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e m e h c S y t i s r e v i D Equality and
Foreword Kirklees PCT is pleased to present our equality and diversity scheme 2007-2009, for comment and consultation. The PCT has decided to produce one scheme that incorporates changing legislation and to review our performance in diversity and equality as a newly formed PCT developing its strategic plans for the next two to three years. By ‘diversity’ we mean valuing people’s differences. By ‘equality’ we mean treating people fairly. Kirklees PCT welcomes your comments on this scheme and these can be made to: Helena Corder Director of Corporate Services St Luke’s House Blackmoorfoot Road Huddersfield HD4 5RH Or by email PALS@kirkleespct.nhs.uk The PCT considers that an Equality scheme is a live document and will continue to be developed and updated to take account of feedback on a regular basis and respond to any changes in guidance or legislation. The next review of this scheme will take place in Spring/Summer 2008 and will involve consultation with a wide range of stakeholders included special interest groups. Members of the public can give their comments via the addresses above.
Chief Executive
Rob Napier
Mike Potts
Helena Corder
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1.0 Introduction This scheme sets out the PCT’s commitment to actively promote diversity, race relations and equality of opportunity and also to tackle discrimination in all its work as a basis for achieving the best possible outcomes for staff, service users, their carers and families. The aim of the scheme is also to bring together a number of existing national and local NHS strategies and to ensure that the PCT complies with legislation which the PCT has already commenced work upon. The PCT is committed to ensuring that staff and service users are treated equally and the principles of embracing equality and diversity are common in relation to race, gender, age, sexuality, religion and belief or disability. Therefore the PCT has decided to have one strategy and action plan that covers all areas of legislation and good practice. The PCT will ensure that this document meets the individual requirements for example of a Disability Equality Scheme, Race Equality or Gender Equality Scheme but sets out overall aims and objectives for equality and diversity in terms of employment, service provision and patient and public involvement. To achieve these aims the PCT will: i)
Produce a comprehensive action plan that will be developed and monitored by the Communications and Public Relations Committee.
Allocate and prioritise resources including people, time and money within the PCT business planning process to deliver the agreed action plan.
Ensure the PCT is compliant with its statutory duties under employment legislation and access to services.
Ensure that staff have appropriate training
2.0 About the PCT Kirklees PCT was formed in October 2006 and brought together 3 PCT’s, Huddersfield Central, South Huddersfield and North Kirklees. It covers a large geographical area and is responsible for making sure local health services are in place and meet your health care needs.
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Some services are provided by the PCT provider arm like community nursing and therapy services. We are also responsible for commissioning other services on your behalf such as GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians. We also commission and fund a range of services that include mental health, ambulance’s and hospital services. An important part of our job is to set up partnerships to improve health locally. We have strong links with Kirklees Council, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust as well as other partners including the voluntary sector. Kirklees PCT serves a population of more than 402,000 and works closely with 76 general practices in the area with a total of 241 family doctors. We also work with 68 dental practices, 81 pharmacies and 47 opticians, as well as hospitals, the local authority and other agencies, to provide and develop high quality services for our population. The PCT employs more than 1,200 staff and has a budget of over £500 million. Like all PCTs, we have three main functions: • Engaging with our local population to improve health and well-being; • Commissioning a comprehensive and equitable range of high quality, responsive and efficient services within allocated resources, across all service sectors • Directly providing high quality, responsive and efficient services where this gives best value. 3.0 The PCT Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities Vision Working together to achieve the best health and well being for all the people of Kirklees Values The following values are how the PCT will deliver its services: •
To recognise that people are at the heart of everything we do.
To support people in taking responsibility for their own health and well being.
To show understanding, dignity and respect for all our clients, partners and staff.
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To encourage open, clear and honest communication.
To value diversity and challenge discrimination.
To encourage innovation and continuous improvement and celebrate the contribution made by our staff
To be accountable for the decisions we make, the work we do and the resources we use.
Strategic Priorities We will: •
Work in partnership with local people and all relevant organisations to promote, protect and improve health and well being and reduce the health inequalities that exist within our community.
Achieve real involvement of patients’ staff and our local community in identifying their needs and sharing responsibility for improving health, prioritising service development and allocating resources.
Make sure that services are available as close as possible to people’s homes, are delivered safely and to the highest standards and offer patients and their families a positive experience of the NHS in Kirklees.
