Procedure for the Management of Performers List
Responsible Directorate:
Patient and Professions
Responsible Director:
Sheila Dilks
Date Approved Committee
8 August 2008 Governance Committee
Version Control. Document Title Document number Author Contributors Version Date of Production Review date Postholder responsible revision Primary Circulation List Web address Restrictions
Procedure for the management of the Performers list 1 Terry Service Jane Kennedy 1 10 June 2008 August 2011 for Terry Service Performance Advisory Group None
Standard for Better Health Map. Domain Core Standard Reference:
Domain 1 Safety, Domain 3 Governance C1 (a), (b). C7 (a), (b). C10 (a), (b). C11 (a),
Performance Indicators
1. Exception reports 2. Performance Advisory Group Minutes 3. Decision Making Group Minutes (as necessary)