Safeguarding Children Public Declaration – Preparing for Care Quality Commission registration Following the tragic case of Baby Peter, the Department of Health asked all NHS Trusts and Primary Care Trusts to review their safeguarding arrangements for children and publish a statement on how they are fulfilling their obligations. Health organisations were specifically asked to look at ‘Board Assurance’ around child protection systems, including governance arrangements, leadership, training and staffing and partnership working. This declaration will be a key part of the Care Quality Commission Registration for April 2010. The following table outlines the current position at NHS Kirklees and was formally agreed at the Board on 29th September 2009.
Assurance Requirements 1. NHS Kirklees meets its statutory requirement of carrying out Criminal Bureau checks on relevant employees.
2. Child protection policies and systems are up to date and robust.
3. A process is in place for following up children who miss outpatient appointments. 4. An alert system is in place to flag up children whose safeguarding is of concern.
Completed Additional Information Yes / No Yes From 2009 the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) is responsible for the barring and vetting of all employees and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults. NHS Kirklees has a clear timetable and has identified key actions to make sure it meets the ISA’s registration requirements. It has also informed GPs and other independent contractors of their responsibilities in relation to the staff they employ. Yes NHS Kirklees has robust child protection policies and systems which are regularly reviewed to make sure they reflect local and national guidance. Yes This is in NHS Kirklees Child Protection policy documents. Yes
NHS Kirklees has clear systems to identify children where there are safeguarding concerns, including those who are subject to child protection plans. How to identify children who are at risk is now