Encourage new and innovative ways of delivering services that offer choice, improve health and well being are sensitive to the diverse needs of our community and are easily accessed and delivered in an environment that staff and local people can be proud of.
Make sure that services are evidence based both clinically and cost effective and offer the best possible health outcomes within available resources.
Develop a learning environment that promotes continuous professional development, motivates people to achieve their full potential and aids recruitment and retention of high calibre staff.
Achieve the highest standards of probity and accountability, manage risk and maintain effective governance arrangements that ensure that the organisation is run efficiently within available resources and in a way that inspires public confidence.
Helena Corder
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4.0 The Current Position The PCT has in place the following in relation to equality and diversity: Human Resources Policies •
Recruitment and Selection Policy – Revised Dec 2006
Dignity at Work Policy/Tackling Harassment and Bullying Positively in the Workplace Procedure – Revised December 2006
Protection of Pay and Conditions – Revised December 2006
Employing People with Disabilities – Due for review 2007
Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy - Due for review 2007
Other Policies, Schemes and training that need to be reviewed and incorporated into this scheme and associated action plans •
Race Equality Scheme
Equality and Diversity mandatory training day.
Reducing health inequalities action plans
3.0 Legislative Requirements for Equality and Diversity The list below shows the legislation that the PCT must be able to demonstrate compliance with. • • • • • • • • • • •
The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (and associated Equal Pay Act 1970) The Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 The Employment Equality Sexual Orientation Regulations 2003 The Race Relations Act (RRA) 1976 as amended by The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Employment Equality Religion or Beliefs Regulations 2003 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 – From October 2006 Pension provisions in Employment Equality (Age) (Amendment No 2) Regulations 2006 – December 2006 From 30th April 2007 new gender equality legislation
As a public authority the PCT has a duty to promote equal opportunities relating to race, disability and sex and to remove discrimination. Under both the Race Relations Act 2000 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 the PCT must meet its responsibilities and the action plan sets out how the PCT will do this.
Helena Corder
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4.0 PCT Strategic Aims and Objectives for this scheme The PCT holds as one of it values to: •
To value diversity and challenge discrimination.
The PCT has an overall strategic aim to ensure that staff, service users and the public are treated and involved equally in PCT activity and service planning. The PCT has specific objectives in its role as: •
An employer
A commissioner
A service provider
Employer Objectives • • •
To recruit, develop and retain a workforce that is able to deliver high quality services that are accessible, responsible and appropriate to meet the diverse needs of different groups and individuals. To ensure the NHS is a fair employer achieving equality of opportunity and outcomes in the workforce. To make a difference (as an employer) to the life opportunities and health of its local community, especially those who are shut out or disadvantaged.
Commissioner Objective • • •
To commission services which take account of diverse need and ability of users to access services within financial and best practice constraints. To monitor service providers in relation to equality and diversity practice. To ensure service planning and consultation takes account of the diversity of the population served.
Service Provider Objectives • •
To provide services which take account of diverse need and ability of users to access services within financial and best practice constraints. To work in partnership with other service providers to meet local needs in terms of equality and diversity.
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5.0 Carrying out our duties for Race, Sex, Age, Religion, Sexuality, Disability and Gender Equality Assessing our activities and consulting people •
When the PCT reviews it activities that is, strategies, policies and operational effectiveness we will take into account the impact on equality and diversity. The PCT will also involve and consult with our staff and the population we serve on strategy, policy and service development.
Monitoring our own employment policies and practices •
The PCT will regularly monitor our employment policies and practices to make sure we put our commitment to equality and diversity into practice so people notice a real difference.
Carrying out equality impact assessments •
The PCT will carry out equality impact assessments to help us review our strategies, policies and services. As part of the review we will take into account: o age; o disability; o religion; o sex; o race; o sexuality
Consulting our staff and stakeholders We will use staff and patient surveys as well as focus groups to gain feedback on equality and diversity issues. Monitoring progress and publishing yearly reports As part of developing our performance management information the PCT will ensure that performance against equality and diversity standards are agreed and monitored and reported to the Board via the Finance and Performance, Governance and Patient and Public Involvement Committees. The Board will receive and annual report on progress against this scheme. We are also committed to publishing recruitment and equality issues within the PCTs Annual Report.
