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Preparing for the pandemic due to the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus Progress to date Report to NHS Kirklees Board September 2009 Introduction After the lull of cases since early August, the advent of the seasonal flu season and the return of educational institutions, means a small rise in cases of influenza is occurring overall. This may lead into a second wave of infection during the autumn which could put significant pressure on our services. Planning is underway to ensure the NHS and its partners can cope with these challenges and provide essential services throughout. This paper gives: • An overview of the progress of the virus to date • Assurance to the board that local systems are being established and in place to ensure pandemic preparedness. The approach recognises the inter-dependencies and maximises contributions from all parts of the health and social care system A statement of assurance is required to go on each trust’s website – this is a high level statement, but will include a link to the specific board papers for more detailed information.

Background Surveillance: Globally, Nationally and Locally Case definition: the clinical diagnosis is a temperature >38C plus 2 or more of the following: cough, runny nose, etc. This clinical picture can be a range of diagnoses e.g. streptococcal tonsillitis, meningitis or other viral infections, especially in young children. If the diagnosis is made over the telephone i.e. without a physical examination then the diagnosis is even more imprecise. 27 April World Health Organisation pandemic alert level 4: human to human transmission of an influenza virus able to cause community level outbreaks 11 June World Health Organisation alert level 6: sustained community level outbreaks in another country in another WHO region 2 July UK moved to treatment and prophylaxis of high risk groups only In the southern hemisphere, pandemic (H1N1) 2009 is the cause of about 90% of confirmed influenza cases, during their flu season. This wave of infection started at the end of May, reaching a peak in July, and then dropped by 90% in August. Western Pacific region WHO Pandemic Bulletin week 31. Over the same period, the northern hemisphere had levels of this virus causing 60-70% of all confirmed cases of influenza. So it seems that in the seasonal flu season, pandemic (H1N1) 2009 dominates over seasonal flu, due to having a infectivity rate 2-3 times higher. This has implications for care as there is marked difference between seasonal flu which affects older people and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 which affects younger people, see graph as at 17 September 2009.


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