out. An overall approach to the Strategic Plan may be needed and Helena suggested Kate liaise with Sam Williamson. Kate reported a proper process will be put in place for signing off Equality Impact Assessments. Progress with the Single Equality Scheme is to be reviewed and Kate will contact Kashif for an update. Kate reported that she is revising the way the existing Equality and Diversity Working Group is working and amending the Terms of Reference. Helena was happy with this and Imran and Kate are to meet to discuss it. Action:

Kate to contact Kashif re: Single Equality Scheme Kate to meet with Imran re: Equality & Diversity Working Group


Dealing with Swine Flu

Noted under section CPR/63/09.


Any Other Business

The question was raised about the use of 0844 numbers at practices and the cost to the public and Mick agreed to investigate this. Action:

Mick to look at cost to the public re: 0844 numbers


Date & Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday 9 February 12.00 – 2.00 (to include lunch) Committee Room, St Luke’s House Please inform Helena or Val of any agenda items you would like discussing.

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