Helena Corder
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6.0 Consultation on this Scheme Following the formation of the PCT a new Board comprising of Executive and Non Executive directors were recruited. This has taken some time and has delayed the formal work on this scheme. In response to make sure the PCT discharged its responsibilities to meet equality and Diversity legislation the Board agreed to support the setting up of an Equality and Diversity Steering Group which first met on 5th January 2007. The remit of this group was over see the development of a single equality scheme with appropriate consultation and feedback. This group does have representation from a number of groups who have been involved in previous consultation and engagement on this issue. It was clear that how the PCT consulted and how the information gained from consultation was used was as important as the content of the scheme. The PCT was also aware that a number of other public bodies had already carried out significant consultation on this area of work. During previous engagement and consultation exercises the PCT has carried it has been clear that a number of groups and communities are repeatedly consulted over similar issues by different public bodies and are frustrated by this. In response to this the PCT is working with those who have already consulted particularly in relation to disability to use this information in developing our scheme. The PCT received very little feedback or comments on the scheme and is currently reviewing its resources and progress to date on the actions set out in this document. There will be a formal review commencing in April 2008 with the aim to report to the Board in Summer 2008 with a revised action plan that takes account of new legislation, and any changes in national strategy and policy for example the Operating Framework for 2008/09 and any local needs assessments. 7.0 Action Plans The actions plan below set out specific objectives in distinct areas so that the scheme can meet legislative requirements. However it needs to be recognised that in a number of cases the action corporate and effects more than one area of potential discrimination.
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Age Equality – What we have done so far? 1. We monitor the information provide to use by applicants and include it within a quarterly monitoring report. This report also gives us information on the age, sex, religious beliefs and sexual orientation of our workforce. 2. The PCT has a joint Age Discrimination Regulation with Calderdale PCT. This sets out the PCTs policy about allowing staff to work beyond 65 years if they wish to. 3. The PCTs is still be able to retire all employees at the age of 65 (or over) providing they act consistently and fairly towards all employees. Therefore the PCTs will not be able to terminate an employee’s contract on age grounds when other employees are allowed to continue working, unless it can be objectively justified for example on the grounds of capability, conduct or health reasons, and the appropriate procedure has been followed. 4. We currently employ four people aged 65 and over. 5. Provided staff training particularly in relation to employment and retirement 6. Raised awareness of the legislation via the staff newsletter 7. The PCT writes to all employees 12 months prior to their due retirement date to inform them of their rights in relation to retirement. 8. Changes to person specifications to reflect skills and knowledge rather than experience gathered over a length of time. 9. The PCT provides work experience placements.
Helena Corder
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Age equality action plan Objective
Actions Required
To collect appropriate data and report this via the PCT governance processes to the Board.
Use PCT data sources to identify any age related service issues.
Helena Corder
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Committee
Progress Report February 2008
Identify data required. August 2007 Put in place data collection processes. Ensure regular monitoring and reporting.
Director of HR and OD
The HRSS are collecting data, as part of the recruitment process, to assess the age profiles of all applicants. The data includes age profiles on applicants who are subsequently shortlisted and appointed. The reports will be submitted to the HRSS Governance Board
Use information from patient surveys, complaints and PALS.
Director of Corporate Services
PALS reports, complaints and patient survey information is reviewed by the Communications and Public Relations Committee via Governance Committee to the Board. To date no distinct age related issues have been identified.
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September 2007
Disability Equality - What we have done so far 1. We monitor recruitment procedures to establish numbers of applicants for vacancies. Included within the data is numbers of disabled applicants who apply, are short listed or are appointed. 2. Reports concerning the above recruitment and monitoring formerly went to the Human Resource Strategy Committee (Huddersfield) and the Resources Committee (North Kirklees). 3. The PCT has received the two tick disability symbol. This means the PCT can use the symbol on its recruitment literature. The symbol is awarded to organisations who commit to certain actions for disabled people including guaranteed interviews, (if meet job specification criteria) provide an annual performance and development interview, commit resources to meet disabled people’s training needs and regularly review progress in all areas. 4. Managers and Human Resource staff regularly review job descriptions and specifications to ensure they are not biased and do not discriminate, indirectly against disabled people. A recent example was the removal from Community Nurse job descriptions for the need to own / drive a car to undertake this role. 5. Arrangements have been put in place for staff, who develop a disability, or suffer some long term health problem, to receive support / counselling from the Occupational Health Department. This includes reviewing working practices and working environments, and put in place temporary or permanent adjustments as required. 6. Provide training to managers, team leaders and supervisors concerning Equal Opportunities in employment. The training also includes advice about disability issues. For example the need to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace. We also provide twice yearly employment law up dates which cover any changes to the disability discrimination legislation. 7. All people who are invited at attend interviews at PCT premises are asked to advise whether they have any special needs or require help to enable them to attend the interview for example loop system, parking, access etc. 8. PCT new premises development are designed to enable those with a range of disabilities are able to access services. 9. The PCT has commissioned communication tactics training to raise awareness of communication issues particularly with deaf people.
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10. Disability equality action plan Objective
Actions Required
Time Scale Lead Progress Report Feb 08 Director/ Committee
Support staff who have disabilities
Survey PCT staff to establish numbers of staff who consider themselves disabled and establish how the PCT can support them during their employment
by 31 March 2007)
Director of HR and OD
The survey was completed by March 2007 and a small number of staff (19) replied. Of these staff only 3 considered themselves to be disabled. The staff did not identify themselves and as such contact could not be made to establish how they could be supported during their employment.
Advise all staff who reply to the questionnaire what action the PCT can take and how the PCT will respond to their specific needs
by 30th June 2007
Director of HR and OD
As above
Make arrangements to notify staff attending training courses on PCT premises that they should identify any special needs or help to enable them to attend\gain access to the training course venues.
by 31 January 2007
Director of HR and OD
The HRSS/Training write to all staff attending training courses on PCT premises to specify whether they have any specific needs to enable them to attend the training.
Rollout work/recommendations from Health & Safety Executive – Stress
By 30 April 2007
Director of HR and
Policy guidelines approved which provide advice to
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Management Standards Project – Risk Assessment Guidance for staff
Improve opportunities for people with disabilities to gain employment.
Helena Corder
managers on the management of stress in the workplace.
Publicise access to staff occupational health staff-counselling services
by 30 April 2007
Director of HR and OD
Previous extensive publicity provided to PCT staff. Details concerning the new service via a new Occupational Health provider will be provided during March 2008. The new service starts April 2008.
Make contact with, and work with job centre plus and other agencies to promote further the PCT as an employer of choice. Consider offering work placement schemes for disabled people in certain PCT departments or services.
By 30 November 2007
Director of HR and OD
The PCT has worked with a company who refer disabled applicants for jobs (Talent Source Co.Uk). To date, the PCT have received a small number of applicants for jobs but following a review of these applicants they were all unsuccessful as they did not meet the essential criteria for the jobs in question. The PCT continues to liaise with Job Centre Plus and provides details of all its vacancies.
Subject to feedback concerning numbers of disabled staff employed fewer than 2 then consider positive actions statements in all recruitment literature for a three month period to establish whether numbers of disabled
by 30th November 2007
Director of HR and OD
A decision is required concerning whether the PCT wishes to designate any posts for positive action targeting. The HRSS are collecting data, as part of the
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people applying, short listed or appointed to vacancies then shows any increase. Monitor response to this and take further action as appropriate
recruitment process, to assess the numbers of disabled applicants. The data includes profiles on applicants who are subsequently shortlisted and appointed. The reports will be submitted to the HRSS Governance Board
Ensure PCT owned premises are DDA compliant.
Review of all PCT premises in relation to access and use by people with a wide range of disabilities.
By March 2008
Director of Corporate Services
The estates strategy group have recently been asked to look at this from an access point of view. However there are issues in respect of things like loop systems this needs more detailed review and would be a key area of work for the PCT Project Officer.
Put appropriate monitoring systems in place for employment information in relation to disability
Establish an appropriate forum across Kirklees to receive recruitment monitoring reports and data and submit quarterly reports
by 30 April 2007
Director of HR and OD
The HRSS Governance Board is to receive monitoring reports.
Helena Corder
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Gender Equality - What we have done so far 1) The PCT has an equal opportunities policy in place 2) The PCT has a policy in place to support those with caring responsibilities 3) The PCT has implemented all national pay policies for NHS staff.
Helena Corder
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Gender equality action plan Objective
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Committee
Progress Report Feb 08
To collect information Identify data and on staff to meet information required legislative requirements. for example monitor carers leave.
July 2007
Director of HR and OD
The HRSS are collecting data, as part of the recruitment process, to assess the numbers of applicants by gender. The data includes profiles on applicants who are subsequently shortlisted and appointed. Special leave (like carers leave) is approved at local line management level. It requires a system to be in place locally at Directorate level to enable the PCT to monitor this. However with the introduction of the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) due to be implemented in April 2008 this may be easier to monitor at a PCT level.
Publish an equal pay policy statement
September 2007
Director of HR and OD
The PCT is bound by national pay policy – Agenda for Change and Very Senior managers Pay
Consult with staff and staff side representatives
May to September 2007
Director of HR and OD
The PCT has a regular Staff Partnership Forum where HR and other departmental policies together with other issues of mutual interest are discussed. Issues could be raised on the agenda by either management or staff side.
Helena Corder
Actions Required
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Racial Equality - What we have done so far 1. An African Caribbean and South Asian Diabetes Steering Group has been formed to consider diabetes needs assessment. 2. A team of trained peer health educators are working alongside South Asian, African Caribbean and refugee communities to help people lead healthier lifestyles, give information and create opportunities on topics of heart health and family support. 3. Health promotion work on improving health awareness, eg sex and relationships education work at Fartown High School; falls prevention amongst the older South Asian communities; smoking cessation. 4. A Health Development Officer has been appointed to develop links and networks with the range of black and minority ethnic communities in South Kirklees to support our engagement and involvement processes. 5. A Link-work team provides an interpretation service for patients from the South Asian community who do not speak English. 6. Kirklees Metropolitan Council’s Community Language Service is used for interpretation and translation. Language Line is also used. 7. A range of partnerships and relationships have been built with organisations such as Kirklees Racial Equality Council, Kirklees Metropolitan Council and other local agencies to work together. 8. Huddersfield Healthy Living Initiative works with communities, creating healthy living opportunities and improving existing services for the most disadvantaged. 9. Networks such as the African Caribbean Healthy Living Group and South Asian Healthy Living Project have been developed. 10. We have improved prescribing through better awareness of major conditions such as diabetes and mental health. 11. A specialist heart disease nurse has been trained and is shared between seven single-handed GP practices.
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12. Community based clinics have been set-up to help people with diabetes, providing dietary advice and footcare. 13. A Personal Medical Services site to provide health and social care services to vulnerable people including asylum seekers is located in Huddersfield town centre. (“The Whitehouse Centre”) 14. A steering group of key managers has been set up to develop and implement our Race Equality Scheme. 15. An African Caribbean health fair was held and members of the community were able to raise concerns about health care services and how it affects their daily lives. 16. Service users from the range of communities are involved in the implementation of the Sure-Start programme. 17. A New Opportunities Fund bid has been put together for the South Asian Healthy Living Project with partner organisations. 18. Previous PCT’s have been part of the National Primary Care Collaborative to help us work towards achieving targets, improve access to health care teams and the prevention of coronary heart disease. 19. We make sure our staff to take part in equality and Diversity training as well as other mandatory training courses run by the PCT. 20. As part of Improving Working Lives initiative, the PCT previously suggested to BME staff that they may wish to set up a network to discuss issues that concern them including how they could influence PCT policies for BME people across Kirklees. Some initial meetings were held but the staff themselves decided that they did not wish to hold future meetings or see a need for such a network . 21. Managers and HR staff routinely attend various careers events in local schools. These events are targeted at all school leavers however the PCT wishes to encourage more BME youngsters in the area to consider a career in the NHS. It was therefore felt that these events may improve if some BME staff attend so that they could explain their role and experience of working in the NHS. Invitation letters were therefore sent out to all BME staff employed by the PCT asking if they would participate in recruitment events in schools, colleges and other 22. We regularly review our HR policies to ensure they do not have an adverse impact on employees from lack and minority ethnic communities.
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23. We publish recruitment and equality issues in our Annual Report. 24. We have made contacts and set up mechanisms for communication with local Asian representative organisation and BME media.
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Race equality action plan Objective
Actions Required
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Committee
Progress Report 08
To ensure our workforce reflects the communities it serves.
Positive action to target staff from black and ethnic minority communities to take up employment opportunities within the PCT.
March 2008
Director of HR and OD
Workforce Reports that identify the ethnic profile of the PCT workforce are presented to the HR governance Committee. To date the PCT has not had a targeted action plan to look at how this differes from the community profile and what action it could take to enable the workforce of the PCT to better reflect the communities it serves. The PCT plans to explore where others have been successful in changing staff ethnic mix particularly in relation to nursing and Allied Health Professionals.
Ensure action that the PCT has taken are having a positive impact on uptake of services
Ensure processes are in place to monitor the impact of current initiatives
December Director 2007 responsible for the initiative
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The PCT has now undertaken a Joint Health Needs Assessment. This has identified a number of issues that relate to particular population groups within the PCT.
Equality action plan for religion and beliefs Objective
Actions Required
To explore how the PCT can monitor and report on religion and beliefs of staff.
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Committee
Progress Report Feb 08
December 2007
Director of HR and OD
There is no compulsory requirement to collect this data although web based applications do have a field to collect the data.
March 2008
Director of Provider Services Director of Commissioning
There has been no work carried out in this particular area to date and this will be carried forward to next year’s action plan.
Director of Corporate Services Director of HR and OD
On request the PCT allows staff to use private rooms on its premises for prayer. All applications for extend leave are considered on a case by case basis and leave is not unreasonably refused but all leave requests are subject to service needs. The PCT is developing its flexible working policy to enable staff to take leave at times of their religious festivals.
To look at the impact of religion and belief in relation to service uptake.
Use patient survey.
Ensure that staff are able to worship and follow their belief practices
Allowing staff time to December celebrate their own 2007 religious holidays including extended annual leave
Develop methods to identify these issues.
Providing places for staff to pray at work
Helena Corder
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Sexuality equality action plan Objective To ensure the PCT has systems and processes in place to identify discrimination arising from employees sexuality.
Actions Required
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Committee
Progress Report 08
March 2008
Director of HR and OD
PCT staff may access the Harassment and Bullying or Grievance Policies and procedures if they feel that discrimination may be occurring. No cases reported to date. Staff opinion survey results (due March 2008) may provide more information.
Ensure the PCT complies with NICE guidance on the provision of gender reassignment services.
Helena Corder
The PCT does comply with NICE guidance on the commissioning of gender reassignment services.
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Corporate equality action plan Objective
Actions Required
Time Scale
Lead Director/ Progress Report Feb 08 Committee
To develop and agree a range of key performance indicators to enable the PCT to monitor effectiveness of this scheme.
Identify measurable indicators for all areas.
September Director of 2007 Corporate Services
Agree who is responsible for monitoring and reporting these.
Data from the staff and patient surveys will also provide information and the Equality and Diversity Group and HR Shared Services Governance Committee will provide assurances by monitoring the areas within the scheme.
Develop a formal reporting system within the PCT’s current governance system.
To ensure appropriate levels of training are available across the PCT in relation to equality and diversity issues.-
Ensure there is mandatory training for all staff in basic understanding ad awareness raising of equality and diversity issues.
That uptake of this area of training is
Helena Corder
July 2007
Director of Patient Care and Professions
Ensure the Board has access to appropriate training on equality and diversity. Ensure that all line mangers have access to training on equality and diversity in terms of employment practices.
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The PCT has a number of data sources that it can use to monitor the scheme. The introduction of the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) should support this further.
In place
This is part of the Board mandatory training ½ day. Director of HR and OD
HR run regular employment law updates for mangers which deal with the equality and diversity issues and any legislative changes.
monitored and reported.
To ensure the PCT has a system for assessing the impact of strategy, policy and service change on all areas of equality and diversity.
Helena Corder
Develop equality and diversity impact assessment tools for policy and service change.
June 2007
responsible for the area of training.
Uptake of training is reported to line managers and the governance committee. The staff survey in particular asks about staff training in this area.
Director of Corporate Services – policy
The PCT now has in place Policy for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents which has an equality impact assessment tool.
Director of The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Commissioning provides some information on equality and - services diversity impact. There is further work to do in this area for 2008/09.
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Acknowledgements •
Barnsley PCT
Audit Commission
Mersey Care NHS Trust
Helena Corder
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